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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 374 KB, 2048x1536, gamelan_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
162336 No.162336 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this synth thing.

Its tuned in the slendro scale from Gamelan music.

>> No.162337
File: 292 KB, 2048x1536, gamelan_machine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.162338
File: 332 KB, 2048x1536, gamelan_machine3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.162356

This looks really cool.

record what it can do, broski.

>> No.162359


>> No.162374


Thanks. I got to go to class right now. But Ill record it later tonight.

>> No.162382 [DELETED] 

looks unbelievably shitty kid

at least put some effort into it, looks like some 10 year olds attempt.

get some skill kid before you show off your shitty box

>> No.162383

That's why we don't know what you look like; right? You took your own advice.

>> No.162384 [DELETED] 

what the fuck does that even mean? what i look like? how does tha effect the way his shitty box look? fucking retarded kid.

>> No.162385

>get some skill kid before you show off your shitty box

>Has zero typing skill
>Insists on typing anyway

>> No.162387 [DELETED] 

since when does spelling and grammer matter on this site? ohh wait, they dont

i love how you kids are white knighting ops shitty box, just goes to show how many retarded liberal kids post here, and how little real men post.

ops box is shittly made, just look at the thing. he cant even use joints right, it looks pathetic.

>> No.162388


>> No.162390 [DELETED] 

explain how its trolling kid? im giving my opinion on it. look at how the buttons dont line up? look at those shitty joints. look at how he didnt even take the time to measure up everything. square everything off. its like he didnt take any effort into it.

its pathetically shittly made, and you kids are lapping it up, mainly because you coudlnt do better.

just look at the gaps between those joints. those should not be there. at all.

so many signs of poor craftsmanship its pathetic.

>> No.162391


Oh, you're that guy.

>> No.162392

Show OP your "shitty box" then.

>> No.162394 [DELETED] 

>say kid once

get over yourself. i said kid, big fucking deal.

as its been said before, only kids get butthurt when called a kid.

>> No.162397

See, this guy? this guy right here, he's the reason we can't have anything good.

You know what? instead of being such a massive faggot, maybe you should try making your OWN synthesizer, and showing OP how it's done.

Quit complaining you massive fucking manchild.

>> No.162398

what a pathetic argument


is that the best you can do? what are you, still in grade school, kid?

>> No.162401

not OP btw forgot to take my name off.

>> No.162402

im not questioning his synthesizer, im questioning the fact he cant make a simple box that doesnt look horrendous. seriously, look just how fucking shit it is.

>point out flaws in ops shitty box
>Quit complaining you massive fucking manchild.

ironic, isnt it that your the the one complaining about my critique

its like i cant say ANYTHING negative or i might hurt his little feelings

get over yourselfs fucking kids.

>> No.162407

You are a sad, sad, sad man. And I pity you.
You call it a pathetic argument and then revert to a pathetic argument (age) to try to make yourself look bigger. Show your own box or we can just assume you have a "shitty box" too.

>> No.162408

OP was obviously going for a weathered/beaten effect when making this, I don't think the outcome was intended to be "Apple style" if you get what I mean.

>> No.162409

I don't know where the fuck you came from, but this is /diy/ where we make shit from almost anything we can find around the house, not make everything perfectville, also the fact that you use 'kid' over 9000 fucking times in this thread, shows your immaturity.

Seriously, fucking get over yourself, 'kid'.

>> No.162413

You do realize that if this kid is 7 years old and forged this thing from the iron deposit in his cellar; you are fucking dead.

>> No.162415

Different anon with no interest in the argument here.

"Kid" is only as fucking obnoxious as it is because of how it's used. It comes off as a pejorative the way you're using it, because when it's said like that it's almost always intended as a juvenile way to demean the person being addressed and assert dominance over them. It doesn't serve a descriptive purpose, it doesn't help identify who're you're talking to, it's not endearing, it's just being a douche.

Or maybe it's just a habit for you. But that's not how it comes across.

>> No.162418

By the looks of it the op didn't make the box anyway, seems like it was probably something he had floating around and decided to put this stuff inside it.

Not sure why this fag is getting so butthurt over it. Maybe it is the OP actually and he's trying to get interest for his thread or something.

>> No.162419


It may be pathetic to you, but it is a good idea.
>Make box
>Timestamp + picture

Also, you've said kid about 10 times in this thread. So no, not just once.

