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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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359861 No.359861 [Reply] [Original]

Merry Christmas, /diy/. I wanted to start a SHTF/Prep thread but focus more on skills to learn rather than BOBs.

In your opinion, what are some skills that one should know for survival?

>> No.359863

how to not shitpost on 4chan

>> No.359867

Level 20 carpentry.

>> No.359871

Level 1:

-Fire making using only things found in nature.
-First Aid.
-Shelter making using only things found in nature.

Level 2:

-Learn hunting, trapping, and gathering of local fauna and flora.
-Learn to find and/or make clean drinking water.

Level 3:

-Basic tool/weapon making using only things found in nature.
-Learn to navigate using a compass and the stars.

Level 4:

-Learn geology, furnace making, smelting, and foundry skills to find and utilize metal ores.

Level 5:

-Learn to make and repair batteries.
-Learn to repair electronics; especially communication devices both rudimentary and complex.

Level 6:

-Make good ties with all your neighbors and family.

>> No.359874
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If you wanna survive outside of a built up area, meeting maslow's basic needs is a requirement.

*Bush engineering (i.e. building a cabin, working out waterflow dynamics, latrine construction etc.)
*Plant/mushroom identification, Basic hunting, fishing, butchering/field dressing
*Water purification
>pic related

>> No.359889
File: 175 KB, 1181x1467, diag lashing col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to make simple rope out of vines and small branches and learn the basics of lashing. You can build fucking anything out of lashings in almost no time at all.

>> No.359891
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with enough logs, rope, and some knowledge of how to use them you can build a village worthy of ewoks of endor

>> No.359892
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you also need to know how to tie proper knots

>> No.359894

the upkeep on those ropes must be tedious..

>> No.359920

>ewoks of endor

>> No.359928
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HF for long range.
VHF/UHF for short/medium range.

Ideally, you should use VHF for vehicle-to-vehicle simplex, or duplex operations. UHF should be for short range handheld-to-handheld or duplex operations.

HF should be for stationary applications, as the antennas are much too large for realistic mobile applications.

>> No.360040

Go camping. I don't mean car camping but the "hiking out in the middle of fucking nowhere" camping. learn basic knots, learn to start fires (using many methods), learn about water purification/collecting (boiling, bleach, solar stills), learn wilderness first aid, get comfortable with a firearm, learn what native plants in your area are edible, and learn how to think in such a situation.

>> No.360048
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>-Learn hunting, trapping, and gathering of local fauna and flora.

Anybody here live in any of the states that have a Feral Hog problem?

Thats alot of meat from a hog and they are an invasive species. So you can get one anytime.
Lean to hunt and trap them.

>> No.360073

-Learn to utilize, cure, and store food products.

I may as well add that to the list.

>> No.360074
