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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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752881 No.752881 [Reply] [Original]

I recently joined a makerspace and I'm looking for some project ideas now that I have access to a large machine shop, woodworking tools, cnc and laser, etc. So far I'm looking at making a workbench, satcomm antennae, and putting together a weather balloon. also Maker/hackerspace general

>> No.754069

>thinking diy leave their house
>only time they're outside their house is to fix the problem outside.

Its sad these threads aren't popular.

>> No.754072

Well, no, this is the equivalent of an "I have 100 altoid tins, wat do" thread. He's come in asking us to be his imagination, which we are not. He also has a hackerspace full of people who know those tools inside out to ask and who would be in a far better position to give him tips on beginners projects for each than we are.

Thread should rightfully 404.

>> No.754096

The thread would be better with some results, like text of project plans, pictures of schematics/diagrams and progess, right now OP's post is just a cool story.

>> No.754101

Is there any reason for hackerspaces?

Like, I'd go there to use a CNC machine, or like a welder if they have one, and maybe talk shop If I like any of the people there. because I don't have these tools at mine. maybe a scraps bin to have at it.

but every photo I see of them are just people doing soldering and talking about how cool it is with the latest makerbot sponsored by sparkfun™ projects.

I'd want a shared-workshop not a "makers" circlejerk. and I'd be VERY doubious if anyone there looked after shared tools properly.

am I just a sour old man who should try them out?

>> No.754102

> makerspace
I really hate how hacker became such a bad word that clubs for people who want to play with arduinos and 3D printers had to rebrand themselves.

>> No.754299

Blame skids. It also doesn't help that "hack" had bad connotations even back when Stallman and friends where naught but a shimmer in their parents eye (ie: hack job, hacked apart.) Hack is something you do with an axe, that is, a tool with a destructive (read:antisocial) end.

>> No.754326

I really hate clubs for people who want to play with arduinos and 3D printers.

>> No.754337

it does feel like a makers circle jerk
it made me feel a little uncomfortable , im a very anxious guy.
my local one had a bunch of 3d printers, a shapeoke, a small laser cutter, drill press, some gay wood tools, big solder station, microscopes, reflow oven...
so yeah i did seem like a makers circle jerk. the rules were if you havent been trained on the tools , wait till you are. the other was , we are all adults here so treat the machines like such. it looked like they had the aspect down.

they did have some non circle jerk aspects, like a xerox wax printer, and some one set up a phone system like at an office building inside which was cool.

$60 a month though, suck that dick

>> No.754367

A hacker space is a gym for nerds, same reasoning applies.

>> No.754371
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>$7,200 a decade

Fuck that, just buy and build your own stuff. Start your own Hackerspace, with Blackjack and Hookers.

>> No.754426
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Hackerspace member here, although it's not a 'makerspace' we already did some fun electronic workshops, if you look for ideas: http://hackaday.io/hackerspace/1374/logs

>> No.754509

>Is there any reason for hackerspaces?
Not everyone has enough space at home, plus you can make some friends.