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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 91 KB, 550x344, Noisy-Neighbors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1287631 No.1287631 [Reply] [Original]

Iam living next to this guy who I need gone.
I already poured syrup at his front door, needless to say he had ants all over his house.
I always do my laundry in the morning after he goes to bed.
I threw grass seeds in his pretty yard.
Now also thinking about disabling his heater.

But I need more, something better and something diy to drive him nuts

And no Iam not really trying to be an ashole but he really is the worst.
He's been fighting all the neighbours, he tends to have hour long fits against the landlord in front of the house.
hes a cab driver Comes home every day at 4 a.m. and twice a week another girl and then has an hour long sex session.
Not a problem if he didn't sleep untill 5 p.m. every day
If I do anything on an off day hell come out in his underwear and starts to go off again.
I honestly think he has mental issues.
He even leaves his music on 24/7 if he's not home as theft prevention.
I love my house but this guy is mental.

Please give some tips to get rid of him, any diy options are welcome.
And yes I've tried talking and it just sets him off

>> No.1287695


>> No.1287724

What country you from OP?
There a number of things you could do, depending on your location.

>> No.1287734

leave some heroin on his front door.
shouldn't take too long.

>> No.1287739

>I honestly think he has mental issues.
He has mental issues...

>> No.1287748

If your first impulse has been to chase him off by making his life shitty instead of going through more legal channels, then you might have some mental issues as well.

>> No.1287756

Any illegal activity is cause for eviction. Even a police visit can be. Just call in a noise complaint and tell the landlord you do not feel safe living next to a person that has frequent police visits.
This too. But maybe he is causing them though.

>> No.1287758

Start calling the non-emergency local police line to make noise complaints when you know the noise is going to be on long and loud enough for them to hear it.

>> No.1287764

Just call the local zoo and tell them theres a monkey next door and you need them to capture it. Stay inside though, as they may think it is you they are after. Aside from that, move out of the area you are in. You blacks should go see how white people live and simply follow their example. Not being racist, just sayin'

>> No.1287773
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Burn his house down...

>> No.1287815

I tried legal channels there's not much for me here other than the landlord.
I wish, if only it wasn't connected to mine.

Have been thinking of a random type of noise generator.
And seriously I really don't like fucking up anyone's life but it's clear that is so mental Iam honestly worried for everyone's safety.
I can talk to the guy now and then and he can be nice but at other times he goes so apeshit I really think I'll kill him someday if he ever directed that to my wife.

So for his and my safety.. He needs to go

>> No.1287830

>jew needs help jewing a jew

now I've seen everything

>> No.1287831


He's a jew.. Iam a goy.
Goyim taking back Israel one house at a time... kek

>> No.1287832

oh look, an israeli who won't rest until his neighbors are all driven away

>> No.1287835


I hope you meant my neighbor.. He's hard at work with driving people away.. he managed to get 2 others away in the last 2 months

>> No.1287836
File: 118 KB, 915x554, israel-palestine_map_19225_2469[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throw stones?
launch rockets?
UN Sanctions?
all been tried I'm afraid OP.

>> No.1287840

OP, a previous apartment complex I had had an eviction policy if you received more than three complaints from your neighbors. Your landlord should be able to implement the same policy. The state landlord/tenant law should allow it. Then you just have to wait to the complaints to pile up. If this guy is really that much of an asshole, that place is probably a mess which would be a reason to evict him.

>> No.1287841


My sides are in orbit..
Tho.. i just need more subtle tips.

>> No.1287844

your neighbor
>works hard
>fucks hard
>complains to the landlord if he has a problem
>pour syrup
>do laundry at inconsiderate times
>throw grass seed

>> No.1287847


Yeah not going to work here.. my landlord is getting tired of him however he still has a contract for a year.
Before that he would have to go to court for it and that's not worth it to him.

Just need some saddistic 4chan inventors to help me on this

Also, how do you make something really smelly with household items?

>> No.1287848

Op confirmed baby back bitch

>> No.1287849

>take off door of microwave
>point it at his bedroom
>leave it on overnight every night
>wait 5 years
>visit him in the hospital
>whisper a confession into his ear as he slowly slips into the abyss

>> No.1287850

No shit. Op, go back to r9k you fucking sperg

>> No.1287854


Dude doesn't even work hard just goes to work for a few hours to pick up some random girl and then complains about how he has too little money.

