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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 3.86 MB, 1912x3939, 20180729_174217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1435010 No.1435010 [Reply] [Original]

I mean... Shit

>> No.1435013

Im out here struggling to find an antidepressant that works and this nigga happy walking around the forest with a piece of wood in his hands.

>> No.1435017
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>> No.1435023

>struggling to find an antidepressant that works

maybe if you got out of the basement and learned something like how to work with happy wood then maybe you would not need the (((drugs))).

>> No.1435026

>ive never had depression, the post

But the Jews and their drugs right!

>> No.1435027

I wonder who's behind this (((post)))

>> No.1435028

I just had to double check I wasn't in /b/

>> No.1435031
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>I just had to double check I wasn't in /b/

/b/ stopped being /b/ years ago.

>> No.1435032

shh, he's just a booomer thats trying to blend in.

>> No.1435033

The original underage /b/tards are about to hit their 30s.

>> No.1435055
File: 2.83 MB, 1592x3369, 20180729_184827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my wood

>> No.1435057

The better question is, who is behind the post that pretty much implies every single person who goes to medical school or becomes a scientist and ends up making or prescribing drugs has a deep hatred of mankind and wants to control the masses for a small sect of jews.
Nevermind all these doctors and scientists are all fucking poo in the loo indians.

>> No.1435077

That wood is amazing.

>> No.1435088

anon please, we're not even on a first name basis

>> No.1435094

That's the thing with woodworkers, no sense of decorum or civility

>> No.1435133

You fags are fighting about the wrong thing.

No one is questioning the validity of pharma, the antagonist was simply saying that changing your habits, learning new skills and distancing yourself from the life that doesn’t make you happy should fulfill and satisfy your human urges that are to not be a cog in the machine thus making antidepressants unnecessary to achieving happiness.

Intellectually fight me IRL

>> No.1435142

>learning new skills and distancing yourself from the life that doesn’t make you happy should fulfill and satisfy your human urges that are to not be a cog in the machine thus making antidepressants unnecessary to achieving happiness.

This doesnt pull people out of many types of depression, as its a chemical imbalance in the brain. In fact most people with depression arent going to be able to muster up enough energy to actually do that.

Nobody is jumping up and down looking to be dependent on a drug to live, but if you have gotten to a point where you have went to get help, you most likely do need them.
And they all work in different ways, so yes you do need to go round the carousel till you find what works.

People who spout garbage have never experienced anything like it and have no scope to ever understand.

>> No.1435144
File: 2.07 MB, 2993x3991, Mywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wood is better.

>> No.1435145

The most disgusting part of this picture?
Your fingernails

>> No.1435147

Excuse me my finger nails are trimmed and clean. IDK you like long and dirty finger nails?

>> No.1435150

>This doesnt pull people out of many types of depression, as its a chemical imbalance in the brain
I think a lot of the cases of depression are brought about by peoples implicit understanding that theyre mortal, and the inability to form any sort of psychological defense against that realization. Without some sort of defense against it the only thing thats left to you is nihilism, whether you consciously recognize that or not doesnt matter, its the only logical outcome, and its always gonna be drifting about in the back of your subconscious.

>> No.1435216

is this part of the 89+ genders?

>> No.1435219
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>> No.1435280

Tried welbutrin? Turns the rage into just severly irritating. Kinda feel lathargic. Only side affect tho. Dick still works. Stay the fuck away from whiskey on it

>> No.1435282

Morman here. Depression is real and meds help

>> No.1435283

Shit. 32. Here since 03 from sheer boredom and i cant call people a retard faggot on other forums

>> No.1435286

I ised to be the guy that called it bullshit until i almost ate a shotgun

>> No.1435288


>> No.1435305

That may be the case for some people.
Regardless, IMO its not a good or healthy thing to try and dissuade people from getting help, especially from people who have never experienced it first hand. We need to get rid of the social stigma of mental health issues.

