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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1795955 No.1795955 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how bad life may seem, just remember.
You'll never stick your hand (with a towel) into a lathe thats on and spinning

>> No.1795958

I will also never post pictures of my hairy asshole on the internet.

>> No.1796010

Shave boipucci & poast.

>> No.1796019

Injuries happen Adam but that was the most retarded, first-on-the-safety-video tier fuckup

>> No.1796085

Well I guess in some ways, you've got to own your mistakes as its really sometimes the only way people learn and stop being complacent. Especially if you work by yourself and there's no one else around to flick an off switch and drive your maimed, bleeding arse to hospital.

>> No.1796089

This is why I like working for yourself with CNC equipment.

>no artificial pressure making you do dangerous shit beyond your own
>enclosures and safety interlocks keeping spinning metal away from you

>> No.1796117

Sanding on a lathe scares the shit out of me, even if I am just holding a folded piece of sand paper against the wood. I know it's relatively save to do and every fucker does it, but it's very unnerving to say the least

>> No.1796118

I went through a period where I watched a large amount of videos Adam made on his channel.
Every single time he was on the lathe or the mill, he was doing dangerous and stupid things.
I get that he isnt a machinist by trade, but he genuinely doesnt take his safety seriously with machine tools. I dont know if its hubris, or if its inexperience, but its there and its happening.

I remember saying to myself I expect him to seriously hurt himself with his machine tools.
Im happy he didnt lose his hand and forearm, but its not that surprising that it happened in the first place.

>> No.1796138

>im happy he didnt lose his hand and forearm

That would literally be the LEAST worst thing to happen to him since he stuck a fucking towel in a lathe.
If he got sucked in, mother fucker would have been mince meat in that fucking thing.

>> No.1796249

It's the same complacency we have with cars as well.
Car can easily fuck you and everything you love in seconds yet people think it's ok to drive around with balding tires Rusty brake lines.
The annoying thing is that even after a close call they still are complacent and think it won't happen to them.

>> No.1796300

Imagine feeling compelled to make an almost 13 minute video about a little boo-boo on your finger.

>> No.1796322

I've met him a couple times in San Francisco. Dude is an egotistical dickhead, very much different than his public persona.

>> No.1796355

[insert snickers copypasta]

>> No.1796379

I'm pretty sure I have a badly worn CV joint because the car shudders pretty going around shallow curves. I do about 90mph on the way to work every day and one day that fuckers going to snap and I'll loose control of the car and it'll fucking careen over the barrier into oncoming traffic. #YOLO

>> No.1796382

He won't be opening and closing his hand this time...

>> No.1796396

You wont lose control of your car from a blown CV joint
You will get one HELL of a clunk though.

>> No.1796403

Oh okay good. I had a super worn one in my last car too and the mechanic said if it snapped at highway speed I would've lost control of the car and probably been killed. Good to know it was just fearmongering. I'll be replacing this car later this year anyway so I don't want to put money into it if I can avoid it.

>> No.1796412
File: 56 KB, 664x619, ohjeezzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coworker keeps using the table saw with long baggy sleeves

>> No.1796427

Though you can crash hard enough that what is inside comes outside too. Also, there are non-enclosed CNC's where you just hang out nearish the spindle all day (for example, the one I run at work).

>> No.1796626

To be fair, the average T-shirt might just get torn off instead of a hand or arm being pulled into the blade.

>> No.1796687

You have no clue.

>> No.1796700

Pretty sure Matthias did a video on this one, using a piece of flannel shirt. He couldn't get the saw to grab the material, if I remember right.

>> No.1796703

My grandpa once got his jeans caught in a PTO. He just held on to the tractor while they tore off. But he was in pretty good shape.

>> No.1796762
File: 67 KB, 602x709, banter stops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeans caught in a PTO
Well, you only get one chance at that going either way and if you're still alive, buy a lotto ticket

>> No.1796763

He did a brilliant punchline reveal in that video. I literally ripped my headphones off and cursed. Good get Adam.

>> No.1796922


its because hes getting old and that alzheimers is probably in its early stages and hes forgetting to be safe

>> No.1797401

Holy shit. I wonder how the torn jeans types would buy jeans fresh from a PTO.

>> No.1798653

speaking of safety, will we ever make a safety device that doesn't fuck up the machine but saves you from losing fingers/hands?

>> No.1798687

Bosch has one, I think. It uses airbag-style charge and it just lowers the disk without damaging the machine. But you need to replace the airbag thing.

>> No.1799042
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1583892975251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1799319

Made me remember that video where a chink worker got caught by one of these things and after 100 spins his whole skeleton was ripped out from his body like a Mortal Kombat fatality.


