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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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311014 No.311014 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the process of creating some feral cat shelters out of plastic storage tubs and polystyrene insulation. The only thing there is left to do is cut the entrance holes, but that's where I'm stuck... How big should I make the entrances?

If they're too small, the cats can't/won't get inside. If they're too big, then it'll end up just as cold in them as out of them.

Ideas, anyone?

>> No.311023


I'm loving this. I have tons of foam insulation pieces from construction projects and a few outside cats that need winter protection. Something that isn't heavy like that would be very nice. I'm glad I waited and didn't make what I was going to make.

>How big should I make the entrances?

I think 5 inches in diameter would be good. Be very careful cutting those totes. The plastic likes to shatter and break for some reason. You may need to melt the openings using something like a soldering iron/curling iron. Just unplug/turn it off and on to maintain a non-burning temperature and it should be fine. I do that with 5-gallon plastic bucket lids.

One tip, a lot of cats, even a lot of feral ones, were once raised in cardboard boxes and LOVE to go inside them. you can line the inner walls with some cardboard to make it feel more secure for them in this way.

>> No.311028

I love animals but you guys make me sick. Feral cats are a fucking plague. If you love them enough to build these then build them an outdoor enclosure too. Take responsibility; spay and neuter them. I hate killing feral cats on my property, but i am also acutely allergic to cat dander.

Can you even imagine me going outside to build a snowman with my kids and I cant even help because I have no idea if a cat has been on the snow? Did you have any idea that cat dander on snow lasts the whole snow season?

Try to think of how this shit affects other people.

>> No.311029


Don't include me in that. I only have 4 cats that I take care of that I've fixed and raised from kittens. OP wants to help ferals. I do have a couple that come in to the food bowl now and then, but I know one is my neighbor's cats, not sure about the other one, but it is really tame so I suspect it is another neighbor's cat since I don't see much of it either..

I'm allergic to cat dander too, which is why they are outside only cats. Actually, I'm very allergic. I don't get a dermatitis from it, it is all respiratory responses, but I need to wash my hands completely after handling the cats.

>> No.311034

OP here. I, too, am allergic to cat dander. My reactions range from itchy eyes to triggering a massive asthma attack, and all points in between. Despite that, I can't, in good conscience, allow an animal to suffer. It's not in my nature.

The shelter I'm assembling is for two cats who've taken up residence on our front porch. Last winter, they stayed underneath a table that I covered with fleece blankets and a plastic painter's tarp to block wind and snow. On the bottom was another layer of blankets with a mylar emergency blanket underneath to reflect their body heat. I've had the extra cash to buy the necessary parts to craft a more adequate shelter before cold weather sets in, and since they only started coming around during cold weather last year, I didn't really have the time to get shit together.

If interested, the site with the plans for this is at http://web.archive.org/web/20101220134509/http://pacthumanesociety.org/core/WinterShelter.htm

The original site is down for whatever reason, but the archive above is complete.

>> No.311043
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That's awesome op.
I agree that 5" would be sufficient.
The only thing I could think to add would be a hanging cloth cover for the hole.

RULE 0 nigger
pic related

>> No.311046

Good on you OP. Good on you.

>> No.311062

as far as the hole goes,7-10" should work. if a cat can fit its head thru {they have narrow fucking heads} then they can get the rest of their body thru. as long as the opening isnt directly in the wind they will be fine. the insulation and the sides do enough to break the wind and keep it warm... they are animals after all.

for bedding i wouldn't use straw try a heavy cloth blanket, they're not hamsters. also keep the shelter high up if you are worried about other animals. i had a 30yard dumpster full of old furniture and lumber cut-offs and had a stray make a home at the very bottom of it where she gave birth to 6 kittens. the plywood gave them protection from rain and the sides were 6' high and couldn't be climbed by anything other then a cat. over all it was pretty safe if it wasn't for the fact that i dumped heavy construction debris in it.

what youre doing is plenty good but as any pet owner will tell you... the more money/effort you put into a pets toy or bed the less likely they are to use it.

>> No.311071

hey OP just remember to put some crushed aspirins into their food, k?

