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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 153 KB, 960x720, Aquaponics thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1304750 No.1304750 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here /aquaponics/? I want to make a small system that would fit in my room to grow "herbs". Anyone have experience in this?

>> No.1304810
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>> No.1304841
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Yes, ask right away before someone directs you to /out/. How many plants are we talking? basil/mint/parsley? budget? Fish stock ideas? You know the smaller the setup the more difficult it is to maintain right?

>> No.1304891

As >>1304841

If you are talking standard 12x12 room, which will already have a bed, dresser and desk. I think you are in for a rough time. The fish tank(s) will need space, things will need to be cleaned/flushed. It will require some vents and it will make noise. Cost wise you are losing with small space, better off with standard grow methods.

>> No.1304922


It depends on what you are growing. For actual herbs, a small nft with an air lift will work fine and isn't that difficult to maintain. It can be done cheaply on an existing fish thank. My small herb (again, actual herbs) system was indoor near a window that got daily sun and a little extra on a low watt grow light in the evening. The fish tank must be shielded from the sun.

If you are looking to grow something larger indoors with decent lights, I would go with a media filled solution and run a bell siphon or timer (for flood and drain). A cheap rack, media bed on top, sump w/fish on bottom. You will need a pre-pump filter solution otherwise you'll be cleaning the pump constantly. If you're in a confined space, I wouldn't dick with a CHOP system or similar with external filtration - but if you have an entire basement, go for it.

>> No.1304979

See: >>>/out/1155539

>> No.1305517
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1 ft x 1 ft x 4.5 ft.
58 watts

>> No.1305595


>> No.1306109


If your goal is to grow plants, adding fish makes the whole thing more expensive and complicated and failure prone. Go to some aquaculture sites; they're very upfront about the fact that it's about learning and balancing the system for the fun of it, and that you WONT get a magical organic perpetual motion machine.

>> No.1306363

In my experience with aquaponics trying to do things on the cheap will result in failure and wasted money. Also the bigger you can build a system the easier it is to regulate/ maintain it. In other words very small systems are a bitch to troubleshoot and correct because there so much less room for adjustments with the system.

>> No.1306378

Nigga clearly wants to grow weed you spasmos.

>> No.1306389

Are you growing radishes and weed in the same container?

>> No.1306390

google how to grow weed at home

>> No.1306398
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>growing weed in a fishtank

>> No.1306621

kek those tabs

>> No.1306669

> see /out/ about growing INDOORS

>> No.1306714

Lots of people have aquaponics outside.

>> No.1307831

Lel such a troll post

>> No.1307843

Which one?

>> No.1308056

I'll dump some links, maybe you find something

>> No.1308442

yay. finally a thread I can help with.
ive got two systems running in my bedroom. what do you want to know??

>> No.1308451

things you need for a basic stet up
>a grow bed. ive found windowsill grow boxes work great as you can just sit them up on top of a tank
>fish tank, duh, got to get those nitrites. inc-fish,heaters,air pump ect
>pump capable of moving the water to the grow bed
>grow bed medium. ive tried loads and clay balls are by far the best, dont use pea gravel as its too heavy
>light source. depends on what you want to grow as to how much. if you can get natural light its best, otherwise red/blue grow lights are needed
>knowledge of how to make a bell siphon. if you do it with a gap between the exit tube and the tank water it oxygenates the water so you dont really need an air pump.
>switch timers for plugs to get the ebb, flow, and lights to come on at the right time

>> No.1308454
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I started experimenting with these so i didnt have to clean my fishtanks so often, but its been a lot of fun learning how to propagate plants. ive not tried growing weed in them, i it but I cant see any reason it wouldn't work. You would need a deep bed with a low flow to ensure the roots didnt get too wet. over watering marijuana is all too easy. again clay balls are great for retaining moisture so the plants can just take what they need without being submersed too often.
pic related, its my geto set up. when i build my new fish table cabinet im going to make it look much more tidy so dont judge

>> No.1308458
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currently trying to grow strawberries in my breeder tank but they arnt to happy. i think its the lack of iron in the water. spring onions fucking love aquaponics tho, strongly recommend you put some in new tanks to help whenever the nitrates are getting too high.
also dont forget to learn about cycling your filters, its the same for grow beds, make sure you set up the plants and tank for a few weeks before adding fish. if you have more time stick a dead fish in the water and wait for it to decompose and for the tank to take care of all the nitrates, best way to get a filter running smoothly with lots of bacteria

