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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 13 KB, 394x355, 61ehebFz-ZL._AC_SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2433084 No.2433084 [Reply] [Original]

Only eirotards could think of something so stupid. M6x1 and m7x1 sold in a standard tap set. Nothing makes less sense than metric.

>> No.2433088

I honestly wouldn't give a shit which one we move to, I just want to move to one and everything be made for it

>> No.2433100
File: 79 KB, 706x343, imperial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice niche measurements you have there mutts. Leading the way with Libya and Myanmar.

>> No.2433104

Has your country walked on the moon, europoor?

>> No.2433110
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Has yours been to the moon using Imperial?

>> No.2433114


>> No.2433130
File: 19 KB, 403x389, d6f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta tap some m3.5 holes, I need some #32s
>m10? I'll just use a drill sized 11/32nds of an inch
>oh shit?! m10x1.5? You need something much smaller
>yes, grab the R sized drill

>> No.2433135

>The country that's better than all other countries does it this way

>> No.2433139
File: 409 KB, 832x755, 1657015927043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than all other countries
That ship sailed in the 90's, any illusion that you are the cool guys died long ago.

>> No.2433147

So know what other ship sails?
Ones full of your brightest minds to study abroad, and subsequently work abroad.
Funny how that works huh?

>> No.2433165

yes. NASA uses imperial.
trying to switch over to metric caused the Mars Climate Orbiter disaster.

>> No.2433236

Well M7x1 is a standard tap?? It's in Reihe 3 of DIN13 Regelgewinde. Don't buy chinese garbage if you want an intelligent selection of products.

I can immediately say i need a 6mm tap drill for it without needing a library and an extra letter system of drills.

>yes. NASA uses imperial.
They used metric for the moon landing. At least for guidance, calculation and anything important.

>> No.2433251

Even most 100-part tap sets don’t have M7. Stop buying on aliexpress

Agree to your point but that’s Liberia.

>> No.2433256
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>using french metrology

>> No.2433273

Oh muhrican man you convinced me. From now on i'll be using fingers, feet, with of my step and hight of basketball players for precise meassurement.

>> No.2433275
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>> No.2433394
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>Libya and Myanmar.
I didn't know those two had their shit so well together.

>> No.2433550


>Even most 100-part tap sets don’t have M7.

huh weird.

>> No.2433555

A bit misleading since Canada still uses some imperial units and the UK uses even more of them than Canada does.

>> No.2433595

So does mexico

>> No.2433610
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You ok there buddy? Got a little buyer's remorse? It's ok.

Yeah, when you're in a country that uses both systems, it's a lot of extra tools for a hobby. What'cha building that needs those two sizes son?

>> No.2435289

>Gone to Moon
>Done nothing important
>Left a bunch of trash
>Came back to You Ass of Ay!

Typical USA

>> No.2435363

>buying a tap set
>not buying individual taps and dies you actually need
why did you go full retard?

>> No.2435433

bitches wouldn't even name their countries. no wonder they are so afraid of boards with flags.

>> No.2435487

imagine being so poor that you can't afford drill sets in fractional sizes (by the 64th), numbers, and letters.
no wonder you live in a 4 sq meter apartment and ride a bus.
fucking loser

>> No.2435667

M7x1 is used for manifold studs on BMW's for example

I never saw it in a set yet but they are usually available seperatly.

M7 is also used for split wheels.

>DIN Norm is so based
using something else is heresy

BMW uses ISO bolt sizes, the should burn in hell
they sometimes mix it.
>16 and 18 instead of 17 and 19.

>> No.2435812

>>buying a tap set
>>not buying individual taps and dies you actually need
>why did you go full retard?
I got the advice to get a cheap-but-serviceable tap set, and replace individual pieces as needed. Not op, I'm not crying about what I bought.

>> No.2435852

Stop bullying the Irish anon

>> No.2435876
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>Only eirotards could think of something so stupid. M6x1 and m7x1 sold in a standard tap set. Nothing makes less sense than metric.

>> No.2435893
File: 184 KB, 819x1500, taps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swiss machines like Schaublin, Habegger or Hauser jig borers also used M7. As do some bike manufacturers.

>I got the advice to get a cheap-but-serviceable tap set, and replace individual pieces as needed.
That's generally the best way to do it but don't start out with a tap set not fitting your needs. There are great sets with M3,M4,M5,M6,M8,M10,M12 (sometimes also M10x1) and also including all the needed tap drills. I don't understand why there even are tap sets without the drills.

Start with something like pic rel. It was 30 bucks and much higher quality than the chinese kits. About the same as single taps i bought for more than half the price of the box. I never needed 3 taps per size.

>> No.2435946

>I never needed 3 taps per size
You don't like bottoming?

Taps that is. Bottoming taps?

>> No.2435971

Most taps i use are not super shallow tapered (machine taps) so if i need a thread close to the bottom i grind the center of. But now that i think of it that is actually super rare. Most of the threads i do are through holes and the rest is deep enough to tap further than i need and just use an appropriate screw length.

If i needed a thread really close to the bottom i would probably threadmill and don't bother with tapping.

>> No.2437211

have you ever asked yourself why the entire world minus three shitholes have switched to metric?

>> No.2437221

Not really, because the highest end manufacturing equipment is all made in the USA anyways.

>> No.2437229

least delusional mutt

>> No.2437240

Metric is great for making cheap goods on chinese equipment.

>> No.2437242

and imperial is very good for crashing a mars orbiter

>> No.2437250

Aerospace industry is exactly where the highest end 6 axis american made machines are, in hundred million dollar machine shops.
Your example of user error from navigational programming has nothing inherently to do with imperial system as a whole.
But the orbiter you are talking about was made using imperial machines, in shops that primarily use imperial unless specified otherwise.

