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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1523696 No.1523696 [Reply] [Original]

I scored some firewood off the side of the road. Tried bow sawing it into logs but I actually don't have time for that. I have to be out of this place soon. What kind of chain saw should I get? I kind of want to see if I can find a Husqvarna at a pawn shop or is there a better deal? Also, how do I properly chop these into logs? In the yard or what?

>> No.1523717

Just pick up an axe from a hardware store and spend an hour hacking them into logs, you'll save money and pain searching for a chainsaw in decent enough condition to be worth the price at a pawn shop.

>> No.1523723

Or grab an electric one if you can run an extension cord out there. Walmart probably has em for <$50 people get work done with those things provided they come with a decent chain.

>I’m in my 70s now and can’t lug around my big Stihl like I used to
>This thing even has an Oregon chain!
Literally every review of the green one at HF.

>> No.1523724

That timber is still green from the looks, it will need at least 6 months to season, you're not going to be burning that anytime soon. I would be returning it back to the side of the road if I were you.

>> No.1523729

>cutting into logs
jesus christ if op doesn't have time to bow saw then how in the fuck does he or anyone else have time for that? cutting to logs, not fucking splitting them ffs.

op if you are too lazy to manually saw then don't buy a chainsaw unless you need one, they are pretty niche and especially fuel you have to set it up and keep it running right and take care of it, its just a complete arse ache.

because the tree is already cut down yo ucan use any saw you like, you don't need the mountain to come to mohammed so to speak.

my opinion a chop saw would be a good option, cut them fast and clean, set up a stop to one side and cut them all to the same length ready to store/split. also if you are splitting them get one of those grenade things and a sledge hammer, much easier if you have never handled an axe (axe needs to be sharpened and shit)

you can cut it anywhere that you don't mind having sawdust and nobody will complain about the noise. wear a fucking mask, a real one not that paper shit. outdoors maybe you don't think you need a mask but you only get one set of lungs. well most people do, and you don't know what shit fungus is in that wood. but your burning it anyway right so....

as for splitting anywhere unless you are embarrassed to do it in public but stay away from small animals or kids because they don't understand things can go flying. you should probably wear goggles too but again, nobody is going to force you...

>> No.1523739

Good advice ty
It is green. I'm just trying to pay back a friend for letting me burn some of his old firewood. He has a fireplace and could probably use it next year or sometime.

>> No.1523742
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That is all you have to cut?
Or is there more?
Most cut firewood 16-18 inches long
Check your friends firebox, it might take a longer log.
But if that is all you have you can cut it all in 15 minutes with a decent handsaw. No need to spend $300 on a chainsaw for a few minor work

>> No.1523744

I spent 15 minutes and barely got a log or two. I would be down for getting good but I don't really have time. I have to leave soon.

>> No.1523757

Jesus dude, get a chainsaw. You can get an electric or cordless one if you don't want to have to piss with mixing gas/oil and fucking around with it every year to get it running. If it's just a 1 time thing, then look at some cheap chinesium shit at harbor freight or online. A chain saw will have you done with pic related in about 15 mins

>> No.1523769

You using a camp saw or something? Proper bow saw with 36" blade or so should take at most a minute per cut in logs of that size.. If you have a proper bow saw with a good sharp blade it is probably that your technique is lacking, chainsaw will not help you there.

>> No.1523794

There’s probably a rental company or hardware store in your area that rents tools. I usually rent concrete tools from a company that sells and rents every kind of power tool or equipment you could want

>> No.1523795
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This is bait ignore this thread and let it die. If OP did not have time to hand saw 4 twigs then he has already moved on to the next meth den. Do not forget to sage, make the forums that you want to browse by using to tools to kill trolls.

>> No.1523810

For that shit you could easily use a circular saw

>> No.1523827

go but or rent a chain saw

>> No.1523867
File: 81 KB, 680x584, SAFETY-FIRST-EGO-LAST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't already own a chainsaw
>wants to get one for what would be 20 mins of bucksaw work
>will probably kill self when the chainsaw blade kicks back into his face and buries itself to his collar bone

Get a crosscut bucksaw, OP. Prop up the stuff so you can buck it properly and quickly.

>> No.1523961

Poulan makes a nice chainsaw for non-commercial stuff. They last very long and cost around $150. Echo's smaller saws are good deals too.

>> No.1523963

Also feel free to ignore the holier-than-thou boomers insisting you use a handsaw or axe. They still operate under the illusion that they are the only generation to ever perform manual labor.

Except for this boomer. He's cool.

>> No.1523982

>Check your friends firebox, it might take a longer log.
Sounds pretty gay.

>> No.1523997
File: 2.23 MB, 720x404, Best of the Boomer Lumberjack World Championship (Single Buck).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud, literal faggot.

>> No.1523999
File: 2.72 MB, 406x720, Batonny Chop Chop - Cry Cry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile at OP's house

>> No.1524002

fucking tryhards

>> No.1524003
File: 56 KB, 377x480, saw_is really_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


humanity is on a downward spiral. deal with it.

>> No.1524011

thats a big saw

>> No.1524016
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For you.

>> No.1524051

You can chop them however and wherever you want, but if you want to use it for firewood, you'll want to cut it so it's easy to split. You can use a chainsaw, radial arm saw, miter saw, sawzall, etc, whatever works.
I cut my logs with a Stihl chainsaw to about 15"-20" in length then split them with a maul. If you plan on using a maul, I'd suggest cutting them such that the logs are flat on the circle ends. If you're using an axe, it doesn't matter but in my experience, axes are for chopping not splitting.

>> No.1524874

electric ones are definitely underrated

my grandpa left his 2stroke rot in the shed not worth the hassle.
he used a electric mc culloch and had 2 200ft extension cord reels for his big yard he took quite some heavy trees down with the thing.
just dissembled the whole thing had like 2 hands of sawdust and bar oil in the motor and the chain has ground a huge groove inside the sprocket still has pretty good cutting power for being 38 years old

>> No.1524949

Use an axe until you reach the center of the wood, saw 20% of it and slam it to the ground.

>> No.1525038

How are you the only person itt who suggested a Sawzall?

Op, Sawzall. Not only will it do that job, it's cheaper and more versatile than a chainsaw unless you do this stuff all the time.

>> No.1525178

>not enough to car about
>stores it in his garage
For the cost of a chainsaw you could buy your friend a load of wood and have it delivered. Otherwise, get to sawin'