>> No.311087

The only reason I've considered moving away from blankets is that they collect and moisture, and they will pull heat away from the animals.

If you wanted me to kill them, you should have told me to use Tylenol.

>> No.311088

both will work, yes :D

>> No.311089

Collect and hold moisture, rather. Me no type gud.

>> No.311093

are thes going to be right out in the open or something?

>> No.311096
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OP, you give me home for the rest of mankind!

>> No.311111

If you have the option, get a slightly smaller tub for the inside and off-set the openings. This will keep out the majority of wind and other unwanted elements.

>> No.311114
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>> No.311117


im curious to see if they really use it or if it just gets used by a raccoon

>> No.311127

As a windbreak for the door you can use tub liner (sold by the foot in 5' widths) either as a flap or cut into strips (but with the top part kept whole so you can easily attach it together.) If you want to weigh down the bottom so it is more likely to stay "closed" then buy some tub liner pvc glue and glue the bottom part into a couple of folds.

If you want to do the best thing for these cats in the long run you could try and catch them and get them spayed/neutered. If you call around there are lots of places that will do it for free or for a reduced price (~$20 per animal where I live) If you can't keep them or don't want to keep them you can let them go afterwards.

Also, I don't know if you were planning on it but I really wouldn't feed them; if you do you're liable to have a huge population boom of cats in a couple of years.

>> No.311136

Don't add anything to cover the hole or to stagger the holes. They need all the air flow inside they can get. Simply being in a place out of direct wind will be as much protection from the cold as they need. If you start blocking air flow they will be more apt to not use it and it will restrict the breathing by piling up CO2 inside.

>> No.311145


Fuck me, I said tub liner but I was thinking shower pan liner. It's 40 mil plastic.


The staggering of the holes or shower pan liner would be far from airtight. I doubt asphyxiation would be a concern. Them not using it might be; you could possibly get around that by adding the flaps later on and only on some of them.

>> No.311149


While I'm thinking of it a solution to create a windbreak that wouldn't involve staggering of holes or any covering of the hole would be just to face the entrance towards a solid wall, probably pretty close to it (within 3' or so.)

Saging for my double post.

>> No.311156
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Yes. that would work.

An attachable "wall" can also work. Pic as example. The blue "wall" allows a wind break and entrance from any angle while in no way restricting air flow or making the cat feel boxed in and inescapable.

>> No.311162

shouldn't this thread be on 'caturday'?

is that still a thing here?

>> No.311255

not on /diy/

>> No.311338


>> No.311342

Do people actually watch this sort of thing?

>> No.311351

Trailer park boys is fucking classic

>> No.311379

uhm, have you looked at how many small animals cats kill? and how these oh-so-cute kittehs are decimating (and even driving to extinction) local bird populations? i applaud your activism, but find a better goal.

>> No.311406

>oh-so-cute kittehs are decimating (and even driving to extinction) local bird populations

Not really.

Skyscrapers and more recently climate change are the main killers of birds actually.

>> No.311410


At least check in your area for a Spay/Neuter-Release Program.
in short, you catch the cats, bring them in to get fixed and release them back into the feral colony they came from. Especially females. This is the kinder/gentler way of cutting the future population without just putting out a big bowl of poisoned kibble.

cats are pretty darn hard on bird/small animals though, and doing what one can to limit the cat problem is a lot more doable then abolishing skyscrapers.

>> No.311413

I agree that feral cats should be spayed/neutered, but I find it really hard to believe anyone is THAT allergic to cat dander.

Indoors with a cat, yes. Outdoors near a cat, yes. But if you were so allergic that you couldn't go near where a cat had previously been, you'd have to live in a bubble.

And I speak as someone who's got so many allergies, that my allergy test results left the doctors scratching their heads.

>> No.311417

Cats are far more damaging than previously thought, however, not really to birds.


>> No.311419

Once you go big, you can't go smaller, so start small, work bigger.

>> No.311423

seriously the best thing on netflix

>> No.311427

Read that article. Did they really not know cats make multiple homes theirs?

>> No.311432
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you sir, are awesome. people who care about animals are good people. you're good people, OP.

