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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 215 KB, 893x447, Dream_State_by_0Effe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
82596 No.82596 [Reply] [Original]

ok, /diy/hards.

I am an artist, I sell a lot locally and also work in a niche art form for a living. I have been trying to do better with online sales, since the summer I've been trying to build traffic and etc for my stuff.

What I have so far:

my own domain site with about 6 years' worth of content
fanpage on fb with a few hundred fans
art/people page on fb with a few thousand friends
etsy site fully stocked and optimized for relevancy
pinterest, instructables guides, and stumble and tumblr pages all up and running
links from others in my day-job fields' websites to mine

My own site gets about two hundred hits on a good day.

Now I want to try to reach out more- I finally have enough things amassed to sell online as well as in person, but I don't know where to go from here.

Any and all help from experienced online sellers is much appreciated. I posted this after reading the thread on the internet marketing guy, which was interesting but not really seemed to fit with want i want to do (sell my actual physical artwork, not "webcontent")

anyone? suggestions? how-to-do? /diy/ words of wisdom for web promotion stuff relevant to arts?

pics of awesome shit as reward for helps.

>> No.82609
File: 384 KB, 600x848, VincentvanGogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more awesome shit...waiting for any inputs

dude, if some guy who copies articles can do it...

>> No.82612
File: 14 KB, 138x205, MV5BMTg2Mzg4NzQ2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTY0Mjg5._V1._SY205_CR3,0,138,205_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...why not someone who actually makes art that people like? you know- original things instead of ripped-off paraphrasing?

I do well locally but...I want to expand.

>> No.82616

Well, I hope you have an ad service of some sort.

Do you have time to drum up any interest from forums? I got mad hits to my blog back when I had time to post to lots of forums. My blog would always be in my forum signature, so every post would generate a link. Find a few forums relevant to your product or interest and post often.

>> No.82626

I have the site as my sig in the forums I regularly use. I don't have an ad service. I have stumbleads and a facebook ad running, because those are cheap for the amount of hits, any other suggestions?

>> No.82632
File: 17 KB, 265x400, 2007329143654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's good ad services? that will bring people to the site, instead of leading them away from it?

i don't want to get paid to host ads on the site, i want to bring more people to see my art, not sure if that makes a huge difference in how to approach

more tits as thanks for more helps

>> No.82636

This may sound bad but... Deviant art.... youll gain a obsessive fanbase that wont pay but will at least give u the cred u need to get more noticed

>> No.82638
File: 21 KB, 433x650, PatriciaPiccininiHoldMeClosetoYourHeart5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a deviant art, with a pretty fair amount of watchers. I usually link to my site or etsy listing anytime I put up anything that is for sale, and I post process photos there too.

shoulda said that in my OP post

>> No.82648

np , have u thought about opting to have your art on other media like mobile phone cases and the like? Go to some manufactuere and say i got some Hi Q talents u wud like for your products/ . T shirt , glass murials, cases, desktop PC shells limitless..

>> No.82649
File: 52 KB, 381x444, 1308282875519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is, when I have an art show locally, I sell a lot. and I have lots of good followers and collectors who watch my dA, facebook, etsy and all pages and my site. I wanna expand from them though.

like, the deviantart page is actually a good example. i have a handful of artists who I've met at gallery openings I've had- and some folks who have bought my art. I joined some groups on there and have some fans now from that.

it's...expanding beyond the people I directly have met or spoken with, that I am trying to do, you know what I mean?

...more awesome pic

>> No.82650


such as? like how would i contact people?

I don't even know who to talk to about that, or where I'd start.

>> No.82658

Go to a store and look at products more closely, other than the MADE IN USA, UK, CHINA etc it may tend to give more information of its source of production as B2B like to know a good manufacturer and is the only cheap and efficient way for manufacturers to advertise them self by their quality of the product. Once u have that info u can look them up and make contact.

Its just like being an inventor and going to people for investment, You have to go to them and sell yourself.

They will be intrested because competition for a buck is more intense now and they want those with the best quality in their comp 2 do it and not have them in the service of others.

>> No.82663

You tried drumming up exposure doing band flyers? Have a line at the bottom saying Flyer Art by OP, and offer a cheap deal on the design for the band. Cheap advertising, and the flyers will get posted everyfucking where.

If you get a google adsense account, they usually send you a coupon for $100 free adwords. This is worth it. It can really drive up hits to you site.

>> No.82676

You mentioned you do gallery shows, what about art fairs? Juried art fairs are usually pretty good ways to sell work but they require you going to different cities sometimes. If you're in the US large ones like the Saint James art show in Louisville (there are a ton other huge fairs that I can't think of off the top of my head spread across the country) have lots of booths with lots of artists. Usually these shows are visited by art gallery representatives that find artists for their stores this way. Most artists I've talked to in person at these events make their living off 25 or so shows a year and some galleries that host work.

>> No.82686

I do art fairs a few times a year as well as conventions in my niche. I do make a living on my art right now- but it's all local. some of the stuff I do i just think there's an audience for outside of the nearby cities, you know?

I never thought about trying to put my art on "things" though, that's a great idea.

>> No.82691


>> No.82695

I am a professional tattoo artist, have been for fifteen years; I also do skull mounting.

I have done art for bands but since I mostly need my time to work on art for money I no longer do free art for musicians...

how does adsense work? doesn't that just...take words on your own site and make them into links leading people away? I want the opposite of that

>> No.82699


Not at all.

Adsense is a basic ad server. You put a small chunk of code on your site that displays a small banner ad or something, and you get paid for views and clicks.

You already said you don't want that. And that's fine.

But when you sign up for adsense, and confirm your address, they send you a coupon for $100 bucks of free adwords.

This basically means they are serving an ad for your site on other webpages. They serve the ad until you get $100 dollars worth of ad traffic from the words, and then if you want to continue, you have to pay for the service.

I tired it out for my blog. It got me lots of new unique page views.

>> No.82705
File: 76 KB, 600x425, jelly-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that! that's great.

I'm adding it to the list of ideas, will probably sign er up tomorrow then.

thanks bro

>> No.82735
File: 904 KB, 1939x2919, dunwich_horror_poster_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other ideas?

srsly, spreading the art is the goal, any ideas appreciated

>> No.82765
File: 114 KB, 310x649, DSC_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last totally selfish bump

>> No.82859
File: 644 KB, 537x482, marksummersbasketballfantasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82872

>>dat filename