>> No.1308465

sorry the grow beds look so bare, i harvested most of the stuff for christmas so im down to my basic plants. had cherry tomatoes, some carrots, and some regular onions growing before, along with various herbs. its now seeded with the summer crops so it looks quite empty till they sprout

>> No.1308474
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on the plus side i have happy fish

>> No.1308481
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I recommend going without a substrate in the tank itself, it makes it easier for the filer to suck up the poop, just let the tank develop its own alge carpet and everyone is happy, learnt that in the second tank, i keep the substrate away from the filer in this tank with a piece of sponge and some larger rocks but the placos keep fucking with it

>> No.1308482
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unless you want happy little prawns and plants in the tank, they need substrate to thrive or at least a very thick algae carpet

>> No.1308483

oh, almost forgot, get some red wiggler worms (compost worms) and stick them in the grow bed to eat the dead or diseased roots and keep the plants healthy. i just grabbed a load from my garden compost bin

>> No.1308489

I actually just finished building an indoor aquaponics today. It is more for decor then growing but it works. will post pics 2morrow

>> No.1308490

one last thing, these things can be really fucking noisy. i would recommend as quieter pump as humanly possible, often it sounds like I live next to a waterfall, but there are lots of things you can do to quiet a system down. less space between the out flow and the tank water, put the filter on top of a sponge, keep the flow time to the minimum and when you are out of the house ect

>> No.1308517

So wait is this setup 3 pieces (growbed, fish tank, water tank)? Or does the water go directly from the fish tank to the growbed?

>> No.1308861

fishtank strait to grow bed, through some filter medium to help break down the fish poo.
so water and crap travels through the pump, gets filtered through some course sponge, goes through the grow bed for further filtration and nitrite removal, then dumped back into the fish tank.
my set up adds another filtration step tho, i put a sponge wall to divide the tank and keep shrimp and snails on the side where the water gets deposited and fish on the other.

>> No.1308868
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>> No.1308875
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you just change the height of the siphon to change how much the grow bead floods and drains. pretty much takes care of itself after you get the timing for everything right, i only need to feed the fish daily, top up the water whenever, and clean it once every one or two months. i check the water quality with my kit every few weeks to ensure everything runs smoothly

>> No.1308879
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for weed i think you would need a grow tent from the light to the bed, but the principal is sound, if i liked weed i would probably grow it myself in one of my tank beds. my goal is to grow opium poppies eventually but thats a ways off

>> No.1308889

new fag

top fucking kek

nooo anon, HERBS, like mint

top kek

hmmm alright sounds like I might just use plain ole dirt after all

This looks cool tho


Ooh thanks anon!

Oh shit hi there
What are some recommended fish that I could get maximal plant food out of in the least space

this should be okay, maybe even a benefit, as I need the noise from a box fan in order to sleep (untermensch, ik)

can I use like sand and pebbles for filtering

So you only pump it up, and then let it siphon back down?

I'm growing herbs dammit
opium poppies sounds need tho...

>> No.1308892
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for first time fish get guppies, make sure to separate the genders with a tank divider or they will breed out of control. mine are in the two tanks separated. if i need more guppies i just put a female into the male side for a week and let he spawn back in her own tank and then separate the new males. ive been breeding them eugenically for colour and for fun. guppies are incredibly hardy fish and will survive most things, are live barers so they breed like rabbits, males are very pretty also

you can use anything for filtering as long as its bigger than the media guards holes, so it doesnt get sucked through the siphon. as i said tho i tub of rocks gets really fucking heavy and can break any tank if not properly supported. cley balls are best. and whatever you use make sure its ph neutral, clay and pea gravel, lava rock or you will kill your fish with ph spikes.

up one pump and gravity keeps the cycle going

>> No.1308893

Neat okay. I think I'm gonna design a base thingy out of wood to hold all the stuff. I don't NEED at separate water tank right? Just the fish tank and then grow beds?

