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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2472607 No.2472607 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours do you work a day

>> No.2472608

10 hours. it sucks because i have to be up at 4am, but $650/week take home isn't bad where i live, and i've only been at my job for like a little over a month.

>> No.2472609

5 minutes. It’s horrible, I have to type something 3 times a week.

>> No.2472619

I have never worked a day in my life. I love my job.

>> No.2472633


Depends. Sometimes if I'm in the field I'll put in a solid 7-8 hours of actual real, physical labor.

The other end of the spectrum is if I'm working from home. I've had a bunch of days where I log a full day but I only do maybe half an hour to an hours worth of easy computer work (emails, reviewing drawings, etc.)

>> No.2472634
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>I never worked a day in my life
>I just laid back and let the big beat lead me

>> No.2472644

8 hours but in practice 6-7 when accounting for lunch and breaks, on the days I'm actually working.
I've got 2-4 days of on call a week, where I can't leave town and need to be ready to go at a moment's notice but otherwise can do personal stuff... But I get called in about once every 3 months, so in practice I am working 3 days a week.

>> No.2472647

Shut thebfuck up you leach. You're no better than a fucking kike.

>> No.2472648

About 8. It used to be 9 but boss cut back for some reason. Probably because neither of us want to work 9 hours. Sometimes I'll work substantially shorter days if there's not enough to do that day. But lately it's been full days. Also that's not accounting for the criminally long drives if we're going to the city. Like an hour and twenty minutes each way sometimes. I'm not one of those anti car faggots, but cities simply can't handle comfortable driving. They seem to be doing everything possible to make driving as painful as possible.

>> No.2472677

enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life

>> No.2472682

Supposed to be 7 to 3:30. But we usually bust ass and get off around 1:30 and mark 8 hours worked anyway. Foundation repair.

>> No.2472690

12 hours 3 to 4 days a week

>> No.2472701

start 6:55A
off 4:15P

start 6:55A
off 2:45P

But I only work 36 hours a week

>> No.2472710

I dont have time to work I need to make money.

>> No.2472729

Usually eight, but try to get twelve where I can. Shift pattern's abit of a hassle though, seven on, two off, eight on, four off. Three week rotation sort of thing. But also means I work two out of three weekends.

>> No.2472749

10 hours a day in a warehouse, weekends and holidays off, ends up being around 1.3k usd/week pre tax

single, (nicer) car paid and bought a house a few years ago at age 25, so most of my money is currently going into reno and other house stuff (maybe a little over half of my monthly income)

I'd like to start a family but I'm autistic and don't know how to get gf

>> No.2472761

Found the tax payer

>> No.2472887

9 hours gets the job done (8+ 30min before/after the team)

10 when I just feel like shooting shit

>> No.2472890


>> No.2472892

Is the work hard? I'd hate working that many hours doing my job.

>> No.2472894

8 hours daily (w/o breaks), 9 h 15 min if I have nightshift (usually between 6-8 nights a month)

>> No.2472910

>10 hours a day
Anon please tell me you aren't working 50 hours a week.
I work 32 hours every week and bring home $700/week. (Part time forklift operator in a lumberyard)

>> No.2472934 [DELETED] 

i think i worked something under 60 days this year and made something like 10k... god damn it, i lost my health insurance and ebt for this shit.

I had a couple 6 day weeks with 12hour shifts, i enjoyed that much more than 1 day her and another day there.

>> No.2472936

is it your first month therE?

>> No.2472937

i think i worked something under 60 days this year and made something like 10k... god damn it, i lost my health insurance and ebt for this shit.

I had a couple 6 day weeks with 12hour shifts, i enjoyed that much more than 1 day her and another day there.

the worst was driving an hour each way to work for like 4-6hr shift, fucking five days a week, when gas was peaking at like $6/gal. i was still in training so i just stfu and took the shit hours until i had more leverage there. i dont think i work there anymore.

