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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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422998 No.422998 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prevent wires from curling? I imagine most of us has this problem especially on headphones and it's a sign that your headphones will soon die. The only advice I found so far is to change the wires, is there no other way?

>> No.423023
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Really? No one has any idea?

>> No.423024

Don't shove them in your pocket like a retard

Don't wrap them around something like an mp3

Run them from your pocket under your t-shirt up to your head

>> No.423029
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Non-portable headphones with a thick wire. OP pic is just an example. Obviously I did nothing to make them curl up but it just happens after a year or so of use.

>> No.423033

Stop wrapping them so tightly, for starters. Ive owned the same set of Shure phones for over 6yrs and they work fine, without curling.
There are different ways of wrapping cord without it tangling - IE) Over-under (google it)

>> No.423034

All my expensive headphones have a coiled cable, so I dunno

You could try wrapping up excess cable with a hair bobbin or something

>> No.423036

Already doing it, but the damn thing starts to curl and twist the moment I put down my headphones. They're not that expensive but loosing them would be a bitch right now. I'm thinking o taping up the surface of the wire to make it less flexible.

>> No.423038

Every time you put them on/off your head, you probably turn them 90-180 degrees to line them up on your head. Over time, this puts twists in the cable.

>> No.423042

Thanks. Just changed the way they're wrapped, hopefully they will last a bit longer. But there's the part of the cable I don't wrap at all and it twists up like a bitch.

>> No.424184

Kipkay on youtube has a video about it.

You cut pieces into an old credit card (or something plastic the same size)

Just go to his channel and look at his videos

>> No.424230
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Double it over a few times and stick it in a pouch.

>> No.424372

Maybe add a layer of heat shrink tubing or a really narrow ID chord bundler (coiling wrap around / straight pass thru). I've used the letter before with annoying dual headset wiring, worked great.