The same people IRL who tell me depression is or isnt this or that are the same people who are trying to sell me essential oils on facebook.

>> No.1435310

Ive held a shotgun barrel in my mouth, and would've pulled the trigger had everything not suddenly got brighter and I felt a soothing presence with me. The inability to deal with death played a huge role in my immature reasoning for suicide. I dont doubt that this is true for a lot of people. Its some heavy shit to deal with, and totally negates all this do your best shit that people are constantly fed. Even if these battles dont crop up consciously, theyre still raging subconsciously in the background.

How can anyone feel motivated to do anything worthwhile if they know in the back of their minds that they and everyone they love are going to die anyways.

These are things people gotta deal with in a constructive manner, society doesnt offer that to anyone, back in the day religion used to fill that role, but it doesnt any longer.

>> No.1435360

Very nice

>> No.1435370

Yes, to some extent, but every human knows this at around age 5-7. Major depressive disorder happens in relatively few people. I think the only way out of it is learning to ignore the pain.

>> No.1435371

it feels like something went gravely wrong with this timeline. Depression can be diluted a little bit with time. Just got to wait it out

>> No.1435380

I had depression, go outside loser, find your piece of shiny wood

>> No.1435382

Hey guys, going to be building my third and fourth guitars this winter. What should I use for the body? What should I use for the fingerboards if I can't get any more brazilian rosewood?

>> No.1435409

Couldn't enlarge pic enough to see anything. Can you post another?

>> No.1435411

Meant for >>1435144

>> No.1435419
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>google search
>no results found

>> No.1435773

Mods are lame...

A non erect penis isn't sexualized in any way. It's basically science. Fuck the mods. That was a work of art.

>> No.1435776

No you weren't.

>> No.1435779
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>genitals, their soul purpose being for procreation and waste disposal, is not sexual
>in order to determine sex you use genitals
>not sexual

>> No.1435791
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Look at my wood again

>> No.1435827
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st. john's wort and a cocktail of supplements were the closest thing to "life changing" for me and they really didn't do much.
i am not going to claim that this is the solution for everyone, but i've had very hardcore mental illnesses including depression for much of my life and getting off my ass and trying harder did work.
obviously this doesn't mean "stop watching tv/anime, stop playing video games, stop browsing various social-oriented websites, stop eating trash, and start lifting and running" cold turkey, but if you think that's impossible (or if you quickly resort to "that won't help" when proven otherwise) you are flat out wrong.
it's honestly not an intricate, complex answer, but it proves to be very difficult to maintain a lifestyle of quality for long enough for it to take effect.
i stopped consuming any added sugars and starchy foods (white bread, potatoes..), without ever getting on the fake sweeteners bandwagon, save for the occasional cup of licorice root tea. i started squatting, lifting, biking, and sprinting DAILY, and i stopped watching media pretty much ever, and it _worked_ for several of my problems. the one that it did not completely solve was residual schizophrenia, and there's not much that really can fix that.

as far as theoretical implications, i personally believe dopamine inhibition intolerance leads to your mind playing through life like a game. explaining it in more detail would require me to say things that have absolutely no experimental basis whatsoever, so i'll quit while i'm ahead.

wooden mechanisms make me happy.

>> No.1435832

I once had the most beautiful spalted oak burl you could imagine, about 8" dia and 9" high, flat on the bottom and carved into towers and crags all over the top, serious Elven Middle Earth shit.

I wanted to make a present for my junkie bitch ex so I carefully drilled out three candle holders deep in the spires and crags, added candle spikes at the bottom and spent 3 days stabilizing, varnishing and polishing that thing till it looked like an eldritch jewel.

Then I decided to test it out with three candles
>looked amazing hamilia
got drunk and passed out and woke up to my room full of smoke and half the candlebra burnt into shit and completely ruined. didn't think that one through but my god was that a beautiful chunk of wood.