Look I liked the guy at the start but he's so full of bullshit you ain't going to believe it.
>Yeah I've been in the u.s. for 6 years.
doesn't even speak proper English + timeline doesn't add
>I've been studying to be a lawyer for 6 years.
Other neighbor who actually is a lawyer already called bullshit on him.
>wants to make a home gym.
Starts to put shitty equipment in front of others front doors, told him to piss off
he Never used any of them since

The dude is a borderliner

>> No.1287856


Takes too long, definitely fits the sadistic part tho

>> No.1287858

Somebody doesn't get the joke...
Please tell me that you live in one of the settlements? That would so make the irony priceless!

>> No.1287859


Already told you guys Iam a goy, He's a kike tho, and a *ahum* good one too
But no not in a settlement.

>> No.1287861

>hes a cab driver Comes home every day at 4 a.m. and twice a week another girl and then has an hour long sex session.
dude fucks your wife while you're at work.

>> No.1287863


We work at the same company you twat.

>> No.1287864

Mention to the landlord you overheard him saying he is going to fuck up his plumbing to screw over the land lord. also make sure the police document it.

When he is out go into his unit and dump quickreet down all his plumbing.

>> No.1287867
File: 291 KB, 562x400, rofl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already poured syrup at his front door, needless to say he had ants all over his house.

OMG there is syrup at my front door what do I do! I better move to other country

>I threw grass seeds in his pretty yard.
OMG GRASS is growing in my yard what do I do I better move to another continent

you must be like 4 y.o. if you think that would work.

>> No.1287895

>I don't like this person therefore I shouldn't have to to deal with him
That's not how the world works

>> No.1287899

this is a common treatment in israel for ringworm

>> No.1287907
File: 28 KB, 593x635, hikkykostaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeze your own piss in a oven plate and then slide the frozen pissplate from your neighbours letterbox and it melts in his house.

>> No.1287989

How good are you at plumbing

>> No.1288017

>How good are you at plumbing
They are really terrible at as jews don't have water there, like at all. Beer costs less then pure water. Can you imagine that?

>> No.1288035

yes. buying bottled water is stupid. you get free tap water at any restaurant or bar. in most places food establishments are required to give anyone who asks free water. they just pull the bullshit trying to sell you bottled water.
>get nice meal
>ask for a glass of water
>need to specify free water, not 5$ bottle of water every time

>> No.1288042


iam a plumbing ace.


iam imported but i agree that all Israelis suck at diy, Arabs or Jews doesn't make a difference.
just bought a washing machine and i had to have it installed by a mechanic or they wont give you any warranty.
thats how much faith companies have in Israelis doeing diy work.
literally mind blown, the delivery driver said i couldn't even unpack it or it would void warranty.

>> No.1288043


yes, in israel by law water is a protected right.
you will always get water anywhere if you need it.
never had anyone try to sell me bottled water instead, but i know they try it in more touristy areas.

>> No.1288087

So you're just mad he gets sex and you don't ? Anyways there was this shit manual about this shit probably by jolly rogers or maybe some other guy ,check anarchist cookbook. You're already in deep, destroying/sabotaging his property so it shouldn't be that b you mental fucking nigger

>> No.1288105

Shit in bags. Dump shit everywhere in his yard, sidewalk, steps, etc.

>> No.1288119

Premix ammonia and bleach into a 5gal bucket and pour it into his house.

>> No.1288132

OP, are you sure you're not a psychopath? You think like one.

>> No.1288242


Tell him to stop being a faggot or you will beat his ass. And if he gets triggered hit the mutherfucker.

>> No.1288247

Doin wat?

>> No.1288249

Show us copy of tennant agreement so we can figure out how to break it

>> No.1288616


> taxi driver
> arrives at night to his house

you should mix epoxy resin in a syringe and plug his door lock before he arrives home

if you really want to kike it up, wait till he gets into a fight with another neighbor and then plug the door lock - that way he'll think it's the other guy :^)

> inb4 kike

I know, i am one. we've been in this business for aeons

>> No.1288643

this is the best answer in the thread
not bad for a kike

or make some lock pick learn how to pick locks break in a fuck his shit up while he's out

>> No.1288663

Cab driver? Open the doors to his cab while he's sleeping, crack open the interior door panels with a flat bar, and fill the cavities with one can of expanding spray foam each. This will lock the window regulators in place and not allow them to open. After a week the car will smell so bad that he will never get another call for a fare.

t. Asshole.

>> No.1288668

Continue with the shenanigans and there will come a point where you will receive as many complaints as your neighbor. The landlord will want to have nothing to do with either of you.

You have to take the high road.

>> No.1288671

>Supersoaker filled with smelly fish guts water
>squirt under door when neighbour is out

>> No.1288686


He did all sorts of shit.
He even found dogshit on his doorstep once.. thought it was from another neighbor and smeared it on the other guys door.
Funny fact was that the other guy was away with his dog while this happened so it couldn't be him.
He never said sorry either, the other guy had to take it off himself.