>> No.311437

you think you're sick

I have stupid motherfuckers at work feeding the fucking feral cats about 900 feet from an endangered owl sanctuary

can you fucking believe THAT? why don't you motherfuckers just fucking barbecue an owl? put some frank's red hot on it, goes great with bleu cheese

why don't you just stomp on owl nests

>> No.311440

>Take responsibility; spay and neuter them.

This this this.

>> No.311441

This. It's sad that feral cats are feral, but they're a non-native species and can seriously fuck up the ecosystem of wherever they live. If you have reservations about killing them then just trap them and take them to an animal shelter. What you're doing is exactly the fucking opposite of anything that you should be doing with feral cats.

>> No.311443

yet another pet lover here

while what your doing is good but please spay and neuter them see if you have a school with student vets around and shit they will charge almost nothing

the fucking cunt next door feeds like 10+ feral cats they rip up everyone garbage bags and shit everywhere while sleeping in her yard/around it

>spay and neuter them
>spay and neuter them
>spay and neuter them
>spay and neuter them
>spay and neuter them

>> No.311445

just shoot the cats

do you have any idea how many birds the average feral cat kills every day

they are like little miniature murder machines

>> No.311510


And yes, the others are right. Spay/neuter them at the least, but preferably kill them. I get the whole "cats are cute" thing but they already are bad enough on the environment when domesticated. Feral ones are awful and can carry diseases/parasites. One of my apartment neighbors fucking feeds the feral cats that have spawned at this place.

>> No.311518

Spay and neuter. Don't kill them, but don't feed them either unless you spay and neuter. If you encourage them to breed you're just setting them up for mass starvation some way down the road.

>> No.311520

My cats bring in a constant stream of shrews and frogs. Rarely is there ever a bird and when it is, it is a mocking bird because they constantly dive bomb the cats when they walk through the yard.

I see about 3 piles of feathers, 20 dead shrews, and about 100 dead to semi-dead frogs a year. I've not seen any mice or mouse sign for about 15 years now both outside or inside or caught by the cats. Which is nice sine they over ran the place when I first moved here.

>> No.311521

So you want me to argue that cat dander is lethal to me? Why don't you Google it and find the hundreds of people who go into shock if they inhale around cats and stop being ignorant.

I live on a farm and kill things every month for many reasons. The closest animal shelter is 45 minutes away and they don't give a shit about cats.

>> No.311528


It fucking sucks. But kill the damn cat.

>> No.311531

i'd just put an old towel or blanket or something in there rather than straw.

Looks tempting enough to build one for my cat though, but fuck him, asshole wouldnt build one for me, screw him.

>> No.311544

>kill the cats

Sure is PETA, ITT.

>> No.311551

Feral and outdoor domesticated cats kill more birds annually than multiple Exxon Valdez spills put together, never mind other animals. They are an ecological disaster on a massive scale, but because they're cute and fuzzy, people get all teary about it.

Kill the damn cats.

>> No.311552

Humans more animals annually than multiple volcano eruptions put together, never mind the extinction of the dinosaurs. They are an ecological disaster on a massive scale, but because they're your mother and and brother, people get all teary about it.

Kill the damn humans.

>see 2 can play this game

Just spay or neuter your cats and suddenly there won't be any outside to wander about on killing sprees. You may want to think about spaying or neutering yourself too.

>> No.311557

Really op?
>hurp durp gunna sab teh wittle kitty, let everyone else deal with these cute darlings lol xD halp me maek box :D:D:D

Fuck you. Feral cat shit in the garden, feral cat shit in thetalented /diy/ers play area. Feral Cats running around spreading fleas and ticks and worms to our animals and household, along with a plethora of other diseases.
They attack pets and farm animals and steal their food. They are tiny little terrors and you should be making traps and not shelters. Fill one of those plastic containers full of water and drown them. A lot of people are saying spay them to be nice and politically correct. Exterminate them like rats and cockroaches, that's essentially what a feral cat is.

And before someone goes nuts on me. I do have cats. I have 1 indoor cat, and 2 barn cats. They are trained to use their litter box (YOU CAN TRAIN CATS) and they stay in the barn during the day so they dont disturb anything or anyone, only going out to kill the nocturnal varmints. They are spayed and neutered. I love them to death, they are as much family as any other pet I have. But I hate feral cats.

