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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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202040 No.202040 [Reply] [Original]

hey /diy/
what can i make and then sell?
Just got fired yesterday from my job, already running low on cash because i was an idiot who had issues saving

>> No.202042

Where are you located? Different areas have different things needed by people IE snow shows in texas not a good idea but in canada = profit.

>> No.202048

Australia. Any ideas what i could make? preferably something where i don't have to pay loads of cash for materials

>> No.202050
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>> No.202052

something legal would be nice. Too many drug dealers round here

>> No.202054

also, I don't really know anyone here who would actually buy drugs off me

>> No.202072

build a bird aviary and sell it to chumps

>> No.202075

or a glass fish tank, stuff that holds animals can be sold for quite a bit if you do it well.

>> No.202076

or make molds of motorcycle fairings and sell them some place that will buy em, one mold = unlimited fairings which can be sold for a bit, seeing everyone who cracks theres just buys new ones straight away

>> No.202087

AU has high tobacco prices maybe make liquids for ecigs get ecigs and hustle them. If you go to outside clubs and such you can hustle the ecigs and stuff on the street along with other items. Do not underestimate the power of street hustle.

>> No.202089

obviously dwarfed knife hamsters

>> No.202192

Dumpster diving. Collect and sell scrap metal, furniture, whatever you come along that's still usable. If you have a car print some flyers offering to pick up old electronics or metal stuff. Scavenge electronics for usable parts like big caps, sell on ebay / craigslist. Sell the rest to scrap yards.
Also if you find packaged food in the dumpsters use it to cook.

>> No.202206

Where in Aus?

>> No.202208

Why did you get fired? What did you do?

>> No.202215

Get into the trades, be a welder or something. Oil and Gas are booming down there is what ive heard, get in with one of those companies.

>> No.202223

not for long, obama is making the world go green

>> No.202402

Here's the problem, OP: Nobody has any money to spend, and the people that do aren't buying stuff some out of work guy cobbled together. Worse, you'll have to invest money you don't have for materials to make whatever it is you want to make to try to sell. It's a losing proposition. Get your unemployment insurance, update your resume, find a job. Don't make the mistake of selling yourself short, though, it'll hurt your professional reputation in the long run if you take a low-paying job just as an expedient.

>> No.202407
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Learn to crochet, make toys. When I was atalented /diy/er#44; I was making good money out of it, now I pay old hags crochet for me, paying them 1/5 of toys price. feelsgoodman

>> No.202410

MONEY. is the problem.

but to stay a float, crafts, crystal wire wrapping, hair wraps, knit, crochet, sewing, patches, food, bath products. All things are pretty easy to figure how to.

>> No.202425

cigar box guitars

>> No.202438

Doesn't the government pay people to kill kangaroos? You could do that.

>> No.202456

Find huge spiders
Plastify /laminate them
Put some decorations on them
Sell them to tourists

>> No.202493

Enjoy having animal rights organizations all up in your shit

>> No.202766

>Implying spiders are animals

>> No.203039


PETA doesn't give a fuck, they'd still shit their pants over it

>> No.203052

threads like this would go a lot smoother if the OP stated what skills they possess.
Trying to master a skill to the level someone can produce salable articles generally doesn't happen overnight

>> No.203064

>Find huge spiders
Kill them in a way that doesn't fuck up the body. I suggest 70-99% alcohol, works pretty well. Be warned, it will take a while and they will freak the fuck out because it burns. Have them in a container so they don't run away.
>Plastify /laminate them
If you are decent at mixing/pouring resin so it doesn't have bubbles, encase the dead spider in clear resin. If you have molds, you can make spiders in different shaped resin stones, like stars, hearts, diamonds and shit.
>Put some decorations on them
Or, make a bracelet, cane head, belt buckle, key chain, simple things that don't take too much effort but still look neat. Have holiday themed stuff too, like ornaments for a tree or Valentines box sets.
>Sell them to tourists
Big thing about tourists, they usually want trinkets that fit in their luggage, so don't get too crazy with giant ornaments. Small and relatively cheap will sell fast to bumbling idiots.
Also consider opening an online store, eBay, Etsy or something. Weirdos online like this kind of stuff.

>> No.203065

Please say you're trolling.