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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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237680 No.237680 [Reply] [Original]

gotta bit of a bed bug thing going on in the house

have tried some bed bug killer stuff thats not been that effective

any solutions?

currently in the midst of a 3 stage attack
1) vacuum for eggs and any easy access bugs
2) dampen bed with chemicals
3) leaving it out all day in TX heat

pic unrelated to a degree, she is doin it herself?

>> No.237688

In another thread someone metiond Puttin the matress out side an pouring shugar around it. Aprantly ants like bed bugs.

>> No.237689

aaah thats a good idea!

i had hoped some bugs would aid in the process

any idea on results? ants in my bed wouldnt be ideal either

>> No.237692

Hello, I've worked at a section 8 housing project for several years and have seen many cases of bed bugs. Bed bugs will climb into your air vents and live there as well as many other places in your home and you will not be able to kill them with your three stage attack. What you need is to flush your house once a week for three months than once every two weeks for 2 months. That should kill any bed bug in your house. You can Do-It-Yourself or hire a company but make sure you get a bid first and only call a company that will NOT charge you for a bid. If you stop treatments early thinking you got the problem they will just come back again and again.

>> No.237697

what do you mean flush the house exactly?

we got someone to come look and they proposed a heating treatment but its a dollar a sq ft, so like 1400 bucks my roomie and i dont have.

we have also been thinking about putting the heat on full blast on a hot day, from what i was told by a pal 110 for an hour will destroy all signs of bedbug life and eggs this seems achievable but do you think it would be effective?

that would be easily repeatable

>> No.237703

A flush is a term that means to fully spray down the house or unit by means of a flushing agent.


>> No.237706

thanks for the help folks

>> No.237726

Awesome, I can finally contribute something to this board. My room mate and I just finished our final battle with these bastards and I think we've finally won. Let me give you some preface stuff:

700 ft^2 apartment
He sleeps on a mattress on the floor in complete filth
I sleep in a metal loft bed 6ft in the air
My room is about 20ft from his room

He said he had some bites, so we instantly ordered a bunch of DE powder (basically a ground form of that silica you find in new luggage or whatever). He took his sheets and threw them all away, then left for two weeks to live with his girlfriend until they were gone (stupidass). I put rolled packing tape around the 4 legs of my bed and moved it away from the wall so those were the only way up. Once the DE got here, I spread it all ove the apartment, with large piles around furniture legs and in front of doorways. I was able to catch one and put it in a container with the DE and it died overnight, so that stuff works. Little guy got totally coated and couldn't get it off. Anyway, we washed our clothes and sheets often just in case. I never got bit, to my knowledge, but I found a few of them around. Room mate claims he hasn't been bit in a week so I guess it worked. Still prepared to repowder everything.

>> No.237734

> put it in a container with the DE and it died overnight

Reminds me of one mosquito trap, which killed mosquitoes simply by keeping them captive long enough for them to die of dehydration. One day was enough for that.

>> No.237733


From what I understand that stuff killing them by getting under their shells/skin and fucking them up. Its completely safe for humans and animals (maybe not snakes or lizards, IDK) and is non-toxic so its a good way to go if you can make it work. Cleans up pretty easy too.

>> No.237764

The camp I work at bought a machine for dealing with bedbugs.

Your household heater is NOT strong enough.

This massive heating unit, consisting of one main blower and 3 long heating elements, is made to heat a cabin up to 160*F and hold it at that temperature overnight.

The thing about Diatomaceous Earth is interesting. I'll bring it up to my boss.