Obviously OP feelsgoodman.jpg about his box. Sure, it's not put together the best. He never ONCE said it was. He was just showing it. And you..you had to come in this thread and be the tumor on this dudes day.

Goddamn you, niggerfaggot. God. Damn. You.

>> No.162420
File: 19 KB, 600x444, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain why ops box is shitty
>kids start white knighting it
>laugh my ass off as these kids go apeshit over facts
still defending his shitty box

ohh wow and you just called me pathetic? kid, there is no arguments here, only me stating facts (ho ops box is shitty) and you kids getting upset over it. more proof you are indeed a child.

i can see what you mean, but a shitty box from hte start is a shitty box. it looks horrendus, the fact he couldnt even put the effort in to make a good quality box then make it look weathered, because at the moment it looks like an old shittly made box, instead of an old box.

theres a difference between putting effort into somthing and not.

op obviously didnt put any effort into his box

if i was a teacher and this was some kids project, id give him a D. it would have been a F if it wasnt for the fact he has electronics inside it.

but seriously, just look at it. its pathetically shittly made.

pic related, its how dovetail joints should look. not like ops. you can see how badly his is made.

>> No.162422


I almost forgot.

OP, it's nice. You've got a shit ton more skill than I do.

>> No.162423

>Post image
>It has no metadata
>It can be found on other sites with a reverse image search

Yeah, sure mate, you made that.

>> No.162426

Not the greatest box joint I've ever seen, but who knows what tools OP had access to and also: who cares?

Kid guys' favorite joint is probably this:

Let's hear what this baby sounds like. Also, how about a pic of the insides OP?

>> No.162428


getting a bit worked up over somthing on the internet there, kid arent you? LOL (for reals)

see the thing is i dont care. i call people who act like kids a kid, and if they arent kids then they have nothing to worry about. fact is, if you get worked up over something on the internet then you need to take a break for a while and get your prioritys in order.

i agree, its a good idea, just done raelly really poorly. if he spent the extra time making somthing that looks good, it would literally be a better box. amazing isnt it?

measure twice, cut once.
to all the kids getting upset at the truth:

get out of your bubble and accept that its a shittly made box that could have been so much better than it was if it was not for ops lazyness.

>> No.162429

Pretty sure the point of this isn't about the fucking box. It's the synth thing inside and the buttons.

Granted, I have no fucking clue what that thing is.

>> No.162432

i never claimed i did kid, i was using it for an example.

way to go looking like a retard desperately searching for somthing to prove me wrong, thats typical kid behavior.

>more skill than i do

holy shit if you cannot make somthing thats on ops level then you most indeed dont belong here.

was my favorite joint for a while till i discovered weed.

>> No.162434

>also: who cares
Well Its pretty obvious that a bunch of children going apeshit over someone pointing out the flaws in OP's poorly designed box do care.

Its that kind of attitude; attacking someone who is criticizing poor work that's killing /DIY/

>> No.162435


God damn, this guy just enjoys shitting on everyone's parade, seriously, who the fuck CARES how shittily built the box is, this is a place to just build shit yourself and show it off, and get SUGGESTIONS on how to better their craft and work, not just shit on everything and tell the OP how shitty his fucking box making is.

Jesus fucking christ man.

>> No.162438

>who the fuck CARES
the people acting like kids towards my criticism care, and its pathetic the way they act when i tell them whats wrong with it

>SUGGESTIONS on how to better their craft and work
as i already said, measure twice, cut once, dont be lazy and put effort in, simple as that, and you wont have a shitty box like op.

if pointing out the flaws is shitting on someone parade, then you dont want to see me shit on someones parade, you would be crying your eyes out

harden the fuck up kid

>> No.162440

No, no. no. a thousand fucking times no.

This is a craft board, where you make shit from scratch, doesn't have to be good, or great, or amazing, it just has to serve it's fucking purpose.

If the synthesizer works WHO the flying fucking shit cares?

You sound like one of those people with OCD who have to point out every fucking little flaw in everything someone does, stop being such a self absorbed douchebag, and give some POSITIVE fucking feedback ya cunt.

>> No.162442
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get your joint types straight before you go spouting off to the real men here who know the difference between a box joint and a dovetail, you liberal hipster kid. Where'd you learn about woodworking, kid? Liberal hipster school where there are no "wrong" answers? Maybe you should enroll in grade 8 shop class next semester, kid.

