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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 311 KB, 2048x1536, crappy brick wall 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
894147 No.894147 [Reply] [Original]

I need to put new mortar in between the bricks in my chimney (apparently this is called "pointing"), and maybe re-lay a few bricks.

Has anyone done this before that could share some tips, warnings or stories? Pic related is one of the results I'm trying to avoid.

>> No.894150

Just make sure you don't add too much water to the mix, that stuff can go from workable to soup real quick. Other than that, just make sure you fix the problem completely and make the finished product as watertight as possible.

>> No.894152

youtube repointing and follow the directions. is p. easy

>> No.894154

>p easy
It's not and don't be fooled into thinking it is.

It's easy to smear mortar on brick faces and a nightmare to get off if you're not careful.

>> No.894240
File: 280 KB, 2048x1536, crappy brick wall 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some youtube videos show them spraying waterproofing stuff on the chimney after finishing it. Just out of curiosity, what did they use in the old days? Did they just rebuild the chimney more often?

>> No.894246

>old days

The further back you go the better the quality brick and mortar you will find. We didn't rely on placticisers and waterproofing when the quality was in the raw materials.

>> No.894329

That's probably not waterproofing. Likely it is muriatic acid used to wash off all the smears and stray bit of mortar. It does a fine job of it too. >>894246

>> No.895522

-Get all the lose thing out of the hole you want to fill, put water on it before you fill something in. It should not be soaking wet, but don´t try to fill it dry. The point is that dust and dirt create a natural blocking for the two materials to connect together.

- Watch out what materials you are using, the thickness of the endproduct should be lighter to the end. (Fucking hard to describe, even for a fuck** german) I mean that the new filling you are using, should be less hard than the filling thats already inside. Otherwise there is a great chance through the temperatur changes Winter/summer the connection between the two fillings will lose.

-If you need to clean the stone use a low concentration of Hydrochloric Acid. But test it first on a few stones, there are many realy shitty qualities on the market even some kind of painted stones.

- You can mix the material yourself if you want, 1x Kalk (Calcium hydroxide), 3x Sand (grain size not more than 0-4mm),1x Cement

- The tools you need depends on how much loose material you have, but most of the time a chisel+hammer, a broom, maybe a pressure washer, a smoothing trowel, a trowel and some buckets. Do your wrist a favor and get a little mixer you can stick into your drill-machine.

>> No.895970

mortar mix should be 3 parts sand to 1-1/2 part masonry cement type n. clean with sure klean 600 detergent, its like muratic but less strong. cleaning mix should be 1 part 600 det. to 3 parts water