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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 50 KB, 611x404, california_fires_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
858061 No.858061 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/

California is on fire and out of water. Let's come up with ideas for how to fix it.

>> No.858064

Here's my plan. Build biomass power plants that use ocean water and distill it.

Toss a pump into the ocean, pump the water into a container that's being heated by burning the dead stuff from the forests that in danger of starting on fire, send the steam through a steam turbine, then when the steam condenses use the distilled water to solve their water problems.

Boom, everything is solved. All it takes is a factory and some low skill workers picking up sticks.

>> No.858066

You know what they say, fight fire with fire.
Light that whole shithole on fire.
Only plebs live there.

>> No.858068


Stop all industrial agriculture.

>> No.858105

Tell me when it starts burning in a free state.

>> No.858108

Raise taxes 1103%

>> No.858117

California DAs need to start prosecuting landlords for letting too many families live in a single dwelling.

Mexicans won't be able to afford $1500 rents because they can't split it 8 ways anymore.

No one else will be able to afford $1500 rents anymore either. Landlords will drop rents because everyone just left the state.

DAs also need to start prosecuting homeless people to make them stewards of the state and then have them committed to mental institutions because they are all virtually all crazy. People aren't homeless because they are jobless or just hard up, they are homeless because they are crazy. They are incapable of budgeting, they are incapable of holding a job, they are incapable of making a friend that will let them crash at their house.

Make all the first share farmers pay for the water they waste. Shit is more valuable than they think it is and they are wasting it on muh crops, muh rice, and muh flooded fields, because that is fucking easy and they have no incentive to change because they get all the water they want for the cost of pumping it out of the water. Then down stream everyone has to not take showers or wash their car because the 20% of water use that is residential is where we're really gonna save the gallons we need during this drought!

Legislature can also get FUCKED for their 'reduce driving by 50% in 20 years plan. Fucking A. At least we'll have google cars by then.

Fuck the CARB
Fuck the high speed rail
Fuck the constant attacks on prop 13
Fuck the legislature for AGAIN saying they need to float another tax to pay for road repairs (because 6 billion is really going to pay off that 132 billion we need to actually fix all of our bad roads)--and because WE HAVE ALL THAT MONEY IN THE BUDGET ALREADY YOU HAVE JUST FUCKING STOLEN IT ALL TO PAY FOR IMMIGRANTS TO GO TO SCHOOL FOR FREE AND TO GET FREE FUCKING HEALTHCARE BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE TO PAY FOR BECAUSE I AM NOT MOTHERFUCKING BROWN.

>> No.858123

$15 minimum wage.

>> No.858126

Several well placed nukes on the major metropolitan areas, which we would blame on north korea.
Bam state would straighten itself out.

>> No.858141

All of California's and the west coast problems have one thing in common.

Stratospheric particle injections of aluminum barium strontium. California air quality board is covering it up.

>> No.858143

Let's all drink beer,
then go piss it out.

>> No.858156

What we need is the ability to automatically extinguish small fires before they become big fires. Place computer vision enabled IR cameras on tall masts on hilltops, then have them look for fires. Then give the computer system the ability to dispatch small autonomous firefighting UAV's that can dump water on the little smoldering fires.

>> No.858172

They used to have that. It was a dude on a platform in a high fire area.
so now the ecosystem is even more fucked than it was in the late 70s after 30 years of perfect 'stop every fire' fire fighting.

>> No.858339
File: 82 KB, 800x492, Fuel-Reduction-Burn-Vic_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'stop every fire' fire fighting

I don't know how burgerland trees would take it but in Aus we have fuel reduction burns. If done at the right time it helps a lot. We still have manned fire towers in season.

There is this too http://www.eyefi.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=71#.VcxUtsoRjod

>> No.858340

move to ohio.
fixed :v)

>> No.858342

You're supposed to let a few brushfires happen every once in a while.
It's natural and it helps the forests.
You just need to make sure that they don't get huge.

>> No.858351

Fuck, I think I'd almost rather live in California.