>> No.1435951

nobody? last guitar was lacewood, previous upright bass was jojoba? thinking of making it a dark stained ash.. or maybe a a bookmached maple... any suggestions would be helpful for choosing a nice looking faceplate.

>> No.1435966
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>pic related
]hat should I make the body of my next guitar out of?What woods are good for fingerboards, ebony is soooo expensive, and even Brazilian rosewood cose me 40 bucks for one fingerboard. What's a good substitute? I like the look of maple, but I don't think it's hard enough..

Sorry it's unstrung and dusty. I broke my d string and have been playing my fender..

>> No.1435969
File: 3.06 MB, 2160x3840, P_20180731_013105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacewood close up, makes me happy. So does zebrawood. What else is highly patterned?

>> No.1436001

Very pretty.
I live in Panama. We have a wood here called nispero that would work for fingerboard. Extremely hard. Dark like rosewood. I only pay about 1.50 a board foot it, but no idea how you get some.

Lots of pretty jungle wood here.

>> No.1436002

Did a little research and it's called bulletwood in the states.

>> No.1436003

Anon, you won't find much harder wood than sugar maple. It is plenty hard enough for anything you want to use it for on a guitar.

>> No.1436004

Looks pretty nice actually!

>> No.1436016

give it a lick?
mmm, tastes just like raisins.

>> No.1436029

Since you're a goddman PI or some shit I need you to find my stolen tricycle.

>> No.1436035
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Nigga please

>> No.1436040

>antidepressant that works
Buddy, don't fall for the psychiatrists jew tricks. They just want you money and prescribe you garbage. Antidepressants are less than 5% more effective than placebo. They are only approved by the FDA because they are considered safe (not because they are effective in fixing depression.) The only way you will fix your depression is if you improve yourself. Stop looking for some magic drug. There isn't one.

>> No.1436060

i agree it trully was a work of art

>> No.1436065

on a stroke of its grain, it turns into a plane

>> No.1436078
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Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'm going to check at my local wood store for bulletwood. I used rock maple for the neck of my upright and have seen some lovely burled maple fingerboards but I really like the traditional look of a dark fingerboard.

Pic is something like I'm trying to do with darker bodies (hollowed out again for weight) not going to do a neck through body guitar this time.

>> No.1436110

Tried that. Went psychotic and chanced a walk in at the loony bin. They said they were booked so i waited until they closed, got up to go out to the woods across from the parking lot and kms and the shrink locking up said ro come on back. Must have seen how upset i was.

Made it 30 years without talking about my feelings. Probably would have been fine if my best friend didn't an hero

>> No.1436111

Unironically glue some pallet wood together. I think it might actually look cool and be funny to have a legit pallet thread

>> No.1436112


>> No.1436116

Yes faggot. I absolutely was... i was about a junior in high school?

My buddy showed it to me. We used to start bullshit threads and fake fight each other while laughing our asses off raiding in wow.

Same night my T2 pally got his boots. Completed the set and my shitposting career began.

Or dont believe me. I honestly could give a fuck less and didn't even think to not reply to faggotry

>> No.1436121

Male a dark stained walnut battle axe looking guitar. Sandwich a thick enough sheet of acrylic that you can mount (alpena MAX led strips) around it or cut a channel so thin plexy lines uo perfectly with the middle of the tiny leds. If electric just gut a transformer and hide it in. Wire it to the power cort plug for your guitar.

Will lool like these edges. Maybe even run it around the body and down the neck.

Would be sic af

>> No.1436122

Maybe head over to >>>/out and get a walnut burl or start hiking till u find one?

>> No.1436123


>> No.1436126

Welbutrin keeps me from an hero. Trying to fix myself amd get off of it.

Not really enraged much but not happy ever either.

Zombienmode enguage...

>> No.1436162
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x1836, 20180702_172834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wood is good
Wood is good
>finna walNUT all over this stock set

>> No.1436163

Clint you're drunk.

