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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 13 KB, 236x384, matt risinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1647846 No.1647846 [Reply] [Original]

how can such a likable guy promote so much rubbish?

>> No.1647856

Have you ever met a man that runs a business? They are all insufferable corrupt shitbags who wound sell their mother for an extra dollar. I.e. jews

>> No.1647891

>Have you ever met a man that runs a business?

Oh I did, its like they throw all their integrity out the window once they become a hardWorkerTM, rationalize everything in their businesses interest... but there are businesses with integrity, not everyone is a Billy Bob used car salesman.

>> No.1647964

>Have you ever met a man that runs a business? They are all insufferable corrupt shitbags
imagine being this much of a moron

>> No.1648142

Hello, the fucker works in sales. Its his god damn job.

>> No.1648746

I hate this guy so much. Claims quality and building science yet makes houses that leak and rot. He is a hack like the rest if them, over charging dumb clients.

>> No.1648779
File: 248 KB, 1280x1024, abandon1442262702920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a house designed to last 500 years

unreal bro, unreal.

>the fucker works in sales

he has a construction company with his friend in the video I think.

>building science

every science that has "science" in its name is on women science level of science.

>> No.1650522

I dont know shit about building,but ignoring the "500 year" gimmick and marketing speak but is that video not just applying some extra protection and claiming its some super technique that they do? or is that the standard level of sheating/insulation and they are full of shit? i cant tell if I was duped or not

>> No.1650533
File: 22 KB, 315x350, Autism Alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everyone who runs a business is a jew., youre outta your stinking mind dude.

OP you are a rube, all the best salesman are well versed in being instantly likable.

>> No.1651651
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, matt risinger 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that video not just applying some extra protection and claiming its some super technique that they do? or is that the standard level of sheating/insulation and they are full of shit? i cant tell if I was duped or not

you see what I see, they just add 2x the shit they usually add and claim it will last 10 times more. The house was probably done by illegals and he just throws in "fine craftsmanship" in the title despite doing such a craphouse doesnt require any precise building skill

>> No.1652080

The studs are showing, no drywall or anything. It's an insulated shed. This guy is a hack and uses the same shitty building practices as every other shitty contractor.

>> No.1652089
File: 413 KB, 1024x576, 1563700406388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't say two sentences without namedropping a registered trademark. I still enjoy his videos but I'd rather build a leaky ICF building than his vertical mulch shacks covered with an air tight garbage bag.

>> No.1652091

imagine being you. in the closet and jewish. i'd kms

>> No.1653521

IS he the linus of /diy/ ?

>> No.1655173

Where then fuck can I find a contractor who wont charge me an arm and a leg to build me a shithole? Do they exist anymore? Am I going to have to do it myself?

>> No.1655180

If you have the required skill set or at the very least some self-confidence and an ability to learn and time I would recommend DIY or acting as your own general contractor and overseeing the building process. Watch this video and imagine what sort of shit goes on behind the scenes of a typical tract built house.

>> No.1655202

You got to find a new building style contractor. Find an AAC contractor you'll get new guys building with new materials fresh of the training boat, or steel same idea, if u hire a stick frame contractor you are going to get some asshole who had enough money for a few nail guns that couldn't think of anything better to do with his life so he fell into contracting.

Find a guy building with SIPS,or ICfS,or AAC, anything but 2x4

>> No.1655492

>Where then fuck can I find a contractor who wont charge me an arm and a leg to build me a shithole?

Noah Bradley custom homes, probably charges for his work as his should be you get a proper house, not some Risinger McMansion.

>> No.1655496

lol communist trying to be an edgy communist / bossy woman.

>> No.1655599
File: 149 KB, 654x677, 1410792519421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all you fucking contrarians that think you know better.

name 1 thing that Matt is wrong about. I'll wait. And not just things you disagree with, but actual technical deficiencies.

No I'm not defending him, just calling you all out on the fact you think you think you know what skilled contribution is.

pic related. all of you and the houses you live in.

>> No.1655600

*meant "skilled construction"

>> No.1655745
File: 46 KB, 474x353, FRAMING OSB WALLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name 1 thing that Matt is wrong about. I'll wait. And not just things you disagree with, but actual technical deficiencies.

1. OSB should never be used
2. airtight houses are a meme
3. 2x4 NAILED houses are a joke
4. ....

>> No.1655792

Haha anon, don't you know that your pic is likely due to the house wrap being improperly installed and not because OSB is literally mulch and glue. And what's the matter? Don't you want to save the environment? Air tight houses are energy efficient and make you completely dependent on the HVAC system to remove humidity and circulate air. Don't forget to condition your attic space. I hope you're not suggesting using screws for framing. Don't you know that they have absolutely zero shear strength and that stud walls are subject to tremendous amounts of shear. It's like you don't want a McMansion. Who cares if it's only built to last 10 or fifteen years without needing significant and costly repairs.

>> No.1655822
File: 82 KB, 1359x726, canada 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but minus hapa kids

>> No.1656317

>linus of /diy/ ?

who is linus?

>> No.1656485
File: 48 KB, 658x646, jewtel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1656491
File: 65 KB, 1080x1105, 54731705_2171312826465436_7541135611624141072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut it down

>> No.1656500
File: 314 KB, 500x500, 1523395208077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1656510
File: 33 KB, 600x338, sup.gent..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this schmuck

>> No.1656842

>2x4 NAILED houses are a joke
elaborate pls. what's wrong with nails on 2x4?

>> No.1656863



After hearing his first sentence I could feel that there was something wrong with him.