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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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850374 No.850374 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow anons. One of my teeth is causing me quite a bit of pain. And I'm a poorfag, no money to see a dentist. I already googled and there aren't any free dental clinics in town.

What is a SAFE diy method for removing a tooth that WORKS?

I already tried seeing of I could just grab it with a pair of pliers and yank it out. But it's one of my back teeth and the pliers won't fit.

It does wiggle when I pinch it between my thumb and pointer finger and try to move it. If nothing else I am going to keep doing that until eventually it comes loose enough that I can just pull it out. But I don't want to spend weeks or even months on this damn thing. I want it out now.

>> No.850384

Have you tried getting one of this credit cards that are just for medical/dental? Its just pretty much a credit car that you can only be used on medical and dental use and you just make payments to the company.

Other wise, just force them into taking payments. Go in, get your shit done and give them some cash and just make payments on it. I did it before. Just make sure you pay them and not drag it out.

>> No.850386

Buy a string made for pulling out teeth?

>> No.850388

I have no job, and no money at all.

>> No.850394


Back teeth are quite hard to get out by yourself

You need a friend to help: get fucking drunk (you, not your friend), get friend to sit on your chest, have him use pliers at full force as his bodyweight holds yours down.

Being drunk you should be able to endure the pain.

Also: brush your goddamn teeth and get a job. If you live in first world you should also be able to get some kind of help from the state

>> No.850407

I do brush my teeth regularly. And sadly, I don't have any friends who would help.

>> No.850412

I say have a dentist pull it and when it comes time to pay tell them you have no money, their move.

>> No.850416

>I'm a poorfag, no money to see a dentist

What 3rd world shithole to you live where you can't get free basic medical care?

>> No.850423

Europoor pls go

>> No.850424

The problem is that the town I live in has no free dental clinics. Every single city around us has at least three free clinics, but bumfuck nowhere that I live has zero. And each city, no matter which one I go to, is at least 1 to 2 hours drive away.

I have no car, no job, no money.

>> No.850428

been in this situation. keep digging, i found in my city there was 1 place that was essentially for homeless people, where literally all they did was tooth extractions. was completely free.

if there isn't one in your city, search in whatever the next biggest city near you is

>> No.850429


start begging for a ride. someone will step up if you tell them its essentially a medical emergency. you either get it out, or die of infection

>> No.850431

Anon this is a really bad idea. Haven't you looked at universities in your area?

Removing a molar isn't simple; now a days what they do is breaking it into 4 pieces to minimize bone loss.

>> No.850445

>the irony

>> No.850447


This here. There surely will be some dental students needing practice that will want to for free. Graigslist it.

>> No.850462
File: 958 KB, 2304x1728, DSCF0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pliers won't do it.
you need a bro with some channellocks. and not a girly man. rotted teeth is foul gruesome shit.

OK you need to be unconscious, doped up til you're seeing jesus, or duct taped to the chair. because pic related. you gonna get fucked up if you spaz out with channellocks in your mouth.

right, it's out. now you've got a gaping, bleeding hole full of bone shards. stuff it with cotton wool soaked in clove oil. it's cheap, and gives you about an hour of numbness, so at least you can sorta sleep. the cotton ball will keep food from getting stuck in there and rotting. it's better than scrubbing the wound out with a toothbrush.

as the hole heals up, little shards of shattered jawbone will work their way to the surface. go ahead and pull 'em out, you ought to stop feeling the dull aches after five years or so.

>> No.850463

Is the pain due to exposed nerves on your molar caused by cavities? Does the pain come and go? If that's the case, I suggest you just endure the pain and let that tooth slowly rot itself away. Once the nerves are gone, you won't feel anymore pain. Clean your tooth every time you eat as germs can worsen the pain.

>> No.850465

Let's see 1-2hr drive to a free dential clinic if it hurts bad enough you'll find a way. Steal a bike. You say you have no job no car and no money so what else you got to do

>> No.850494

getting an infection in the area is a bad thing since its near the brain. i'd just go to a nearby dentist and tell them its an emergency. if they won't do it (most will pull/stitch-up a bad tooth for free or a cheap fee), ask them if they know someone that will. or go to the hospital emergency room. getting a brain infection will cost you even more and be life threatening.

>> No.850498

Maybe there's a dental school in your area they might pull it for free

>> No.850502

Yeah, good luck with that sepsis. Are you serious? You can die from letting that shit rot into your skull.

>> No.850504

Op please disregard this whole thread and just be in debt for a little to pay for the dentist bc you will prob kill yourself otherwise. Or at least end up with chronic jaw pain.

>> No.850506

find some way to get a needle and septocaine (as long as you aint allergic). thats the hardest part. you get that, and you are in

just wiggle in an infinite line, wiggle back and forth, up and down, and pull carefully. try not to break any roots or you will be fucked with a root in the gums and a bad infection. you will then NEED to be referred to a specialist.

i work at a dental practice. you need to be numbed or you wont be able to deal with it. and you need that root to come out with everything. thats a big thing. if you lived near me, i could probably pull some stuff together to help out. i would do it really just for practice if you would let me.

>> No.850511

Try dental tourism: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/06/09/318212444/a-reason-to-smile-mexican-town-is-a-destination-for-dental-tourism

One place is right on the fucking border. Best case scenerio, you pay an eighth of what you would in the states. Worst case is your head is fucking cut off.

>> No.850518

really tho, you near the nj area id be glad to help. im also gonna be at nc this monday and tuesday if you near there.

>> No.850562

Try to rob a store.
Then either:
>Have money for dentist.
>Goto jail.
>Get free dental.
Win win.

>> No.850572