>> No.2472949
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10 hours mon-thu and 6-7 friday and sometimes saturday

>> No.2472950

I'm AT work 8 hours a day but I work in an office so I Office Space it as much as I can.

At least five smoke breaks, nap in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes after lunch, play on my phone in the break room randomly. I'd say I do a good 3 hours of work a day

>> No.2473025

>I have never worked a day in my life. I love my job.
It's corny, but I envy you.

>> No.2473247

3-4 hours of real work a day, but I get paid for 40

>> No.2473281

Roughly 1.5 a day 7 days a week

>> No.2473285

Sometimes 10-12 hrs if I'm finishing up a job because bossman is too cheap to send me a helper most of the time.

>> No.2473336

once you know what you're doing, it's just doing the same stuff over and over again

it's easy but monotonous. there's a reason that amazon is trying to move towards robot-only warehouses

>> No.2473341

Like 5, tops. Any more and I'd give up. $27/hr but paid full + overtime.

>> No.2473370

10 hours a day, 4 days a week.

>> No.2473410
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I'm an investor/entrepreneur.
Other people do the work, I just supervise and collect the $$$.
I work, maybe a half day, 2-3 times a week. More towards the end of a financial quarter, when I meet with the accountants and tax attorneys, but that's just a couple hours.
Most of my time is just screwing around, looking for new business ventures to get into.
Lesson of the day; the harder you work, the less you make.

>> No.2473411

I probably average at least 10 hours a day 7 days a week

>> No.2473436

light day: 6-8 hours
normal day: 9-10 hours
heavy day: 11-14 hours

that's about 6 days per week

>> No.2473437

>Lesson of the day; the harder you work, the less you make.

That just means you're in a dysfunctional economic niche. I work hard but I make great money and I am constantly building equipment & processes to increase my productivity and thus justify an even higher rate

>> No.2473441

8, but a solid 7 of that is sitting on my ass staring at a CNC machine

>> No.2473473

10 running a bandsaw cutiing steel all day. i get to listen to music/podcasts/audiobooks. the guys here are cool boomers that have been here for 30+ years. the pay is great, making about 900 a week. it's mostly comfy but the material is outside which will suck in winter.

>> No.2473497

based, similar

>> No.2473551

Janny pls go

>> No.2473610

11 or so depending
been getting about 50 hours a week for a while made 800 usd last week
pretty good for me anyway

>> No.2473614

At least 37, sometimes 38

>> No.2473852

8 to 19 hours

>> No.2473862
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About 2 but I get paid for 9

>> No.2473872


>> No.2473939

Try to get 40 a week, sometimes do sometimes don't. But making $40/hr with no college degree so can't complain

>> No.2474202

i have a stem degree
i barely used it past 10 years
i recently got hired as a construction technician.
i couldnt keep up with training and chad, perfectionist dude who was training me didnt like me, im kinda social retard. this was by far hardest/fastest training ive ever had*
they let me go after a few months.
keep me on hand another few months as 1099 contractor for when they are busy.
i gained valuable experience on my resume with them.
no other recent work experience besides that.
i just got some dude on indeed calling me about a similar job... i dont have this recent job listed on my resume, shall i go ahead and list this?
do i just say, yeah i worked there and it was a temporary gig for when they were busy.

from what i understand supposedly companies will only ask "did so and so work there from x time to y time" and wont ask about character or work experience, eh?

>> No.2474256

>How many hours do you work a day
1 - 2 hours
t. engineer

>> No.2474261

40 hours on my timesheets
>tell boss I'm going for a sales meeting
>go home and jerk off instead

>> No.2474319

I fix photocopiers, it pays me 8 hours a day, but I really only work about 4. My main purpose is to be a wagie who goes and fixes machines when they break. There aren't really enough broken machines to keep me busy most workdays. A lot of my time is spent driving from one location to the next aka listening to podcasts/music.