>> No.311558

I love the comments at the end of the Ashley Pond blog. The birds aren't in any way endangered, nor would she ever dream of killing cats (though she wouldn't mind if you did it for her). I don't know if that trumps the switch from crows killing cute songbirds to it all being the fault of feral cats partway through.

>> No.311559

FIV, FIV everywhere

>> No.311560

Another way to keep heat inside would be the classic igloo approach with an entrance at the bottom, as warm Air rises while cooler Air sinks down.
Also, I take pride in stomping baby owls whenever I'm Not busy clubbing seals. Fuckers kill more small animals when grown up than you imagine.

>> No.311582

Hey guys I wan't to build a habitat for mice, rats, roaches, termites, carpenter ants, silver fish, feral cats and any other cute loving pets you could think of.

Any ideas? And don't say kill them, because you can't kill pets. Pets are cute and have a right to be here just as humans. So it's my duty to let them live on my property and increase their population.

>> No.311587

>Hey guys I wan't to build a habitat for mice, rats, roaches, termites, carpenter ants, silver fish, feral cats and any other cute loving pets you could think of.
You are now aware you already have. Congratulations on being part of humanity!

>> No.311596

ITT: angsty teens

Seriously, spay and neuter instead of killing. The feral population will die off if everyone did that. You'd be cutting the total cat population in the USA in half just by doing that.

I'm of the school that you need to eat what you kill, fyi. Cat meat isn't really all that great, it is on par with squirrel which I also dislike.

>> No.311599


Why don't you sponsor a state or national public fund to get them spayed or neutered? You're calling everyone a teenager while you put forth a plan without thinking it through. Who pays for the spaying an neutering? Where do you take them? To the vet? What about the other sick animals that take priority? To the shelter? They're already over capacity. That's why a bunch of animals get put down on a daily basis.

Just running in here and yelling SPAY AND NEUTER HURRRRR isn't a solution you fucking libtard. Adults have to think about all the shit that comes with these half-baked ideas. We don't get the luxury of saying stupid shit and pretending we have the moral high ground and superior intellect.

>> No.311614

>Why don't you sponsor a state or national public fund to get them spayed or neutered?

I do. I've even volunteered during operations too. I got gassed one time while assisting the vet working on a female dogs. I started to pass out, but it evidently was only a tiny whiff of the gas and I never made it to the ground. We hadn't even began yet. lol That one was for an abortion (tiny female beagle, MASSIVE St. Bernard father) and a fix. It was freaky pulling out massive mostly-formed puppies and needing to destroy them. It was like something from an Aliens movie.

The county vets all get together and do a week of free fixes at certain locations on certain days. Everyone races to get their 5,000 cats and few dogs fixed. There's always too many. All of mine are spayed and all are outside cats >>311520

>> No.311635

You people need to understand that by feeding and sheltering feral cats you're just forcing somebody like me to kill them at a later time. I shot 9 feral cats on my grandma's farm last year because nobody else in the family would do it.

For I am the mighty cat hunter!

>> No.311688

Why does everyone want to kill feral cats? They dont even steal food :(

>> No.311689

>i love animals but i hate animals and kill them often

>> No.311691

are you a cat?

>> No.311693

CIDF pls go

>> No.311721

>Why does everyone want to kill feral cats?

Because this is /diy/, where the majority of people here are the ones who fix stuff, build things and generally solve problems themselves. Feral cats are a problem.

There was a thread a few days ago about trapping/killing feral hogs... but since they're not furry and cute, nobody was complaining about the need to kill them.

>> No.311722

killing ≠ hate

>> No.311723


>i love animals but let others kill them and eat them often

Do you hate your hamburger? No. Stop being a child.

>> No.311725

>forcing somebody like me to kill them

No one is forcing your to do anything. You are the one that wants to shoot the cats. Don't try to blame others for your own decisions.

>> No.311726

helo op taking advice from tumblr is a bad idea
social justice doesn't work for cats well.

feral cats and dogs are a fucking problem, they have terrible genetics, are extremely aggressive and carry diseases. Not to mention if enough round up they form packs, which are a real fucking problem since they go off killing pet dogs/cattle/children without giving a shit.