>> No.1436204

That is a truly pretty piece of wood. I would use it to make a little tea table or something like that.

>> No.1436965

God that makes me wanna nut

>> No.1436984

I guess you picked the wrong priorities in life then didn’t you...

>> No.1436996

not OP but this is decent advice. as a caveat I would say that there are times in my life when this genuinely helped me. there were other times when it didn't, or when trying harder just made me more exhausted.

so if any of you try this - really try it for several months or as long as you can keep it up - and it doesn't work for you, don't beat yourself up over it. there are other ways, sometimes they just take some time. sometimes it's a matter of spending a year or so reassessing your ideas about life. sometimes that doesn't work either, sometimes meds don't work, sometimes nothing really does a lot and you just have to ride it out and do your best while your brain picks its underwear out of its asscrack. the more little improvements you make to yourself and your life, the easier it'll be in the long run even if it doesn't seem like it now. the most important /diy/ project you can ever work on is yourself.

polite sage because none of what I said had anything to do with wood. but for what it's worth I do appreciate a good wood.

>> No.1437025

>as its a chemical imbalance in the brain
With a few exceptions psychiatric medicine is purely experimental and diagnosis purely by observation of behaviour.

There are a few mental illnesses caused by measurable biological processes, but for most cases the very best they can do is find some weak correlations in MRI features for people with similar behaviour (but not strong enough to be useful in diagnosis or predict response to medicine).


If the alternative is someone killing himself, throw shit at the wall and see what sticks ... but don't get your hopes up. Be careful with the SSRIs and amphetamines when you're not quite ready to kill yourself, sometimes the wall crumbles if you throw too much shit at it.

>> No.1437097
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>> No.1437099

how do you get wood to look like this?

>> No.1437110
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The problem with people that struggle with depression is that they're stuck in a harmful way of thinking. They fell for the modernity Jew and see the world and human life as just chemistry and physical laws, and this is the cause of their depression. But when someone suggests that to feel better they should change something in their lifestyle and way of thinking, they get angry and and again see the only solution as more chemistry - in this case antidepressants. And don't say that people who shit on you are "ignorant" of what it's like to be depressed. Chances are most of them had the same problems, but managed to overcome them without drugs, unlike your bitch ass

P.S. nice wood opski

>> No.1437214

It's just the natural grain. This wood is normally straight grained, so I was surprised to find it.

>> No.1437231

Well memed my friend

>> No.1437263

Nice "pearling" OP

I recently varnished some teak(maybe), looks sick af

>> No.1437278

Pick a good cut from a good species, sand or plane smooth, then use wood finish like varathane or similar.
Sand gently and wipe dust clean between coats, because you will notice after the 1st coat that some wood fibers lift away from the wood surface and those need to be sanded down.
(basically just follow the directions on the can)

I've even had plain lumber from the hardware store get that pearly cat's-eye look with a whorly, wavy wood sample. Looks great.

>> No.1437286

Stop visiting /pol/

>> No.1437339

am i gay or is there really a cock on the wood

>> No.1437348
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Limp dick dangling out of the side of panties confirmed.

>> No.1437566
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here's some of my wood

>> No.1437578


Effexor XR will make you feel like superman. Took it for 3 years.

Only stopped cause it causes some dick numbness like you've had 4 beers

>> No.1437598

O3 /b/tard here also, turn 32 in Dec. Not all of us are NEET anime fags. Found 4chan via FoH Screenshots forum during my EQ days in high school, then joined the Army as an infantryman,and now a FF/medic. I'm still a sophmoronic eleventeen year old who calls people gigantic faggots, hence why I'm perma banned from FaggotBook
Fuck this jelly ass non rate, he's just mad he gets called out for his r*ddit ticks on /b/

>> No.1437601

How all is that fastened? I'm in the process of self learning woodworking and starting to read up on joining and fastening. Absolutely fasten-ating.