OP's box is clearly BOX jointed and you talk shit about dovetails. And your pic has box joints on the left and dovetails on the right! Learn the difference and get your joints straight kid, or no adults will take you seriously!

KIDSLiberalhipsterkidshittyKIDSblahadsfsdgxvcx.. . oh shit I just had a stroke pic related

>> No.162443

For number of times the idiot poster says "kid" in any form or another; the length of the conflict on whether the box is any good or not increases indefinitely.

>> No.162444

>it works, who cares

if everyone had that attitude then we would all be dead. fact is you need to put effort into things if you dont want them to fail.

>ound like one of those people with OCD who have to point out every fucking little flaw in everything someone does, stop being such a self absorbed douchebag, and give some POSITIVE fucking feedback ya cunt.

and you sound like some white knight little kid who cant take any critisizm without having a tantrum like you are now

get over the fact its a shittly made box and there are no positive things i, nor you can say about it. time+effort=non shitty box

measure twice cut once and you wont have a piece of shit op has.

get over yourself white knight

>> No.162446

>gets the joints wrong
>acts like a literral faggot

i love how you are calling dovetail joints a box joint kid, then go on to be a total retard. post hidden.

for everytime you act like a kid, you get called a kid.

>> No.162447

Hoping you're going for the hipster vintage smashed up with a hammer and left to die then found in a forest look.
If so, for the love of fuck do something with those buttons.
Cut the numbers out of weathered metal or something? At the moment it looks like it has been made by Chris chan.

>> No.162448

>point out the flaws on ops shitty box
>kids go ballistic white knighting a really shitty box becuase they got upset

proof this board isnt /diy/ but /plskfab/ (pathetic little shit kids faggot ass bitchs)

harden the fuck up and learn to take criticism

>> No.162449

No, We thrive on halfassing our work, if we didn't nothing would get done, not all of us pride ourselves on making every little thing perfect, SURE If it was a fucking painting, or a motherfucking piece of art it would matter, but this is a tool, Tools are not meant to be pretty, or girly or frilly, they are meant to do a fucking job, maybe if you stopped trying to paint fucking pink all over your god damn tools You'd realize what the fuck PRODUCTIVITY is.

>> No.162450


i see we have another man in this thread, not some circle jerking little faggot kid who goes apeshit when someone points out the flaws

>> No.162451



>> No.162453
File: 28 KB, 512x512, troll line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for troll.

>> No.162455

>point out flaws
>call me a troll

and this is why this board is dead

anyone, i repeat, ANYONE who ciritisies someones work is a troll, becuase we all have to play nice and not say why its shit, dont we?

only trolls in this thread are the white knights going apeshit.

>> No.162458
File: 47 KB, 500x333, cute-baby-goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box joint on the left of your pic, dovetail on the right. There is a difference. You don't seem to know it.

>> No.162459

>say the wrong word
big deal kid, if i cared i would apologize, thing is i dont.

doesnt change the fact ops box is horrendous.

>> No.162461

Something tells me you don't know the JC.

Anyways. Kids calling other kids "kids". What a vicious circle

>> No.162464

>ignore kid troll's faggorty
>ignore the faggotry of that one guy who really really likes the shitty box
>discuss shitty box

>> No.162468

at least you admit its really shitty and nothing to be proud of

>> No.162481

Jesus christ, people. It's a fucking SYNTH. What matters is how it sounds, not how it looks. Don't be so quick to pass judgement when you have NO IDEA even what the thing sounds like.
Now, I for one am a broke student. I am fairly certain that a large number of people here are in the same boat: Not a whole lot of cash, no fancy workshop, old secondhand tools, mainly self-taught skills.
It sure looks to me like OP's box was thrown together from found materials to contain what REALLY matters, the CIRCUITRY inside.
I, for one, eagerly await to hear OP's recording of the thing.

>> No.162486

>Not a whole lot of cash, no fancy workshop, old secondhand tools, mainly self-taught skills.

and that effects nothing. if you put the effort into it you wont make something shitty.

>> No.162487
File: 6 KB, 253x199, the point you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.162497

ohh i got the point, but fact is if you put effort into somthing, it wont look like shit, for example, ops shit box.