>> No.311727

he should probably just let them kill everything in his farm then, would that please you more anon

>but teh kitties are cute xD they have feligns!!! my cat got sad once at meh :((((

>> No.311729

Overhunting of the plains buffallo? Feral cats. He better move quick before those honed hunters finish with the cattle and move onto him and his family.

>> No.311747

Every big city in the developed world has an animal control department of some kind, and yes, they capture and euthanize feral cats on a daily basis. Its not some shameful secret cat-murder fetish, these animals need to be controlled by us because it's our fault they don't fit into any ecosystem or habitat. Spay/neuter and release is only part of the solution, and you're naive in the extreme if you think that killing cats is something that can be avoided completely. There's no need to be wantonly cruel, but at least be realistic.

>> No.311748

Take your /b/ shit back to /b/, please.

>> No.311754



Yeah cats will go extinct if we kill ferals.

>> No.311779


>> No.311871

>(tiny female beagle, MASSIVE St. Bernard father)

dude I met these guys who had a beagle st bernard mix but the mother was the st bern while they were drunk as fuck they thought it would be funny for the beagle to fuck the st bern

months later they have a 120 beagle shit was mind blowing

>> No.311872


it even howls like a beagle but with a super deep voice

>> No.311887

Thank you anon. You are 100% accurate. There wasn't a desire to build the hogs a nice little warm shelter. Or a desire to keep them safe. The op and general consensus was to kill the hogs because they were a nuisance.

Feral cats are a problem. They carry disease, they have been known to attack pets, just overall a problem. Now this op thinks it's a great idea to build them all a little house to stay warm in and help survive the winter.

Ill admit, I hate cats. Never been a cat person. I do love dogs however, but dont think for minute I would hesitate to put down a dog I viewed as a threat to my family.

Op, some may applaud your efforts but I think you are doing the wrong thing. I'm not saying you should go put a bullet into each cats head but let nature run it's course. If the cats are meant to survive the winter then let them do it on their own.

>> No.311889

I like cats. I've had two as pets for years. However, I keep them indoors ONLY.

Feral cats are a serious problem in both my neighborhood and America. Not as bad as feral hogs, but they are still a serious issue.

>> No.311891

most realistic post in this thread

>> No.311903


>> No.311905

if you're going to take care of them that much, you might as well just let them inside and keep them as pets.

>> No.311915

I think that's been the point all along actually.

>> No.312219


>> No.312710

you need to make a weight sensitive latch on the bottom of the shelter rated at about 10-15 lbs. then when the cat enters and the latch trips, the doorway closes and two seperate containers on the side pour bleach and ammonia together into a primary jug which pumps into the main enclosure.

you may also consider the latch activating a series of spring loaded spikes to fire into the enclosure, a sort of "iron kitty" if you will.

>> No.312769

>Seriously, spay and neuter instead of killing. The feral population will die off if everyone did that. You'd be cutting the total cat population in the USA in half just by doing that.

cats can live for 20 fucking years or more. Kill the worthless shits, don't waste your money and risk your health by capturing them and then taking them to get spayed or neutured, that shit can get expencive quick. CUt out the middle man and save yourself decades of grief. Kill the damn things, they are pests.

>> No.312774

larger hole, plastic strips hanging down

>> No.312779

Holy shit. After reading some of your posts, I rolled my eyes hard enough to register as a small earthquake.

Yes, I'm totally ruining the whole fucking world by keeping a couple former housecats that were dumped off from freezing to death this winter. Guilty as charged. Pretty proud of myself for doing so, too. Ain't give a fuck.

As for those of you who advocate killing the cats or are guilty of such acts yourselves, your carbon footprint is totally ruining the fucking world, too. Better kill yourselves, guys. Seriously. Seriously, guys. Time's running out. In the time it took you to read this, 3,766 species became extinct specifically because of you.

For fucking shame.

>> No.312813


>> No.312832


>> No.312836

I agree. We need to kill people. Not cats.

>> No.312838

>3,766 species became extinct specifically because of you.