>> No.858352

Stop industrial agriculture, or at least stop massive use of water from the existing aquifers.

Then go Roman on their asses and build an aquaduct.

That or let California turn into the wasteland desert it deserves to be.

>> No.858355

As a californian who hates how this state is run but love the geographical location where he is, I have an idea, The Mississippi river floods every fucking year right? build a pipeline run it through 'Murica and have it feed into "drought states" creates jobs and makes sure the river doesn't get high and everyone has water easy enough i think, Also fuck the roads here who cares if people don't like shitty roads we need water dammit.

>> No.858378

That type of thinking is what got your guys into this trouble in the first place.

>> No.858379
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>> No.858380

Sounds like my mixtape

>> No.858389

We do that

>> No.858399

then how do your bushfires happen? how can nothing that burns burn for days?

>> No.858411
File: 38 KB, 650x366, Black-Saturday-Bushfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuel reduction mostly burns undergrowth. The tops of trees are still there. Big bush fires, once going, burn above the treetops as the radiant heat gasify what is under it. Ground oxygen levels can be very low near the main fire front.

>> No.858417

oh, you guys need to into selective clearing then.
that fire was more of a fuckup in city planning where they let people build their houses in the bush and not maintain it. people think its clever to have trees right up to their house so they can lol innawoods. but irl, you need the house to be in the middle of an acre of clear land. and more land clearance so it can be managed. but hipsters will be hipsters.

>> No.858427

With trees you will have shade, better climate and overall better aesthethics.
But I forgot that murricans all have ACs and dont give a fuck about standard of living.

>> No.858432

Lot of good that shade and aesthetics does you when your house burns down when the forest catches on fire, because there is no barrier or space between you and the fuel.

>> No.858433

You have to make adjustments based on your area. The west coast forests regularly burn down so the no shade is a trade off. Here on the east coast we don't have to worry so much. Thank god.

>> No.858435


That was easy.

California's water problems are of its own making: California refuses to price water appropriately, and refuses to produce water sufficiently.

"Not enough water" is a simplification: the Pacific Ocean, occupying 40% of the planet, is right there on the doorstep. What's really meant is "not enough water processed into a form humans can use", and that lack is a simple failure of government.

Singapore has enough water. Dubai has enough water, and it's built in a desert.

>> No.858437


>> No.858438
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I don't know why California is always bitching about being low on water, they're on the coast and have all the water they need. Just create some desalination plants and blamo clean drinkable water ya dingus.

>> No.858441

Cause being in the middle of an acre of cleared land is going to stop a forest fire lol with a breeze I've seen them hop 4 lane divided highways.

>> No.858443

This is probably the best idea on the list. Although pricing water becomes more difficult as multiple people can "access" the resource with little cost of production. You might start to get secret wells.

>> No.858449

California complains about water shortage, they're next to the pacific. Build desalination plants.

>> No.858453

Don't build cities in the desert.

>> No.858455

Mainly because they would need thousands of plants to keep up with water demand. Good step in the right direction though.

They need to crack down on the agriculture section. Every time it's approached they just go all "MUH FOOD!!!" as if California is the only state that grows food in the US, or even that grow the most. Same with production industry, make them reduce consumption and use brown water.

As for the people who openly flaunt water misuse because of affluence, they should be taken to court for reckless endangerment. I don't care if you have the money to pay for all the water you'll ever use, if you're wasting it just to show off in a drought, it should land you in jail.

Jack up the price of water to deter people from wasting it, then offer vouchers for the poor to get it free/cheaper up to a certain amount a day.

>> No.858465

California is the worst collection of people in all of human history and they deserve to have their cities burn.

>> No.858473

Settle down edgelord.

>> No.858474

Nah, man. They're destroying everything. This is what they wanted all along.

>> No.858483

I'm getting cuts from your edges.

>> No.858485

I agree with you about the farmers. They use up most of our water, if they shrivel up and die we wouldn't even need to import water from other states, even in the drought

>> No.858490

isnt California on the coast?

use the ocean water to put out the goddamn fires, tell all the assholes there to not start anymore fires.

also third world shithole countries can desalinate water, why cant California do it?