But hey, im sure there is some consolation in the fact that india and vietnam, even africa have shops running all metric.

>> No.2437259

are you actually retarded? NASA has been using metric for ages and the reason the orbitor crashed with no survivers was because the brainlets at lockheed used imperial for the navigation software
>But hey, im sure there is some consolation in the fact that india and vietnam, even africa have shops running all metric.
go ahead and list all the countries that mainly use metric lol, i'll wait

>> No.2437363

>Not really, because the highest end manufacturing equipment is all made in the USA anyways.

What are you talking about? There are barely any high end machines coming from the US. Maybe Fadal, Hurco and Hardinge. Maybe Brother is also American? Haas is big and they build great machines for your standard production but it's not high end. Gleason would also probably long be dead if they didn't buy Hurth, Pfauter and Mikron. Maybe some tool grinders like Anca.

Most high end machines come from Germany, Switzerland and Japan/Korea like Studer, Hermle, DMG Mori, Mazak, Okuma, Doosan, Studer, Chiron, Hedelius, Kern, Heller, Index, Weiler, Kellenberger, Matsuura, Makino and many more.

>Aerospace industry is exactly where the highest end 6 axis american made machines are, in hundred million dollar machine shops.

What you'll find in those shops are just named European and Asian brands and some older retrofitted US machines like VTLs or large grinders from companies long gone. And Haas where they are good enough for the requirements.

If you know better, please educate me but to me it seems US machine tool builders completely missed the huge jump from old conventional style machines with added controls to high accuracy pure CNC production machines in the 90s.

Haas is often patronized from arrogant German machinists but they recognized the huge demand for medium end low cost machining centers and filled that gap perfectly. I respect them for that and for giving small businesses or start ups a chance.

>> No.2438055

>was because the brainlets at lockheed used imperial for the navigation software
Not entirely true. The guidance system repeatedly warned that it was off-course and requested correction, and the management felt it was wrong, without ever delving into the details. It was dunning kruger: management didn't know enough to know they could be wrong.

>> No.2438180
File: 338 KB, 1154x752, DEWALT GUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait holy shit, the yanks have lettered sizes aswell!?

>> No.2438183
File: 132 KB, 757x798, 1568522677634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy tap &die set
>pissed off that it has multiple sizes of taps and dies
nothing makes less sense than amerifats.

>> No.2439437

>I just want to move to one and everything be made for it
While we're at it lets get rid of coarse and fine thread screws, its always a pain when you have the right size but the threads are different. Also there are too many sizes, OP is right we don't need m6 and m7. Shit while were at it, everything below m12 in size should be the same diameter. Would make smaller work a million times easier since any fastener would fit any nut/hole until you need industrial strength.

>> No.2440010

American UNC and UNF is annoying to work with, but the worst threading metrics is clearly BSP. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to take the worst from both metrics and imperial and change the thread angle to 55 degrees?

>> No.2440572

What's your callsign?

>> No.2442612

Actually NASA had always been using metric, it was the dumbass manufacturer of the software on that probe that was using imperial

>> No.2442651

99% of all bolts and nuts in metric:
m6, m8 and m10 with m12 as honorary mention
nothing more required and they will be in the coarse thread or what we call normal thats nowhere as coarse as the rough threads on UNC, i cant even remember their thread pitch its just the normal one.
imperial is a clusterfuck of dimensions and thread pitches, some so close to metric you might accidentaly jam a metric nut onto an imperial bolt.

>> No.2442676

I just had to run a die over a messed up 1/2" 20 on a crappy exercise bike. I so wish we could get off imperial.

>> No.2442690

This is no different than imperial.
99% of the bolts you see are 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, and 1/2" in coarse.
And the pitches arent that hard to remember.

Just because you are ignorant doesnt mean the shit is hard.

>> No.2442707

you go between pitches far more often than on metric, you never hear anyone here ask what pitch an m8 is, most dont even know it has others. and dont lecture me on imperial i actually work with that stuff daily.

>> No.2442751

>you go between pitches far more often than on metric

You really don't. The ONLY common screw sizes where that might happen is 10-24 and 10-32.

>> No.2442780

Just because you saw it in a book doesn't mean those sizes are actually used. They may have been at one time, and in certain applications there may be some odd sizes, usually because they started using them before pitches were standardized (meaning it's shit from 100 years ago), but in currant standard usage there are generally two pitches per thread diameter: a coarse one and a fine one.

>> No.2442791
File: 140 KB, 684x807, drillchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2444396

UK here, we only really use miles and mpg for cars here, almost everything else is metric except for many plumbing parts sizes (which I wish would just piss off already desu)

>> No.2444595

LOL, good map making skills. You probably shit on Americans for not knowing which country is which.

>> No.2444653

Is this a confession thread?
I live in the US, and for almost everything I make, I use metric fine.

>> No.2444658

America should've gone metric during the revolution to spite the king. Bit now we should keep the customary units just to make the rest seethe.

>> No.2444784

Pipe threads are made up anyway.

A modern 1/2“ pipe is not even 1/2“ anymore.

The inner diameter used to be 1/2“ but they got better material to produce the pipes and could reduce wall thickness.

To keep the compatibility they sticked to the outer diameter. So we end up with some bullshit measurements for pipes.

>> No.2444826

Even worse when standard domestic copper piping is now 15mm and 22m and you end up with a mix of retarded fittings like 22mm x 3/4" or 15mm x 1/2" that requires differing coupler types just to put together