>> No.162499
File: 31 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.162500

i think i have made my point;

if you are lazy like op, and put no effort into things, no matter what tools or skills you have, you will have a shitty end product

measure twice, cut once, take care and dont rush things and you will have a good outcome.

>> No.162503

Fucking shit this thread went from epic to retarded with one post. Why do you dumb fucks keep feeding this guy?

Trolls are attention whores.

>> No.162504

At the risk of attracting a scathing wall of hatred I feel I have to say something here; This faggot is actually right, more attention and care would have produced a far better end product. Nobody can dispute that.

The problem however is that this has been turned into a pissing match and now both sides look like assholes. The best thing to do would be to let this thread sink.

Understand, The guy is RIGHT.
Understand, You're being a fucking dick.

>> No.162506

>calls me a troll
>all i did was tell op how shitty his box is and liberal retarded hipster kids go apeshit

dont blame me, blame the cancer

this, you kids need to seriously stop acting like huge cunts as soon as someone with some experience tells you where you went wrong

its fucking pathetic the way you act.

>> No.162508

I love how everybody's missing the point here. It's supposed to be a synthesizer, not a work of art, yet here everybody is criticizing its appearance. For all you know, it could sound great. Yet you are all stuck on the looks.

>> No.162510

>liberal retarded hipster kids
>blame the cancer
That's what we were doing. You've been fed. You can go now.

>> No.162511

no, you attacked me vicouslly becuase i stated the truth, and the truth is ops box is shit.

you can act like a retarded liberal hipster kid all you want, you can abuse me all you want, but that doesnt change the fact you are cancer, and that ops box is shit.

>> No.162538

>see thread about a diy synth
>oh cool i might learn how to make one.
>the entire thread is some troll who is jelly of OP's skills trying to make himself feel better by using weak arguments and repeating "kid" over and over.

Ok, who posted the link to this board on /b/?

>> No.162541
File: 8 KB, 470x346, picture-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the guy who keeps saying kid all the fucking time why not go to /trv/ or /n/ both those boards are slow as fuck with the ammount of time you seem to spend fucking with /diy/ you could compleatly destroy either of those boards insted of just pissing off /diy/ a bit every 6 to 8 hours

also grammar is for fascists

>> No.162543

>jelly of his skills

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH yea sure im jealous of some shitty box, you kids crack me up

keep on white knighting some shitty box kid

>> No.162546

You know, you keep saying it's a shitty box. Yeah, the box could use some work. But it's more than a box, it's a goddamn synth. The box is just what contains it.

>> No.162550

and that somehow changes the fact its really REALLY poorly made? no it doesnt, kid.

>> No.162552

you still havent proven that you can do any better.

>> No.162554

as i already said in this thread, what a pathetic argument


is that the best you can do? what are you, still in grade school, kid?

>> No.162564


I've never seen so much mad.

I hope you put this much effort into making things.

>> No.162568

>says somthing is shitty
>say why its shitty
>liberals go apeshit
>someone calls me mad for putting them in thier place

denial at its greatest, so which liberal hipster kid were you?

>> No.162575
File: 16 KB, 640x480, Photo_00011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real OP here.

I have a gamelan class. I am sitting outside of it. I cant wait to show my professor. I hope he loses his shit.

Anyway, this thread is crazy. I just read through it. So much Mad.

Regarding the quality of this thing. I used a laser cutter to cut out the box pieces. So, they were computer perfect when cut. I stained it, sanded it, and lacquered it really just because I could, not because I was aiming for any particular look.

>> No.162577

>I used a laser cutter to cut out the box pieces



>> No.162578


Whats so funny about using a laser cutter?

>> No.162581

i dont believe you, and if you really did, you programed it wrong. something so simple, and yet you fucked it up horrendously.

measure twice, cut once, kid

>> No.162583 [DELETED] 

I think we have found the Aatap of /diy/

>> No.162584

what the hell is abatap, kid?

>> No.162587

considering i mispelled it yet you still knew what i meant to say, i think you already know.

>> No.162596

>deletes post in shame
>makes shit up

hallmarks of a kid

>> No.162617

I deleted my post because i wrote Aatap instead of Abatap.

i was going to repost it until i refreshed and your post was there.

you may even be the real abatap, he has been missing from /tv/ for a while now.