>> No.1437684

I'm working on making one out of cherry right now.
by the way, how would you recommend thinning down the block without a machine planer? I could hand plane it but I've got a fair amount of material to remove, a shitty planer and a hard wood so it's going a bit rough atm

>> No.1437693

dude fuck these racist antivax quacks like>>1436040. Take some fucking meds if they help you. better living through chemistry. Well butrin keeps my ass balanced enough to work on myself, but the rest beyond the pill is all me.

Anyway. yeah that fucker is all about some wood eh?

>> No.1437704
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here's the biggest, most effective long term antidepressant:
friends that understand
all chemical antidepressants will make you manic for a while and just send you back down to a depression when you get off.

>> No.1437718

can't unsee
fuckin homo infected

>> No.1437722

lmao how the hell's he gonna find something like that
if /cgl/ is any indication, these needy depressed fucks eventually chase away their friends by being so unbearably negative so quickly despite being barely past the stage of acquaintances.

>> No.1437799

>Well butrin keeps my ass balanced
"Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are rare in clinical trials, and the FDA requires all antidepressants, including bupropion, to carry a boxed warning stating that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide in persons younger than 25. This warning is based on a statistical analysis conducted by the FDA which found a 2-fold increase in suicidal thought and behavior in children and adolescents, and 1.5-fold increase in the 18–24 age group."
Balanced enough to kill yourself.Or others for that matter, since it can induce psychosis.

>> No.1437918

>an antidepressant
>that works
If they didn't put you on the right one the first time you're just a whiny faggot and aren't actually depressed.

>> No.1437921

it's be prettier without the foreward assist or the brass detector or the mega-tool opti-cool double sight picture

>> No.1437926

Sycamore, curly paper birch and tiger maple are very nice.

>> No.1437938

Believe it or not, different drugs work on different imbalances.
It's an educated guess, but if the guess is wrong it can potentially make your symptoms worse. That's why it's a process and you will eventually find one that simply clicks in your head. Docs are pretty good at it though

>> No.1437949

>Believe it or not, different drugs work on different imbalances.
Might as well say different drugs work on different thetans ... there is as much scientific proof for them.
>It's an educated guess, but if the guess is wrong it can potentially make your symptoms worse.
Well apparently they get it wrong more often than not as measured on the metric of suicide.
>That's why it's a process and you will eventually find one that simply clicks in your head. Docs are pretty good at it though
They are demonstrably not good at optimizing the metric of suicide, read the warning on the box. Also a psychosis occurs very fast, they won't have time to fix your medication before you fix the fact that your family is alive.

>> No.1437963

All these (you)s and this twas only a joke

>> No.1438757
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I'm not really sure how my thread about happy days turned into a thread about depression and it's management. It was supposed to be a thread about amazing wood.
This is a bar I made from Panamanian water apple wood. Marañon

>> No.1439427
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Yeah it's amazing how nice threads can be derailed

But don't despair, wood and this thread made me happy

To contribute: some species of wood are amazing when they have become spalted (partially rotten) and the process is stopped at the right moment by sawing and drying. Here a spalted maple guitar hhhhgggggnnnnnn

Also check out worm "damaged" maple (and other species I'm sure)

But the flame pattern of a tree that has grown in the wind (or near major branches or forks) still takes the cake for me, as in the OP pic

>> No.1439437

definitely homo

>> No.1439489
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Holy shit you reposted my bike. I got about 80 miles out of it until my rear inner bearing races went shot (I went full retard and made them out of scrap brass because the original races were part to the donor bike's casette), and I had to rebuild the clutch peg because I dropped it on its side by accident (and ended up redoing the whole "transmission" as well). Eventually lost interest, and now I'm working on a wooden 3-wheeler using the experience I learned from that pile of shit bike. It's been sitting in my garage half strewn apart, but it was a hell of a fun project while it lasted.

>> No.1440084
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