I'd say in an average week I usually work 20 hours total. It's really comfy honestly. Paid well, matching 401k and benefits. My wageslave friends tend to work at the factories and etc that we support and always talk about how stressed they are about work. I don't get that. I'm never late, I can't be late. I'm really good at making these stupid ass printers work. It tickles my autism in just the right way.

>> No.2474340

>I fix photocopiers
not possible, you just extend the periods between them being broken useless pieces of shit
>had one break today when i had to print shit off

>> No.2474342

>>I fix photocopiers
>not possible, you just extend the periods between them being broken useless pieces of shit

You're not wrong, but the customers are just happy when they work at all, so I always get good goy ratings and etc. It's genuinely comfy overall. I feel bad for most wagies in comparison.

>> No.2474370

Back when I USED to work at burger king I brought in about 15-25 hours per week. I have evolved into a NEET

>> No.2474406

>A lot of my time is spent driving from one location to the next aka listening to podcasts/music.
driving time counts a work time unless you are driving around aimlessly

>> No.2474432

As fast as I can get my route done. Unless someone needs help or if there’s an uncovered route.
7, 7, 6, 8, 7 is about average.
>t. garbage man

>> No.2474459

I work 4 - 5 hours a day doing contract work on species at risk that benefits literally no one and in fact causes some people no small amount of inconvenience
I charge 45$ an hour and work from home
It's pretty great

>> No.2474477


I may try and do a "hang out with a cripple for a few hours a day doing basically nothing" and add $40 a day to my drinking budget.

>> No.2474516
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3-5 depending on how much I'm needed, 5 days a week.

Part time package handler at local FedEx warehouse/terminal/whatever.

It's easy work and the pay reflects that ($17-ish/hr) but holy SHIT is it ever physically draining.

>> No.2474517

I forgot to specify -- FedEx GROUND. It ain't just one company anymore.

>> No.2474528

Recently, zero.
My employer is too inept to even notice that I don't show up to work. Not that I'd be able to do much if I did go to work, since they've fucked up my computer accounts for the past 6 months and cannot seem to get the proper signatures to get them re-created.

Still getting paid though, so win.

>> No.2474531

Did you know that in the UK, $17/hr ($35.3k/yr) is considered quite a solid wage?
To make more than that requires years of experience in a good trade, or a university degree in a relevant field.

>> No.2474532

Nice anon, a rewarding job is the best kind of job.
That's a big reason why people are getting fed up with the whole work situation we've got going on. Most jobs just feel meaningless, and you never see the fruits of your labor.

>> No.2474537
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10-12 hrs

I like my actual work
the worst part is the office stuff/paperwork

I can agree with this pledge, most people are not particularly good at anything and I would prefer them out of the way

>> No.2474546

About 7-8 including my commute. Self employed luxury home repair guy. Charge about 1000 per day and work 4 days per week.

Sometimes sucks, commercial night work next week, but good pay, which I do once or twice per year. My worker and I will spend the next week paid at home, maybe go Go karting or to an arcade to make up for it.

>> No.2475446

no, 40. i get a 3 day weekend every week.

>> No.2475449

based bandsaw ape. move to machining if you can, it'll likely pay better and you won't just be a bandsaw ape

>> No.2475452

It depends what you’re doing. I worked 13.5hrs today because playing catch-up after that hurricane, but shit feels the same as 8.5hrs sitting at a desk. When I get 8.5hr days, it feels like a 5-6hr day in one spot and I’m home by 1pm.

>> No.2475480

Usually 5x 10s and an 8. Kind of sucks for time off, but I'm netting 6k leafbux/mo so it's not terrible. At my prior job I was doing 7x12 but every other week. The time off was great, but I was out of town and it sucked for the family. Now I'm home every night but basically only have 1 day off every week, feelsbadman.