>> No.1799389

haha lathe go wrrrr

>> No.1799398

If I ever learned anything in my life being a retarded overpaid union worker

Lock out tag out

Which means don't work live
1. electrical
2. anything with a motor

And it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Motors for the most part make noise, they can be loud.

And Adam is still wearing a ring in the video. Don't wear rings in the shop.

>> No.1799428

I was going to say it could be something like tungsten carbide which would shatter before causing any degloving issues but that really doesn't look like tungsten.

>> No.1799452

this is retarded,
what if i'm trying to commit suicide by cutting my head off?

>> No.1799456

The Bosch Reaxx is amazing and technically superior to the sawstop
Also fuck the owner of sawstop

>> No.1799518

look how loose his watch is. definitely aids.
what a complete idiot i don't care how anyone thinks he is i know plenty of people who work with machines and tools some of them by themselves not even in a big H&S nazi style place with all rules who have gone their whole lives without injuring themselves or others.
dont work alone and also maybe use your fucking brain especially when there is an international health scare going on maybe especially don't go making it worse for everyone else too.

>i know
no clearly you don't. idiot.

>> No.1799557

Safety PSA, no problem there.

I still think CNC with enclosure and safety interlocks is way safer.

>> No.1799566

I knew instantly which video this was.

It's amazing how a guy with a fully stocked shop can fail basic safety 101.

>> No.1799583


SPIRITCOOKING. cut deeply into your middle finger and eat the pain.

>> No.1800035

I use long narrow strips of sand paper and hold it between my thumbs and index fingers so if it gets caught on anything it just slips out of my hands.

>> No.1800070

>be industrial maintenance monkey
>never used a lathe
>need to bring 1” solid shaft to specific length
>lead tech tells me to rough it out on horizontal bandsaw (love that thing by the way. Though honestly cutting hardened shaft with a serrated blade is probably bad practice but whatever) and finish it on the lathe
>literally just winging it, only vaguely familiar with what all the knobs and shit do from This Old Tony videos
>every single knob is loose and has a ton of play so the indicators aren’t very helpful
>have to make a cut, pull out shaft and measure, reinstall and make another cut cause I don’t know what the fuck else to do
>on final cut forget to remove chuck jaw tightening tool
>machine spins up, makes a loud CLUNK noise and tool magically disappears
>immediately begin sweating bullets and having a mild panic attack
>know exactly what that noise was, begin wondering if it struck me dead and I just haven’t realized it yet
>tool got destroyed but the lathe didn’t seem to give a shit. Had to order a replacement tool

And that was the first and last time I ever used a lathe. I don’t plan on going near it again until I’ve had some real instruction on how to use one. It was a boneheaded error, one I’m very lucky I didn’t get maimed by and I’m very well aware it was completely and entirely my own fault. Next time I’m going to treat that thing with a lot more respect.

>> No.1800105

>I don’t plan on going near it again until I’ve had some real instruction on how to use one

More YouTube, but your issue is less lack of instruction, more lack of experience. Removing the chuck key as your attention turns away from the chuck itself needs to be habitual. Doing a quick mental/visual check that you aren't wearing ANYTHING that might get caught (necklaces, long sleeves, jackets, bracelets, rings, hair, etc.) needs to be automatic. Glancing at the levers and knobs to maker sure there's no stupidity going on (like power feed is engaged at max speed right next to the chuck, ask me how I know this one...) should be second-nature.

Really, what you need is more time screwing with the lathe while someone keeps tabs on what you're doing. Especially if you refer to a chuck key as the "chuck jaw tightening tool".

Which I guess is sort of instruction...

>> No.1800231

I watched a 25 year old manchild who is literally older than me try and wipe off a RUNNING tap in a Bridgeport with a fucking shop rag, instead of just blowing the shit off. Of course it got caught, of course he was wearing gloves, and instead of letting go he grabbed on to the rag, leaned back and pulled with all his fucking might to risk his arm to try and save the fifteen cent shop rag. The tap was in a tapping head which uses a clutch when it meets resistance so when he pulled hard enough it just slipped so he didn't lose a fucking limb, but I don't understand how some people can be so old and so unbelievably mechanically retarded. Fuck that "kid"

>> No.1800232

>He wasn't berated daily by a Boomer about not leaving the handle in the chuck as a teenager

>> No.1800254

LOL that would have made a good video

>> No.1800265

I'm planning on buying a harbor freight wood lathe to make nunchucks on but this thread has me reconsidering. I've never used a lathe, but I'm also not a dumbass, I'm an arborist and work with deadly stuff daily. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.1800270


You'll be fine, just use some common sense.

