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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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795784 No.795784 [Reply] [Original]

For a guy who has nothing better to do for an entire day, would it be overly bothersome to destroy a cement back step, about the size of pic related with an air chisel?

I hate renting tools and do not want to drop 250$ on an electric destruction hammer.

>> No.795801

Sledgehammer. Have fun.

>> No.795804

I don't have someone to hold the chisel to sledge!

Well, I could, maybe, but that would take scheduling. I am wondering about that saturday I wake up and finally say, "Fuck you step, time to meet your maker!"

>> No.795805

Why? Skaters would lap that shit up

>> No.795806

How many skaters own a fork lift and want to remove my step?

>> No.795812

Strangely some skaters are really resourceful.

Honestly if it's not directly attached to your foundation, see if someone on Craigslist will haul it off for free. People want really weird and dumb shit.

>> No.795837

Use a sledge hammer without a chisel. Hit it right on the corn of the steps and most of the time, these things will bust up. 99.9% of all concrete steps are hollow inside, and even if isn't, once concrete begins to crack, the surrounding areas (w/i 8inches or so or the spot of impact) is already weakened to a massive extent. So get hammer, start from the corners.

>> No.795839

You don't need a chisel. Hitting it with a sledge will crack and break it up. I've done this on small slabs. It's hard work.

>> No.795900

if you don't have some dumb enough to hold the chisel for you, get a 2x4 drill a hole in it just big enough to the chisel to slide in but not through and use another piece of wood to hold it up

also use the biggest sledge you can handle, you'll be sore as hell the next day, and it'll probably take you a few days to break it up completely

>> No.795910

Sell it on craig's list or where ever for dirt cheap and have the person pick it up.

>> No.795911

seconding this. i skate. some skaterats building a /diy/ skatepark /might/ take those off your hands if they have access to a picker. A landscaper might as well.

Busting it apart will be a daunting challenge with a sledge, especially if they're reinforced with rebar.

>> No.795983

Wear thick clothing, eye protection, and face protection.
I got shrapnel'd by a dude 20 feet away smashing up some cement. Still have a scar on my side.

>> No.795990

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.796001

>getting booty blasted over names in diy.

>> No.796003

> being ok with faggots reputation building on diy

>> No.796009

Reputation building? Lol. If they had some dumbass intro, avatar or signature with every post, that would be one thing, but I don't even notice them until some faggot points it out.
If it bothers you that much just filter them.

>> No.796205

This again lol. I had a few guys stalk me through the boards for namefagging. I have to admit this was a much less confrontational and better written post to start it with.

>> No.796219

mfw i made a trip just to butthurt people who are butthurt by trips.
look at my name ffs

>> No.796229

Caution: some misguided cheapskate faggots take it into their heads to cast their steps in place instead of buying the hollow precast ones. Good look with hammering that shit apart.

>> No.796342

renting the electric pavement breaker would be the easiest way to break it into pieces.
using any typical-sized air hammer would take a fucking week. and that assumes you have a BIG air compressor that can run constantly.....

but first I would also say to put it on craigslist or wherever for free. somebody will want it for free, and then moving it will be their problem.

>> No.796397

you will be able to ruin it quickly.
Actually breaking it down into pieces will take three or four times as long as you estimate.

Important note: how are you going to get rid of the concrete?
In many areas the local trash utility will not pick it up and dumping it somewhere is time consuming to actually do as well as being unlawful to one degree or another.

Search for concrete recyclers, for one thing. These are companies that grind up old concrete into new and often accept waste concrete for recycling at no charge (unlike landfills) They will only want clean concrete so don't scrape a lot of dirt up when you do your site cleanup. Putting up a craigslist add listing "FREE FILL CONCRETE" might get someone who will take it but the flake quotient will be high.

Rent a bigger tool and buy the labor of a couple friends with pizza and/or a cooler full of delicious non-alcoholic drinks. save the silly stuff for After cleanup and return of rental gear.

>> No.796398

1- Drill hole
2 - Insert dynamite
3 - ????
4 - Profit!

>> No.796421


>> No.796494

>mfw i made a trip just to butthurt people who are butthurt by trips.
seems spiteful
i'm glad you have a trip it's easier to hide your posts

>> No.796532

1. Drill a few holes, top down, as deep as you can.
2. Buy dry ice from grocery store (or ice cream shop).
3. Fill holes with water.
4. Drop chunks of dry ice into hole.
5. Water freezes and splits the concrete.


1. Drill 1/4 -1/2 inch holes every foot to foot and a half, probably at least 6 inches deep.
2. Get a few iron spikes (something slightly larger than the hole diameter you drilled).
3. Hammer a spike into one of the holes (just a little bit). Then hammer another spike into the next hole down (or skip a hole or two if you want even larger chunks).
4.Repeat the process, hammering in the left one a little then the right one a little, back and forth, until the slab splits.

But of course either method will leave you with giant slabs of concrete that you'll have to break down further in order to haul away.

>> No.796539

Like what some posters said previously, use a sledgehammer if you're on a budget. An electric hammer is much weaker than a real jackhammer. You'll save more time with a sledge. Just a few well placed strikes will shatter it.

>> No.796668

wow! - I should have known this!
- Thank you.
I have quite a large amount of conc slab to kill and a saw costs $300 a day - Of course Dry-ice!
already have a 4kilo hammer-drill AND I know the conc has no Reinforcing : so - Win!

>> No.796705

a biggish jack hammer will do the job in under an hour, and a 4hr rental on that is about $100. break it up good than return the jack hammer.

dont be an idiot and use some weird scheme of dry ice. do it the way pros do it.