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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 39 KB, 600x480, 1318370403661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46315 No.46315 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /Diy/-hards. I'm going to school to
be a gunsmith. Its a 16 month course and
they teach you everything. How to use a Lathe,
How to carve a stock out of a solid block of wood, stripping guns down to nothing and putting
them back together. Can you guys recommend
some books that will give me a head start on all
of this? Like disassembling guns, cleaning them,
idnetifying problems and so on. My plan is to go
to the college and have a little know how so that
I can better focus and have a small edge.

tl;dr Going to college to be a gunsmith. need in depth books as a start. Thanks!

>> No.46354

bump for intrest, anyone?

>> No.46355

DIY is not guns, idiot.

also some anime guy does not make writing more "epic"

piss off

>> No.46358

Ask /k/ for gunsmithing books. That's their department. And google a picture of a gun or gunsmithing equiptment, otherwise they will think you're a troll.


>> No.46360


Lol he mad

Guns aren't do it yourself? Are you a fucking retard? Lots of people fix ther "own" guns
you know, diy?

0/10 fag.

>> No.46366

Yes he mad.

But if you look at the sticky on the front page:
>The one rule at the start is going to be do not share instructions for how to make weapons, or any other device intended to hurt a person.

>> No.46367


Thanks, I will do that. and for the pic, I just clicked a random one. lol

>> No.46371

Ask /k/.
Because this is a /k/ question.
Which you're asking somewhere that is not /k/.

What is it with people shitting up this board with questions that clearly belong somewhere else?

>> No.46377


You are so mad.

>> No.46382
File: 97 KB, 1000x758, 94d67ca455e63ad0f4edd45b6cbb3f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To troll you, son. /sarcasm

>> No.46384


Get out of my internet

>> No.46425
File: 35 KB, 790x620, 1319775624152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the Mad bro there, but i share his hatred of weeaboos; it's like all the douchebags you see nowadays that use memes in public and badly too...

>> No.46448


Papercraft is not for faggotry and weaboos. Maybe origami is a lot of weaboory stuff. /po/ is a great board with great people who shares a hobby. And no, im not into that shit. Other than that your picture is right.

>> No.46458


>weeaboo boards
>not realizing where 4chan started

>> No.46476

Anime is and will always be a part of 4chan. Learn your history.

>> No.46482

You forgot /gif/, /f/, /v/, /tg/, /toy/ and /trv/.

And if you hate "weeaboos" so much. Why are you even on this website?

>> No.46503

holy shit i never realised there was a pokemon board before you posted that pic.

>> No.46502
File: 756 KB, 600x3300, 4chanweeaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual FUCK are you doing on 4chan? Let me guess, you came to 4chan because of /b/.


The only anime I ever watched was Dragon Ball Z, but holy fuck I bet you go to a gay bar for men and bitch about the lack of women.