>> No.2475493

in the office probably about 8, fuck anyone who judges it by anything besides time spent at work

>muh in the office for 9 hours but i only work 3 probably
okay so you’re bragging about doing nothing for 6 hours a day? Is your soul dead? I can’t imagine scrolling on your phone is more entertaining than solving real problems and excelling at your job

Unless maybe you work from home and can actually do something interesting while you are avoiding your job

>> No.2475495

12 hours a day
7 days a week
I get a day off once a month

>> No.2475661

5x10 occasional 8 on Saturday. 1 hr commute... I like machining, its deeply satisfying.

>> No.2477501

Ever since it stopped raining constantly. Close to 50 hr weeks with rotating Saturdays. Work as a Construction Materials Tester. $700+/wk isn't worth the hours.

>> No.2478050

I'm scheduled to work Mon - Fri 8am to 4:30pm
I have a personal policy of not working on Mondays or Fridays unless it's an absolute necessity. The other three days a week I try not to work before 10am and usually leave half an hour early. In KY time working this job my boss has shown up to check on me exactly 3 times and always texts in advance.

>> No.2478396

8 hours, only 3 effectively, from 7 to 3
I shit at 8 in the morning and eat at 11 or 10
The break is supposed to last half an hour but it lasts about 45min to an hour
If i have a hangover, because i live hard style i shit 2 or 3 times, i carry no shit inside me home at all, only BRING shits and see futures and balls

>> No.2478808

anywhere between 5 and 8 hrs
i like short days
fuck the boomer work-till-you-drop mentality

>> No.2478865

8 a day, 6 days a week. With options to do up to 14/5

>> No.2478983

what do you do anon?
25y/o looking for a new career. I'm currently a surveyor/subterranean utility worker. don't have time/ money for school at the moment because we're putting my wife through her masters, but I work labor and I'm getting tired of swinging a hammer and digging.

>> No.2478992



but the boss tells us to leave at 15-20 mins early nearly everyday

>> No.2478997

>At least five smoke breaks, nap in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes after lunch, play on my phone in the break room randomly.
based chads, I KNEEL

>> No.2479014

Anything from 1 hour to 10 hours a day. Its either
>"anon please make this tiny change in code you have 10 weeks"
>"anon please implement this massive feature you have 2 hours"
-t. Embedded systems engineer at a startup

>> No.2479023

Tradie here, did field work for 20 years. In busy season I'd work 50-60 hours easy, when it got slow I'd have weeks off. I got sick of dealing with homeowners and took a job managing a trade supplier. Now I work anywhere from 6-8 hours a day depending on what needs done and sometimes a few hours on Saturday.

>> No.2479025

12 hours and 18 minutes, 45 minute one-way commute. Steel mill, 4 days a week.

>> No.2479579

>datamining glowie thread
Fuck off, agent Glow

>> No.2479592

The FBI doesn't need to post threads on 4chan to know about your job. If you have to be a schizo could you at least try to be an intelligent one?

>> No.2479652

>he thinks only domestic agencies are starving for anons' info
You deserve to be stripped off your civil rights, raped and killed by glowies, retard.

>> No.2479933

Dare I ask what the hell a foreign intelligence agency would even be able to do with my employment info that they couldn't already forge or steal through more conventional means?

>> No.2479978

Are identifying like random Google ad companies with glories? You have misunderstood thr nature of the glowing meme fren

>> No.2480000
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If you're wasting time posting here, you either have too much free time and should be at work, or you're slacking on the job which means you're effectively stealing from your employer. You're a leech.

All of you should return your last months paycheck to your employer, grovel for forgiveness, negotiate a pay decrease (on your own time, not at work) and immediately do 12 hours unpaid overtime.

>> No.2480025
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>> No.2480444

Wasted digits on the faggotest opinion I've ever heard. Don't upset Mr Noseberg and get back to the grind retard, you need to retire on the handful of pennies they're holding for you in another 60 years.

>> No.2480656

Checked and told by le-opera liberal arts man

>> No.2480707

are there any travelers around this thread that can help me out?

