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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1746581 No.1746581 [Reply] [Original]

What are some cheap and easy ways to make my bedroom comfy?

- soft lights
- small plants
- lots of pillows
- no electronics

>> No.1746589

Put a girl in there.

>> No.1746604

>Soft lights
>Small plants
>Lots of pillows

I think there's already a girl in there.

Fuck your no electrics. Put a train set in there, a fish tank, some nazi flags and a minibar.

>> No.1746606

>Put a train set in there, a fish tank, some nazi flags and a minibar.

I'm not a faggot, so no.

>> No.1746613

Looks like OP isn't a girl.

>> No.1746628

Honestly just google comfy rooms and try to mimic as much as you see. I do the same when looking for design options in my house. I google mansions and try to copy what comes up.

>> No.1746733

How do you compensate for a lack of natural light and good view in your bedroom (another house right outside the window)?

>> No.1746746

Large light sources and wall decorations. Light colored furniture and paint also help to spread light around.

If you have lamps with bare bulbs, get large lampshades for them. This may sound counterintuitive, but while it does cut the overall amount of light you get from the bulb, it spreads the light source to create a larger light source that's not as intense and more pleasing to the eye.

>> No.1746758

>least practical room
this is the kind of dumb shit my gf does

>> No.1746768
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>fish tank
Came here to say this. If you get a nice setup with some night lighting, it’s real comfy. Any type of water feature will help.

>> No.1746797
File: 671 KB, 840x560, loveandpeace_43_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question that's been plaguing me too. I want to increase the Comfy levels in my house

I feel like having a very dense amount of visual detail helps make a space feel small and cozy, but I haven't cracked the code to doing that without it looking cluttered.

>> No.1746804

cause your rooms a fuckin mess you bongweeb

>> No.1746806

>bed up against window
>bedding up against radiator

>> No.1746838
File: 62 KB, 564x564, f168716794988e74b8167d0a410a4011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry, that's not my house, it was just an example. Here's another

>> No.1746848

Still cluttered AF, anon.

>> No.1746852

the table sure, but the wall is packed with visual interest without reading as "clutter" to me

>> No.1746886

Tacking trash to the wall still makes it trash. There's no organization or harmony to anything. It's not comfy, it's cluttered.

>> No.1746887

interior design is super not my wheelhouse, give me some clutter free examples of comfy

>> No.1746892

Not comfy at all, looks like BATTLESTATION shit from tranny redditor

>> No.1746906
File: 260 KB, 1024x1225, 04b63633a36bf5e5cd7324ce7fab159e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I hate that I found this one on pintrest, this is the kind of girly touch that's got plenty of storage, organized wall tidbits, and bed-against-the-window that make a small space very comfy. Especially if you add the girl.

>> No.1746921

i unironically look at battlestation threads for decor inspiration. I think I might have the interior design equivalent of an intellectual disability

That one feels too "open" for my taste. I find cramped spaces comfiest. As a kid, I moved all my shit into my closet and just lived in there.

Also, did this come from some sort of christian interior design magazine or something? What's with the weird religious decor?

Also can somebody explain the appeal of bed risers to me? It feels like the most uncomfortable height possible.

>> No.1746962

Go through some Feng Shui and design books. When a full room is incorporated, the setting will have more of a presence than just picking a gimmick here and there.

>> No.1746972
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Theres always this. Im not joking either. Sometimes simplicity gives a nice aesthetic.

>> No.1746974
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Wood paneling and earth tones does it for me

>> No.1746977
File: 130 KB, 960x720, 1570306738554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, sometimes you dont need a permacomfy space because maintenance.
Thats when a temp comfy setup like pic related for weekends can be great

>> No.1746984

You must be a child of the 70s/80s

oh fuck I didn't realize now that I'm a grownup I can make forts whenever I want and not clean them up

>> No.1746991


>> No.1747005

If one does not invite the Lord into their home, the devil may enter freely.

>> No.1747011

Born in the 90s, but grandparents home still looked like it did when they peaked financially.

>> No.1747012

Sex forts.

>> No.1747016

>As a kid, I moved all my shit into my closet and just lived in there.

Found the homo...

>> No.1747054

Idk id rather have the desk against the window.

>> No.1747152

Why the hell do women constantly hang "inspirational" words everywhere? Do they forget to be grateful, tell the truth, and say yes to new ventures if they don't constantly have reminders in their environment?

>> No.1747446

>open to new experiences

Have you met any that fit all three?

>> No.1747448

Remember that every unnecessary piece of cloth adds more dust to the room.

>> No.1747546

Get dimmable lamps that point upwards. There are both tall floor lamps and wall mounted lamps that work like this. You can't get more diffuse light than that.

>> No.1747578

Imagine spending that much time on a dorm room.

>> No.1747585

>Imagine spending that much time on a dorm room.

