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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2432042 No.2432042 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever watch these videos, they've been something I watch a lot . Just tours of different Pakistani factories and sometimes mechanic shops with terrible working conditions and the occasional child labor to it

>> No.2432047

>brake shoe making
>dropping hot slag in a bowl inches away from kid’s feet in flip flops
>recycled potmetal brake shoe bodies
>dusty ass lining manufacturing room and 2 of the 20 people are wearing paper masks
Do you call OSHA or the kid’s parents or the EPA or NHTSA? Oh wait, nvm.

>> No.2432049

the worst ones are the ones where they restore lead acid batteries. So many lead fumes as well as pour some sort acidic solution down the drain as well as a match manufacturer with less than ideal working conditions getting some award from the Pakistani equivalent of the Bureau of Commerce

>> No.2432054

Gott watch that. The brake shoe video had a couple comments asking “Are those shoes asbestos?”… there’s a good chance they are, I don’t think they’re using high quality synthetic materials.

OSHA is fucking stupid and bloated, but I guess I understand why it exists. I’d like to see more Western 15 year old kids doing shifts on the assembly line.

That Matchstick video, the dudes all look a lot more Muslim, wonder what the deal is, prob just a different city or sect that only hires their own type.

A couple of these dudes look pissed off to have a camera watching them.

>> No.2432058
File: 158 KB, 1280x591, 13834721-1E1B-49FC-8D83-86FC1808235E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is a fuckin craftsman. I wonder how long it takes him to restore that shit, and it’s wild that all the hand labor restoring it will still be cheaper than a new or rebuilt one from some Chink mega factory.

Also what the hell are they burning in the beginning of the video? That part looks fucked, whatever powder goes onto the lead screens. And more than enough lead fumes to go around. Also when they cure the plates in whatever solution, there’s obviously a reaction happening with the bubbles and dude just pulls the plates out of the solution with bare hands

>> No.2432063

Working conditions aside, it's honestly impressive how they make things with so little fancy equipment. The one where the recycle plastic bags into blow molded teapots, for example. If you asked DIY how to do that they would tell you that you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on fancy machine shop equipment. But there the pajeets do it with a simple iron screw press heated with open gas burners. Something the typical fabricator could cobble together in a garage in a few weekends.

>> No.2432064

I saw one by accident that was tennis balls. Then I had to look up how they really do it in a real factory. It was entertaining. I bet the paki ones end up as dog toys, the kind that don't even bounce.

>> No.2432065

It's certainly fun to watch, although the people making the videos are high end (or at least as high end as you can get in Pakistan) businessmen who record these workers and rake in the money but the workers they record get nothing out of it and their place of work is never shown so they don't get that sweet sweet exposure

>> No.2432067

Real factories look like sterile clean rooms compared to these places. You can sometimes find videos of actual factories, especially ones in Korea that make stuff with less complete disregard for human health

>> No.2432828

OP again, another thing I like is the truck mechanics working on the different trucks of the area. It's very interesting and I do commend the work they do, even with the conditions of it. Also pretty cheap as well

>> No.2432842

I have actually stumbled on these videos before
The brake shoe Is the best as people are cutting and grinding asbestos brake shoe material with no masks, or just a towel on their face all day long.
It’s fascinating to watch this shit because it’s sad and cool at the same time

When people said “Chinese junk” in the 70s, this is the sort of shit they were talking about.
Luckily China (while still disregarding human life) has huge automated factories where nothing is really made by hand.
So Chinese shit sucks, but it doesn’t fucking suck like this garbage.

I bought a 4$ folding knife on Amazon that was handmade in Pakistan, and oh boy is it a piece of work

>> No.2432846
File: 165 KB, 487x267, Screenshot_2022-07-21_14-41-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one where they make the simplest socket wrench ever, and then you watch other guys rebuilding huge engines and they use the same damn thing and it's faster than me with any of my ratchets.


>> No.2432853

I watch them religiously. Surprised people don't talk about them more

>> No.2432855

They mechanics probably us some made somewhere else that is more quality but the factories produce the sam or similar pattern at a lesser quality.

>> No.2432872

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.2432896

The would be awesome if their nuclear weapon facilities were this level of skill/low tech. Like some serious McGyver shit.

>> No.2432912
File: 98 KB, 600x500, 1446746109004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the kids do the ghetto nickel/chrome plating with zero protection

>> No.2432938


>> No.2433022

Show this to anyone that says it's impossible to become self-reliant. A fucking guy living in a cave can do so can some white guy with access to hardware stores. Get your shit in order while you still have those stores.

>> No.2433024

It's not one guy for each and every video. They're whole factories. Someone had to put a bit of capital to make it.

>> No.2433025

You are a retard

>> No.2433054

I love wearing gloves full of chemical water

>> No.2433674

Closer to home than you think.

>> No.2433824

Shitposts aside, I think most people on DIY don't actually want to encourage people to maul themselves or become the Toxic Avenger.

>> No.2434092

I dont actually care about the people themselves, but I dont want goods manufactured so shittily.
Dont even bring those goods to our shores

>> No.2434288

Yeah I watched a Pakistani man assemble a car battery from scratch. He pours molten lead into thin sheets in a cast, then once it cools stacks it with separators and puts it in a used battery casing. He then pours the terminals from molten lead.

>> No.2434998

>I think most people on DIY don't actually want to encourage people to maul themselves or become the Toxic Avenger.

At least until you gave us the idea of which I now heartily approve.

>> No.2437112

OP your right, this shit is captivating.

>> No.2437125

And? All that means is it will take you longer. You can still do everything they are doing.
At least my nose doesn't look like that.

>> No.2437132

I am simultaneously impressed and horrified. All the unguarded spinning/moving shit (including the knuckle busters on that lathe thing in the beginning), the dude wiping used motor oil on the bars to feed into the drawing die, the whole plating setup, the way that these guys have to do precise movements in time with the machinery to avoid having one of their fingers turned into a socket wrench. The life expectancy can't go much beyond 35.

Gotta say though I'm disappointed that the knurling process sometimes rolls a palm ripper edge onto them that they don't bother to grind off.

>> No.2437150

Some of these guys have mad skills with a torch

>> No.2437444

My father usually watches those kinds of videos where some pakistani shop slaps together an engine and he seems to enjoy them. I admire their resourcefulness, but I would never want to be in their place.

>> No.2437868

This guy is literally making arc welders out of shithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHlg6JKKhB4
I kind of want one just to have

>> No.2437876

they really dont work that fast as they video if you watch the truck videos there is so much cheap labor that they work about 3 hours a day and the rest of the time they just chill

>> No.2437877

the gloves are not for his protection but to protect the chemistry of the nickle bath

>> No.2437878

hey if it lets them live and eat and fuck their wives that sounds pretty nice

>> No.2438374

it's like third world how it's made
this is beyond fascinating and occasionally horrifying, thank you OP

>> No.2438423

They put their contact information all over in that video, we should buy a few directly from them.

>> No.2438773

jfc, that poor bastard handled the chromic acid coated parts bare handed, even his finger's are yellow after the washing step

>> No.2438855

This would be a great idea with the menagerie of other things they make, but they probably speak urdu or hindi and not english.

>> No.2438857

I like the teamwork that they have in the truck videos, it's sort of fun to see them relax with their tea and afterwards do their work. A lot less stressful than the western way of work.