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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 56 KB, 571x307, fuzz_factory_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41739 No.41739 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here ever tried to make your own guitar pedals? Can anyone recommend any projects for a novice? Any idea on prices for half decent components? Cheers.

>> No.41750


>> No.41905

theres a website that I like to use, they sell guitar pedal kits, and the prices are great. I just built one of them yesterday all seemed fine. Easy instructions blah blah
heres the website: http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/
have fun!

>> No.42345 [DELETED] 

I'm curious: Do people that create these sorts of threads, yet have no electronics background to speak of, think that this stuff is like Legos and you just snap parts together to make what you want? Just that easy? I've seen the quality of work that the average person does, and frankly it's astonishing that it works at all, let alone keeps working for any length of time.

>> No.42346 [DELETED] 

I'm curious: Do people that create these sorts of threads, yet have no electronics background to speak of, think that this stuff is like Legos and you just snap parts together to make what you want? Just that easy?

>> No.42367

> Can anyone recommend any projects for a novice?
He is asking for easy projects, so yes I would assume he is looking for something simple. No need to be a dick about it.

>> No.42382 [DELETED] 

I wasn't referring to OP specifically. I have seen quite a few threads like this one over the week that this board has been up, and I wonder what some people's thought process is because I take being able to work with electronics for granted, so it's difficult to relate.

>> No.43236

O mighty one can you come down from your high horse and share your vast knowledge with us lesser beings?

>> No.44087
File: 32 KB, 770x426, 1319638417369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to derail the discussion:

Since I'm totally new to sound modification I'm wondering how you have to imagine the potential sound in an electric current (e.g. high frequencies = less electric power). Is there anyone who could help me getting this stuff?

Pic semi-realted. It's a rather simple guitar fuzz schematic for OP.

>> No.44128

when I built my first pedal from a kit, Imhad a readymade PCB and and all the components. it's not that much harder than Legos. designing pedals? yeah, that bit's hard, but assembling one? until you start getting into complex stuff like phasers or a UniVibe or something, shit's pretty easy.

>> No.44174


>> No.44193 [DELETED] 

No. You're not worthy, peon. Go be ignorant elsewhere.

>> No.44197 [DELETED] 

It doesn't take much practice to do assembly work, which is why assemblers get paid so little.

>> No.44259


>> No.44264

It isn't quite like legos, I had lots of fun with legos in school, but building pedals isn't much like legos. I'm actually about to try and build a pedal case outo of legos. Maybe I can sell it under "legos" on ebay?

>> No.44280
File: 75 KB, 640x480, Photo 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've built at least one pedal from each of these companies. I had little eletronic experience, but a lot of interest. Building a couple pedals got me into modifying my own guitars and amps and stuff. Super recommend. Ignore the elitists, DIY culture is about learning, not waving your dick around.

Pic related, a POORLY painted GGG Tubescreamer clone I assembled.

>> No.44284


I wish stock tubescreamers didn't sound so thin. A LOT of the variants sound fucking awesome, the LM308 chipped RAT is a modded TS...

>> No.44293

This seems easy.
I will try to do it.
I'm studing computer engineering and i have a subject wich includes electronics and circuits, so it also can help me to improve somewhere else.

>> No.44297
File: 66 KB, 640x480, Photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im building a dallas rangemaster at the moment, 3 infact...

heres the start of the first, waiting for the enclosures to arrive before i continue!

>> No.44303


I wish I could buy axial caps locally, I'd build shit all day. Having to order everything is a real downer.

>> No.44317


the struggle was finding a decent quality OC44, the germanium component that really makes it.

had to order overseas for it, but i found some cool polished enclosures at the same place :)

found the project really satisfying so far, already planning on building a plexi head next!

>> No.44323


Metroamp or Ceriatone have great kits...

Weber may even have one?

>> No.44326


pedals are a good beginner project, you can't really get much easier. i made my first pedal from radio shack parts when i was 12 years old using the much shittier internet available circa 1999

>> No.44329


only seen the ceriatone one so far, and seems a good price for the kit, but id like to get an original case just for my own satisfaction. or atleast take off the logo!