It depends. Try to picture a young person with lots of energy and plenty of Dad's money. Why not do something nice like this for a room you might spend years in. When I was in college some of the upperclassmen had done crazy complex shit with their rooms, and had spent lots of time and some money on something that was fun.

Or you could sit in your standard issue dorm room playing vidya non-stop, or get high all the time, or whatever. It's all cool.

>> No.1747667

Superficial creativity

>> No.1747946
File: 307 KB, 2000x1333, jasmine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats literally worse than anything he posted lmao

>> No.1748038

No ceiling light. Lots of little light sources, preferably indirect.

>> No.1748053

now that's comfy

I thought about draping fabric from the ceiling to increase the comfy factor, but worry about interfering with the air vents. Plus pets = more dust

>> No.1749191

Diffuse windows, in a similar style to OP's image, would work well. Just don't get the cheap ones that you see in people's bathrooms

>> No.1749449


>> No.1749466

don't hurt me like this

>> No.1749594

This kind of simplicity looks like a german prison cell, pinewood bed and white wall and all that.

>> No.1749705

go to charity shops,
find scarves and throws,
hang them on wall
like curtains over doors/passages.
makes it super comfy, don't have the pics here but might post some tomorrow.

>> No.1749733

"she" said comfy, not NEET dungeon

>> No.1750247
File: 342 KB, 2048x1536, Photo0348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room

>> No.1750372

wheres the gravity bong?

>> No.1750384

bro im glad i'm not a boomer

>> No.1750583
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Candles in safe places

>> No.1750692

GRAVITY bong? that's new to me. no weed for me thanks, makes me paranoid.
oh it's literally the oldest con in the world;
you are sick, but I alone have the cure!

>> No.1750699
File: 152 KB, 1368x912, Jackson apartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1750938

You can get comfy by the heater with your cute gf

>> No.1751146

Cute wendigo gf maybe.

>> No.1751152

It's a Scandinavian prison cell. Looks like progressive hell

>> No.1751181

>putting plants in your bedroom
Do you not know how plants work

>> No.1751185

They look and smell nice, and they filter the air slightly. I see nothing wrong with them being in a bedroom.

>> No.1751187

Anon, plants shit out CO2 they took out of the air during the night

>> No.1751188

In minimal quantities.

>> No.1751193

Completely untrue. Plants USE stored carbohydrates at night, which makes CO2. But it's like a sleeping mouse worth of emission.
During the day they consume CO2 to produce sugar. If the plant is growing then more CO2 is absorbed than emitted, since plants use that carbon to build new cells. They literally grow out of the air. It doesn't really matter though, since the process is so slow that air exchange from rooms not being totally sealed spaces swamp the effect.
They do filter small particles from the air during respiration though, and they raise the humidity when it's really dry as long as their soil is kept moist. Plants are just kinda nice to be around.

>> No.1751414

they dont think for themselves so they have to constantly be surrounded by things telling what to do or feel to be at peace

>> No.1751415

thats a cute autistic dog anon

>> No.1751416

> girly touch

My gf's girly touch is to hang up paintings of her nightmares, make an alter with naturally cleaned skulls, and organize a collection of rocks sorted by mineral content and location

> tfw gf is more autistic than me

>> No.1751616

Is your girlfriend a fucking wendigo?

>> No.1751710
File: 34 KB, 640x427, 1578620107888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that OP eventually came out of the closet...

>> No.1751762
File: 68 KB, 680x1020, 8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find pic related to be a good option. A nice storage place near the bed (in non seismic areas), plants only if you have good weather to leave the window open some time with plenty of sunlight, pillows arranged in a way the bed doesn't look too much like a bed, and a nice rug. Lights are not necessary in small bedrooms imho, even christmas lights or your phone screen do the trick.
Sounds like I could be your gf, anon. Skulls and weird rocks make for some real nice decor. Except I like my collection of rocks neatly stored out of sight; less dusting to do.

>> No.1751823

Separate thematically/utility related visually dense clusters of stuff with enough space to circulate thru

>> No.1751835


A number of yhr rocks are in an LED lined curio cabinet, which cuts down on dusting

>> No.1752099
File: 2.56 MB, 190x200, nerd laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying plants output enough to harm someone
>thinking plants are just churning out CO2 like a Chinese factory
>room would have to be filled almost entirely with genetically modified hyperactive algae to cause any harm by CO2
>image of a guy laying down to sleep in cube of algae with tiny space around his mouth and nose
>"nothing could possibly go wrong here"
>this stupid fucking poster

>> No.1752100
File: 216 KB, 468x895, 1529425167348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky fucker. bet she's kinky af in bed.

>> No.1752102
File: 610 KB, 1536x2048, Photo0349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the other side of my room.

