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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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281582 No.281582 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/, i've been suffering through a week of dickhead flies in my living room. I tried a vinegar trap with no results, and have resorted to using pillows as weapons. I've killed a good 10-ish, but there's always plenty of them. I checked all my windows and doors, and none of them are cracked. So, /diy/, what you would recommend i do? I'm ready to kill these fuckers.

>> No.281583
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Never been on this board, so bumping with random shit

>> No.281587
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>> No.281588
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>> No.281591

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Also fly paper, the kind that hangs from ceilings.

>> No.281601

spray some fucking raid in there. If you keep killing them and they keep coming back, you've got some kind of food source infested with maggots somewhere in your house.

>> No.281605

quit shitting on the floor

>> No.281606

Put dish detergent in a bowl on a table. Thrash it around. They like the smell or the look of the bubbles, not sure which. Anyway it coats their wings and they drown.

>> No.281611


This is a very slow board, bumping every minute will only make my rage penis harder and less likely to help you.

>> No.281616
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And not even necessarily infested yet. Just a food source that isn't completely sealed.

Go through all the food you have outside of your fridge. If any of it isn't totally sealed, stick it in the fridge or in some absolutely tightly sealed drawer.

I once stored a bag of chips (rolled up but not tightly sealed) in my kitchen drawers, and that attracted flies like mad. The moment I threw the chips out and stopped storing anything even slightly unsealed outside of the fridge, the flies stopped appearing.

Same happened a week later when I bought some cherry tomatoes that the instructions said I must not refrigerate. Had to throw them out too after they attracted a bunch of flies. Flies were gone after that again.

Now I only store sealed canned goods and other sealed foods outside the fridge. Everything else in the fridge. No flies.

>> No.281693

>vinegar trap

There's an old idiom, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".

Fly paper is the only good answer.


>> No.282285

talented /diy/erbrtalented /diy/erbr>kids

>> No.282287

>>282285<brtalented /diy/erbrtalented /diy/erbr>
<brtalented /diy/erkid

>> No.282289

>>282285<brtalented /diy/erbrtalented /diy/er

>> No.282291

>>282285<brtalented /diy/erbrtalented /diy/erbr>kids

>> No.282292

>>282285<brtalented /diy/erkidtalented /diy/erkid

>> No.282296

also sorry for this. just testing the filter for the k-word

>> No.282298

You may have a dead rodent in the walls or ceiling. If so, they will be gone in a few more days.

>> No.282948

Get a packet of ketchup and just open it and pour some on an old plate or something, in about a minute they will be swarming it hard. Once that are all nice and together nuke them with raid or your favourite fly murdering device.

You can try honey other sweet things, but I only tried with ketchup.

>> No.282961

a bottle of cheap ass wine is good. like the cheapest red wine you can find. just drink half of it and then leave the bottle out with the cork off. flies go in looking for tasty rotten grapes and then get drunk and drown.

>> No.282973

This, but do not leave it in a bottle.

What you do is pour a fair amount of the wine in a glass, then place a paper cone on the rim, where it points into the glass.

The cone should have a small opening at the tip, large enough for a few flies to get through. This is because the flies will not be able figure out how to get out once they fly in. The little fuckers get trapped for good.

>> No.282994

try hair spray ive heard hair spray hardens their wings and causes the flys to fall

>> No.283015

Use a sugar/water solution. I honestly don't think ANYTHING is attracted to vinegar.

>> No.283021

I had this problem and I figured out that you have to find the maggots. Its fucking gross and an indication of poor cleanliness I hate to admit.
>take out your trash and inspect the empty trashcan for maggots. wash it if it stinks. dont forget your outside trash can too.
>clean the dogshit in your yard and/or cat box
>dont leave any food out
>if you have fruit trees, pick up the rotten fruit from the yard
>check food for maggots especially things in boxes like cereal
>get new door seals if you can
>dont use glade plugins or anything that makes your house smell fruity or flowery for awhile
>do the dishes
>clean any sources of standing water like air conditioning drains or leaky plumbing

If you get really desperate get the hanging traps with the water/poison mix (not the wax paper ones, those are junk). Hang it as far away from your door as possible because it stinks like rotten meat and attracts massive amounts of flies from . It is also gross as fuck to look at when it gets full of dead flies.

If all that fails, call a pro. Flies are gross and can make you very sick if they go unchecked.