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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 242 KB, 2000x2000, wifi-issues-on-surface-pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
671493 No.671493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to hack someones Wi Fi using windows 8 ,i've heard that its possible with Linux...but since i dont run Linux I'm having some trouble ,if anyone knows please share the program that is needed and a quick guide to using it.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.671493,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well this killed more braincells than it should have.

>> No.671503

Get a job instead of shitposting.

>> No.671508
File: 46 KB, 776x602, 1359051705441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.671509

[op] Well i am actually working and im paying for my uni ,and im gonna have internet in a week or two ,but untill then i need it in order to do my job...thats all

>> No.671511

I know nothing about hacking but how about this..?
Offer the owner of the wifi a small sum of money to use it for 2 weeks. chances are he's gonna let you use it for free or in worst case you're gonna get a simple "no". nothing to lose.

>> No.671515

[op] thing is I already got the "no" it was a grmpy old man,i even told him i'd give him some of the sum but stll..no,well thanks anyway guys ,i guess i'll have to wait for the dudes from the internet to come and get me online

>> No.671516

Someone's new to 4chan.

>> No.671528

There is plenty of tuts on youtube
a VM and Backtrack is probably your best bet

>> No.671537

You're a newfag but i'll help you. You need a program called unetbootin. You can find it on google. Next, get a flashdrive and download backtrack 5 from a torrnet. (I don't have the torrent at hand. You'll figure it out.) Then format the drive to fat32 and open unetbootin and install the os. Then boot into it using your bios manager. (Find some guides from google to do what you don't understand) and do some cracking in there! (Google that too. I'm way to lazy to explain.)

>> No.671555

You do this to my wifi and I'll share all your pics, passwords and conversations with the world.
And probably after breaking your computer.

>> No.671564

1. wrong board fucko >>>/g/ is that way
2. install gentoo
3. seriously install gentoo it has what you need

>> No.671585

1. Delete c:\windows\system32\*.*
2. Install Gentoo
3. Pour a bottle of Drano on your motherboard while it's turned on
4. Kill yourself

>> No.671586

>2. install gentoo

I see what you did there. By the time he gets it installed he'll have his new connection installed. :)

Back to /op. It is possible to compromise the wireless network if they are using WEP or WPA-PSK encryption. It is non-trivial to do the first time you try. Also there is a very good chance that your wireless network card will not support monitor mode which is required. If you really want to do it and are willing to invest both time and money with a possibility of failure, write back.

Related Question: The last time I checked the AWUS036H was the bomb USB wireless NIC for monitor mode. Is there something new that's better (and supports 802.11n?)

>> No.671588

>paying for uni
>not getting free internet anywhere on campus
cool story bro
fuck the fuck off, stop trying to steal internet, faggot, you probably want to do it so you can download CP and not get caught, nigger faggot cunt

>> No.671600

did you try unplugging your machine and walking away?...for...ev..ah..