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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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91350 No.91350 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't the Phillips screwdriver head just die and never ever come back. It's a terrible piece of work that that protestant Henry Ford forced upon the civilized world.

Everyone should just decide to switch over to Robertson and only Robertson (but i'll allow some Torx heads to remain) and kill the Phillips drive.

>> No.91358

Was having pretty much the same train of thought at work today (bolting the seats back into a helicopter) only swap torx's and robertson, also pozi-square are pretty nice too.

>> No.91361
File: 226 KB, 357x400, 129653988226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why won't the most widely used and widely available screwdriver head in the world just die

>> No.91366


You do know philips is designed to cam out don't you.....

or have you confused it with pozi-drive like a fucking casual.

>> No.91370

yeah its meant to cam out as a safeguard against over torquing. its idiots like OP that use phillips head screws for everything and bitch about why they strip out. theres also like 10 different sizes of phillips and they dont strip if you use the right size driver.

>> No.91371

why dont you ask a watch repair guy in India if he uses pozidrive.

>> No.91379

You clearly don't do anything in your life.

>> No.91383


Nice thumbnail there, faggot.

>> No.91384

what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.91385

I actually avoid using Phillips whenever possible, but sometimes that's the only choice at the Home Despot.

Also maybe if fasteners weren't made out of the cheapest shit possible they'd strip less.

And yes, I have a giant ass Storm case full of every properly sized screwdriver and bit I've ever needed.

For the Phillips to die, just one or two major manufacturers would have to stop using it.

>> No.91386

Post a bigger fucking image you piece of shit.

>> No.91392

Please go kill yourselves


>> No.91393

herp, half the things in the world are put together with phillips heads. lets just get rid of those screwdrivers altogether, and then we'll have loads of shit we cant take apart anymore so we'll just have to throw it away. Do you even /diy/ ?

>> No.91399

The only reason im irritated by phillips is that I cant use my knife or coin or similar object to unscrew, standard is really great if you dont happen to have a screwdriver on your person

>> No.91402

If you ever leave the house without a multi-tool you don't belong here.

>> No.91405


my knife is my multi tool

I have multi tools lying around the house but i never really find myself using them

>> No.91406
File: 31 KB, 553x574, Victorinox Swiss Army Knife TINKER black,PA14603-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my knife is my multi tool

>> No.91414


>approx 2 inch blade

I dont think so Tim

>> No.91418
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 41fzJK1OFlL._SS400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You call that a knife?

THIS is a knife.

>> No.91427
File: 50 KB, 158x176, CrocodileDundeeWithKnife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not a screwdriva'
THAT'S A screwdriva'

>> No.91430

hurp derp I don't need a machete to open packages and cut tie line.

>> No.91435


i lold

>> No.91436

1) Learn some specific bit of information.

2) Talk about it as if it's common and widely known among everyone. Insult people that don't know this information.

3) Feel fulfillment.

>> No.91490

but don't you know, phillips are designed to cam out.

>> No.91495

Same, I replace any phillips head screws I find with socket caps or whatever allen/hex head bolt I can find. Doesn't strip out and is much stronger, not that grade 3 shit or whatever they make 99% of shitty phillips head screws out of.

>> No.91501

>I'm such a whiny bitch, please build everything to my own exacting specs so I can do things

I haven't stripped a philips head since I learned to properly use a screwdriver/power tool at like 12. lrn2adapt2toolsathand

>> No.91504

The advantage that phillips screws have over robertson, hex, torx etc. is that it's easier to get paint out of if someone paints over it.

>> No.91506

eh, must have never come across an over-torqued fastner.

And hell, a lot of the stripping of fasteners comes from using tools with heads that are made of far too hard a material on fasteners that are made of too soft a material.

>> No.91509

What a wonderful world you must live in where ever project you attempt goes perfectly.

>> No.91510

I have come across such a case. It was a simple matter of recognizing the situation before it became a problem and selecting my tool appropriately. I've been doing this shit for nigh on 15 years now, I suppose I learned all the hard shit early on.

>> No.91512

I've had plenty of mishaps and problems; I've just never ruined a screw or driver because I tried to force it. The tool should do the work, if it's not you're using the wrong tool.