>> No.1308894

Also thanks a ton for all the detailed info, ur the best

>> No.1308897

also guppies can keep using sperm from 1 mating session for 3 months so I really cant stress enough how important it is to stop the little fuckers breeding, an algae eater also is handy for tank health so something like a placo is good to have in there, also 1 molly or gournami or angel fish to eat unwanted fry is always useful. mine sadly dies because i had a red tail black shark in the same tank and it wouldnt stop attacking it. my advice is to stay away from aggressive fish. especially cichlids. my main loss of fish over the years has always been because of bullying by those angry little fuckers

>> No.1308898

no worries man, anything else you want to know im happy to help. it takes alot of information to set up this kind of thing and a lot of trial and error before you get it right

>> No.1308899

>also guppies can keep using sperm from 1 mating session for 3 months
damn lmao

Is setting up the fish first a good course of action? Like just treat it like a standalone fishtank until the water has all the good stuff in it?

>> No.1308902
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not really, you need the tank to be cycled properly, that means that the filter needs to have all the good bacteria before you add the fist. this is step on and can take anywhere from two weeks to a month. the tank and grow bed need to be working first before you add any fish or the ammonia and nitrogen levels will spike and kill everything. its the biggest mistake first time fish keepers make and the most costly

>> No.1308907

in the case of aquaponics the grow bed is the filter so you need to have your tank and grow bed cycled. best way to do this is to add ammonia into an empty tank and let the filter run. when the ammonia is all gone then the tank is ready for fish. so yes a little pee in the tank and let it do its thing for a while, or pop a dead fish in there. when stuff decomposes or shits/pees it releases ammonia which gets turned into nitrogen by bacteria and then into nitrates that the plants eat

>> No.1308908

Oh ok, so plants first and put a dead fishy in? Could I put like a piece of raw meat or something so I don't need to kill a fish

>> No.1308909

Oh gotcha disregard >>1308908
So I literally piss in the tank? Where will the bacteria come from that breaks it down?

>> No.1308910
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yeah anything that can decompose. liquid ammonia is best as it doesnt need to decompose but meat has more neutriants for the plants to start off with

>> No.1308913
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its not all that hard after you get your head around the chemistry of the whole thing it just takes a while

>> No.1308920

again it all depends on how much time you can give setting it all up. the more time and effort you put in the better chances of success. if you have a friends with a already cycled fishtank borrow some of his filter media and put it in your tank to help kick start the process. they also sell bottles of the good bacteria called 'quick start' but ive never used it so i cant vouch for its effectiveness. oh, also dont overstock the tank, more fish than your filter can handle will cause nitrogen and ammonia spikes and kill everything, start small, 1 guppy for a 1 litre of water in your tank is max, the bigger the tank the more fish you can keep

>> No.1308927

aquaponics can be daunting as it has both the aspects of fish keeping and gardening but after the initial set up its massively low effort and very rewarding. best plants ive found are, onions, spring onions, tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce
you might want to start with these plants until everything is running smoothly, then replace them with 'herbs' so you dont risk the crop

>> No.1308930

Oh alright, lettuce and onions would be pretty nice, I'll shoot for that.

I'm trying to find free fish tanks on craigslist

>> No.1308931
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btw bell siphons are pretty much just a cup over a pipe so dont get too worried about the engineering side of the project. mine is a cap of a deodorant can, a piece of plastic tubing, and an old plant pot. and it was by far the most complicated thing to make in the whole process

>> No.1308936

my big tank i got from the dump for £2 and the other was my sisters from when she moved and couldnt keep her fish. that actually how this all started for me, I took on her fish and was annoyed by how often i had to clean the tank and change the water. recycling centres are a gold mine for old fish tanks.

>> No.1308937

I use spring onions from the supermarket. just cut the tops off and shove them in the soil if your nitrates are getting too high, they root so easily and grow very quickly. also great for cooking

>> No.1308939

neat okay and thats p funny
do you have to do much in terms of checking on chemical balance or anything? my dad used to have a tank (I think it was salt water though) and I always remember him doing shit to check the water

>> No.1308944

i have a testing kit i use every few weeks just to keep an eye on things, check ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels are all near 0 and you are good as gold. if you arnt shove more spring onions in until you are. ive not gone above 0.1ppm in anything for months, its just because i love my little fishies and like to have peace of mind that i do it. its worth the investment but after a while you can just tell from the plants health and the fishes behaviour if anything is wrong

>> No.1308950
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these are best but you can get testing strips for less accurate but less effort results

>> No.1308955

How long would one of those kits last you?

