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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1861994 No.1861994 [Reply] [Original]

He doesn't use Bluetooth and he doesn't use WiFi.

He just plays offline downloaded music in his speakers.

>> No.1861995

classic rentcuck

>> No.1862002
File: 35 KB, 700x399, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

locate appropriate circuit breaker. switch said breaker to off position. also switch yours off to remain ambiguous. now sit with your thoughts, and ask how you can help thy neighbor. careful, we must help ourselves before we may help others. you just remembered it was your exes birthday yesterday, which ended roughly 3 hours ago. stop it, that is not helpful behavior. repent for your sinful adherence to time, memory, romanticism, etc. good news: God forgives you. suddenly you notice your ears are beginning to ring due to the overwhelming silence, or lack of ambient reference. once again you find yourself longing for the past, when times were simpler. all it took was some shitty music and you knew you were okay in that moment. you're not at fault for feeling this way–odds are your neighbor shares similar sorrow. after all, it was you who plunged him into total darkness. flooded by waves of nausea, you now realize you are a mere mortal and not (a) God. how could man ever bear the weight of a moral structure that he himself did not build? that's it, enough is enough, Mr. Socrates. too much thinking, "hey neighbor, how about some music to lighten the mood?" . . .

"I don't believe in You anymore" he replies. More silence. Religion is tough maybe next time try science.

BREAKING NEWS: Scientists around the world are now considering the idea that Science in and of itself may be constrewed as a form of religion.

God is dead bc u killed him. Not even your shitty neighbor's napster airwaves say hello to you at this point. You thought you had it all figured out. Where to go from here? . . .



-[screen flickers to life] "404 Not Found."


>> No.1862003

Anthrax through the mail slot, that'll teach him

>> No.1862004

t. OP's neighbor

>> No.1862007

You can transmit RF in VLF range, that is also the audio frequency range, so basically you should be able to mute the speakers silently.

>> No.1862026

When the neighbor leaves. Put krazy glue in their door locks.

>> No.1862033


bang his girlfriend, if you're lucky they will break up and move out

>> No.1862237


>> No.1862346

Seems like the best option is to play the opposite loud music. They play country you play rap. They play pop you play Italian opera.

Or do the Cuban ultrasound attack like the embassy one.

>> No.1862359

throw mattresses in his pool when he's not home

>> No.1862369

construct a carbon monoxide generator using steel, pulverized charcoal, candles and carbon dioxide

>> No.1862382

This will fuck nobody but the apartment complex maintenance team. I've dealt with this first hand. Fuck you.

>> No.1862416

get a car stereo, amp and a 12" sub and hook them up to a pc power supply then play your own music or blast annoying low frequencies until he stops. or you could try talking to him

>> No.1862434

+1 would reflect upon again

>> No.1862436

If it is within a timeframe not prohibited by local noise ordnance then you shut the fuck up and learn to like it or move out.

>> No.1862439

(as long as you wont get caught) pull his electric meter and flip it to run backwards. this will cause the utility to contact your landlord and inform him your neighbor is stealing power, causing him to be evicted. this works for many other disputes as well.

>> No.1862459

Talk to him, ask him to use headphones or turn it down.

>> No.1862463

you could ask him politely, or buy him a head set

>> No.1862475

I have a solution that worked for me. In the simplest terms you need to create a tone that ruins his music.

1. Find the musical key of whatever song he’s playing (lets say it’s C major)
2. Play the note 6 steps above this (in the example key of C play an F#) ideally in a low register

You can do this with many programs or any keyboard etc. This musical interval is the flattened 5th (b5) and in the past was known as “the devils interval”. It’s painfully dissonant and will essentially ruin any pleasure your neighbor is deriving from the music. If you do this with a low enough frequency it will be impossible to echolocate your position and he might not even realize what is happening. He’ll just slowly come to realize he no longer likes music. I accomplished this with a bass amp and a synthesizer.

>> No.1862513


>> No.1862757

Actually a great idea. If he thinks he has to the right to blast loud music then you have the right to also blast whatever you please

>> No.1862894

How does a musical retard determine the key of a song?

>> No.1862951
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180 degree phase inversion (noise cancelling)

>> No.1862959

Determining the key for EVERY song he plays and then changing the tone you are playing accordingly every five minutes or so seems like a lot of bullshit hassle.

>> No.1863015

Cycle through a chromatic scale to guarantee some dissonance every few seconds

>> No.1863017


>> No.1863029

lol the only non faggot answer,

just be like, hey bro, your music is kinda loud would you turn it down a bit? then get a 12 pack and bbq some hotdogs or something and invite him.

dont be a piece of shit cowardly faggot that everyone hates. be cool.

>> No.1863434

I used to live in an apartment with my parents and brother with an obnoxiously loud neighbour. Kids running, kids yelling, dog barking all day and whining all day, kids crying all day and screaming at the mother "bitch" "whore" whatever... basically the worst of the worst. The best thing you can do is get together with other neighbours and write a formal letter with all of your signatures. We got rid of those fucks but it took months of formal complaints with the help of all affected neighbours.

In the end though, we did not want to put up with this shit ever again and there is no guarantee that another retarded family will move in. So we decided to buy a multi-story house in a quiet neighbourhood. Best decision we've ever made desu.

Parents will live on the first floor, brother gets the second floor and I'll get the third floor. It still needs renovations in some areas so we don't have our own separate stories yet, but we'll get there. I get along with my close family members so this obviously wont work for everyone, but it's pretty awesome if you can do it.