>> No.1752268

It's clutter because it doesn't look inviting. OP looks like a bed to lie in.
This looks like I'll tip everything over.
This looks like there's no place to sit that is comfortable or to do anything fun.
This looks like you can chill on the bed, the chair or the computer chair and do something together
This Anon gets it, it looks nice to lay in.
This looks suited to one person but can accommodate another comfortably and even 2 if needed on the bed but still comfy.
I hope I made my point to you antisocial autists. Comfort is about having options of more than one place to situate yourself and still feel like you're in a great spot, even if it's just you that's there all the time, otherwise you'll just end up with a bed next to the computer.

>> No.1752479

>Nazi flags
Absolutely based. Stockpile K98s too and hang them up on the walls.

>> No.1752537
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What can I do to make my room comfier? Seems kinda soulless, honestly.

>> No.1752543
File: 1.63 MB, 2585x1589, WP_20180208_17_00_18_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gave yourself the solution bro; give it soul. The way to do that is to fill it with things you love.
I like bottles.

>> No.1752546

What the other guy said, bit get a better table in wood or whatever you prefer.

>> No.1752578

Add a nice wallpaper to the wall the bed is against and have some wall lights too.

>> No.1752601

absolutely based

>> No.1752703

Do you have any recommendations for a good wooden desk? I really need a new desk, I've been wanting to replace this white one for years.

>> No.1752713
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That absolutely looks like furnishing of a shantytown residence

>> No.1752748
File: 64 KB, 445x372, opossum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice collection. I appreciate the 'possum.

>> No.1752749

But does she let you fuck her in the ass?

>> No.1752781

asking the real questions

>> No.1752820
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x2448, P9035437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smaller it gets the cozier it gets

>> No.1753239

its not like the shit turns to dust when school is over
you take all that shit and put it in your new bedroom wherever you go next

>> No.1753270
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These are only comfy because without the physical presence or attachment, you can project your aesthetic or emotions to the scene without consequence. Think how many times the person living in these rooms has had to shut their RGB lights off to sleep, or tripped over the kotatsu?

Your human want to be somewhere you are not will completely override whatever quantifiable way makes a place 'comfy', it is your nature.

>> No.1753274
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>> No.1753291

aka small and cluttered

>> No.1753324

If you have a 9ft ceiling or higher you can build a loft bed 1/3 up the wall for like 80$ of material. Just make it low enough on the wall that you can comfortably fuck doggystyle and high enough to put a couch under. Also diffuse lighting and hang tools/cool gear on the walls for display. I got so much ass in my early twenties in my awesome room :)

>> No.1753372
File: 494 KB, 245x240, bateman ooo yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just make it low enough on the wall that you can comfortably fuck doggystyle
this guy has got his priorities in order

>> No.1753394

a naked bitch tied up with her ass in the air

>> No.1753421
File: 53 KB, 620x400, 123837-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask her to post her nightmare paintings. Also buy her some geode bookend if she doesn't own a set already

I came out but I'm still attracted to small spaces, plz advise

You're just asking to have some sort of wacky fight scene go down in here and wreck your collection

anon confirmed for hobbit

>> No.1753834

god damn, thats dreamy

>> No.1753921

Keep an eye on goodwill for midcentury stuff desu. Old law office desks are the best bang for your buck if you want workspace, because they're usually solid and warm wood tones, but generally that era lends comfiness to spaces. Also, pick up something to put on the walls that you like looking at, asap. Bare walls are the mortal enemy of comf.

>> No.1754243
File: 1.98 MB, 1936x2592, AW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define dreamy?
I've moved this collection between many houses/flats in the past few years, here's another one you might like.

>> No.1754261

Ever consider filling those bottles with various things?

Saw a guy once who used to go around and collect things and fill glass bottles with them, like pine pollen and dried tiny mushrooms categorized by type, gives a cool vibe to a collection desu.

>> No.1754283

>like pine pollen and dried tiny mushrooms categorized by type, gives a cool vibe to a collection desu
that does sound really cool

>> No.1754472

flat surfaces should be free of clutter, such as the tabletops. Also, leaning objects contribute to a cluttered look. And you should remove some of the ground covering.

>> No.1754499
File: 192 KB, 720x960, Free Hugs 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Hugs ^^

>> No.1754503


>> No.1754542


an air filter specialized in sulphur gases, so that your smelly farts won't make your hair blonde

>> No.1755219
File: 2.00 MB, 2592x1936, AW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of them do contain such things, the smaller vials you can't really make out are all 99% full of stuff like that; seeds, fossils, hair from a deer, a cocoon, old inks, sea shells, barnacles and even ones full of dried 4 leaf clovers.

>> No.1755235

>even ones full of dried 4 leaf clovers.
I think you're supposed to press those in a book, not keep em in a bottle

Still rad though

>> No.1755268

>an alter

>> No.1755282
File: 1.88 MB, 1936x2592, WP_20180119_12_21_13_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i have those too hahaha, that's where i keep my 7 leaf clover