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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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519557 No.519557 [Reply] [Original]


Just got a nice little cat, full of energy and with small but very sharp claws. So i thougt of building a cat tower, bunker, fort, castel, something ...
Any ideas how it should look like, what should it include? what are some good materials that will let the cat scratch it but will not rip or fall apart?

I will also need to build some kind of approach so the cat can leave and come into the building through a window on the first floor.

>> No.519566

Number one rule of cats.
No matter how complex, awesome or expensive you make or purchase a toy for a cat, the cat will always spend far more time playing with the plastic grocery bag you left in the corner.

>> No.519606

>> what are some good materials that will let the cat scratch it but will not rip or fall apart?
Sisal Rope or Sisal carpet.
There's tons of guides for cat trees. Scratching post have gotten much cheaper lately. Mine are quite happy with this one.

Don't bother being fancy with your cat tree. You'd only be doing that to please yourself. They just want to be high up and it's even better if you can put it near a window.
They'll happily play with cheap shit like balls of paper, feathers, ribbons, string, bottle caps, and pieces of plastic.

>> No.519667

Yeah. This.

You want a "castle" for your cat? Get a cardboard box, cut a hole in it large enough for the cat to climb through. Cat will be happier than a hog in mud.

>> No.519668

The cats can fuck off. OP, you should go fucking nuts.
cheap wall studs, sonotube, carriage bolts, 3/4in OSB, hot glue, sisal rope, and as much cheap carpet as you can find. Snoop around construction companies and ask for offcut leftovers and you might be able to supply yourself with everything except the glue for the cost of hauling it.

>> No.519680
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1--the cat tree should be tall, cats like to be able to see everything from above
2--it should be put in a room you spend a lot of time in, because they like watching YOU
3--it should have one uninterrupted vertical run all the way to the top. any kitten past a couple months old can do it, though they may take a while to try.
4--it should have another way up with shelves, to sit/jump on

the cat tree should be in the center of a room but that requires a big base to keep it from falling over. you can put it next to a wall and anchor it to the wall at the top of the cat tree, to allow using a much smaller base.

the carpeting thing is a pain, but it works best. IMO you should just assume the whole thing will be trashed in a couple years and you will need to make another one.

>> No.519696

Giving cats something to claw on will only make their claws sharper. Their nails are a brilliant evolutionary invention.

Get a pair of cat nail clippers and learn how to clip them without harming the animal. Do it every week on a day you'll appoint as claw clipping day.

>> No.519702

>>Giving cats something to claw on will only make their claws sharper.
They need a scratching post in order to stretch their muscles. Without one they're going to be stretching on your door frames, office chairs, nice furniture, and walls.

>> No.519739

>Giving cats something to claw on will only make their claws sharper.
This is true, but there is still other issues.

A cat will still try to climb stuff (the drapes), just because they get bored.
If you give them something to claw on AND climb, then they can be trained not to claw on or climb everything else.

If you trim or remove the claws then you can prevent climbing and clawing too of course, but there is a question of how happy the cat is with that arrangement. The fact that they tend to climb drapes if there's nothing else seems to indicate a natural tendency to climb, and taking the ability away seems cruel IMO. It is part of the cat deal and should be expected.... It's rather like cutting a dogs front feet off because they dug a hole in the back yard?

>> No.519741

yeah, it is probbaly more a project to satisfy myself not so much for the cat. i just like the idea of a huge maze, he could stroll around and discover.But i dont have the space for that. i would like to make a combination of shelfs he could jump from one too another.

Thanks for the tips,
carpeting truly is a lot of work too get it nicely done but will be worth the time.

>> No.519850

I have never met a cat that hated an open window sill.