>> No.1863439

>"hey neighbor, how about some music to lighten the mood?" . . .

>"I don't believe in You anymore" he replies
Bretty deep

>> No.1863441

brick his window

>> No.1863518

My apartment complex refuses to do anything so I call the non emergency police line. The police get tired of being called out for stupid shit and have made the complex threaten them with eviction for violating their lease. Our lease says you can't make noise that can be heard by other tenants. The city has threatened to fine the complex if the complaints keep up, so I know I'm not the only one doing it.

>> No.1863914

Get a police rumbler siren

>> No.1864332

Calm the fuck down zoomer. Not everyone uses online streaming or wireless devices for everything.

>> No.1864392

what a bad idea. even he git a VLF transmitter (expensive) and a vlf antenna(large and conspicuous), transmitting what is basically noise on one of the most restricted bands is very illegal and noticable to the doorkickers.

>> No.1864429

You ever hear a radio station thru your speakers even tho your radio is not on? I'm sure there's a similar way to send a frequency to his stereo and turn it up until the speakers blow out.
Not sure if this can be directed or if it's a 360° attack, but you may or may not want to remove your equipment from the area.

>> No.1864434

my tinnitus is triggered every time I see this image on /diy/. OP can you delete your stupid thread please?

>> No.1864437
File: 5 KB, 124x124, 1449452530435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He just plays offline downloaded music in his speakers.
you mean a cd or something lmao

>> No.1864483

Here's the adult answer -

Apartment complex? Call your landlord. They will issue a noise complaint. If that person gets too many noise complaints they will be in violation of their lease and the landlord will evict them. This happens all the time. You are not the first person to report someone for being too loud, and they would not nearly be the first person to ever be evicted for being too loud.

House? Call the cops. Noise nuisance laws exist for a reason. Enough cop visits and they will start getting tickets. People don't like their money getting messed with. One ticket should be all it takes.

Ignore the trolls in this thread. Be an adult and do whichever of these pertains to you.

>> No.1864487
File: 86 KB, 688x414, loud_sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dish or a hammer. Choose one, or both. I don't care

>> No.1864502

Based strong family unit anon. My family and I are saving up to do the same thing. This is usually how people live where I am from though. Old people get the first floor so they don't have to deal with stairs and the kids and grandkids take the second floor and take care of the old folks.

>> No.1864559


Are you living in a Norman Rockwell painting? The offender almost certainly knows how loud his "music" is but doesn't care. Because "fuck you, what are you going to do about it" is the default attitude in modern American "society". And once OP confronts him, then OP will become the target of reprisals if ANY of the neighbors later takes action with the landlord or police.


Home ownership is not an escape from this problem if you have shitty neighbors. It can actually be worse. At least the rentcuck can move more easily.

Only guaranteed solution is to live miles away from the nearest neighbor. Otherwise, as disgusting as HOAs are, they may at least offer some protection.

>> No.1864564


Another option is to buy in a neighborhood where certain "social pressures" still hold sway. But those are increasingly rare, and you yourself could not easily integrate as a newcomer, even if you behaved.

>> No.1864700

I like the implication of your turning off your neighbor's breaker box makes you a God in a sense, and the attack on the reader's (maybe) anxiety. One last good point implying that no person is capable of withstanding the moral decisions that our intelligence grants us.

A little too much schlock, meanders from one thing to another without maintaining grounding. Practice works like this to make them more gripping for readers.

>> No.1864718

Cut his power

>> No.1864750
File: 60 KB, 421x816, bass[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this comic idea work? Would it actually work?

>> No.1864772

More to the point, would it work?

>> No.1864862

You could play an inverted soundtrack of what he's playing through an amp and watch him turn his loud music even louder then stop playing the inverted soundtrack.
That will teach his eardrum.

>> No.1865605

TLDW- impossible exept inside of very high quality headphones

>> No.1865678

There are speaker Wich don't use a membrane but they use the thing with they are attached to and a counter weight ( they are basically glued to a window or wood and have a shaking weight on the back) that with a microphone for noise cancelation ... The only thing is were should you get the signal from his music bevor the 180° dampening

>> No.1865684

No, it wouldn't work.

>> No.1865690

im pretty sure thats what he meant

>> No.1866196

Make more money and move out or hire assasin

>> No.1866577

This may be the way to go. You don't want to live near such a loud person.

>> No.1866592

This. Get a job that takes you out of your apartment. It'll help you detach yourself from wanting to hold onto it in spite of your neighbor.

>> No.1866609
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>The offender almost certainly knows how loud his "music" is but doesn't care. Because "fuck you, what are you going to do about it" is the default attitude in modern American "society". And once OP confronts him, then OP will become the target of reprisals if ANY of the neighbors later takes action with the landlord or police.
p much this desu. been there. done that. actually talking to the offending neighbor gets you nowhere

we need other solutions

>> No.1866629

>dont be a piece of shit
Why not, if the neighbor already is one?
People like that don't care about others - everyone else is to blame for their problems and anything they do is others problem, not their responsibility.
Confronting such people often just give them excuse to target you as their outlet for problems in whatever other anti social ways they entertain.

Expect even louder music just to annoy you, door banging and costly "pranks" like slashed tires.

Best sane action would be leaving anonymous note 1..2 times. If it doesn't stop then one might consider complaint to any responsible noise authority (landlord, police) or proceed with stronger anonymous measures, like taping door bell button activated and leaving, dropping fake police warning in mail, tripping fuses etc.