Also, have u used grow lights at all? I'm worried about the amount of light that comes through my window

>> No.1308964

the grow light isnt really necessary if you have everything set up by a window. but if you dont get much light where you are or if you want to propagate 'herbs' that need a lot of light and in controlled amounts then yes they are a must. you can pick them up pretty cheaply from places like ebay, the ones on my tank cost me £20 for two of them. you need lights with a red and blue spectrum for the best results. but i would only use them when you are growing ,`'herbs' and with a tent. mines by my window and has no tent, the people next door have asked if i was growing weed before as my room is in a near constant purple glow. so not great if you dont want to get busted

>> No.1308975

damn alright
I legitimately don't wanna grow weed
Am I gonna get busted for growing normal plants

>> No.1308981

nothing illegal about growing onions

>> No.1308986

just get a tent if or a sheet to go over the grow bed if you are growing anything you shouldnt be or if you dont like purple light. i work nights so its the closest I get to real sun light so i quite like it

>> No.1308988

Hmmm ok

>> No.1309035
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Here it is as promosed

>> No.1309039
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here is the right side up version

>20 gal tank
>small sump tank next to it
>small pump in the sump tank
>starter bed
>large grow bed (for tomatoes)
>no bell siphon, just a bottom flow controlled drainage and a top overflow

>> No.1309040

nice set up and happy looking mollys
is that a seed propagator above the airstone?

>> No.1309042

That looks fucking nice
That's pretty much exactly what I wanna do.
What sorta shelf is that?

>> No.1309045

Yeah its a starter bed

It was kinda costly since the main thing I was going for was aesthetics

>shelf is from ikea ($130)
>tank is old af just reused from garage
>sump tank is old af just reused from garage
>pump is 1.5 gpm from home depot ($20)
>tubing and process equipment from ace ($30)
>light is LED from home depot ($45)
>starter bed is some plastic I found around the house
>waterfall is old mushroom plastic container
>starter is held up on very old locker shelf
>air pump from pet mart ($8)
>wine holder and storage boxes all reused

I'm just hoping the light is good enough, the picture looks darker then it is but I might need another light...

>> No.1309046

Oh and I have 2 timers, one for the pump and one for the lights ($4 a piece from home depot)

>> No.1309056

rocket lettuce.

>> No.1309060

how are you holding the light when you need it lower at the start?

>> No.1309067

Still working on that. The medium is still like 2 days out in the mail so I have time. I might just attach them within the shelving frame (less efficient but itll look better). I have thought about chains etc but it would clutter up the aesthetics.

>> No.1309076

Spray paint ur chains white

>> No.1309618

Why do most aquaponics setups have plants above the fish?
You could let gravity do the work of the pump and save money.

>> No.1309628

It would still have to go back up to the fish..?

>> No.1309638

Why can't it flow through as effluent water?

>> No.1309854

why dont you just put your tomatoes at the bottom of the fishtank?

>> No.1310633
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Dope looking setup man.

Im going build a fully monitored gutter system soon. Cloning a bunch of herb babies for it. Ill probably put up my own thread as I do it so keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.1310939

How does one do this

>> No.1311853


Basically you wound(cut) a plant under a node and stick it in water for a week and then sow in *ponics system. Plant parts in water generate roots. Hardly herbs like mint and basil are just easy to use and can buy seedlings year round at most supermarkets.

>> No.1312196

because you would risk over flooding your grow bed if you just left it to gravity. if the pump broke down you would be fucked. also plants need light and having them on top is easier if you have it by a window. also also you would have to have to either have a timed valve or a constantly running pump to get the water flow right. its just a hell of a lot simpler to have the plants on top

>> No.1312199

You don't need to put plants directly underneath your tank, just at a lower elevation.
You wouldn't flood your growbed if you used a bell siphon. I don't see how adding a pump makes aquaponics simpler.

>> No.1312779

if the top of the grow bed is under the water level of the tank it will flood. I dont think you are getting how water works

>> No.1312887
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learn to plumb my dude

>> No.1313238
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you would still have to pump the water back up to the fish tank though

>> No.1313244


>> No.1313282

and you just killed your fish, well done

>> No.1313407


>> No.1313408

Why? Water's not coming back up though the standpipe

>> No.1313421

now im 100% sure you are retarded

>> No.1313424

aquaponics works because the growbed cleans the water for the fish, its a closed loop system. that water is just going to spike out of control as waste builds up

>> No.1313434

Do you see that little arrow under the growbed? That means water's going out. It's not recirculating

>> No.1313989

yes but look where the tanks siphon is, all the shit in the tank isnt going anywhere its just slowly building up and would not get replaced nearly quick enough to stop nitrogen spikes unless it was constantly ''raining'' (which is still a retarded concept btw) this concept has basically no filter and is just ridiculous for indoor aquaponics

>> No.1314310
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Anyone interested maybe check out "Space Buckets"

>> No.1314326

I've seen all kinds of builds from small simple ones with just the plain 5 gallon buckets up to monsters made out of garbage cans or rain barrels with automated light, irrigation, ventilation with carbon filtration to absorb any smell, monitored humidity/temperature/etc.