Look Iam not asking you guys help for nothing, he really is batshit.
Problem is that he can't be evicted for another year and the landlord doesn't care if he stays around for another year.
He would have to go to court to get him out.
He said he kind of wanted to leave.. Iam just helping a bit.
And thanks for some of the good ideas aswell guys.

>> No.1288708
File: 139 KB, 1600x1088, sac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy spider sacs online. Like 50 of them. Stash them all over his house / air ducts / windows / everything. Stick a sac in his mail box. Stick a sac in / on his car. Stick a fucking spider sac in every conceivable place. Each sac can have hundreds of spiders in it.

>> No.1288721

Ah the ol' yellow frisbee

>> No.1288725

hydrogen cyanide my man, it's the jew's kryptonite

>> No.1288771

Yup. Time for the nuclear option.

>> No.1288781

>how do you make something really smelly with household items?
Buy a carcass, let rest in the open.
And if he signed a 1 year contract, he won't leave before the end either.
Just convince him to not renew it, he may already have plans to leave anyway.

>> No.1288823

oh god that's evil

>> No.1288957

Could get a shirt on of speakers, place them against the wall forwards his home, blast some traditional speeches of aryan superiority.
The second he gets into bed, blast it then quickly start a fire in front of his exit doors, commit to the murder that you must finish for the betterment of your town and society.

But seriously, maybe the speaker thing wouldn’t be too bad, although you’d need to solder the wires together, order a shit ton of speakers which’s costs would add up pretty quickly.

Maybe you could build a few joule thief devises, stick them around his place so it raises his electric bill so he’ll come to the conclusion that it’d be cheaper just to move.

>> No.1288961

Shit ton of speakers*
My bad

>> No.1289042

Nail sheets of timber or plywood across his door frame leaving a gap at the top. Pour quick drying concrete (like the shit for putting in fence posts) into the gap between the timber and the door. Entomb the bastard or block him from getting back in.

>> No.1289163

Maybe a bitcoin miner using his electricity, similar to your idea but you profit a little bit

>> No.1289203

Suck his dick and swallow every drop of his cum, He'll hate you after he cums then want to move.

>> No.1289212

put bees in his mail box

>> No.1289224

Kike anon dont be a dick

>> No.1289228

Go full electric retard and freeze a pointy turd. When he is leaving his home for work, you stab him to death.

>> No.1289312

>Yeah I've been in the u.s. for 6 years.
>doesn't even speak proper English
You do realize how hard it is to learn a new language as an adult even if you immerse yourself in the culture

op confirmed baby

>> No.1289314

>make remote control siren using parts bought on ebay
>hide near neighbor's window
>periodically honk it when he sleeps

>> No.1289365

>two layers of brick for a divider wall

That's standard where I live. Sound does not travel well through it, even guitar ripping base. You can tell there's something going on, but it is really low and inconsequential. Thus, that image is tickling my OCD/autism.

Also, OP, the best way to get someone to do something is to lure them to do it, not force them. Like look up a place that has better rent and/or fewer neighbors. Either take it yourself or talk to him and tell him about it.

>> No.1289388

Why not just piss into the letterbox while he is gone?

>> No.1289391

I laughed at this harder than i should have.

>> No.1289522

Sign him up for advertisements for foreskin stretching products.

>> No.1289537

In next thread: "This fucking asshole next door keeps trying to make my life hell. He does his washing when he knows I'm trying to sleep, fucked up my yard - crazy cunt even poured syrup at my door. Help me fuck him up, /diy"

>> No.1289584

Break into his house and steal every thing of value when he's gone. Do this several times a month until he leaves. Blame it on Palestinians too

>> No.1289586


or in other words "welcome to israeli day to day life''

>> No.1289596

>I already poured syrup at his front door
Ah, you must be a canadian.

>> No.1289622

>beer costs less than pure water
Actually this is a very unsurprising turn of events in most third world countries.

>> No.1289625

You have to convince your landlord that he's doing a fuckload of work that he should not have to be doing to find and replace tenants just because he has that ONE tenant that chases all of the other ones out.

It doesn't matter if he pays his bills on time every time if it means that the landlord has to replace known good, well paying tenants with potentially shitty tenants.

>> No.1289626

Put bacon on his front door handle while he's out. Now he can never enter his home again.

Just make sure it isn't kosher bacon.

>> No.1289663
File: 979 KB, 500x206, 1494155509170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm israeli and this is unironically true

Absolutely hate my neighbors who do loud karaoke every Thursday night, tried several times to blast music even louder but they just raised their own volume, the absolute madmen

>> No.1289695

>Thursday night, tried several times to blast music even louder but they just raised their own volume, the absolute madmen
Why don't you move to another country?