>> No.1800287

I used metal and wood lathes a lot in high school (which may as well be a million years ago now), we got fairly good instruction on how to use them and not kill ourselves.
>No ties, no watches, no rings, roll up your sleeves and basically check that anything spinning is going to be clear of obstructions
Which will see you through the worst they can do for the most part.
There was some spectacularly fucking metal accidents with band and table saws though! To the point that no one was allowed to use the table saw any more and the bandsaw was one of those things we had to do a written test on before being let loose on. It wasn't really our teachers fault either, we just had some really fucking dumb cunts that would have poked a light socket, jumped in the shallow end head first or wandered in front of a bus eventually.

>> No.1800289

I have an Atlas 12" lathe, its a medium to small hobbyist lathe.
Shortly after I got it, I left the key in the chuck and the amount of force it slammed that fucker not only scared me, but surprised me. Its still geared, its still running at these high RPMs, it can still maim or kill you. I gained a much stronger respect for lathes in general because of it.

And the worst part?
In the months prior to getting it, reading and researching how to use it, 2 things were hammered into every tutorial.
Dont leave the key in the chuck, dont have loose articles near the chuck or the leadscrew or anything that moves.
I knew better but did it anyways.

>> No.1800290

When I look back at shop class now as a 30 year old who has built a small workshop in the garage, I am surprised more people didnt get fucked up in. Everyone was fucking stupid, myself included.
I went to a really small school so there were no catastrophic injuries other than a kid splitting his thumb really bad, or a few people getting hit real bad with kickbacks

The most injuries came from people welding believe it or not.
Someone was wearing fucking tennis shoes and burning slag came down into the shoe and gave him a really serious burn

>> No.1800294

Yeh, there is no expiration date for doing dumb shit. Half the guys in my job worked decades on the same machines & then one day, just, did something they've done ten thousand times, but a little too close to one side or whatever, and zip, there goes the end of the finger. Every year, someone does something.

>> No.1800295

I think some of the most loony tunes shit was probably the wood lathes, meatheads just going hard with a skew chisel, it sticks and gets thrown 15ft up in the air and either sticks in the roof or... comes down with everyone running like mad cunts as the table leg on 'too fast speed' rips itself to pieces and sends even more sharp objects all over the place. Our shops where actually quite good in the sense the teachers did give a shit, we had some really good tools like sheet metal brakes, anvils, forges, all manner of saws and mechanical stuff. My dad was a heavy vehicle mechanic so I had a bit of a lead on some others just in the practical and safety sense.

The table saw got the verbotten sticker after some dumbdumb a year above us managed to feed a finger into it and came away with it neatly sawn up to the 2nd knuckle. The band saw was pretty mad though, kid in the same class was feeding a bit of wood through it and decided it could go faster and fed the heel of his hand into it about a good 2 inches before deciding to pass out and off to hospital. That was 'meaty' to say the least!

>> No.1800299

My grandfathers a master woodturner of some repute. He's been the president of the North American Woodturners Association, been turning professionally for 80 years etc etc etc. But when he sands a piece on the lathe, nevermind not rolling he sleeves up, he actually rests his arm on the spinning workpiece, and it just spins under his flannel shirt as he sorta leans on it & sands with the other hand... if you look at his shirtsleeves, they've all slices through them where wood has burned through them. Imagine standing there watching someone do that. The suspense is just about enough to make me lose my fucking mind, cause you know eventually, one of these times...

>> No.1800337

>talk about getting degloved by a lathe and a towel
>post a link to youtube
>its a link to some zoomer faggot YouTube celebrity
That's the .most disappointed I've been in awhile. I expect to see some real action!!!

>> No.1800347

>some zoomer faggot YouTube celebrity

Consider sticking your head in a chuck.

>> No.1800358


>> No.1800370

Could you be slightly less 12 years old? This was actually a readable thread before you started shitting it up.

>> No.1800374

if i ever start calling myself a maker shoot me.

>> No.1800375

the reaxx is a marvel of engineering
the sawstop is like playing horseshoes with nuclear missles.
scorched earth vs minor inconvenience.

>> No.1800418

Mythbusters aired before you were born anon

>> No.1800437

Never was as good as Junkyard Wars. I miss Junkyard Wars a lot desu senpai.

>> No.1800452

I liked junkyard wars as a kid, but it was not actually a good show at all.
The fact that they deliberately planted useful stuff everywhere just makes the show terrible

>> No.1800453

desu i haven't seen it in 20 years or so, so i probably missed a lot of that.

>> No.1800636


imagining anon with a chuck key sticking out of the side of his neck like those frankenstein halloween masks waiting for the ambulance

>absolute rookie mistake btw. machine shop 101