I keep seeing these jobs that are 2-3 months long, 6-7 days a week, 10s'-12's at like $45-50/hr and a $100-130/day per diem.

How do you make the most out of the per diem rates?
I had talked with one guy who owned an RV and would camp out at an RV spot for like $500/month, is this the best way?
Do they allow you to just setup up a popup or something?
Is there a better way?
Renting a motel seems expensive

Also since they are short jobs how easy is it to get the next one going?
Or if the company likes you do they just send you to the next spot?

I'm just looking to make as much money as I can for the next few years

>> No.2480722

>>2480000 (checked)
Fucking rentoids these days have no respect for people of land.

>> No.2480724

Lol - 10 or 12 ????

I will never work that much again. I will do 4-5 tops because I own my handyman company and I just charge more per hour so it’s like I get payed for 8 hours. Lol

Wise up fellas

>> No.2480731

He might not have enough work to keep another guy busy and doesnt want to hire and fire someone, or have a part time employee which is hard to find in the trades in the 1st place.

>> No.2480739

>professional package handler

>> No.2482021

10 hours a day for 7 days, then im off work for 7 days, working shifts rock, I can never go back to mon-friday work.

>> No.2482543

>25 minute drive to employer
>drive on average 30 minutes to site
>paid work from 7 til 4:30 minus 30 minute break
carpenter apprentice

>> No.2482580

Now a days 2 maybe.
But I am semi retired.
Took a lot of 10-12 hours days to get here and start enjoying hobbies.

>> No.2482582

10 hours 4 days in a row. Works out pretty good

>> No.2483524

Maybe 3 out of 8? Which is mostly just staggering around. Dicking around on my phone, a side hustle would be nice, making some passive income.

>> No.2483584

7 usually. 8 on truck days once or twice a week. About 36 hours each week. Pay is good enuf but could always be more. Hours are all over the place from 4am to starting at 8 or 9pm. Customers suck but there's plenty of time to do nothing and fuck around since switching from cashier to stock guy.
T. retail

>> No.2483629
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you mean 17 Pound an hour

back a few years ago that was the equivalent of 30 bucks/hr. even last year it was about 25.

The war over there is really taking you guys to "pound-town" lol

On the plus side, we officially get to call the Euro the "European Peso" now so win for us

>> No.2483745

8, maybe 10 of I'm on call, or my drug addict coworkers are to fucked up.

>> No.2484618

4 or 5 hours paid, then maybe 2 hours unpaid doing research and paperwork

sole proprietorship

>> No.2484645

No, I meant $17/hr. In terms of GBP, earning £26k per year (£15/hr) is a good, solid wage, since you'd be making more than half of all working adults.
I regularly travel between the US and UK, and while US workers do make more, the past two years have been ridiculous in how expensive some things have become in the US. The same exact candy bar will sell for £1 in the UK, and $3 in the US.

>> No.2484787

five 8s that sometimes turn into 12s

>> No.2485132

2-3 hours on average, 4-7 if something goes horribly wrong or if the delivery company is late.

>> No.2486887


>> No.2486921

12-13 hours a day, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Remote camp. I think of spending half my time living like a neet as one of the benefits.

>> No.2486924

8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

>> No.2486941

Average probably 7 hours. I'm a beermaker and a full brew day takes 6.5-7hrs. On busy ways when we're canning or have lots of cellarwork it can be 8-9 but thats usually only once or maybe twice a week. On slow days, my assistant brews and I'm at the brewery for 5-6 hours. So 30-35hrs/week, 930a-430p

>> No.2487400

>3 day weekend
really does make one hell of a difference. this should be standard, people would would be a lot happier

>> No.2487556

12 hours a day/night.
36-48 hours a week plus any overtime I pick up. My life is hell and social life doesn't exist

>> No.2487627

I work 8 days a week and 25 hours a day.

