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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 24 KB, 600x450, news-mouse-tears_22908_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
273304 No.273304 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a mouse in my kitchen /diy/- what do i do?

>> No.273314

Set traps - mice like to walk against the wall so put the front of the trap against the wall in their path. Use peanutbutter as bait. Confuse them by using no bait at all sometimes but still have the trap in their path. Remove corpses daily to prevent the other mice catching on. Kill the fuckers!!!

Also, they are not white. Nigger mice are black.

>> No.273318

Also... don't use poison. It is slow acting (prevents blood from clotting so they eventually bleed to death) and until the time they die, you're actually feeding them..!!!

>> No.273320

I only saw one XD hoping we aren't talking about too many corpses

>> No.273329

There's more. Use traps until you haven't caught any in weeks. Seal up your house. Then leave some poison in crawl spaces. As long as they aren't nesting in your house (because you saw one of this generation is already nesting in your house) poison is fine because they will take it. And die back in their nest. You don't want the nest to be in the wall

>> No.273332

There are always more. I only saw one at first, and I ended up catching twenty over a period of two months.

>> No.273340

Step 1: Purchase clear silicone caulking, Great Stuff expanding foam insulation, and plain steel wool. Around all gaps (like pipes under the sinks or gas lines through walls) seal them up with steel wool in large gaps which is then filled with expanding foam. Smaller gaps can be caulked. The clear caulk can be used in visible area and you can use non-clear caulk any place it doesn't matter. Check windows and doors to make sure they are sealing properly. Basically, shut off all entryways into your home.

Step 2: Set mouse traps, live traps or not it does not matter. Keep resetting traps for 2 full weeks.

Step 3: after 2 weeks of trap setting, distribute rat poison throughout the area. Keep replenishing the poison as needed from now on.

What this does is kill all the mice living in your building/apartment. Then any mouse that enters from outside will eat the poison and return home where they will die in SOMEPLACE THAT IS NOT IN YOUR HOUSE. If you set poison out before the traps you'll poison the mice in your house that live in your house, that means they'll die in your house and stink the place up with DEATH.

>> No.273349

I rent in pretty old building in a major city- but i will be doing what i can. thanks for the pro tips

>> No.273355


You can still do Step 1 in >>273340 very cheaply and it'll make a huge different. I did this with everything in my house and I went a bit further and caulked all cracks around windows, base boards, light fixtures, inside electrical boxes and switches, etc. I did this to curb the asian beetle swarmed in fall and spring (they look like ladybugs). It helps against cock roaches, spiders, and of course mice. This is because the only openings are inside water/sewer pipes, the doors, and windows (screened windows). I was very detailed about it too, like so far as you would do to clean a room to prepare it for painting it, is how far I went.

Now those asian beetles number in the 100 range instead of the literal 10,000s ranges.

>> No.273429

This dude is right about the peanut butter. Mice love that shit, especially the really sugary skippy style stuff from a supermarket. You can bait any number of traps with it and they'll always go for it.

>> No.273433

You need a humane mouse trap. One that will not kill the animal and will make you safe from her.
Some are here:

don't forget to take pic to show us.

>> No.273435

get a cat?

>> No.273437

main pragmatic reason to go humane is no corpses in your walls, OP

>> No.273438


>> No.273482

Get a snake; keep it in your apartment.

>> No.273491

I hear a 1:1 mixture of flour and cement is suppose to be effective. It's suppose to harden up in the intestines as water is removed.

>> No.273501 [DELETED] 

I surprised no DIY traps.

>> No.273506


>> No.273640
File: 67 KB, 578x648, cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you give that mouse a cookie

but really i would do 1 (hell all 3) of 3 things
1. put out a mouse trap with some peanut butter on the trigger

2. have some buttered toast in a livetrap (one of the catch a animel alive kind of traps)

3. put out some rat poison

but you should check your heater vents (HOUSE OR APT?) and try and find out how it may have go into your home

>> No.273679
File: 449 KB, 800x1200, mouse things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres somthing for you OP

>> No.273681

>catch it alive
>attach gps to it
>find its nest

>> No.273821


1. Buy peppermint oil.
2. Buy cotton balls.
3. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil.
4. Place cotton balls along edge of wall or in corners.
5. Mouse high sense of smell cant tolerate.
6. Mice will leave on their own.
7. Clean your nasty ass house you slob.

>> No.273850

This. It's what cats are for!
Plus, you have an adorable little fluffy bastard around to play with.

Also, put down some cat-safe mousetraps as insurance, and seal the gaps they got in through.

>> No.273863

Catch it alive using >>273679 then keep it as a pet

>> No.273887


our rats are bigger than cats. wat do?

>> No.273893


bucket trap

>> No.273986

Rats are easy. Just have the local sheriff evict them. In about 90 days they'll be out of there.

>> No.274014

>I saw a mouse in my kitchen /diy/- what do i do?

people will tell you to set traps and bait them with all sorts of shit
Mice arent as stupid as people think they are.
We had a mose in the house for about 6 months, baited traps put all sorts of shit down, but the only way I killed it was when I happened to see it while i had a broom in my hand.

3 months after that we saw another mouse and bought a cat.
the cat caught the mouse
that was two years ago and since then we havent seen any mice and the cat is now treated like a god in our house

tl;dr get a cat nothing else works

>> No.274070

Peppermint oil I said! Fuck a cat. Some cats are dumb as shit and don't even catch/kill mice.

>> No.274077

That happens because you are not using the correct bait and/or are not placing the traps in the correct locations. I'd rid 100s of mice from several house in my life.

Mice really are that dumb.

>> No.274084

glue traps are money son.

they are alive when you get em, just throw thoes fuckers in the dumpster.

>> No.274104

dude thanks for this thread- my dad found a mouse in our rice sack that was in the garage.. threw that rice out.

he also bought some rat poison food shit, the next day there were scattered rat food around the garage. i'll tell him to buy a trap instead. would be gross to have a mouse gradually die from poison and die in its nest.

>> No.275053

Mice love gumdrops