>> No.162625

i have no idea what ever the fuck your speaking of kid, but if you post on /tv/, then you are a pedophile. reported, kid

>> No.162650


>> No.162671

>rate a post
>thinking its doing anything

typical kid behavior, cant think of anything to say so you passive aggressively call me a troll.\

>> No.162678

All I'm saying is there's definitely someone in this thread with an unhealthy obsession with kids.

>> No.162680


If you're not a cowboy, that's just creepy.

>> No.162683

>Call someone kid
>Say another board is for peaodos

I think you're projecting. As you want to project your spunk on an underaged face.

>> No.162684

you act like a kid you get called a kid

fact you stated your from the pedophile board on 4chan means you are a pedophile, kid. and now your resorting to abusing me because i called you out on being ashamed and deleting your post, kid.

>> No.162689

I'm a different person.

But I expect you'd still call me kid. And you probably see me as a kid as well. Just like you see every woman you've ever inflicted yourself upon.

>> No.162697

doesnt matter if your a different person, your still acting like a kid. you keep abusing me just becuase i gave op some sound advice on how to not make a shitty box. go right ahead kid, it just proves how much of a kid you are.

>> No.162711
File: 91 KB, 750x600, internet-tough-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.162715
File: 12 KB, 264x320, 2deep..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's a kid, how can he be a pedo?

>> No.162716

tough guy? that post intimidated you? ohh wow kid, you need to take a break from the internet if you get this worked up and offended by me telling op how to not make a shitty looking box. wow kid, just wow.....

>> No.162718


You keep calling everyone a kid, yet your grammar indicates you must not have even reached high school yet.

>> No.162721
File: 55 KB, 525x394, ba_dum_tsh..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you probably see me as a kid as well. Just like you see every woman you've ever inflicted yourself upon
Chortle'd merrily.

>> No.162723

as i already said in this thread, since when does spelling and grammer matter on this site? ohh wait, they dont

>circle jerking with other hipster kids

you are the cancer killing this board kid

>> No.162740
File: 135 KB, 1000x608, 01-abandon-hope-all-ye-who-enter-here-e1285714292550..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + F
>125 results

>> No.162778

R.I.P: My faith in the internet, 1988-2012

OP, if you're still watching this thread I'd love to hear that recording...

>> No.162781


yeah I'm an instrument builder too. people are veryyyyy picky about how instruments look. Much more into how they look than how they sound. I recently got a book on instrument-building and it highlights this fact. It says something like, "if it looks good, it's a sign it will sound good." People assume that if you have that much control over the instrument design externals then you must have mastered the internals.

which I don't agree with at all. However, sometimes you have to yield to forces. (just like your momma's hymen yielded to my strap-on in the woods last Friday night)

>> No.162786

Who cares how it looks, as long as it works and sounds good.

OP lets hear this thing.

>> No.162788


>> No.162796

>who cares what you look like, its whats on the inside that counts
>you now realize how much or a retarded kid you are, kid

>> No.162797

Seriously, just stay away from the comment box.

>> No.162798

>getting upset at the word kid
>getting upset that i told op his box was shit
>getting upset that i told op why his box was shit
>getting upset at things on the internet
>doesnt know how to hide posts

typical kid

>> No.162800

Hey guys. I just got home.

Ill get a recording soon.

Regarding the laser cutting. The laser cut was perfect. I mean the program had it perfectly square and the laser was fully successful in cutting it square. Unfortunately it was a few milimeters off and the pieces wouldnt fit. So I sanded them down a bit.

Now that doesnt explain why it looks the way it does. If you ever see laser cut boxes they are like... too perfect. The edges of each side usually stick out an extra 4 milimeters or so. I decided to just sand the hell out of everything so that it both fit together, and didnt have any sharp edges. I dont really care if it looks scraggly. But regarding the shaggyness, blame me, not the laser cutter.

brb, getting recording

>> No.162803

seriously, are you telling me you purposely changed it from perfect looking to retarded kid looking retardedness?

>> No.162804

The "shaggyness" as you call it is what gives it it's charm.

>> No.162805

>shitty looking box

stop sugar coating shitty work, kid

>> No.162807

I would never sugar coat anything I have diabetes and my mother says too much sugar will make me unwell.

>> No.162810

then stop wit the sugar coating then fat kid.

>> No.162811

I have already told you that I did not sugar coat it and I told you why it would be very unlikely for me of all people to have sugar coated it at all so I hardly think I was sugar coating it and you are obviously wrong.