I think it was originally a solution or alternative to closet growing, with the goal being the smallest grow possible.

>> No.1314635

For the bell siphons, I cant stress enough how important that bend at the pipe is. It took me a week of me fuckin around with my siphon only to figure out that no bend means the siphon doesn't break

>> No.1314789

or just cut some gaps at the bottom of the siphon bell. you get a millimetre of standing water, but it saves pissing about with the bend

>> No.1315083

>using bing

>> No.1315095

>starter bed is some plastic I found around the house

FYI if you want to copy this idea get a cement mixing tray from the hardware store. They are large trays made from black HDPE and they cost like $5 and work well.

>> No.1315096

If you're using a bell siphon you'll still need a vacuum pump in the event of power loss because you'll lose your siphon. A sump pump with overflow has simpler plumbing and is cheap and works consistently.

>> No.1315098

5 gallon buckets are too small for anything. Use a trash can if anything. A proper grow tent is cheap enough that you should just buy one if you're able. You'll spend more on tape and other bullshit putting a bucket together than you will just throwing $50 at a decent 2x2x4 tent. $25 more would get you a 2x4x4 if you had the room.

>> No.1315111

You still need the bend for the water to form a lock on the air tho

>> No.1315379

mine doesnt have a bend and works fine. as soon as the pipe starts sucking in water it creates a vacuum and the negative pressure keeps the siphon sucking. when the water level drops bellow the hole in the bell part the vacuum cuts out

>> No.1316391

I'm growing onions using an led bulb that I can change the color of. I know plants use red and blue light to grow. So my question is, since I only have one bulb, can I set it to purple or does it not work like that?

>> No.1316697

Yup, violet.

>> No.1316707
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My nigga

>> No.1316709
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This whole setup cost $300 with the light

>> No.1316712
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And it's bright as fuck

>> No.1316715


How are you not

#1 burning those plants
#2 burning down the closet, thats like a 600w light?

>> No.1316720


The light has two internal head sinks and fans. It's only about 25C in there. Also the cabinet they are in is backless for ventilation.

The plants fucking love it. They are getting a healthy DLI of 10 despite how bright it looks to our eyes. My herbs literally grow like weeds and taste amazing.

>> No.1316797

can you explain DLI, Ive got some grow lights but im not an expert

>> No.1316823
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Heres my setup

>> No.1316827

Thanks friendo

>> No.1316966


DLI stands for daily light integral. It is the total Mols of photosynthetically active light that a plant gets in a day. Photosynthetic photon flux (ppf) is the instantaneous quantity of photons in the 400-700 nanometer range received in a square meter per second, normally measures in micromols per square meter per second. It can be measured by a quantum PAR sensor which is like 300$.

>> No.1318139 [DELETED] 

Holy fug mate. Isn't that a bit too bright?

>> No.1318143
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mine isn't aqua,but the lighting is the same

>8x15 W chinkshit full spectrum LED (4-6€)
>two cheap used adjustable lamps (50€)
>digital timer (15€)
>cords (10€)

I grow cayenne chillies and tomatoes.
I guess that kush needs atleast as much Lux as these plants.
If you go for LEDs be sure that they have cooler fins. And don't run them 24/7. The """herb""" will grow faster, but the good stuff won't be as potent. Plants need to rest too.

use this calc to determine how much LEDs will you need:

rapidtables com/calc/light/lumen-to-lux-calculator.html

>> No.1318176

>i think its the lack of iron in the water

The only supplement an aquaponic system needs is chelated iron. Supposedly you can grow barley since it produces siderophores which chelate iron and make it available to plants.

>> No.1318179

that shelf doesnt look like it could support the fish tank

>> No.1318867

alas i cant add iron, due to the shrimp. they cant handle it