[citation needed]

>> No.312841

I know you mean well, but you really are just enabling the problem. Doing nothing at all would be better than setting these shelters up.

Consider what you're doing. You're basically setting up shop with a giant neon sign that says "HERE'S A WARM PLACE YOU CAN FUCK AND POP OUT BABIES. ALL CATS WELCOME".

>> No.312850

The alley behind a family member's office has had a feral cat problem for years. On several occasions I have had to remove the corpse of one who made its way into the basement of the building seeking warmth only to become trapped n die.
The worst one got run over by a car, poor thing's eyes were literally hanging.
Sorry for the above gruesome image but.. I am not a cat person (more dog myself) n I def consider myself more cold hearted than bleeding but you peps saying kill them cant honestly say you could have to see one in that condition n feel nothing... even if not a reflection of the fragility of your own mortality.
I would only kill an animal for survival purposes to feed myself, n even then there must be a reverence.

Yes your solution is not absolute but at least the noble intentions there. Hats off to ya, we need more good less evil in this gd world.

>> No.312896

>hurr durr carbon footprint

Oh. You are one of those kinds of easy mislead retards. Let me clue you into why you think cats are cute and why you think you are "good" for saving them. Human brains are hardwired to recognize certain patterns. Namely, the facial patterns of other people. More specifically, the facial patterns of children. The reason we evolved to do this was so we didn't kill our young as cave men. Coincidentally, this is the reason human beings instinctively find cats and other small animals to be cute. They have the facial proportions of a human child. Large eyes, small nose, small mouth. You aren't a noble person for trying to save a cat, you are mentally defective. Your primitive old brain is over riding the parts that make you a modern human being and are telling you to protect small animals because you mistake them for human children. Don't feel bad, a lot of stupid people have this problem and didn't evolve with the rest of us. Normally we let it slide, it's not that bad of a defect, but when it effects the rest of us, we are going to correct your faulty behavior.

>feral cats
>lol abandoned house cats from across the street, im so nice ;)

are not the same thing. It is your fault for misleading people and it doesn't make us evil for pointing out the obvious solution for a very real problem. If they are wild cats, they need to be spayed, neutered, captured or killed. If they are some neighbors house cat you need to tell them to take care of their pet before something bad happens to it. If that neighbor has left, then you need to adopt it into your house and be a responsible pet owner. Making little kitty houses for other people's cats is not the right thing to do and you are going to be rightly criticized for doing it. Also, chances are what you are doing is illegal. Take a wild guess why that might be.

>> No.312906

You really need to find a hobby or something because you look at what you typed, you could use a break from trying to be condescending on the Internet

>> No.312917
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ITT: The cancer that is killing /diy/
This is a DO IT YOURSELF board. This means making, repairing, or modifying things.
Your take on the merits of any project is really irrelevant.
>>>/b/ welcomes haters with open arms, so GTFO.

>> No.312963
File: 32 KB, 456x337, 1324269054465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can not into that feral cat colonies keep OTHER cats out of the area.
>can not into that a few fixed feral cats actually keep the number of cats in the surrounding area down
>can not into that owls are bird of prey and will snatch cats up and eat them

Ever heard of barn cats? Also if you think owls are defenseless and should worry about a few feral cats in the area you are an idiot of the highest caliber and I am actually surprised you found how to use your computer.

>> No.312971

>I would only kill an animal for survival purposes to feed myself
so are you a vegetarian?because if you don't kill all your own food that means you eat an animal that lives in a cage small enough it can't turn around the majority of it's life and gets punched through the brain with a bolt gun?

>> No.312975


Wait, they cage fish now?

>> No.312985

Not him, but I live in the country, hunt, fish, and farm. I grow, raise, and kill what I eat. I'm currently eating chicken that I killed.

Stop projecting your life style onto others.

Now if you will excuse me, I have canning to do.

>> No.312986

>I'm better than everyone by virtue of my geographical location and economic niche

>> No.312991

Yes, scrub.

>> No.313001 [DELETED] 

>Stop projecting your life style onto others.
I'm not projecting my life style onto others. I don't care if he eats meat from a factory I think it's hypocritical of him to say he only would ever kill an animal to eat if he eats meat already. Fuck off.