>> No.162812

God damn, you are one hell of a malcontent.

>> No.162813
File: 10 KB, 355x300, lasercutbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I changed it from perfectly sqaure. Those laser cut boxes always have weird edges. If anything I think those weird edges look imperfect. They are just begging to be removed.

Pic related.

>> No.162814

>literally suger coar ops shitty box design by calling it "charm"
>lol no i didnt XD

typical retarded kid denial.

and your one hell of a kid

>> No.162815

you didnt remove them, you ruined your box kid

>> No.162817

How could I have literally coated it with anything when I am not even physically in the same space as it it's literally impossible for me to literally sugar coat it because I cannot even literally touch it from when I am.

>> No.162818

stop acting retarded kid

>> No.162819

I am not acting retarded at all I have a very high intelligence and besides I am a very talented actor so if I was acting at all you wouldn't have been able to perceive it because it would have been too convincing.

>> No.162821

>doesnt know what sugar coating it means
>continues to be a retarded kid

>> No.162822

I know what it means I am a diabetic I think I would probably know what sugar coating means I could die if I wasn't well informed on exactly what it means.

>> No.162823

>still doesnt know what sugar coating means
>keeps on being a retarded kid

>> No.162826

You seem to be repeating yourself now which is worrying and seeing as you seem to call a lot of people kid that may indicate you are an elderly person and considering these two facts I think you may be displaying symptoms associated Alzheimer's which is something you might want to get checked be a doctor for before it gets any worse.

>> No.162827

>STILL doesnt know what sugar coating means
>STILL acting like a retarded kid

your not trolling by acting retarded kid, your just getting laughed at

>> No.162829

As I've already said I know what sugar coating means but maybe you forgot already which may be related to the Alzheimer's you suffer from.

>> No.162831

>keeps on acting like a kid
>keeps on being a retard

typical kid

>> No.162832

I hope that you recover from this illness or at least can find some appropriate medication and maybe some live-in help to help with your day to day activities. If you had a nurse around the house she would be able to help you restrain yourself when you begin to repeat what you are saying over and over and over again. For example I think you will probably reply to this post and say the words acting, kid, retard and maybe sugar and if you had a nurse helping you she would remind you that you'd already said that and that would help your short-term memory forming abilities to return.

>> No.162833

>kid post

keep on being retarded, kid

>> No.162842

Alright Kids.

I got your video right here:


I am channeling through an amplifier. I think for a moment I use the in box speaker. The inbedded speaker sounds a bit more like a gameboy or an NES.

Also I cheated a bit for moments I was being aided by a sampler.

The loud slapping sounds are me hitting the keys. When I go fast I hit hard.

>> No.162844

so not only are you a shitty woodworking kid, your a shitty muscican kid as well kid. no offense, your better off sticking with your kid toys kid

>> No.162846
File: 641 KB, 1600x1200, Picture_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, argue about this box I made! I'm not going to tell you what it does, because you guys care more about the box. And I can't wait to see what you will say about my plastic store-bought box!

>> No.162866

God damn, someone just email the fucking mods already. And quit feeding the troll.

>> No.162868

What do you guys think of the sound?

>> No.162882

if you added reverb and delay, i think it would sound great.

>> No.162883

sound seems shitty, like your box design, kid

you can defiantly make it sound better with some more effort, something you should have done with your box, kid

>> No.162886

Wait so what is it?

You push the buttons and it plays notes?
Does it have a speaker or do you plug it into the computer?

What do the knobs do? The 4 red buttons?

That's fucking awesome, how do I make one?

Also, it does look likes shit. But I kind of dig the aesthetic, looks like it went through a nuclear war. Something you'd find in Fort Thunder, or one of the human civilizations in Adventure Time. The metal knobs don't really fit though, and the red buttons would look better clear-red, imo, would better fit the nuclear war feel.

>> No.162887

5:22 is a cool beat.
What is gamelan?
And what'd your prof think?

>> No.162888

The tone it puts out sounds a lot like the recorder I had in elementary school. I'd say it sounds good. The composition was a bit, uh, experimental for my tastes though.

Can you post a schematic? I'm more interested in the guts than the box. Was it a kit or did you hack it together yourself?

>> No.162892
File: 23 KB, 494x402, htersgonhate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're playing with something you made. Fuckin' enjoy it, it's more than a lot of people can do. Billy the Kid(s), I'm sure you're good at whatever you do, but unless you're posting realistic proof of skillz, get bent. Just sayin'.

