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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1334124 No.1334124 [Reply] [Original]

There is a bad smell coming from one radiator in a downstairs bedroom. The radiator is joined to the same wall as the bathroom on the other side, not sure if that means anything.
It doesn't smell all the time, and can be really pungent or just a faint scent. Sometimes it smells when its on, sometimes it doesn't, same for if its not on.

The smell is a foul egg kind of stench.

Just wondering if anyone here knew what was causing it and anything I can do myself to fix it with relative ease or should I get someone in to sort it?

>> No.1334142


>> No.1334147

Check for issue with an open flame.

>> No.1334153

I have done that already, but I'm wondering if anyone can help with my personal problem or tell me a fix for it

>> No.1334155

The famous 4chan wit I've heard about


>> No.1334156

Now we wait for some shitty Portuguese paper to print a story I blew some nerd up.

>> No.1334171
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>radiator that uses hot water to heat a room
>check with flame because im an idiot and think that gas flows thru a radiator

lol. nice post faggot

here is a pic of an ass. you figure it out

>> No.1334174


last I checked, water doesnt explode when in contact with fire...

>> No.1334253

Fuck I am retarded.

>> No.1334271

I personally don't think the radiator is the problem just where the stank is coming through. I think you have a cracked vent line from the toilet vent or a multitude of other issues like a bad toilet flange, bad vent pipe joint, gets stanky when the wind blows. Can you see any of the soil stack (vent pipe) PVC, cast iron.

>> No.1334282

yeah you have a leak somewhere and you actually smell the canalization

>> No.1334286

fuck radiators, you got a leak bud,

>> No.1334325

If it's a hot water or steam rad then it should not smell unless it's leaking in which case you will have a leak or notice steam pissing and gurgling out of the rad when it's on.

So it's either the paint on the rad (use metal paint for a rad, not normal wall paint) if it's not painted then ignore

or something has crawled in between or behind the rad and took a shit or died and you've been cooking it.

>> No.1334415
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maybe there is dust in it when the dust gets heated it could possibly stink.

>> No.1334419

Thanks everyone, I'll try eliminating what I can and see if I can narrow it down. It doesn't smell all the time, maybe a few minutes a day, might be a few days in a row or not for a few weeks. And it happens when the heating isn't on too

>> No.1334533

Plumber here, pay attention to the weather, if the airpressure is low it can suck gases from the drain back into the pipes and if you've got a leak the smell will come out, it only smells bad for a few minutes in your opinion bc you get used to that smell after a few minutes

>> No.1334567

Check there is no trapped debris slowly burning, all sorts fall into these things.

>> No.1334568

I got one of these recently and its fantastic, so much shit came out the slats!

>> No.1335300

thanks anon, gave me a great idea. I'll be adding sulphur to these from now on.

>> No.1335608

check if enough water there and no air inside them

>> No.1335707

when you're done checking the plumbing.

Have you considered some nasty ass fungi or wierdness on the plating?Bedroom is easily one of the most moist rooms in the house, especially since many i know does a better job venting the bathroom.