>> No.1289751

idk im also having an issue with a bad neighbor so far he has
>poured syrup at his front door, needless to say i had ants all over my house.
>insists on doing laundry after i get home after my night shift
>Like 90% sure he seeded my yard with this crab grass shit (will appreciate any advice for ridding myself of it)

idk what to do a reasonable discussion with him seams impossible at this point. and so far the cops say that nothing that he has done counts as vandalism "yet" fingers crossed he will cross the line before i lose it.

>> No.1289756
File: 86 KB, 688x414, loud_sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of doing this during my hour long fuck sessions.

>> No.1290046
File: 152 KB, 1440x1080, 1510484695931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Get a tray/plate
2. Piss on said plate
3. Put piss plate in freezer
4. Remove piss plate from freezer and detatch piss disc
5. Post piss disc through neighbor's letterbox
6. Piss disc melts leaving a puddle of piss on his floor that shouldn't have been able to even exist

>> No.1290068

Good start, but not the best finish. Don't just piss on one plate, piss on all your plates. Piss on the blankets, and make at least three piss jugs. Nobody would want to live next to that, so basically he'll have to move.

>> No.1290069

Without judging, some suggestions:
- get a gallon or two of something really caustic (like AC condenser cleaner), go over when no one will see, and write "MOVE OR DIE" in the grass. It takes a couple days for it to show up
- if you have natural gas heat, you can take the same caustic coil cleaner and trace a line from his gas meter to the street so it looks like a gas leak killed the lawn. Then you dummy up an official looking letter from the gas company warning him about the dangerous leak and telling him to move
- procure some illegal drugs, divvy them up like you're selling them (wear gloves so no prints), stash them somewhere on his porch, and drop an anonymous tip to the local police. Tell them he stiffed you on a drug deal and you're ratting him out for it. Don't do this from a phone that can be traced back to you. If you use a public phone wear gloves and wipe it down when finished.
DOUBLE WHAMMY: hide the drugs in his cab.
- 60 second smoke candle taped to a brick, lit, and delivered through his window along with a note explaining politely that you'd like him to consider living elsewhere.

>> No.1290071

>shit up your own house so bad he'll move out of disgust
I really hope you're shitposting. OP quit being a pussy, go over there and stick a gun in his face. Tell him you'll kill him, his family, his mistress, even his fuckin' dog if he doesn't stop acting like a psycho.

>> No.1290618
File: 117 KB, 1280x1024, fuckoffray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piss jugs

>> No.1290681
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw limp dick sound system getting rekt by neighbors singing western pop after too much hooka

>> No.1290690

Is your neighbor superstitious? I wonder how you could get a bluetooth speaker in his house so you can make scary demon noises when he's home. You could try saying creepy shit or you could use the internet to play scary stuff into the mic. I dunno how you'd get inside his house to plant the device. Maybe stick it down an air vent outside his house or something? "Hauntings" often cause people to move out.

>> No.1290737

>western pop

That would be a mild improvement. They are karaokeing terrible Arab music.

>> No.1290744

Even better, I love it Anon, good job, I would love to see Op do that

>> No.1290874

>throwing grass seeds in someone's pretty yard
>not going the hyper fun way of pouring bleach over it.
>going for a petty, easy to solve minor irritance over something that is literally a scorched earth tactic.

Are you sure you're even trying at this point?

>> No.1291244

PROTIP: works well for neighbors barking dogs. I used a car alarm. Bitch got down from barking all night to about 1 time a week. STFU! REEE

>> No.1291245

Ahh shit. With his address you could see how much spam we could get shipped to him

>> No.1291247

>1 month from now.
>2 autistic retards are having a spurg war
>bees and spiders and dead rodents... etc... THERE IS PISS EVERYWHERE
>how to get rid of them

>> No.1291275

this wont work. concrete takes a month to cure. green concrete is very brittle.

>> No.1291277
File: 157 KB, 320x2704, Electric Retard 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric retard

>> No.1291317
File: 20 KB, 480x455, 1512317312939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ultrasound sensor
>Arduino (if you don't want to make the circuitry yourself)
>9 volt battery
>Boost converter
>Transistor (to work as a switch)

Use those to make some sort of taser trap. Use your imagination as to where you put it and what extra components you want to add.

>> No.1291324


Just do what the Cubans did to the Americans.


>> No.1291366

I'm not sure how Israel's cops are but in America reporting this dude repeatedly leaves a paper trail. Document everything. Take pictures, and store them in multiple places.

Soo here's what you do pal. Get yourself some quality speakers and blast this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrasound#Infrasonic_17_Hz_tone_experiment