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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 284 KB, 512x384, Supa Stah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1392120 No.1392120 [Reply] [Original]

"Supah Stah" Edition

>What is hardware general?
Hardware general is a thread to discuss anything pertaining to the hardware side of technolo/g/y, be it computer architecture, data sheets for that new processor, low-level language design, robotics, server construction, or a cool make project; If its /hard/ it belongs on /hard/ware general. It has a sister thread on >>>/diy/ohm/. There is some overlap between the two but they differ significantly in their focus.


>-----IC Suppliers:
Octopart (the google of IC) -> https://octopart.com/

>-----Custom PCB Producers:
DirtyPCBs - dirtypcbs.com
[for more see sticky]

Logisim (logic circuit simulator) -> http://www.cburch.com/logisim/
[for more see sticky]

>-----Other resources:
Digital Timing Diagrams: http://wavedrom.com/
Logic Table/Diagram/Expression: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Home-Education/Logic-Friday.shtml

"The Manga Guide to Electricity" - by Kazuhiro Fujitaki (a fun refresher)
"Fundamental of Electric Circuits" - by Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku
"The Art of Electronics" - by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill
"Digital Logic and Computer Design" - by M. Morris Mano
"Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface" - by David Patterson and John Hennessy
"Essentials of Computer Architecture - 2nd Edition" - by Douglas Comer
"Introduction to Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach - Second Edition" - by Edward Ashford Lee and Sanjit Arunkumar Seshia

Magazines - http://www.diagram.com.ua/english/library/#l5
IEEE Comprehensive Datasheet Collection - http://www.datasheets360.com/
[see sticky for full list]


Previous thread - >>1361784

>> No.1392271

I bought an arduino uno. How can I upload things to its flash memory without using their IDE? Is it possible to replace the bootloader with something I wrote myself? Thank you for your time.

>> No.1392272
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forget bootloaders. they are cool but they suck.

get avrdude. read the spec about your AVR's fuses. I'll be back tomorrow with more info; I'm really busy right now.

>> No.1392276
File: 98 KB, 537x720, big_head_goes_shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are cool but they suck.

somebody actually wrote this.

I would hire him/her/zir/yes.

>> No.1392334

Yup, I'm licensed (General Class).
I would post in the ham radio general as well, but they've got a raging faggot who just shits on everyone.
Kinda kills any enthusiasm I have for sharing what I'm working in that thread.

>> No.1392336
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hey op mby add the manga links posted in the last thread into the opening post the next time.

>> No.1392390

sal doen kaptein

>> No.1392936

How do they suck if they sound so cool?

>> No.1392967

using the in-circuit serial programming header, avrstudio, and one of the atmel (now microchip) flash writers.

>> No.1393090

The arduino bootloader takes up about 2kb of your already limited flash space

>> No.1393267

Does anyone have experience with command-line HDL synthesis? Specifically Xilinx if that matters. I've only ever done it through their IDE, but I hate IDEs and I really just want to write a makefile that generates a .bit

>> No.1393643

I could be wrong, but I think yosys supports some Xilinx FPGAs.

>> No.1393695

the commands executed to synthesize/fit/par your design should show up in the console but I haven't xilinxed since iSE WebPACK 12.something

>> No.1394021

How are you supposed to fix Segmentation fault (core dumped) when using pk2cmd on linux. I installed it from the aur.

>> No.1394033

nvm, sudo fixed it

>> No.1394157
File: 33 KB, 921x554, 1512095542136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I was able to get serial communication working but output is getting messed up shortly after flashing. Works fine on reboots though.

>> No.1395130
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, came here from /g/ to ask something.
So pic related is a board i got a while ago, i have ABSOLUTELY no experience with hardware and don't know how to power this thing or anything. I got it from a stranger at a recycle-it depot.

Looking at it feels like looking at an alien spaceship, wtf is this thing and what does it do? how do i turn it on and make it display things?

>> No.1395136

It's a second or third generation micro its motherboard. It probably has an integrated via processor and sucks dick.

You get an atx power supply and plug it in.

And you're from g and can't even recognize a motherboard?

>> No.1395142

>And you're from g and can't even recognize a motherboard?
Just finished by semester of python programming, interested in seeing what i can do with this thing and learning from this thread.

>> No.1395214

It's an old ass motherboard, you'd have to get a hard drive, power supply, mouse and keyboard together for it to do anything. You'd most likely also want a case, and then it'll work if and only if it hasn't been ruined by electrostatic discharge from you rubbing your greasy ass fingers all over it and laying it on a carpet.

Pretty much you'll have to build a computer if you want to do anything with this. My recommendation if you want to learn shit about computers is to just get old PCs and then tear them down.

I don't think you can learn a whole lot from just a motherboard, unless I'm totally misunderstanding what you're trying to do with this.

tl;dr oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.1395230

It's a mini computer, probably has a integrated processor and looks to already have some ram sticks in it. Get a HD, keyboard and power supply and you'll be able to use it like as a backup shitposting machine.

Doesn't seem to be that old since it has HDMI and dvi.

>> No.1395285

Just buy a MacBook tbqh. Probably will be easier for you.

>> No.1395670

Oh shid you're right, I just assumed it was old because of the heatsink and the fact that he got it at a donation center

I don't see the RAM you're talking about tho maybe I'm just blind

>> No.1395697

It looks like it uses laptop ram, you can barely see the slots right behind the heatsink. But after taking a closer look, I'm not sure if they're populated anymore.

>> No.1395805

stole one from a dumpster, 500GB should do it.
>Power Supply
i'll see if i can get that
>Mouse and keyboard
got those, can do

>tear pc's down
we have an old one sthat still uses PS/2 plugs, my boomer parents refuse to let me take any of the computers apart at home though, so this is the best i got.

there is no ram sticks btw, shouldn't be hard to get them though...

>> No.1395910

I am trying to get timer interrupts working on a pic16f877a with sdcc. I am trying to use timer1 to trigger an interrupt. I have already been able to set up the timer:


if I use:

while (1) {
if (TMR1IF) {
TMR1IF = 0;
PORTC = counter%2;

everything works and the led blinks. But I want it to trigger an interrupt so in main I added:

// Enable the interrupts
CCP1IE = CCP2IE = 1;
GIE = PEIE = 1;

to main

and my interrupt function looks like:

static void irqHandler(void) __interrupt 1 {
TMR0IF = 0;
PORTC = counter % 2;

but nothing seems to be working, does anybody know how to do this

>> No.1395970

Did you flag TMR0IF, counter, and PORTC as volatile?

>> No.1396827
File: 32 KB, 500x375, arduino_micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How feasible is it to get an arduino to pretend to be a usb mass storage device?

>> No.1396848

basically impossible. atmega328p has no usb support.

>> No.1396856

I was hoping there was a usb stack out there that used some of the pins,. Oh well.
Guess I'll look into linux's usb gadgets or something.

>> No.1396910

you could disguise it as a USB if it's small enough.

>> No.1396921

Are you using that thing in your pic? The processor itself has a USB port.
There's also the V-USB stack. It should work even with ATmega328, if you add some zeners and shit. Dunno how useful it would be for mass storage.

>> No.1397224

only USB 1.1 though so probably with abysmal transfer speed

>> No.1397237

I think they just use a USB-to-serial IC, not sure how feasible it would be to use that to pretend to be a USB storage device.