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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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150606 No.150606 [Reply] [Original]

>not this thread again.

My friend and I plan on building our own home, /diy/. We will be burying 4, 40' x 8' steel shipping containers on a plot of land I already own.
Our plan is fairly complete, we do want advice on two things, as follows:
1. How, and with what materials, will we affix the containers together so that:
a. It will be durable.
b. The four containers are not too far apart.
2. What layout will we use; where do we put the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the TV, the computer, the gun safe, etc.

Feel free to use paint to draw where you think we should lay everything out.

>> No.150620

The corrugated steel of shipping containers is not designed to bear loads, they NEED to be reinforced with welded steel beam or they will buckle and slowly collapse inward due to the weight of the soil around them. I hope you have plenty of welding experience.

>> No.150633

I am a fair welder, my friend is better than I. And plus it is only going to be about 6 inches deep.

>> No.150674

6 inches deep isn't burying...

>> No.150696
File: 15 KB, 796x532, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been thinking about the same thing, this is the layout I have been most interested in. Gives lots of storage and a nice flow. Cut out arches on both ends of the central container, and out of the central end of the entryway container.

>> No.150699

as mentioned they will collapse is buried, they are only reinforced structurally top to bottom in the corners, look how they are stacked in ships, this is the only point weight is put on them.

also 6 inches of dirt will become 10 times as heavy after a good rain

you will have a hell of a time keeping water out, you will need to tar them all and cover them with plastic sheeting or they will rust out in a few years, unless you live in a desert region.

>> No.150701

No kitchen? No bathroom?

>> No.150704
File: 22 KB, 268x265, 1282839532626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 inches deep
>deep enough to be in standing water when rain
>none of the thermal mass benefits of actually burying the thing.

idk wtf you are doing man but you need to think this shit through some more. At least pour a slab foundation, if you aint in the frozen north that is

>> No.150714

Have fun with your house rusting apart and collapsing after 5 years.

>> No.150749

Why not leave them above ground?

>> No.150755

I helped bury a few in a hillside for a budbunker about a decade ago. We welded a beam across the top lengthwise down the middle connected to 2 beams going to where the post holes are then roof tarred the whole shebang. We placed perf pipe around them for good drainage in the heaps of gravel brought in for this project. On the inside we placed a smaller beam under the roof under the bigger beam that went to 2 more across the short width on top of posts to the floor. We filled in all areas on top with scrap steel that would pool water before the tarring as well. It was a shit ton of work but the place is still ok to use right now. Its vacant as he moved to a med legal state now but its a cool facility.

>> No.150757

why even bury them?

>> No.150758

I think I remember 6 interior posts and 3 cross beams IIRC. not just 4 posts and 2 beams. maybe some had 4 some had 6 Its hard to remember. The held though.

>> No.150794
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>Burying shipping containers

He he he. Enjoy.

>> No.150804

Wow, wait there, this is really interesting, can someone show me some material about doing stuff with containers?
I remember seeing something about a guy in brazil who prepares container for use and is making a shitload of money on it.

>> No.150826
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I really like the idea of living underground. I'm not even that much of a shut in, this just sounds really cool. I just have a few questions you could maybe answer OP? If you've gone this far with the project you should be able to answer.

1. Where would I go about acquiring steel shipping containers?

2. How would you get electricity/plumbing/internet down there?

3. How would I insulate heat? Would the ground take care of that?

>> No.150833
File: 52 KB, 600x450, doomsdaypreppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first segment of "Doomsday Preppers" (a.k.a. /diy/'s own TV show) has a guy buying these and burying them. They talk about reinforcing them. It's a good watch. It premiered 52 mins ago, still on, but you could probably download it after a couple hours when it's uploaded.

>> No.150867


>My friend and I plan on building our own home

You mean your "partner" you homosex?

>> No.150901

it came out like a week ago. It seems more so that they are making fun of the people, or they could not find someone better for the show. I was disappointed, but then I realized these are the people you see online, but never see their faces. Testing .22lr on shipping container etc.

>> No.150902

my bad, 2 days ago, but honestly felt like a week.

>> No.150951

How many of you guys have actually done this anyway? There's always a thread talking about it, but I've never seen anyone post pictures or anything like that.

>> No.150960

> We will be burying 4, 40' x 8' steel shipping containers on a plot of land I already own.

Please do it.

I need a good news story about a buried container collapsing and people dying so people will get it out of their head that burying thin, crap quality, uncoated steel is a good idea.

>> No.150962

that show is awful, bunch fattie mcfat neckbeards

>> No.150963

I have seen on the internet pics of burried container for growing weed, there was a small shed on top to access it.

>> No.150969

Why the fuck would you bury this shit other than to be a total fucking retard?

With 4 ISO intermodal containers you could make a fucking boss living space above ground. Why would you want to add the risk of being buried alive into the mix?

>> No.150977

Seems like with all the extra work involved with shipping containers you could just have a cement shell built to whatever dimensions you would have had with the containers.

It's no less aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.151016

Enjoy being harassed constantly by the po-po once they see what you're doing, to be followed by having building inspectors and other county officials harassing you about how it's not up to code, no building permits, etc etc etc until they can either force you to get rid of it, or get a court order to get rid of it, then make you pay all the costs to do so.

Why? Because you're doing something weird, nonsensical, and suspicious as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I understand why you're doing it, and wish it were that easy -- I'd do it myself rather than pay rent the rest of my life. But when you buck the system, it bucks you right back, fair or not.

Good luck to you with this. You're going to need it.

>> No.151022

containers are great, but diy really needs a fucking sticky about what has been done with shipping containers.

>> No.151029
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>2012, not building hexacubes on tamped out ground and cinderblocks.


And don't forget. couNty INspectors and JuntA-copS can't catch you if you have a food forest surrounding your alternative housing, obscuring it from the view of peeping toms.

>> No.151053


Learn to make the forms and you are halfway done.
No need to have 4 trucks drop off huge rusty metal boxes that you have to manhandle, then bury like a pot farm, and then abandon.

If you worked with concrete you could actually connect those 4 long hallways, or make a better structure altogether.

>> No.151055 [DELETED] 

He can comply with building codes by putting the things on wheels. Then they're not fixed structures and building codes won't even apply.

>> No.151056

for growing weed? If you want advice on cheap underground grow op solutions they are out there. Storage containers are stupid, it is probably easier/faster/cheaper just to build a house like a house.

>> No.151057

>not living in a giant box


>> No.151132
File: 84 KB, 826x854, hey_guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, look.
Guys look.
You need to look at the pic.
Did you see?

So what if...
Guys, listen.
What if OP puts them like this and builds a big pyramid roof over the top?