>> No.2488060

I don't mind working, but I cant stand dealing with petty BS from coworkers, particularly women. If I can everr find a job that pays decent and I dont have to deal with women, Ill go back

>> No.2488062

how do you afford to live?

>> No.2488064

right now off of Savings

>> No.2488094

this. forever feeling guilty about it, but have 0 motivation to do more

>> No.2488111

8 hours
Salaried position
Office/desk job
I just look at diagrams and bills of material all day for machines I've never witnessed in person and tell people what part they need to order or other specific information like specs for piano wire screens

>> No.2488140

about 5

>> No.2488195

3-4. Bring over 1k a week and spend most of my day at home.

>> No.2488239

16 hours if I have goto site, otherwise i just look for property deals, and construction systems / designs which I don't really consider work

>> No.2488274

>forever feeling guilty about it
Don't. Boomers flipping burgers part time in the 50s made more money than literal Doctors do today.

>> No.2488340

Almost as if the population has tripled since then which has completely devalued all labor.

>> No.2488458

Maybe like 2, the rest I am just doom scrolling on /k/

t. networking engineer

>> No.2488465
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i quit my job
i'm now attempting to learn how to make composite material stuff
wish me luck

>> No.2488510

0 since June because I'm on a medical leave.
Otherwise I work 8h as a wageslave and some 2-3h at home if there's something to do around the house and garden.

>> No.2488547

That's barely above the poverty line anon.

>> No.2488549

12/day wiping ass as a CNA.

>> No.2488587

I claim 72h week on my timesheets. That's average for the last 6 weeks.

But that includes 40h normal time that I claim even if there is no work. Also travel door to door. So time actually working would be a little less.

My record is 26h in a day. Flew from LA back to Australia.

>> No.2488654

Hard to get into? I'm tired of interacting directly with people and always liked watching the photocopier/mailing machine repair guy.

>> No.2488657

The best time of my life was when I set my own hours. Arrive at work at 7am and then clear my desk and inbox and leave. I ate lunch at home every day.

>> No.2488774

11 5 days per week, 5 on 6th day.

>> No.2488936

Don't ever feel bad about getting paid for 40 hours if you only work a tenth of that. Because you're still getting shafted in the end.

>> No.2489388

I fight forest fires. Sometimes I get a standard 40hr week sitting at the ranger station doing project work or maintenance, sometimes it's 16hr days for two weeks straight on assignment. Whether or not I'm actually physically working those 16 hours or not depends on situational needs. The pay sucks, dont do it.

One of my ex-coworkers left to work as a lineman for a power company. Makes like quadtruple what I'm making now; considering following him into it

>> No.2489390

I fell so hard for this meme when i was younger

>> No.2489397

What do you do?

>> No.2491261

I'm currently doing the overemployed meme. Let me calculate... I think that job is about 41/hr, my other is about 55/hr. Basically about 95/hr at this point. I probably work about 4 hours a day total.

>> No.2491679

40 is the standard. If I work overtime, I treat myself to a meal at the local bar wherever I'm working. Figure instead of spending an hour cooking and doing dishes, I'm spending an hour+ working for money that pays for the meal and drinks. Also like exploring other towns and talking to locals.

>> No.2493102


>> No.2493123

12 hours a day for 3 days a week. Take home is a little over a grand a week.

>> No.2493360


>> No.2493377

It's not glowies you have to worry about.
It's random anons collecting info about the anons here.
These anons include, weirdos, criminals, private interest groups (i.e. activists) or research companies.
They use all these little bits of information for different purposes. For example to triangulate (use lots of pieces of info) who you are for fun.
Another example, poll the users on the site by asking a question for research purposes.
>oh but one thread isn't enough
Which is why it's repeated for weeks/months
Most anons post elsewhere. So a combination of data here, or on /int/ for example might be enough to find out a lot about the anon from this ip.

>> No.2493462

you're retarded
stay in your lane and don't opine on things you don't understand

>> No.2494359


>> No.2494361

50 hours taking home ~1250AUD