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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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335162 No.335162 [Reply] [Original]

there's a vending machine near my dorm and im hungry is there anyway to open it

>> No.335163

Blunt object.

>> No.335164

ductape the plexiglass and smash away

>> No.335168

tell a jew there's a nickle stuck in side
stand back

>> No.335179

so theres no way to hack it?

>> No.335181

Step one: assertain Brick
Step two: wrap face in t-shirt
Step three: Launch brick at glass in vending machine.

>> No.335184

its on campus will i get caught?

>> No.335189


There's no way to "hack" it with materials on hand unless you intend to break it open.

>> No.335195


>tell a jew there's a Palestine settlement inside
watch it get bombed all to fuck


>> No.335209

Ok, I need you to answer a question first. It's important, and will decide what course of action you should take.

Are you:
A: a fucking hobo
B: the cheapest, most vile jew on the planet?

>> No.335239

>>335195<<Yes, this

The outcome to this exercise is twofold;

1) The status of the contents within the vending machine change from "pay to dispense" to "free"

2) you end up with a happy yid

>> No.335242

Isn't there a keyhole to restock the vending machines? Find someone with a lckopcik.

>> No.335253

I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to consider the consequences of your actions.

You will almost certainly be caught and expelled/arrested for vandalism and possibly theft.

If they don't know who did it, they will likely remove the vending machine entirely and never put it back. You'd be killing your golden goose for a single egg.

>> No.336472

>assertain brick
find out for sure it's a brick

>> No.336478

try tipping it over, theyre pretty light i heard


>> No.336492

I use this trick all the time:

1) Look inside under the item you wish to obtain. There will be a small sticker with a numerical value on it.
2) Insert that amount in the form of your countries currency into a small slot of similar device on the machine.
3) With any luck, you'll be able to bypass the security door near the bottom and obtain your goods.

>> No.336509


i dunno anon, does that work? i mean, i've read about it, studied even, but it seems to complicated.

>> No.336513

...Can't you just pour some salt water into where it takes in the money, making it short circuit and causing it to go haywire? Or does that not work anymore?

>> No.336521

Yep, it's brick.

>> No.336524

I'm fairly certain that all that'd do is result in a bricked vending machine, not one that dispenses the goods.

>> No.336528


why would anyone think that would do anything except make the machine inexplicably wet? and salty?

* sparks fly out
* car blows up and flips over

happens on tv, is not real.

>> No.336536


that sounds dangerous man

>> No.336547

would wood work?I have a handy guide for identifying wood

>> No.336585


wood would, if it could, wooden tit?

>> No.336595

Stop Oaking around.

>> No.336613

Learn to budget your money properly (i.e. buy essentials like FOOD first) and you won't have this problem. Alternately if you're just being a cheapfag and don't want to pay, would rather steal, the fuck you fucking go hungry faggot.

>> No.337723

Can you post it? That would be really useful.

Inb4 its the identifying wood, yep its wood pic