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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1976059 No.1976059 [Reply] [Original]

I want to isolate my bed so i can jump on it at night without my neighbors noticing. I live in a apartment with razor thin walls and floors.

I cant sleep at night because im restless, my neighbors are annoyed by it and start slamming the walls and ceiling, making me more restless and anxious. I cant take it anymore.

>> No.1976065

easier solution: build an automatic annoyer.
1: get a very loud piece of machinery like a huge ass drill or something
2: hack power switch
3: attach to 15 minute timer (in a way that every 15 minutes it runs for 5 minutes and then shuts off again)
4: pack stuff for sleeping at friends house
5: turn on device
6: leave
7: next day threaten neighbors with leaving it on forever
8: profit

>> No.1976067

Play loud pornography any time you are not having sex.

>> No.1976079

Thats not really the solution im looking for

>> No.1976105

>isolate my bed
"Jumping on bed" is a heavy mechanical load so you can't just put up carpets etc because it literally travels into the wall.
Unless you have some extreme dampening e.g. a trampoline or a bed suspended with bungee cords, you won't be able to eliminate the mechanical waves traveling into the floor and into the building structure.

>> No.1976188

Hammock attached to it’s own frame

>> No.1976203

Not the solution you were looking for, but the solution you need.

>> No.1976306

Goats scream nuttn can be done

>> No.1976315

I'd like to propose that we create /afg/ - apartment fag general, where questions about thin walls, loud music, smelly cooking, and minor plumbing repair can be collected and contained.
As answers to the questions won't actually be necessary, the cost to the board will be low. The primary goal will be to point and laugh.

>> No.1976337

try moving your bed. stud finders arent worth a shit but it might help to aline your bed legs with the supports not just have it on top of open gaps covered by particle board

the idea is that the motion creates vibrations that are heard which is normal but it moves more when you move on the bed if the weight isnt supported entirely as the sound can leap easier through open gaps and solid material will dampen it naturally . im sure your bed springs are more to blame than anything but more sound on their side may be heard

>> No.1976378

Make four wide boxes for the floor with an open top. Make four more boxes with an open bottom that just fits over the bottom box.

Place an inner tube in the bottom boxes and place the top boxes over the bottom box. Place bed on top of air spring boxes. Drilling a hole in the bottom box to inflate the tube might be easier than pre-inflating and trying to cram it in the box.

>> No.1976462

Op, try to hang your bed on the chains.

>> No.1976475

How much noise does fucking a sock make

>> No.1976858

>. im sure your bed springs are more to blame than anything but more sound on their side may be heard

I think you are right first step will be buying a new bed

>> No.1976947

Some pneumatic shock absorbers would do a better job and be easier to install, and if you hook them up to a compressor you would have a diy fuckmaster 3000 auto thruster bed

OP, please build and post a video of sex in cowgirl position. I need to see her reaction when you flip the switch and turn yourself into a rodeo dildo

>> No.1976948


have sex with them and they won't care about the noise

>> No.1976953

Put it inside a levitating (magnets) egg box with foam mattresses around the whole thing

>> No.1976960

Stop using caffeine (or other drugs).
Get exercise.
If you can't sleep, get up and stretch.
If your muscles are in physical pain try some kind of icyhot type thing.

>> No.1977076

Take melatonin to go to sleep, wear earplugs so you don't hear your annoying neighbors. Fuck that.

Optionally, fix your bedframe so when you have sex it doesn't squeak and the headboard doesn't bump the wall. Beyond that I wouldn't bother with soundproofing. Putting in all that effort for the benefit of your neighbors is dumb; you have the right to make a normal amount of noise and they have to deal with it. That's just what apartment living is.

>> No.1977357
File: 533 KB, 940x630, 1599353218945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few simple techniques you can apply to your bedroom to bang you're gf without ur neighbors noticing

>> No.1977373
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 51p5n476ri721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bed suspended with bungee cords
This, OP.

Like so.

>> No.1977374
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1528430888098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin lel

>> No.1977493

>hook them up to a compressor
Lol that sounds like a plan

>> No.1977494

Thnxs, this might be isefull

>> No.1977515

go to a rug warehouse, get like 2 layers similar to the massive thick wide persian rugs

>> No.1977537

Move your bed an inch away from the walls and maybe get some vibration damping foam under the feet/wheels. If your bed creaks then find the source of the noise and apply some WD40. This should reduce the noise.

>> No.1978215

get horse stall mats, put them on floor.
put plywood over that where bed, tables, and chairs are.

>> No.1978673

Have a quite word with your neighbour see if you can sleep in with them.

>> No.1978749

pls maek this sound wen u cum in youar'e gf

>> No.1978754

get a waterbed

>> No.1978761


>> No.1979057

1. Install a washing machine in your bedroom
2. Hump in rhythm with the machine

>> No.1979301

OP this guy is lying you need to hump 180 degrees out of phase with the washing machine

>> No.1981828

Do you have a diagram of the house/room?
I had to do a noise project at work which sucked but learned a bit from.
Firstly find any cracks that noise can get through and fill it. One common one is the space underneath the door, you can buy/make one of those door draft reducers.
Secondly move the bed as far away from any walls as possible. If you dont want your bed it the center of the room, then move it to an outward facing wall with as much distance as possible from all the other walls.
The next would be to dampen the mechanical movement on the ground, using a rubber bed stoppers or similar. Basically anything that softens the blow.
The last thing would be for reflected noise, like how noise carries in rooms with high ceilings. You could put up some kind of false wall or barrier close to the bed to reflect noise back to the outside wall, fill the room with soft furniture, thick carpet, etc.
Depending on what you're doing now you should be able to design a cheap way to drop noise by 10+ decibels without buying a bunch of expensive foam stuff

>> No.1981968

If he wants concussion, that is.

>> No.1982796

Put the mattress on the floor or some blankets and have sex on that.

>> No.1983172

Stop being a beta and plow your bitch fuck your neighbors

>> No.1983695

for the love of all that's good someone do this i need to see it

>> No.1983767

Pay attention to where the sound comes from. Most probably the bed squeezing... Almost all beds do that with some movement, make your own or lay a mattress on the ground. I made my own out of 3*6's and the only sound left is moans of pleasure.
Next step: a good gag.

>> No.1983893

Rape the bitch outside in the woods like god intended you dumb faggot

>> No.1985887

It's pointless.
I also live in an apartment with thin walls and floors. There is no way to have sex in a place where you can't even have a conversation or walk across the floor. They will hear everything. They will file complaints.
It's a very different kind of living. Your every thought and action has to be silence.
Forget having people over, watching movies, having sex, or anything like that.
I'm a little bitter about it, can you tell? Apartments suck.