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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2488866 No.2488866 [Reply] [Original]

I have the list of ingredients to a lotion that works wonders but I can't find the proportions.

Distilled water
Alcohol 70
Zinc oxide
Lactic acid

My best guess:
100ml Distilled water
25ml Alcohol 70
5ml Glycerin
20g Zinc oxide
Talc (don't?)
3g Resorcinol
10g Sulfur
5ml Lactic acid


>> No.2488898

>Distilled water
>Alcohol 70
>Zinc oxide
actual medicine
actual medicine
actual medicine
>Lactic acid
makes skin inhospitable to microbes, probably.

I'd look for topical tubes of those actual medicines and find out their concentrations, then make the rest from whatever you desire to hit the right ratio.

The issue with missing the mark is drying out/burning your skin and making the problem worse. None of that will kill you, just at high enough concentrations will fuck up your skin

I am not a doctor, fuck you, fuck your lawsuits, do at your own risk.

>> No.2488905

>I'd look for topical tubes of those actual medicines and find out their concentrations
Yeah that's how I came up with my best guess. I'm being conservative on the concentrations.

Thanks for the filler vs medicine sorting.

>> No.2488908

If ya did that I'd say you're probably gonna be okay to give it a shot. If your skin is drying out a lot you could probably axe the alcohol, desu a good cleansing beforehand will likely take care of the function it's doing anyway, but won't dry out the skin.
I'd also start out slower, maybe once every three days for a week or two, then every other, then everyday over the course of a month or so just to make sure you don't overreact to it.
Again, nothing in there will likely harm you, but you are just ballparking numbers and it's best to test the waters slowly. But since you're being conservative it's probably going to be okay.

If you notice any extra dryness, again, the alcohol probs doesn't need to be there, but continued dryness and inflammation/redness/itchiness is a more sure sign to stop.

fuck the big acne (((people)))

>> No.2488912


Some big things for acne:

> exercise
> lots of water
> no processed food at all, only natural foods
> change pillow case every night
> benzoil peroxide wash

>> No.2488918

Some nibbas are just prone to acne bro. I never, ever washed my face as a teen, nor today, and never really dealt with acne.

One of my friends in my friend group had such severe acne he has the classic acne scars, his brother had the same thing. It's genetic for some and no amount of meme things can change that. Sometime medicine is the best medicine

>> No.2488925


im not a doctor nor do I work in the pharma industry but I am somewhat knowledgable in chemistry and do a lot of work in a lab and my impression:

>zinc oxide
I understand this to be used for sunscreen; it is white and reflects UV light very well— in your acne lotion, this may be its purpose as UV irritates acne
I’d imagine this is primarily filler but also thickens the lotion and makes it more viscous
>calling water/glycerin filler
you have to deliver the medicine somehow ? good luck applying a thin film of medicine to your whole face without it being suspended in a liquid matrix..
>100ml water, 25ml alcohol, 5ml glycerin
I’d guess its more like 60/40/20, glycerin is the primary component that thickens the mix to a paste
>10g sulfur
10g elemental sulfur seems high to me but thats based on only my knee jerk intuition. I’ve not worked with elemental sulfur but I don’t think its very common to use a lot for any food/medicine purpose

As for the active ingredients, I would recommend trying to find the actual intended dosage which should be available in literature. From there you wanna reverse engineer the quantity to put in your batch by estimating the volume of a single dose/squirt of lotion.

As someone who randomly suffered from severe cystic acne at age 22 for 1.5yrs, what worked for me was benzyl peroxide and just waiting it out. Many people will want to put you on a regiment of lotions and acids— avoid this. What your skin needs is to find its balance. The end goal is to wash your face with water twice a day. Skin was not made to be subjected to industrial chemicals constantly and those may mask symptoms but ultimately will just further throw it off balance. But, to be fair, our environments are so unnatural that it may be impossible for you to solve the root causes (diet, hormone imbalance, etc)

>> No.2488927

>>zinc oxide
>I understand this to be used for sunscreen; it is white and reflects UV light very well— in your acne lotion, this may be its purpose as UV irritates acne
I shoulda realized this in >>2488898, but yeah, this anon is probably more right and you should listen to them. Any time you're fuggin with skin, or just any time in general, you want to be protecting your skin from UV. Lotions and ointments can make your skin more susceptible to UV and increase your risk for cancer and increase skin aging.