>> No.858535

I've seen pictures of your farmers still using flood irrigation. Something that was outdated 2000 years ago.

>> No.858545

Use these farming machines to throw dirt at the fires.


>> No.858590

would it be feasible to do a clear cut and burn, maybe 2-3 miles wide, the whole way around the state. then burn the whole goddamn thing, beaners,niggers, and all... you know, like hitting the reset button

>> No.858593

Yeah, the forests can't burn if they're all dead from salination.

>> No.858597

I say we round up all the prisoners and homeless in this country and send them there making California a free roaming prison. If you can escape that place by foot then you are allowed back into society.

>> No.858600

Or activate skynet

>> No.858812
File: 100 KB, 640x427, 1435369519316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabulous idea. I can hear the greentards foaming at the mouth already.

>> No.858815

california does do it already wherever they can. The stop every fire thing stopped in the late 70s when we started getting the crazy firestorm style fires that killed a bunch of firemen. Now we let them burn as long as they don't threaten homes and we defend specific structures and build defense lines to keep the fire away from settlements.

This is why anon said to have 1 acre clear around your house. It's a defensible area. Yes the fire will burn around your house and jump around it. But your HOUSE won't burn down (unless you have shitty roof vents/shitty flammable roof tiles)

(Sometimes roof vents will suck in hot coals and catch the house on fire from the inside.)

Sometimes the greenies do stop us from starting controlled burns in national parks (That really badly need it) because they are religious fanatics.

>> No.858822

That river is important for clearing out all the farm waste effluent though. There is a reason the gulf is classified as being dead. If you reduced flow you'd end up with trash not being taken out and the whole river would gradually degrade into a dust bowl

>> No.858825

I am Australian, mate. First rule of trees here is do not build your house under one. Australian trees shed limbs, our trees actually purposefully create as much tinder as possible and flowering is triggered and promoted by smoke. They want to catch fire. So bushfires are not about if but when. And you can choose to clear fire trails so that in the case of a large fire, you just backburn, as in, burn 100 m wide barrier BEFORE the fire reaches you.

>> No.858835

I've been in Cali for two whole hours now, and I think I have enough authority to say this shit needs a good quick slide into the ocean ASAP.

>> No.858843

I'm not American, can someone please enlighten me as to why Americans hate California so much?

>> No.858845

Because California is where all the high-paying jobs and money is.

>> No.858847
File: 54 KB, 791x720, _20150202_190214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only after Seattle

>> No.858879

It's full of uber rich new money dicks, celebrities, and self-entitled fuckwads who think they're better than everyone else because they pay way too much for their shitty houses. Also, they have insane laws and politicians, and along with Jew York Illinoise and New Joysey, are dragging the rest of the country into a shitty European-style nanny state.

>> No.858899

i see you think coastal california is the only place in california

>> No.858900

>state is almost all farmland. Growing a wide selection of crops, many of which are only grown in California
>Hurr durr burn it all to the ground!!

>> No.858910

Well, anything not on the coast is flyover country, don'cha know?

>> No.859287
File: 179 KB, 1067x653, 1436052343732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.859297

I was thinking about this the other day. We should have buried some kind of projectile fire extinguishing capsule that shots into the air when a fire is in its sector and have them all throughout the area you want to protect all controlled by the click of a button lol

>> No.859325

You left out Mexicans

>> No.859327

This. The small fires clear out the downed branches and shrubs that the citizens aren't allowed to touch.

>> No.859328

Hola, muchacho

>> No.859329

>I have an idea
Don't live in a shithole

>> No.859331

>murricans all have ACs and dont give a fuck about standard of living.
We don't need "lessons" in standard of living from yuros

>> No.859334

>they would need thousands of plants to keep up with water demand
Get rid of the Mexicans

>> No.859336

>if you're wasting it just to show off in a drought, it should land you in jail.
But illegally jumping the border is alright with moonbeam brown

>> No.859337

Just turn Nevada into one massive solar still to desalinate ocean water.