>> No.91514

it's not fastener being over torqued that is the problem. Its when people cross thread the fastener, or use the wrong sized fastener, or some other example of "well this isn't working so IM GONNA PUT IT IN ANY WAY"

Having used an 18v Makita impact driver with Robertson, Torx or Phillips bits to drive a 3" screws has proven to me first hand that the first two types of drives actually do last longer and slip less than Phillips.

>> No.91515

Please sir, share with me this mythical procedure that ensures you never strip or damage a fastener or driver.

>> No.91537

So you're saying that you have never used a Phillips.

>> No.91540
File: 59 KB, 380x309, jessi-slaughter-back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called a clutch on your screwgun.
why is this so hard?

>> No.91545

Again that doesn't always work

>oh this screw is having a hard time coming out
>oh but if I increase the torque I'll probably get it out but I might damage it or my bit in the process
>god forbid I damage anything, then i wont be perfect
>give up

>> No.91554

square-head screws are superior (was "derp robertson?" at first than realized ya'll talking about square-head, just the proper term is robertson, the more you learn...)

anyway, we're actually switching over to square head over the summer, will kind of be a bitch buying hundreds of new screws, including all the bits, not to mention anything made before will have phillips

still shit will be awesome

especially because how we reuse things, stripped screws are the bane of our existence

>>91545 dumbass you want to avoid damaging things as much as possible, are you fucking retarded? how is that concept lost on you?

>> No.91568

Never used a Robertson screw, but whenever possible I get Torx screws because fuck phillips forever. Why would anyone design a screw to cam out in the first place.

>> No.91746

I just don't think you've ever done anything where you are driving a screw that requires a lot of torque, torque that is perfectly appropriate to the application, but torque that causes the cam out intended phillips to slip and strip out. If the fucker wasn't designed to cam out, I would have no problem.

So herp a derp derp derp derp, I know how to use a goddamn powered driver, you however seem incapable of imagining a scenario in which a necessary application high torque + easy cam out design of phillips = unavoidable fastener damage.

>> No.91786

but that all could be avoided with a square head!

I don't get the point you're trying to make?

>> No.91807


I think you two are both bitching about phillips screwdriver head, but misunderstanding each other. Or something.

I love the square drive and torx, wish they were standard. Big boxes seem to be stocking torx more, and in certain markets (like Florida where I am visiting--thinking about bringing a carful home) they stock square heads like spax. Where I live now they only have torx in those crapshit plastic clamshell containers where you only get 25 screws at a time.

Also, for a quick security fastener if you're working with a stainless steel square-drive: use a crappy bit to purposefully strip the head. You'll now have a "circle-bit." The reason I say stainless is because it's generally soft enough to do this without just breaking off the head, and if you do this outside with a coated screw it's just gonna rust out quick.

>> No.91822

>Why won't the most widely flawed screw head type on the planet just die?

>> No.91829

My grandfather loves torque screws for the mentioned reasons -- but then buys what ever's cheapest. It's frustrating, you try to take down a shelf he put up, and find you need 4 differnt screw driver bits to take out 5 screws.

Personally I prefer bolts and use them when possible.

>> No.91936

You can use a flat head screwdriver in a square head.
You can also use a square drive driver in a torx head!
They are not ideal but when you're up a ladder!

>> No.92055

Do people just not adjust the torque on their drivers or something? I'm always assembling and reassembling pieces of timber for my art, and I've held on to the same 500 bugle phillips head screws for over a year now. I've fucked a couple of driver heads but that's mainly to to their quality (or lack thereof)

>> No.92077

my point was, phillips suck.

So, i guess we agree after all.

>> No.92089
File: 20 KB, 381x409, huh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, guys? We're trolling each other about screws in here now? That's what we're going to do?

Can't this just be like the one non-retarded board on the site.

>> No.92092

I really didn't expect there to be so many butthurt phillips defends out there.

>> No.92095

if you don't care about tools, get out my /diy/

>> No.92098

I used a broken-off blade from an z-acto knife to disassemble and reassemble my laptop because I didn't have a Phillips #00 screwdriver
didn't even bleed cut myself in the process

>> No.92101

Anyone know of any cheap sites selling fasteners? They're fucking expensive here locally and I would really like to get a good stockpile going.

>> No.92264


Not cheap, exactly, but good prices on expensive screws. They sell lots of other hardware:


