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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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185762 No.185762 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.185765

cause murica

>> No.185769

>relying on growing a single plant as a substitute for wood and mining

my mind can not comprehend the sheer stupidity of this.
what kind of kindergartener says this?

>> No.185785
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One that gives $10,000 to Hitler.

>> No.186018

Ford was also antisemitic before it became cool.

>> No.186033

I've yet to see anyone refute the idea that hemp can do all these things. Can anyone confirm or deny this, because I'm interested?

>> No.186046

Hemp was heavily grown and used industrially in the US before it was first prohibitively taxed and then outright banned. It's widespread planting was heavily encouraged by the US government during WW1 to get raw materials for military supplies & equipment.

>> No.186047


>> No.186061

hemp really is a miracle plant with its potential but, y'know what? we need a cotton industry so fuck your clothes, fuck your fuel, fuck your feed, fuck your 50 other uses for hemp, and most of all fuck your health. now wear my cotton brand cotton shirt while you waste away unable to treat your glaicoma or smoke up an appitite that your aids wont let you have. we are doing this because its bad to get stoned. carry on consumer.

>> No.186063

Because the burden of proof is on the hemp grower's side.

I know it is biased because you can't grow hemp, but it is like saying I think that there are aliens on Plute, please refute.

>> No.186066
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>> No.186068

I'd love to see more widespread hemp growth. Only the industrial kind, though. Especially because it would remove one layer of argument from those goddamn hippies who live next door.

>> No.186071

And breed/GMO hemp to only have residual traces of drug compounds, like those blowfish they made without poison.

Then those damn stoner's excuse for lobbying for hemp will only be because they want to get stoned.

>> No.186073

>hemp for fuel
>not glorious algae

>> No.186074

On that note, extraction and regulation of THC compounds for pure medical research would be pretty good.

Honestly, I'd be fine if people would just admit they want to get high. But no, it's all "Hemp is, like, super useful, man, and the MAN is keeping me down with his harshness, man!"

I guess I'm pro-hemp and anti-hippie.

>> No.186100

That's just it though, the burden of proof is on their side, but they've completely fulfilled their obligation to it by literally demonstrating all of the different uses of it, in different countries.

>> No.186120
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sorry haters, but cannabis really is the miracle plant.

"The two main proteins in hempseed are edestin and albumin. Both of these high-quality storage proteins are easily digested and contain nutritionally significant amounts of all essential amino acids."

Proof of Hemp's excellent nutritional value:

and not only is hemp protein readily digestible and contains all the essential amino acids that we can't produce, but (i read somewhere) doesn't contain large amounts of phytic acid, a compound found in other plants like soy that may interfere with the absorption of said amino acids.

Proof of the effect of phytic acid: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10408398009527293

i can't find any papers published on the phytic acid content of cannabis, but i'd really like to know


yeah well, hemp IS super useful, dipshit


and who fucking cares? i don't like to get high but i think marijuana's flowers should be available to consume. all intoxicants should be legal. if people want to waste away and be fucking dipshits then let them, but at least give them the tools to be safe about it. i believe in harm reduction and police should be worried about things other than a fucking plant that you can't even overdose on.

not saying that it can't contribute as a cause of death, but strictly speaking you cannot kill yourself by smoking too much herb unless you just constantly deprive your lungs of oxygen by having smoke in them.

oh yeah and THC as well as CBD may have neuroprotective effects:


>> No.186136

Industrial-use hemp can't get you high like marijuana grown for smoking. It was lumped in with drug cannabis because congress can't into science.

>> No.186138

>Ford was also antisemitic when everyone was antisemetic.


>> No.186158

I have absolutely no bias, possibly against hemp, but I bought a hemp wallet in Portland, OR for about $30 (because my wallet fell apart and WTFnot) and it's lasted longer than my previous two leather wallets.

People also complement me on it whenever I whip it out. :)

>> No.186159

How does hemp compare to other crops? Are there pictures like this about stuff like corn or soy?

>> No.186171

Because it slowly destroys your brain.

For a perfect example, see >>186120

You can see how it has affected his memory - he has all but forgotten what capital letters are. His lack of intelligence is reflected in his inconsistent punctuation. And the very addiction that these victims so vehemently deny makes itself manifest in his obsession with this foul substance.

>> No.186172

It's a weed. It's insanely easy to grow in a wide variety of climates.

However, it requires a shitload of fertilization for maximum potential to be reached. They're nutrient-hungry plants.

>> No.186184
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So does television, and a billion other poisons. This is not a case of "government knows best". Monsanto's corn, fluoride and the pharmaceutical industry are not here to help us.
inb4 hippies/stoners. Fuck them. Those people just make this whole concept look bad.

>> No.186185


Dr. Strangelove much?

>> No.186189
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Fluoride was used in german concentration camps. I suppose because the SS was realy concerned about the state of oral hygiene in people they planned on killing later, right?

>> No.186196


> During wartime, both the Ger-
mans and Russians added sodium fluoride to the water of prisoners
of war. Were they interested in preventing tooth decay? According
to the documentation of the Australian Ian E. Stephen (1987), both
Germans and Russians used fluoridation because they had discov-
ered that it made their prisoners “stupid and docile” (Well Mind
Association22). Eustace Mullins in Murder


>> No.186205


Well, now, that explains why the people in the southern states are so god damn retarded. Fluoride occurs naturally in the water supply down there quite often.

>> No.186219

Whoops, didn't know I had stumbled into /conspiracy/.

>> No.186232

Uhh, the "Russians" said that. In the 1950's during the Cold War. It was a tactic to scare Americans. I don't know if it was by the Communists to intimidate the west or by an American to make Americans join the anti-Communist bandwagon.

>> No.186251


I'd like to remind you that the rest of the world isn't as hostile towards (low THC) hemp cultivation as the American government. As a result, it is cultivated for various purposes in many countries.

Now, does everyone outside the USA rave about the awesomeness of hemp and want to use it for everything?
No. That's an American thing, apparently a side effect of the silly laws.

>> No.186257

wtf are you talking about? those hippies you're referring to don't want to get stoned, they ARE getting stoned. weed being illegal doesn't really interfere with that. just because they smoke doesnt mean that they cant comprehend the plants usefulness. also, it's just fucked up that the government can control what you take into your own body, especially when its such a harmless substance.

>> No.186419


it's ok at least i gave some sources. where are yours? i don't see them


>> No.186430

>he things .com websites are reliable sources

If you hadn't heard, anyone can write something on the internet. I could get plenty of "sources" talking about how the Illuminati covered up the Roswell incident, that doesn't mean they're right.

Also, you still can't into grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You really expect me to take you seriously?

Go back to /r/trees. And please remember the rules next time you come to 4chan, you shitposting pothead faggottalented /diy/er

Sage, because this shit has nothing to do with /diy/, except that faggot stoners like you come here to ask "how does i make bong 420 lolol xD". Fuck off, cancer.

>> No.187512

Ad hominem. I have yet to see anything credible that says sodium fluoride IS NOT A NEUROTOXIN

>> No.187514

I have yet to see any evidence that my penis is not a neurotoxin.

In fact I'm pretty sure it is, because bitches get addicted to it.

>> No.187523

Still never saw anything that says fluoride is a neurotoxin.

>> No.187532

so high he thought he saged

>> No.187546


hemp seeds contain no thc because they are harvested from the male plant; wtf are you talking about?

>> No.187550

no, male produces pollen, female flowers, polen,flower,seed


>> No.187738

>not knowing about noko+sage
Newfag detected,

>> No.187747

Why the fuck would you stay in a thread you're saging?

>> No.187748
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>Adding a known carcinogen to your water supply for extremely marginal benefits for dental health

>> No.188027
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>Doesn't know about google
>Probably illiterate

Wikipedia isn't for real i know, but there's like 20 sources there that seem credible.

>> No.188034

> the lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g

Just out of curiosity, how much fluoride does Murrikin water contain?

>> No.188038


~3g /liter

That's why everyone over there drinks bottled water and is afraid of drinking too much at once. It's also why koka-kola and gadorade are so popular.

>> No.188039

between 0.7 and 1.2 ppm (parts fluoride per million parts of water)

do the math

>> No.188043

1 gram in 264 gallons of water

>> No.188050
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If that much will KILL you, how much will cause negative health consequences?

>> No.188054


Oh, I see. That's certainly worrisome.


You better avoid potatoes, too.

>> No.188073

Hemp gets really heavy when wet, it's like denim. That's why it isn't the most useful textile/rope product, there are several natural and synthetic variants which do the job better.
There is evidence that cannabinoids in smokable cannabis operate in the same areas of the brain which are affected during psychosis/schizophrenia. Whether the cannabinoids actually cause psychosis/schizophrenia directly is another matter. It is known that smoking weed causes latent mental illnesses to be brought forward.
Not only this, but any kind of smoke contains carcinogens, even in small amounts. Don't go around saying weed is harmless just because some dipshit reporter cherry picked from a scientific paper and claims to be an expert on the matter.

>and who fucking cares? i don't like to get high but i think marijuana's flowers should be available to consume. all intoxicants should be legal. if people want to waste away and be fucking dipshits then let them, but at least give them the tools to be safe about it. i believe in harm reduction and police should be worried about things other than a fucking plant that you can't even overdose on.

And what about deaths caused by car crashes and other accidents caused by dumb fucks who are fucked up on drugs/alcohol?

>> No.188081
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>It is known that smoking weed causes latent mental illnesses to be brought forward.

>> No.188083

Yeah, it does. Depression included.
Same effect psychedelics, amphetamines and even coke can have.

>> No.188106

well, you'll have to post a source with _facts_ to back that up then. inb4 you link a study with strong suggestions.

>28 yrs old
>toke ~once a day since 12 yrs old
>coasted through school
>good career
>better health than 90% of friends
>not depressed

Smoking anything is bad for you, but it's not like we're huffing diy meth here. Don't confuse the casual toker with a loser burnout.

>> No.188114

Casual tokers don't count as stoners. You're safe.
I'm talking about regular (smokeweederryday) types.

>> No.188118

>And what about deaths caused by car crashes and other accidents caused by dumb fucks who are fucked up on drugs/alcohol?

Treat it the same as you do right now? There's already a legal system in place, and legal intoxicants like you already mentioned which can lead to such accidents.

>> No.188122

It would be a crime to operate a motor vehicle while stoned. It's really besides the point though, the United States ranks pretty high in illicit drug consumption so what you are describing is already happening.

>> No.188124

I should have refreshed before posting