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1360299 No.1360299 [Reply] [Original]

Is an adjustable wrench better than a set?

>> No.1360305

hell no.

>> No.1360309


>> No.1360368

It'll never fit as well which rounds off bolts over time.

>> No.1360381
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1333, How to loosen a tight nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set yes.. but not better than a pair.

>> No.1360394

They don't call them nut-fuckers for nothing.

>> No.1360416


>> No.1360442

no, but is good to have one u never know when you come by a non metric bolt

>> No.1360512

Or have a bolt that spins and the nut and bolt have the same size heads. So, as >>1360381 says, its good to have if you only have one set butt not as good if you have two sets.

>> No.1360530

I've never rounded a bolt.
Maybe you're not tightening the adjustment enough.
The biggest downside to an adjustable is you can't always get to the bolt if it's in a tight spot.

>> No.1360538

a set will allow you to spread force out evenly across all faces of the nut, and reach in to tight spaces as mentioned. you may also find that you occasion a 12-point nut in your drivetrain. and if you ever work on brake lines, you will need an even more specialer tighterthanfuck set

>> No.1360587

well, thats true, even i have most of the sizes doble(triple) and diferent styles

>> No.1360727

Sometimes getting a big adjustable wrench into a tight spot or onto a small nut or bolt head is difficult

>> No.1360729

> nigger wrench

>> No.1360754
File: 21 KB, 800x190, 02597e3d-8f54-4304-8e0e-41fbf24bf364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1360763

>I've never rounded a bolt.

IE you havent used an adjustable wrench for very long
The inherent nature of adjustable wrenches the thumbwheels back off as you use them. Especially if you have to crank on it

Doesnt matter if its a 1930s old american made crescent wrench, a swedish bahco wrench. spanish made channellock, chinese stanley, they all do it.
>i know because I own all of them and they all do the same exact thing

>> No.1360766

I dont like this as much as I thought I would
Its better than a standard adjustable, but it can still slip and strip your bolts of you lose your grip on it.

>> No.1360789

>The inherent nature of adjustable wrenches the thumbwheels back off as you use them.
so turn it back

when im working on my bike, i always re-adjust the head inbetween bolts, even though theyre all the same size

>> No.1360796

What a huge waste of time

>> No.1360816

>I've never rounded off a bolt using the wrong tool for the job.

Things that aren't true for 100 Alex.

>> No.1360821

>only used wrench for 5 bolts on 1 project
>didn’t strip any of them
I mean it could be true.
But if you’re doing a hundred? A thousand? Absolutely not. Sockets on an impact is 100% better, sockets on a ratchet would be a close second, and an actual box end wrench set is necessary for tight spots. I keep the adjustable for small shit that has backer nuts where you don’t have to readjust your grip and that’s pretty much it.

>> No.1360832

I'm in line school and using our adjustable wrenches is quicker for some things than using the ratchet. Taking out a feather drive to the arm braces is way quicker with the adjustable even with having to tighten it. The bolt heads are also pretty fucked up though.

>> No.1360835
File: 47 KB, 800x271, 8605150-00-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to tighten it every time you replace it on a nut or bolt, also not so good for smaller stuff, also those things around, doublenigger.

>> No.1360845

Only good thing about a retard wrench is how far you can throw the piece of shit after adjusting it with every crank Junk shit

>> No.1360866

>so turn it back

What are you going to hold it closed with your thumb while you are using it?

>> No.1360896
File: 36 KB, 1063x351, d7082e75-1bcf-424d-bb3d-fa086c0c2ecc.jpg._CB526984731_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying the numale verision

>> No.1360902

>person who uses terms like "numale"
>saying something retarded

How surprising

>> No.1360941

Depends on the job

>> No.1360962


I got both sets of these and took all my adjustable wrenches out of my tool boxes. I had a lot of money on bahco adjustables, but the pliers wrenches just shit all over regular adjustables.

>> No.1360980

>marring all your fittings

theres a place for both

>> No.1361010
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 51Ny3Uc3KlL._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get some locking pliers and call it a day

>> No.1361014

These ones are, OP. >>1360754 >>1360835
They adjust wider and faster, always grip tight, and function as ratchets and vise-grips. It can be handy to keep a regular adjustable around in case you have to beat on something, and standard combination wrenches can get into tighter places, but for most wrenching tasks, I use a 7" pliers wrench that I carry in my pocket.

>> No.1361062

Bolts round because there is slack in the jaws and the face is not 100% in contact with the side of the bolt.

I like to close the wrench while its on the bolt to get an idea of size.
Then I pull it of and retighten the jaws slightly, because there is always some slack when you do it on the bolt.

That is the key to not rounding off anything. This way the wrench is no different than using the open end of a correct size wrench.

If you get lazy and try to rush, bad things will happen.

>> No.1361115

adjustable wrenches are bigger, sometimes they don't fit comfortably into a machine.
Also, they don't grab nuts and bolts as securely, because the have some play.
Also they aren't as strong

>> No.1361582

>Then I pull it of and retighten the jaws slightly, because there is always some slack when you do it on the bolt.
>That is the key to not rounding off anything

The clearances that makes adjustable wrench thumbscrews actually work means that backlash is something you cant get rid of
In fact what you are implying is going to make for an even worse fit
You are reducing the max amount of backlash you can when its on the bolt
The second you pull it off and let the jaw and thumbscrew go slack and then just eyeball taking out the backlash, you will either not fit back on the nut or itll have more backlash than before.

The only way to get away from the inherent clearance problems of an adjustable wrench is to not let the thumbscrew back off while you are using it, which obviously is impossible.

>> No.1361584

>faggot thinks he's to good to use certain words
>being a retarded brainlet

How surprising

>> No.1361586
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>>faggot thinks he's to good to use certain words

>> No.1361593

I thought you tighten it up and then move the nut to the tip and the angle in the jaws takes up the slack.

>> No.1361597

>Posting the babby 125mm version

>> No.1361643

>is to not let the thumbscrew back off while you are using it, which obviously is impossible.
a lot of them have a slot for a screwdriver, if you really care that much you can use that

in real life with real bolts it literally doesnt matter that itll back off since you can just not be a ham-fisted yankee cuck who can't turn a bolt without stripping it

ive never stripped a bolt with my adjustible wrenches. my automatic one does it all the time but never the thumbscrew adjustibles, not have i noticed them back off significantly enough that they actually come loose

maybe you should all stop being dumbass white trash and you wont strip all your bolts

>> No.1361678

>too lazy and/or poor to buy a proper set of wrenches
>strongly defends the use of a tool with a propensity to damage fasteners
>proceeds to call others white trash

Hmm, ironic
Again, nobody is impressed you removed a bicycle tire with an adjustable wrench once. "In real life" with "real bolts" it absolutely matters what wrench you use on a fastener, because unlike you some people actually work on stuff that has tight fasteners, or old beat up fasteners (probably from an idiot before you using an adjustable wrench on it).

I dont have a problem with rounding off fasteners anon as I use the proper tool for the job.
I do find it humorous to think about someone trying to use a wrench while holding a screwdriver on the thumbscrew at the same time. Because despite your implication, thumbscrews dont bind and stay tight, or your wrench would get stuck all the time. Its designed that way anon. The slot for the screwdriver usually to remove the jaw not tighten the thumbscrew.

>> No.1361721

i like to have one in my toolbox.
but only for emergency
i always use standard wrench of proper size.,
a full set of wrenchs are far and above better than an adjustable crescent wrench thing