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1631402 No.1631402 [Reply] [Original]

I can use old iphone hardware, like the camera, in another stuff?

>> No.1631404

Can i*

>> No.1631446

In principle yes.
Seeing as you have to ask you probably won't be able to as of now.

>> No.1631650

OP's pic makes me sad. Fat flash must be quite slow.

>> No.1631694

>reusing the hardware
Good fucking luck with that

>> No.1631858

Why? That's not anything to do with how the Flash works, although I think in a few incarnations he has a fast metabolism so might be beneficial having some fat stores. Keto Flash.

A lot of Apple hardware is reusable and fairly well documented because fuck Apple.

>> No.1632083


unless you can reverse engineer their proprietary software to translate the language that their hardware uses to communicate you're not going to be successful. except the flash and the battery. maybe the buttons and switch, and shit like resistors, diodes, relays

shit like the camera will output the data it captures in a way that only apple knows how to read it and get anything useable out of it

>> No.1632136

>Being this fucking redarded.

Hardware doesn't use "languages". Hardware communicates with binary data, of which a programming language is a high level abstraction of.
Besides that, Apple actually open-sources a lot of their stuff.
The CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) was developed by Apple, and released as open-source.
The Kernel at the heart of OSX and IOS, Darwin/XNU, is also open sourced.

No, the sticking point for this is the MIPI interface on the camera and display.
There's some details about the MIPI interface online, but it's not the full spec, and manufacturers are allowed to extend the interface.
If you want the full MIPI spec for a device you need to buy like 10,000 units from the manufacturer.
Also, MIPI is a fairly demanding interface so you'll need a reasonably powerful FPGA just to communicate with it.
Luckily, some people have managed to reverse engineer small subsets of MIPI devices.
Here's an example project: https://hackaday.io/project/364-mipi-dsi-display-shieldhdmi-adapter

>> No.1632140

>Hardware communicates with binary data
Sweet child.

>> No.1632403

And what would you call a serial interface?
You have a few serial lines, which send and receive data one binary bit at a time, and maybe a few control lines.

>> No.1634676

There's nothing "digital" about serial. It is not clocked. It is measured in baud, not bits.

>> No.1634754

How fucking dense are you?

>There's nothing "digital" about serial
I never mentioned "digital", although, yes it is.
Digital means quantized into discrete values, which a binary encoding does, and therefore by extension a serial interface does to.

>It is not clocked.
Only for asynchronous interfaces, like RS-232, UART, or 1-Wire.
There are also synchronous interfaces, such as I2C and SPI, which have a dedicated clock signal.

>It is measured in baud, not bits.
That's like saying that you measure temperature in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. They measure the same information, just in slightly different ways.
Baud means symbols per second. In all the protocols I mentioned above each symbol represents 1 bit, therefore baud = bits per second for them.
In a parallel bus a symbol can represent multiple bits. For example, say I have a 10 bit wide parallel bus where 8 of those bits are data and the last two are parity information for error detection and correction. In this scheme, each symbol transmits 10 bits of information, where 8 of those are data. This would mean that data bandwidth of this interface in bits per second is 8 times the baud.
Another way to encode more that one bit of information into a symbol is to use a more complex encoding, such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). In QAM a symbol is represented by the amplitude and phase of a signal.
Under QAM64 there are 64 unique combinations of amplitude and phase, meaning that each symbol represents 6 bits of information. Once again, baud here can be converted to bits per second by multiplying by 6.
However, all that said, parallel buses are old tech and not used due to issues with skew as the operating frequency increases, and QAM mainly used for radio communications, not device interfaces.

>> No.1634761


when autistic spergloards argue.

>> No.1634792

Are you retarded?

>> No.1634872

Man you're easy to rustle. Also you sound like a insufferable ee student. Symbols are not bits you fuck tard, your shitty temperature units comparison is as crap as your knowledge. You can have lots of bits in a symbol and baud is never higher than the bit rate. But baud is not digital by any means. Symbols are not digital. They become digital after interpretation.. You know, when they exist in a fucking register and not some em pulse or a 25+/- v signal that requires parity and shit. I suppose you'll start trying to convince me that a vhf signal is digital too. That one is full of fucking symbols.

To close off this shit show this was counter to your argument that hardware only uses binary data. You are sorely, sorely mistaken. It's like saying oscilloscope are only digital. The world is much bigger and older than you think.

>> No.1634894

>It's like saying oscilloscope are only digital.

No it is not. Scopes can show analog signals, and old scopes were 100% analog. But IN GENERAL, serial data cables are not used to send something like audio in analog format. They send everything in some sort of digital format.

>> No.1634911

Asynchronous serial IS analog. That was my point. There's nothing "digital" about it. And for fucking sure I can send audio down a serial data cable it'll work just fine. I can show you plenty of cables out there that use extra pins just for that shit on many pieces of equipment. I have a fucking camera with a few analog outputs terminated to a db9 in a machine vision application.

You're just inexperienced. Nothing to be ashamed about.

>> No.1635049

You're the one who sound rustled here.

>> No.1635052

Naw man I'm chillin like a villan.

>> No.1635053

>Bringing up equipment which has no bearing on the current discussion
This thread is talking about hardware found in a phone, not 50 year old oscilloscopes and specialty cameras with analog outputs.

You're pretty bloody dense, if not outright retarded.

>> No.1635150


Please start using a trip or a name. You are so hilariously arrogant and stupid that I want to be able to spot your posts easily, not that it's hard considering your issues.

>> No.1635152

won't lie lads, today was my first day on this board and I am massively enjoying how autistic you get over trivial shit

I think I'll be staying

>> No.1635157

>Asynchronous serial IS analog. That was my point. There's nothing "digital" about it. And for fucking sure I can send audio down a serial data cable it'll work just fine.

We all know that ALL electrical signals are analog. Stop trying to impress us. And being able to send audio down a data cable is also something that everyone knows.

God I hope you are trolling. If you are really trying to show off your experience...

>> No.1635214

Same fag. But nice try.

>> No.1635237
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I admit to writing two of those posts, but that guy is worth it. He (you?) is one of the finest trolls around. Or a potato head. I'm leaning towards potato head, but who knows.

>> No.1635293

Tbh I thought the same but infinite boredom on a work night inspired me to level up on the strawman arguement. Like an ambiguous math question, the Jimmie Rustling was mellifluous. I love this board.

>> No.1635304
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>> No.1635313 [DELETED] 
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>>1632136 see

>> No.1635600
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are you for me or agin me, anon

>> No.1637723


>Hardware doesn't use "languages". Hardware communicates with binary data

it was an analogy, sorry that you took it literally

>the sticking point for this is the MIPI interface on the camera and display. There's some details about the MIPI interface online, but it's not the full spec

>Also, MIPI is a fairly demanding interface so you'll need a reasonably powerful FPGA just to communicate with it.

and this is the exact point i was making. you clearly have more knowledge than me on the subject and i thank you for translating my post to a more advanced vernacular.

>> No.1637851
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