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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1859 No.1859 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit, a DIY board!

>Finally, I can make improbable and dangerous crime fighting weapons like taser knuckles!

>No weapons or devices intended to hurt a person

Awww shit.

Well... I guess there's always body armor.

What are the best materials to make your own body armor? Anyone who just wearings hockey pads looks like a retard, and you can't buy a bulletproof vest here, despite guns being all over the place.

I'm fairly handy but I have no idea what materials are the best for stopping power vs weight, durability, etc.

Any body armor aficionados?

>> No.2291

>body armor thread


Depends if you want to be covert or not. Is this like "FUCK THE POLICE, I'M WEARING A SUIT OF ARMOR" or is this "oh god, I might get shot by a roody" wearing it under your clothes?

>> No.2415


Under clothes.

The best "overcoat" to wear over any DIY bodyarmor is a leather jacket.

>> No.2453

For super covertness and simplicity I recommend looking at old roman armor then get two shirts of equal size use kevlar or other very strong thread to sew titanium plates onto one shirt then sew the other shirt over it. if done like roman armor or scale mail it should be very strong and pretty thin and since its already a fairly nondescript shirt you don't need to wear anything over it.

>> No.2485

>inb4 ballistics vest
>inb4 /k/
>inb4 no /k/ allowed in diy

>> No.2505

>can't buy a bulletproof vest here, despite guns being all over the place.

Wait, most states allow them, and alot of nieghboring states do too, and yurop is nogunz anyhow.

>> No.2506


Where the fuck am I going to get titanium and kevlar?


It's not easy to just BUY a ballistic vest, lots of places have legislation/etc about buying/importing etc.

>> No.2527


This is not about "America", or "Europe" or "Why can't he just..."

This is about DIY body armor. What is reasonably the best armor someone can make on their own kind of deal.

Metals are good but they deflect things, so be wary with that shit.

>> No.2545

Vest is only 400$


not a problem when you have magical invetion called a trunk, and i doubt you need a license for one.

>> No.2546

Kevlar cloth you can buy generally without restriction (But yes, most places restrict dedicated ballistics vests) but this is what you do:

Buy bulk kevlar cloth. Cut into sheets to put inside jackets/make into a vest/whatever

Buy the spray-plastic/rubber truck-bed liner stuff.

Spray one side of kevlar with bed liner, place another piece of kevlar on it before it dries.

Repeat a few times. Dunno how thick it needs to be to be effective but I've heard it works wonders.

>> No.2562

>stoppan powah

dude jest get a balistics vests

its stops most pointy shooty thing good

>> No.2577

wait, why the fuck would you need kevlar anyway?

How often do you get jumped while going to the office?

OP needs to describe more details on the use of this armor

>> No.2580

Well, "body armor" is kind of vague overall.

There's really only two things that body armor for a civilian is going to be good for.

1) Knives/stabbities
2) Boolets

You're not going to make a homemade bomb suit because you're afraid of dynamite and shit lurking around the corner, and frankly it wouldn't really help much.

I'm also of the opinion that anti-knife armor is silly, because someone can always stab you in the fucking eye or the neck. Sure, it helps narrow down the ol' gut stab but still. If someone wants to stab you and they're close enough, they probably will.

Stray bullets on the other hand are probably more likely, and you should really get a real bulletproof vest.

If you are a criminal and cannot get one or your country is weird and does not allow one, or if you are poor and you cannot afford one, good luck making one effectively.

It's probably going to be heavy as shit or not that effective.

That being said.

Most bulletproof vests are kevlar with strategically placed plates, so you would want a combination of fabric and metals.

>> No.2585

If you're serious about this and are willing to put some work into it, I would recommend obtaining some high carbon steel and then hardening it.

You would need basic knowledge of blacksmithing and some blacksmithing tools to do this.

>> No.2594


It's DIY, no one should have to explain shit.

I'm not going to do fuck all with a joule thief but I still want to know how to make one IN CASE I need one.

>> No.2607

I am reminded of the beginning of that Lethal Weapon movie where that asshole made himself a full bulletproof armor suit and flamethrower and was roasting everyone and bullets bounced off of him.

...Godspeed, OP. Godspeed.

>> No.2615

ebay and amazon you asshat.

>> No.2630

I'm glad there's a DIY board now. I can learn interesting stuff at home :)

>> No.2634

No you should very well explian yourself so people dont go off derailing a thread and tuning it into kelvar 101

but when will you be hit by a stray bullet?

When youre driving through a fine african gentlemans nieghborhood, yes then it would be very wise to have one.

if you are in danger of getting shot, cops have more to do then bust youre ball about an illicit ballistics vest

>> No.2644


It is not for us to ask WHY, only to find HOW to DIY.