>> No.2488935

Zinc is used as an antifungal agent as acne is usually caused by bacteria or fungus. Bacteria acne needs an acid to kill the bacteria (usually salicylic acid, also used to treat open infected wounds) while Fungal acne needs zinc oxide to kill the fungus. Both types look very similar, so OP should just buy salicylic acid based acne cream and zinc based acne cream instead of 1. Potentially fucking up his skin even worse with some concoction, and 2. Listening to retards online.

>> No.2488944

Exactly. I've struggled for years with all sorts of creams, lotions, diets, protocols, whatever, nothing really worked. Until I bought this homemade lotion while I was traveling abroad and it cured my acne 100% in a matter of weeks. I couldn't believe it. Thank god they had written the ingredients on it even though it was clearly not a manufactured product. Now I just need to figure out the proportions. Looks like I'm on the right path.

Thanks so much! The lotion is very liquid, not a paste at all, so I think it contains little talc and glycerin, but I'll try your 60/40/20 mix and see what it's like. You're probably right about the sulfur, a lot of creams seem to have 10% sulfur but I can lower that to 5% or less. Now that I've got multiple confirmations that I'm not wildly off in my estimates I'll do more research to be as precise as possible.

>What your skin needs is to find its balance. The end goal is to wash your face with water twice a day.
Yep. Once it clears up I can go ~6 months without using the product until it gradually comes back.

>our environments are so unnatural
The natural thing that works for me is swimming in the ocean. The combination of exercise and salt water is probably what fixes it. Unfortunately I don't live on the coast at the moment.

>> No.2488945

That must be it. My acne must be fungal. That would explain why all the other creams I've tried never worked (they were all acid based).

>> No.2488950

It also explain why salt water works...

"Sodium chloride (NaCl) salt is a known antifungal agent that acts by altering osmotic gradients, forcing organisms to expend energy in osmoregulation, diverting it away from growth."

Damn! And they say don't take medical advice from anons on 4chan... Yet not a single fucking dermatologist ever told me that shit. All they've done was to prescribe me antibiotics or some shit that makes you want to kill yourself (which I never took).

>> No.2488951

Imagine learning that there are two main acnes types for 99% of people from a mechanical engineer on a fucking Japanese image board. Doctors are genuinely fucking retarded man, I'm not kidding. Engineers solve problems, we have to come up with solutions from thin air. Doctors basically just memorize bullshit for 8 years and have zero critical thinking. That's why those Doctors with basic problem solving skills become the best in their field, it's extremely sad.
>verification not required

>> No.2488952

I'm also assuming you live in a humid climate? Fungal acne is far more common in places with higher RH. If your acne clears up a little when it starts to get drier out (usually when cool dry air comes at the end of the year) that's fungal.

>> No.2488958

Yep... I'm learning the hard way that I need to be my own doctor... It's too hard to find one that cares and wasn't simply trained to sell pills. If doctors where mechanics all they would do is turn off the check engine light and tell you to keep driving even though your car is spewing oil all over the place. And of course they'd do that with a halo of superiority and smugness surrounding them.

>I'm also assuming you live in a humid climate?
Yes... tropical, it's humid all year round.

>> No.2488967

shit, I remember my days with cystic acne and some oldfag doctor literally taking one of those flashlight magnifying glasses and looking at them closely. What the fuck was even the point of that? See if there's some parasite in them?

for some irrational reason, it irritates me when people immediately jump to this answer but in my case (and not saying this would be the case for everyone), cleaning up my diet helped. I never did try zinc though.

There should be a DIY medicine general with a disclaimer to 'not try any of the shit on there' just to keep the mods/admins off our nuts. I'm not writing off doctors completely, but some of them are absolute fucking idiots and some of the best answers can come from other people online.

For example, I did martial arts for many years and all a doctor will do for a broken toe is tie it to the toe next to it. That's it. Tie it and wait.

