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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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39392 No.39392 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy a bare-minimum of 9 acres of land
>Buy 4 shipping containers, insulated.
>Use them as building material for a home.
>Make two large hydroponic greenhouses, fertilizing them by integrating a fish farm into the system.
>Power them with solar panels(water pumps and timers shouldn't take too much power)
>Heat them with compost piles
>Eat fresh fish and veges for most of the year.
>Craft swords/armor for fun--pic related
>Build a bitchin' awesome teardrop trailer for traveling.
So, /diy/, what are your plans/goals?

>> No.39400

Thats pretty much /diy/.

shipping container housing,
hydroponic greenhouses,

+1 OP

>> No.39401

you must be rich to do that op

>> No.39405

>>get some land
>>custom build giant piranha tank
>>Build a very powerful laser
>>Build a powerful gun powered via magnetism (coil/rail/etc.)
>>A UAV programmed with coordinates to go to that place, take a picture, then fly back

>> No.39412

>build myself Large Hadron Collider

that is my plan

>> No.39422

Not at all. Everything is in the planning and the knowing of the right people, Anon.

>> No.39434

>Buy unspecified amount of land. Enough to raise horses on.
>Buy two personal horses, probably clydesdales.
>Rent out extra stable space. Make money with this.
>Feed horses best possible diet. Obtain manure.
>Cure some manure as fertilizer, use some on gardens, sell rest of fertilizer.
>Cure some for mushroom growth. Grow portabellas. Sell as organic.
>Continue study and maybe discover a way to grow chanterelles.

I would be happier than a pig in shit with this set-up.

>> No.39438

"Knowing the right people" means knowing people who are rich, or knowing people who are willing to waste their own resources (or steal from their employers).

>> No.39446

I've wanted to see a DIY all-climate food system. Greenhouses, hydroponic gardens, and some tilapia tanks. Make your own special fish jerky for added DIY points.

>> No.39473

lol, i hate horse people

>> No.39477

>buy an old warehouse/factory
>live in it
it's going to be a fucking awesome bro pad. will probably need a lot of work though.

>> No.39484

Sure it does, bud.

>> No.39491

That's probably a zoning nightmare.

>> No.39493

I'm actually a mushroom person. I'm using the horses to produce extra cash and as I like animals.
I would substitute sheep, elephants, or dairy cows if possible and cost-effective. It's just with horses I can think of people actually looking to find places to store them, so I don't have to actually buy a lot of them myself.

>> No.39524

> get an aquaponics research grant
> get 120 acres in northern nevada
> Start an aquaponics research facility, pay myself a wage from the sales of produce
> Buy the land and greenhouses from the corporate entity that got the grant
> build house, and art school with all the DIY workshops you can imagine, from glass blowing to black smithing, to CNC machining
> charge hippies to learn skills and live in bunk houses
> write letters to request artists from arount the world crash and teach <And create art>
> run an entirely self sustained art collective.

>> No.39528

depends on the town.

>> No.39534

a floating home on the sea (I'm close to the mediteranean sea)

Fish like a motherfucker all day long.
Drink Weed.
Smoke Beer.

that type of plan..

>> No.39539

I'd offer my services as a work slave in exchange for free board/food if this were real.

>> No.39551

1. Finishing growing my gourd, to make a sitar and/or surbahar
2.Construct a compost pile for my garden
3. Build a tiny house in Goa, India on the beach
4.Build huge garden and sell fresh vegies to locals
5. Use my sitar to start a hindustani-jazz fusion band

>> No.39557
File: 32 KB, 212x172, Screen shot 2011-10-29 at 8.15.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is extremely relevant to long term diy plans my fiance and I have.

>> No.39561
File: 13 KB, 104x95, Screen shot 2011-10-29 at 8.16.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This too!

>> No.39566

/diy/ - Shipping containers.
I don't really mind but I find it humorous that there are 5 active threads about shipping containers.