>> No.2645

What ever happened to constructing products for the simple joy of exploration, trial and error, success, and making failure your bitch.

>> No.2653


hey look i did like half the work for you.

>> No.2655


I'm fine with the thread derailing into kevlar 101. I don't know shit about kevlar.

I thought kevlar only stopped boolets and it was bad against knives.

Apparently leather over ceramics is also decent for bullet.

>> No.2658

>yay no more boolits!

>> No.2668


>did the work for him
>$225 titanium plate


I could built a bullet proof vest for about $100. Enjoy your $600 abomination.

>> No.2676

titanium is pretty good for knives.
in fact the original idea was titanium plates attached to a regular shirt just stitched with kevlar thread.

>> No.2683

Ignore all the kevlar babies, OP. Kevlar ain't gonna stop shit.

The man talking about high carbon steel on the other hand, he knows his shit. You want to be fucking bulletPROOF, not bullet-resistant. Fuck bullets. Be like that crazy mick that made an iron suit and robbed banks, I don't care.

I suggest working the fuck out though. A suit of body armor is god damn heavy.

>> No.2684
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Hey, OP, supplement this idea: >>2546

Along with thin metal plates and the following series: How to make a brigandine.

>> No.2686


Now thats interesting!

Kevlar, from what i read, takes the kinetic energy and absorbs it, but since a knife has constant energy beind, it will slice right through it.

Kevlar Ceramic Kevlar. that should stop boolits and knifes!

>> No.2693
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>> No.2703

Titanium is expensive get over it its worth it.
if you want to be a cheap cockknocker use this instead http://www.amazon.com/Rolled-Steel-Sheet-Sample-Length/dp/B000HKVTB2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319

>> No.2708
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I feel like this will adequately incorporate my original post about kevlar and truck bed lining with people complaining about metal and stuff.

>> No.2719

Sheet steel, that aint even stopping a 9mm let alone a more powerful round.

Ceramics+kevlar all the way

>> No.2727


Moose leather jacket exterior with ceramic plates. Kevlar-titanium brigandine undercoat. You are now the motherfucking hulkbuster.

>> No.2751

Rules are rarley inforced anyways

>> No.2747

>stopping power vs weight, durability,

See OP, you made it sound like you where looking for practicality. And in no ways is medieval armor practical.

Id be happy to help with armor recreations

>> No.2744

Pardon my ignorance, but aren't ceramics like... the shit they make plates out of? Super brittle? Wouldn't you need a fuckhuge thick slab of it like a god damn brick to deter a bullet?

>> No.2760

Also, OP, are you by any chance that guy I met at the party that wanted to make a Half Life movie?

I'm still down to play Barney. Gonna owe fucking EVERYONE a beer.

>> No.2764


No not at all, its all about the composition and manufacture.

>> No.2778


>medieval armor is impractical

Maybe a full suit is, but they used armor for thousands of years because it was VERY FUCKING PRACTICAL.

Riot shields are just... shields still. Not much changed there. The only practicality of it might be the weight or how bugfuck insane you look.

Unless, yes, you're talking just about GUNS. At which point, a full tower shield is probably best.

>> No.2794

If you are going for crime fighting (looking for trouble) you only real option is titanium. anything else is good for stopping stray bullets but if you are going to dive headfirst into stupid like your post seems to indicate titanium is the only shit that will keep your ass alive. then again if you are going into crime fighting and do not even know how to buy a bullet proof vest then you are just looking to get a darwin award.

>> No.2799

well for everyday use id use kevlar...

but for riots and SHTF

ohh youre talking a whole nuther topic!

Break out the cremic lated samuria armor with fucking riot shield in front.

hell ill bring my centurion helmet!

anyone have that samuria pic?

>> No.2804

wow i cannot fucking type

>> No.2805

If you get stabbed in the gut but your armor protects that buys you enough time to potentially disarm an attacker.

Your argument is the same the police initially used when deciding whether or not to wear bulletproof vests. A lot of police said the criminals would just shoot you in the limbs and head and it'd be useless but they were wrong.

Removing the largest target of attack (body) from the equation goes a long way.

>> No.3031

i heard truck bedding liners (forgot the material) are nearly indestructible

>> No.3165
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taser golves, i want to know how to make them

i'm telling you they would be awesome

>> No.3598

BAMP! This thread is very interesting to me.

>> No.3753

Body armor isn't something you want to do by yourself.

Ever heard of this guy killed with a rubber bullet? He had made his own body armor with I don't remember which kind of metal, and he got stabbed by his own armor when the rubber ball hit.

Same thing goes with people wearing made in china protections, when they would have survived otherwise. Armor can as much save you as it can kill you.

I'm not telling you that you're safer without a body armor, only that if you want one, you should get a good one.