>> No.2488975

Some doctors are genuinely great at their job, most aren't. Majority of doctors barely pass school lol. In college, as soon as those med students begin wearing dress clothes and scrubs to class, they got smug and cocky as fuck. I made it a point to put them in their fucking place before my engineering classes got more focused. Never trust a doctor, don't trust their medicine unless it is some $5 steroid they are definitely not making money off of. Same reason I didn't get the covid shot, had nothing to do with politics (idk why it even became political wtf) and everything to do with seeing how if the medical field wasn't forced to adhere to insanely strick guidelines by the FDA, they would 100% fuck something up. Covid vaccines got to bypass a ton of FDA regulations, fuck that. Anyway, it seems like you most likely have fungal acne, so just keep your gave dry, clean, and use some good cream. Also just because you don't have bacteria acne (or not much) doesn't mean you can't get it, so keep that gave clean. Good luck

>> No.2488979

sweat it out

>> No.2488981
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>shit, I remember my days with cystic acne and some oldfag doctor literally taking one of those flashlight magnifying glasses and looking at them closely. What the fuck was even the point of that? See if there's some parasite in them?
kek. some retard doctor scraped a little bit of my skin once to look at it under a microscope. came back a few minutes later saying there was nothing. all he could come up with was "your body is like a volcano".

I have pretty good diet. no processed food. just meat and veggies. I really think it's just fungal. I've had problems with fungus before (toes). I think my body is not very good at fighting it. I'm going to look at antifungal foods I could incorporate into my diet.

I don't even trust steroids. They've done me more harm than good in the past (after a motorcycle accident that fucked me up good). Thanks again for your help.

First time on /diy/
Did not disappoint

>> No.2488989

I've always been curious about shining a small UV flashlight on them so you don't take collateral damage on healthy skin. Would be interesting to see the results. OP, get a cheap UV flashlight on amazon and try it out if the fungal route doesn't give you results.

>> No.2488999

>I really think it's just fungal.
there's a simple test for that which can be performed by a dermatologist (or you could even diy it)
They take a small scraping and then add a little bit of a lye solution-- this dissolves skin cells but doesn't dissolve the chitinous cells of fungal or insect origin making them easy to observe under a microscope. I assume they would have checked this when they did your testing

>> No.2489054

Before you go to far with home brew, have you tried a strong tea tree oil wash yet?
When it works, it's great. You'll need to give it 2 or 3 washes. If it's not showing signs of working, give up.

>> No.2489338

Clean your face 2x a day with rubbing alcohol. Don't let sweat, dirt, and oil stay on your face for long.
Instead of all those chemicals being absorbed into your skin, why not buy a tanning light and use it a few times a week. For some reason, it works in clearing up acne.

>> No.2489545

I think I'll try that. It will be easier than sourcing the ingredients to my DIY lotion. If that fails I'll try the lotion again.

>> No.2490358

My theory is that cystic acne is a hormone imbalance that causes a deficiency, sometimes its a form of allergic reaction, like milk for example. Getting lots of sun is important at preventing acne in my case ( I realize that it's about to be winter ). But sulfur soap is a good thing to use habitually, and it's pretty cheap.
If you want an internal solution, take Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium, and Copper, Omega 3, and a natural antifinflamatory like Turmeric or Cordyceps mushrooms.
Those things are to restore your natural hormone levels, and prevent inflamation caused by the acne so that your skin can repair.
Good luck my man.

>> No.2490496

wild oregano oil, pure
lance each one with a needle and put oregano oil on the cut
it will burn like a motherfucker
I have cured herpes sore on my mouth with oregano oil as well as foot mushrooms
also inhaled 7 drops on half a liter of boiling water and cured my sinus inflammation pain, probably unclogged them as well

>> No.2490541

Baking soda worked for me back when I was a teenager. But I never had acne bad.

>> No.2490648

How water and shower 3 times a day, change sheets and pillowcase every night.