>> No.39578

>Graduate with a degree in architecture
>Practice architecture for a few years with a big firm
>Get a masters degree in Acoustic Engineering
>Start a firm designing music studios, homes, concert halls
>Build myself a studio, live there and produce music in free time / have producers who work there, record music, etc / do architecture for my firm
>Eventually settle down, design a dream home, live there and have a family happily ever after

>Go to law school
>Work at big farm
>Retire after 10 yerars, jump to buying a nice home and retiring

>Build myself a studio, live there and

>> No.39587

>Go to law school
>Work at big farm
>Buy shipping containers to build house
>Retire after 10 yerars, jump to buying a nice home and retiring

>> No.39590

>move into my grandparent's okra plantation
>convert half of it to other crops [avocados?]
>restore thier old wooden house
>build a boat and learn to net fish
>try and reintroduce tilapia into the small lake in the back.

>> No.39594
File: 10 KB, 220x237, ccm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graduate in Aerospace Engineering
>use skills to advance open manufacturing
>get a job and work on the Global Village Construction Set in my spare time, while studying molecular chemistry and scanning probe chemistry
>expand Zyvex's atomically precise manufacturing system to a molecular manufacturing system for macroscale products
>create cornucopia machine
>peasants rejoice

I can stop at #3 and instead go live in a tiny house in the woods with a complete closed-loop life support (Aquaponics, a little greenhouse, whole thing).

>> No.39600

There's this fucking huge abandoned factory in my city, I want to buy it and make it a ginourmous mechatronic lab, no I really want to do this that's bassicly my life's plan

>> No.39613
File: 12 KB, 640x400, shiphouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a plot of land 60ftx60ft, put three 40ft ISO shipping containers on it. some magic welding, cutting&gutting, stick a shitload of insulation and other crap up, then live in them. as time goes by, add the forge(20ft ISO shipping container required ><)

possibly a fish pond at some point, but i doubt it. it'll basically be a party pad with a balcony(or two! :D)

there's my concept sketch, but i'm shit at using a computer. much better using a pen&paper, but yeah.

>> No.39637

>Live with my parents for a few years after I hopefully get a job with my technical college degree, to save up a decent bit of money.
>Spend said money on the cheapest undeveloped land I can find. Buy enough to be able to grow most of my own food and have a decent woodlot for firewood.
>Build a small, cheap house on said land.
>Attempt to live mostly money-free.
>Hardmode: Only use technology that I build myself. Hopefully over the next few years while I'm saving money, I'll be able to hone my skills to the point where I will no longer need to buy anything.

Basically I want to be one of those wise hermits you hear about in stories. I'm nowhere near that level of skill yet, though.

>> No.39656

/diy/- Shipping Containers

>> No.39715

In the next year:
>Grow own tomatoes, peppers, chilies, onions, and herbs... possibly garlic
>Make own salsa and tomato sauce, can for personal use, gifts

>Make 4 custom paper mache bookcases, at least 6 feet tall, for my apartment, for as little money as possible using recycled newspaper. Cover with modpodge and thrift store wrapping paper or something.

I have no idea. I love making so many things. I want to own some kind of rl shop, no idea what. I'm broke, and have been thinking about going to beauty school. I'm good at cutting random people's hair. But I'm a natural haircarefag, so I don't know about recommending or putting people through some of the really heavy chemical treatments.

>> No.39720

>Finish watching breaking bad
>Don't get fired
>Get a haircut

>> No.39790

oh sounds like my plans except I'll also have a larger house that I could rent around/fuck around in with hidden rooms/passages and other random good fun stuff.

and the wee lil house instead of storage containers is where I'll live in lol.

>> No.39893
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>>mfw this is what I need to do as well

>> No.40274

this is exactly me. can we team up or something?

>> No.40284

>Build my own pokemon room, decked out to look like a pokemon center and have a counter/pokemart with plush and decals

Virgun 4 lyfe

>> No.40295

>?>A UAV programmed with coordinates to go to that place, take a picture, then fly back
In Sweden there is a guy who does this to do something to do with monitoring the state of forests in a wide area.

>> No.40319

Be fluent in 5 languages.
Learn violin.
Learn a trade.