>> No.162898


6 buttons, 5 tones. The top and bottom ones are octaves.

The two knobs are supposed to be an EQ (treble and bass) they currently arent functioning. Right now it outputs a raw square wave, but with a little bit of EQing you can take the edge off of it.

One of the red buttons turns on the inbedded speaerk
One of them turns on the output jack
One of them turns on the EQ
and One of them turns on a clean un EQ'd signal.

Fort Thunder is cool.


Gamelan is a really old indonesian style of music. Here is a pretty cool video of some gamelan stuff:


One of the scales they use is called Slendro, it has 5 tones in it. I am kind of a tonality junkie if that makes any sense. And mathematically mapping sounds is what I am into.

>And what'd your prof think?

He was pretty happy. I think he was just happy to see someone so interested they made something like that. I remember he asked me why I built it, like he was confused. I told him because I want to play at home. His face lit up when I said that. Makes me feel all good inside.


>Can you post a schematic? I'm more interested in the guts than the box. Was it a kit or did you hack it together yourself?

Yeah sure I will throw something together for you. There is an arduino inside of it.

>> No.162902

Awesome dude, this is really cool. Have you made any other things like this?

Does it cost a lot for the parts and shit?
I really want to make my own now.

>> No.162922
File: 53 KB, 1026x1500, gamelenmachineschematic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a schematic, sorry its not so clear, I just made it in paint.

Its pretty simple. Ill share my code too if you want to see it. Basically the ardiuno constantly reads analog 1. If the voltage is above a certain amount it plays a certain tone. The 5 volt range is divided into 7 sections for 6 tones, and one section that says if there is no voltage coming though, than dont play a tone.


Yeah I have some other stuff. Ill dump a bit.

>Does it cost a lot for the parts and shit?

I paid $10 for the wood. A few bucks for switches. The rest of it was just scraps I had laying around, and of course an Arduino. The speaker was free. I ran out of wire about half way into it and ended up having to harvest a bunch of electronics for wire to get enough.

>> No.162945
File: 825 KB, 719x596, onenowtwosmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an audio splitter I made recently

>> No.162955


Are you the asshat from the ball pit thread a couple months ago? If so...

>ITT: kids, kids everywhere

>> No.163009
File: 59 KB, 1061x336, 555-organ-circuit-schematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.163011

are you the cunt-clot that acknowledges the presents of these idiots?

>> No.163014
File: 87 KB, 614x262, organ-circuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.163144

Looks like the americunt kidphile has gone to bed so now I can say my piece.

OP this is awesome. Visually the box looks like it was taken from fallout. Is it battery powered and how big is it?

>> No.163160

I just wanted to say that OPs abortion has the workmanship of a handy craft done by a 10 year old Nigerian

>> No.163163


It looks like its from the Flintstones, pretty interesting.

>> No.163177
File: 29 KB, 448x237, 556_Stepped_Tone_Generator_Schematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't really need the 386 at the end of that...it can drive a speaker on it's own.

>> No.163471


Oh cool, thats just how my box works.


Unfortunately it has to be plugged into a wall. But I would like to make it battery powered.

>> No.164532
File: 16 KB, 400x311, Christmas-Present-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>acknowledges the presents of these idiots
>acknowledges the presents

This is a present. I believe you mean "presence."


>> No.164553

Great effort OP! ... you need to get some more oscillators in for your next one! ... I liked the 21/8 time sig on your youtube channel too... cool stuff!

Its funny when people argue the ''look'' of audio equipment when at the end of the day, its all coming out the speakers.

>> No.164714


Thank you.

Yeah I will certainly make more of these things. I think my next one will definitely have more oscillators. I am thinking I will make it polyphonic too. This one can only play one tone at a time.

Last night I was playing around with it and I broke 4 of the 6 buttons. I guess thats what I get for buying radioshack. I am going to buy some higher quality buttons and I will re-enforce the whole thing.

Also since the EQ portion didnt work I am thinking of what to replace it with, since right now I have pots and buttons that are currently functionless. I think I am going to build a Low pass filter and make the pots volume controls. The low pass filter will make the square waves more triangular and rounder, which will be a nice option to have. If I want I could later make a triangle to sin wave converter and get a resonably good sin wave out of it.