>> No.2490887

post your diet this week and exercise routine/ length of time you have sweat dried on your skin. when was the last time you washed your blankets, pillows and bedsheets? id bet a lump of cash that its the root of your problem. you're just making a complex bandaid without treating the cause

>> No.2490910

drink more water, get more vitamin A, minimize caffeine and alcohol

>hot water shower 3x a day
that just makes your body produce more oil, which is what the acne bacteria eats. changing sheets and
>change sheets and pillowcases
yes, good

>> No.2491778

It could be hormonal acne, some of the stuff you put on your skin are endocrine disrupters which fuck with your hormones. Adequate sleep at the right time (i.e. not staying up all night and sleeping during the day) can mess up your endocrine system. Some of the stuff you eat can influence it as well, such as onions, seed oils and ultra processed foods . Washing your body too much can actually destroy your protective skin barrier, especially with really hot water (at least in my experience). Try using a natural bar soap, maybe goat soap, and see if it helps. You may find that loofahs you leave in the shower grow mold/fungi on it, so that could be a factor, or the fact that it could be too abrasive for your skin, try opting for a wash cloth and exfoliate only once a week instead. Exercising, getting sun, and drinking lots of water can help too.

>> No.2491827

>Hot water and shower 3 times a day,
How water turns grease and oil into a more runny/malleable state allowing it to exit the , if it's not old and rock hard

>> No.2492377

Resorcin max. 10% of the whole mix. Test it.

>> No.2492439

Just take lowdose isotretinoin you absolute fucking retard

>> No.2492458

>I have pretty good diet. no processed food. just meat and veggies.
Hmm. My cystic acne always arrives after I've eaten things like butter, oil, ground beef. Very fatty things. And I get skin surface pimples from sugar. It's not up for debate anymore, I've ran the experiments on my diet. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.2492896

Dude, cut out sugar and drink more water, like at least half a gallon a day. Your piss should be clear. And jack off more, your hormones are out of whack. Exercise too, but just use mild soap, no creams or lotions or other shit with acids in it. Just plain ass bar soap.

>> No.2493059

Change your diet mate. Cut out dairy and sugar for a start, particularly chocolate

>> No.2493063

1) stop fapping
2) drink more water
3) get wayyyyyy more electrolytes

>> No.2493260
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How to spot a 15 year old
>-the post

>> No.2493309

go to a dermatologist

>> No.2493521

>1 x sunbed

>> No.2493874

this is from sleeping with your neck on a hot pillow. sleep on your stomach like a normal person.

>> No.2493952

Get electrolysis at a board certified electrolysis technician or dermatologist. If you remove the hair follicles on your face, neck, back, etc (not your head, you want to keep that hair) then there are fewer pores to clog.

Along with that live near the ocean and go swimming in salt water. Ocean water is full of bacteriophages, which are viruses that affect bacteria. Viruses can't become immune to bacteriophages because viruses evolve (to the extent that a non-living virus can evolve) faster than bacteria, as they have a much shorter lifespan (for a non-living virus) than bacteria.

Sunlight and ocean water is naturally antibacterial against the bacteria that live on your skin. Skin bacteria aren't adapted to high salt content. UV light is naturally mildly antibiotic.

Cystic Acne Haver

>> No.2494573

I suffered from severe cystic acne for 10+ years. I tried everything, tapping my head, and rubbing my belly counterclockwise, home remedies from old ladies, antibacterial pills, etc. The only thing that worked was accutane. I regret waiting so long to take it.

Your cystic acne is caused by your body producing too much oil. It isn't from the food you eat, your bad hygiene, your lack of exercise or anything. It's your stupid body. If you can't afford going to the doctor, you can probably pick some up from Mexico or some other country with affordable healthcare.

When on accutane, you have to get blood test every month so you don't fuck up your liver. I just drank a shit ton of water. I could go days without showering, and still no break outs. I could eat all the greasy food I wanted, no breakouts. It's your body producing too much oil period.

>> No.2495057

crush an aspirin into it (Salicylic acid)
it's in most 'acne makeup' and treatment regiments.

>> No.2495588

Try Tea Tree oil, it's anti fungal and anti bacterial, soluble in rubbing alcohol, comes in soaps and raw oil vials.