>> No.859338

It is overpriced. But it won't be for long. Most of the driver's licenses are being issued to illegal aliens.
They're just going to turn it into a shithole like the one they're fleeing.

>> No.859342

The illegals contribute to the over priced land.

8 full time incomes with welfare in a single family house? Sure we can afford a $3000/month mortgage.

I'm mostly pissed they take all the parking.

>> No.859343



>> No.859344
File: 83 KB, 367x411, Selection_016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw the mexicans into the fire.

>> No.859357
File: 197 KB, 555x838, California-Fire-Risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.859358
File: 54 KB, 604x700, California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.859371

stupid idiotic green crazies... not realizing that fire in a forest is as much a force for growth (granted of a different kind than was present before) as it is a force of destruction... mother nature burned it as she saw fit for eons beyond imagination before we came along in the last half eyeblink of time and decided "hey guys um fire is bad k" and screwed up the natural development of a very well tuned system that was doing a perfectly good job of regulating itself without any intervention...

fucking humans...

>> No.859373

I though australian treelimbs fell up... or is that just the tolets flushing backwards?...

either way I'd think the deadly animals falling out of said trees would be a bigger concern than falling limbs...

>> No.859375

it's extreme enough to not really resemble the attitudes and beliefs of the rest of the united states, but because of it's tech industries and film presence, along with it's overall size it's too large to ignore and has a nasty habit of setting policies that are later adopted by other areas trying to emulate it's success... in social terms it's that person you know with the crazy dreams that decided to follow them, and due to being lucky enough to have the rich dad and dumb luck actually achieved them... however you know that if they had to live in your reality they'd be starving to death...

>> No.859379
File: 32 KB, 305x354, californiaforrealz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair coastal california is about the only part that comes off as stupidly extreme... although we're starting to hear about you farmer types water problems.... the fact is to the rest of the united states if you asked them to draw california it would look like pick related

>> No.859384

>Singapore has enough water.
Because they're imported a lot of clean water from Malaysia.

>> No.859390


Desal plants provide the most expensive water you can get. It's still cheaper to import water to California than it is to build a ton of desal plants. Recycling wastewater is cheaper too, and helps with limiting pollution in sewer treatment plant outfalls.

>> No.859422

This is what we should do.
We build an aquaduct.
but not bringing fresh water into California, but bringing saltwater from the pacific ocean into dry and terrible Nevada.
We let the water run down massive steady inclines so it evaporates.
This way it creates rainclouds so it starts raining. Water will eventually collect not only in old lakes but will create new freshwater lakes and reservoirs etc.
All the salt does dick to the environement because its sparse shit Nevada desert land.
We use an abundant resource and the power of geography and the sun to do everything for free. Only cost is bringing the water constantly to Nevada

>> No.859455

what about the salt and other materials?
what about the eco system and wild life surely you took that into effect?

>> No.859456


>> No.859477

God is already fixing it. Stop getting out of the way and accept your Hell, you commiefornian bastards.

>> No.859538
File: 428 KB, 1000x667, static1.squarespace.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.859590

Either GTFO of Cali and never go in back in there, or call some aliens to solve it with regenerating shields and force fields-_-

>> No.860016

The materials in the salt water are removed by distilling the water. The stuff that's left over could be put back into the ocean, and shouldn't cause any problems at all because that's where we took it from in the first place, if a better use for it isn't found.

>> No.860018

>The stuff that's left over could be put back into the ocean, and shouldn't cause any problems at all because that's where we took it from in the first place,
It actually can cause problems in the area near the outlet, where the brine hasn't had enough time to mix back in. It's not the biggest issue in the world though, and it can be designed around.

>> No.860025

Oh and who is going to pay for that, may I ask?

The mythical hardworking white taxpaying male age 25 - 55 of California? Isn't that an endangered species?

Sorry my /pol/and balls are hanging out

Anyway, just let the place burn down and start over again

>> No.860127

CA sucks you hippie fag

>> No.860145

Sell it to submarines for ballast