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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 45 KB, 375x500, Beaver-Nut-Scrub-375x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1577470 No.1577470 [Reply] [Original]

Best hand cleaner. And none of that fast orange junk

>> No.1577471

Gojo. /thread

>> No.1577474
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Are you even trying?

>> No.1577475

Gojo = AutoZone garbage

>> No.1577484
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>> No.1577489
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yup, I remember brake cleaner. now THAT stuff removed anything.

>> No.1577491

And chemically degloved your hand after ten years of doing that.

>> No.1577494

What's degloved?

>> No.1577519

It's when you scrub so hard it deposits material and builds it up like a glove

>> No.1577520

These damn kids growing up don’t even remember the good shit, that chlorinated brake cleaner. Mix that with a little R-12 and you can clean a crescent wrench that has been at the bottom of the sea for 15 years.

>> No.1577524
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I used to like gojo but this stuff blows it out of the water.

>> No.1577542

Dish soap

>> No.1577558

It's when the skin is entirely and cleanly stripped off that part of the body
Sort of like sloughing

>> No.1577657

So it's just raw meat hanging off your finger bones?

>> No.1577682
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The original.

>> No.1577699

Well, it's attached with connective tissue, but yeah. You can Google images of it. A common degloving incident involves wedding rings, that's why they say don't wear them if you're in a job where that could happen.

>> No.1577708

the only reason i ever agreed to help paint/decorate as a kid was because i got to wash my hands with this afterwards. it was a treat because it was expensive apparently?

>> No.1577714
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>cleaning your hands

>> No.1577740

Gojo has nothing to do with Autozone

>> No.1577789
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If I’m not using Brakleen, I still like the green Lava soap bars. But mechanics in our fleet got a big tub of this shit the other day and it’s not bad. I wasn’t super greasy when I tried it though. Otherwise they have a big jug of that Cherry Bomb stuff and it’s mediocre.

>> No.1577805

>not wearing gloves

>> No.1577814

Plain old bar of lard and lye soap. If the hands a greasy, it take oil to clean oil, start with any light oil, I like 3in1 but any cooking oil works alright, then follow with the bar. Works good and quick, no scrubbing needed.

>> No.1577830

I hate soap like that cheery bomb shit. It smells good. But it's so slick almost like shave gel and it really doesn't clean that well.

>> No.1577849
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Yeah that was one of my gripes, you put your hands in the water real quick so you can work it some more to remove more crud, and 3/4 of the Cherry Bomb just slides down the drain.

>> No.1577863
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but fast orange is the best.

pic not related

>> No.1577865


This shit and Dawn dish soap. All I ever use.

>> No.1577891

Borax and brake cleaner. First one, then the other, and an old tooth brush to get under the nails.

>> No.1577910

The trick to Cherry Bomb and Fast Orange and every other pumice softsoap is to apply it to your hands dry.
When you work it into your hands, it just demolishes grease and dirt.
Then the water breaks down the soap and it comes all off your hands quickly.

I love Cherry Bomb, it works better than anything else out there, AND it comes off clean quickly and easily.

Lava is way shittier, you have to do a lot more scrubbing with the bar itself, it doesnt come off your hands quickly or easily, and then it leaves your hands feeling chalky and shitty.

>> No.1578021
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anything else is meme tier

>> No.1578022

oh i forgot. powdered laundry soap mixed used as pumice with liquid dish soap is pretty damn incredible. something like tide or sunlight powder laundry soap with dawn dish soap your hands will be cleaner than theyve ever been

>> No.1578390

Washing up liquid and a sugar cube works alright for me

>> No.1578407
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I just use laundry detergent...

>> No.1578524

work in hydraulic repair/ machine shop
cherry bomb gets everything off but only if you use it on dry hands, grease, oil, oil mud, ductle iorn dust

>> No.1578533

Generally dish soap. I got some sort of borax soap on clearance at Winco recently that seems to work really well. Was super cheap too.

>> No.1578581
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>> No.1578801
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Unironically pic related

>> No.1580051

don't use solvents they act as carrier substance for many toxins from oil and paint and can penetrate you're skin allowing the toxins to enter your bloodstream.

>> No.1580122

Thanks mom

>> No.1580131

You're kinda special, aren't ya?
If you want to paint my house, I'll let you wash your hands afterwards too.

>> No.1580604
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for me it's eurol yellowstar, the best hand cleaning solution

>> No.1580653
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Nothin personal...

>> No.1580821
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>> No.1580827
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everything else is fucking meme tier

>> No.1580901


made me laugh/10



i know the risks and choose to accept them, but appreciate your concern about my well being. have a good day

>> No.1580921

>not replacing your hands every time
Feels good to be a cyborg

>> No.1581208

acetone, use sparingly, should be no harm if only done once in a while. Lotion hands after.

>> No.1581210

>penetrate you're skin allowing the toxins to enter your bloodstream.
is this true? i usually associate solvents with rapidly evaporating things moving stuff away from your body and skin. I associate bases with transdermal medicine. no i need to do reading.

>> No.1581212

Can confirm
Worked as a lube monkey for gualmar for a couple months

>> No.1581215

fat based soap bars are bad because they clog up plumbing with 'fatbergs.' Use gel soaps.

>> No.1581774

they still sell chlorinated don't they? I used to clean my hands with this shit all the time when I was a kid

>> No.1581781

Fatbergs are caused by people dumping fat food, and oil down the drain. Not soap

>> No.1581790

>they still sell chlorinated don't they?

>> No.1581810

Yeah I think it’s outlawed in Commiefornia though. The other less-lethal stuff sucks.

>> No.1582203
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I have this information from an BG-HM flyer German OSHA for wood and metall industry

about epoxy product allergies they found out that in company's where epoxy was cleaned of the hands with solvent the allergies strongly decreased when the use of solvents stopped because of the solvent allowed the nasty allergens to penetrate the skin.

We had a lot of problems in the making of glass fiber products especialy Wind turbines because there was a boom in wind energy and some companys took shortcuts with the safty.

most workers got sick during their 60day Probation and were not hired afterwards so they never showed in the statistics

>> No.1582206

Fat is fat, you'll be contributing to a fatberg all the same.

>> No.1582208

Another day, another occupational hazard that you brush off as nothing.
Be weary of who you take counsel from kids, lots of these types lurking

>> No.1582212
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>Fat is fat, you'll be contributing to a fatberg all the same.

Well, no. Soap dissolves in water, while the grease and oil that goes down your kitchen sink does not. You can pour a gallon of liquid soap down your drain every day and it will not accumulate in your pipes.

The tennis ball size balls of grease that float into the small waste water plant I manage are mind-boggling. How they keep their drains running is a mystery to me.

>> No.1582613


sorry but i have actual dangers to worry about at work like lifting overhead with the crane or running something over in a hoe, not the dangers of brake clean

>> No.1582620

Not only does soap dissolve, it's also an emulsifier - which keeps actual fat from separating from the water.