>> No.313322

Total retard. Everyone here absolutely takes the merits of a project into discussion. Go read that the other threads here. Guy wants to build an underground room. We tell him "NO, YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF."

>> No.313323

Yes, they are typically made of glass.

>> No.313325

>you could use a break from trying to be condescending on the Internet

But that's what the internet was built for.

>> No.313328

so are you a vegetarian?because if you don't kill all your own food that means you eat an animal that lives in a cage small enough it can't turn around the majority of it's life and gets punched through the brain with a bolt gun?

Did I stutter? I am quite aware an animal dies for my meals and if I were put into the situation where I would have to take it into my own hands for survival I would do so.
But what you are advocating is not that, it is simply killing because they are a annoyance to you, n you dont even have any respect for the life you claim you would take.

>> No.313329

>has never killed a fly in his life.

>> No.313358


WTF, out of glass? How the hell do they keep the fish from just busting out and getting away?

>> No.313360

Ahahahha.. very funny.. never killed a fly in my life.
All the other differences/philosophical debate aside... I cannot go to jail for animal cruelty for killing a fly. I can for a cat.
But dont let logic like that get in the way of your witty retort.

>> No.313368
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>Sheltering feral cats
>Not caging/shooting them

Seriously, I've four modified cat-transporters that I've been using to cull 2-3 cats a month off mine and my neighbours land. Disgusting creatures.

How could anyone ever want cats roaming about?

>> No.313388

At the local lake, every other day, I take down a 25lbs bag of cat food and feed about 45 cats there. About half I can pet now, but the other half I can't mostly because there's so many. they recognize the sound of my vehicle now too. lol

>> No.313422

Define the difference between killing cats versus killing rats and other large pests. You cannot. Both wild animals are pests. It's animal cruelty if you get off torturing them. Catch and release fishing is more cruel than exterminating pests.

>> No.313456

Killing is bad.

>> No.313464

In the context of pests the question becomes IF and How said animal is negatively impacting your survival/lifestyle.
Smaller pests like insects/rodents can more easily sneak into our homes spreading disease w/ their droppings and potentially devouring our food stocks.
Rabbits/gophers might eat much needed plant crops, whilst coyotes/foxes might eat live stock.
If you could present a situation in which a feral cat might pose such threat I would be inclined to listen. The only one I could possibly conceive would be disease via fecal matter in crops. However remember too that cats being carnivores also tend to kill rodents and have some merits in that aspect.

>> No.313466

you have a problem with mouse and rats, you will thank the cats.
have a problem with rabbits, coyotes make your life easier.

That happened to me, when i move to my new house, in the old one we used to have rats and mouse once per year, we live very close to the woods, now im in the city and there is a shit tons of cats here, but no rats,

>> No.313469

I hope they are flammable.
You're probably scum bags who leave out ice cream buckets of cat food around cities.

>> No.313494

>have a problem with rabbits, coyotes make your life easier.
Why not kill both? You can eat the rabbits and sell the pelts of each for extra income.

>> No.313495

*sell the pelts of both

>> No.313499

Because you can't kill enough, ever. Same goes for cats. In my area coyotes are moving up from the south all the time. Now they are permanently established. The deer, rabbit, raccoon, and feral cat population is now in almost perfect check.

There was a spike of coyotes at first, but once the game was lowered they also lowered. Now there's no more nasty sick deer with green meat during hunting season. This marks the first year raccoons haven't destroyed my corn and I actually had a crop of corn to hang and dry.

>> No.313508


Fuck off you easily manipulated twit.

>> No.313522

the cages/tanks can become overcrowded, fish that are farmed are usually more fatty than those found in the wild and there are other problems with factory fish farming anyway

>> No.313529

Also, I don't think anyone on here has even suggested capturing and RELOCATING the animals, rather than killing them.

>> No.313577

We are relocating them.

To cat heaven.

>> No.313586

>Relocating pests
Yeah, that's a genius plan.
Move them to a completely new area, where they will simply become another person's problem, which will be solved by shooting them.

By hey, your conscience is clean, because you did the 'humane' thing and relocated it.