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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 3.72 MB, 4160x3120, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1275853 No.1275853 [Reply] [Original]


Hi can anyone tell me if this looks like Asbestos Artex ceiling?

I live in the UK and the house was built in the late 70's. I know that Asbestos production stopped in the 80's so possibly?

Unfortunately I have already torn most of the ceiling down but this was before my knowledge of asbestos being used in artex ceilings. I'm young and naive of these things. Not a huge amount of care was taken but a filtered dust mask was used during.

>> No.1275854


>> No.1275855

100% serious

>> No.1275889

Fuck it, what's done is done. Mesothelioma risks are highest in people who were occupationally exposed to asbestos (read: high concentrations, over the course of years). You're probably gonna be okay, might as well finish what you started. Try not to breathe the dust. If you can, wet the remaining portion before you tear into it; that'll cut down on the amount of dust formed. Open all the windows and doors after you're done, air the place out to get rid of dust in the air. Wipe all surfaces inside the building with a wet cloth to prevent the settled dust from becoming airborne again. Disposal is on you; no idea what the laws over there are like, but in the States it's highly regulated (hazmat).

>> No.1275890

Given the date, probably. Unless you're knocking this crap down day after day after day the amount you inhale is not going to matter. Asbestos isn't THAT bad. the majority of people that handled pure rolls of that shit in shipyards and hvac systems never had an adverse effect.

You might as well worry about something cumulative like the lead building up in the base of your spin from the old paint on your walls that's slowly ablating into fine partials floating in the air you breath everyday.

>> No.1275898

asbestos has little potential for harm unless you are working with it frequently.

Assuming that you have not cut it with any power tools and only breaking it up I would say that you have had negligible exposure.

Finish the job and put a lot of effort into cleanup, perhaps throw away your clothes if you are paranoid.

>> No.1275900
File: 3.49 MB, 4160x3120, derp 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic of a cross section. You can see more clearly the layering.

There is 18mm Plasterboard then a 2/3mm layer of white material followed by the artex stippled effect.

I can only assume this is asbestos but I have no idea really.

Thanks for the replies guys

>> No.1275906

I think you're confused on what asbestos is and what it does. There is zero way for anyone to tell from a picture if your texture mix contains asbestos because the asbestos in the mix would be something like 5% of its total volume. It's just in there as a fiber binder. Gives the mix a bit more strength. The asbestos was replaced by fiberglass or some other synthetic binder which looks almost exactly like asbestos to the eye. You'd need a microscope or chemical test to tell for sure.

tl;dr dunno. suck it up. tough it out. take whatever precautions you feel necessary.

>> No.1275920

Fun fact. My house has asbestos in the attic, on the walls ( both as plaster binder and paint) also it had lead drain pipes. I have done a lot of work inside and out without any regard or regret. If no one knows no one can care.

>> No.1276056

that's cardboard, you retarded dipshit

>> No.1276070

70's? That's a big "maybe". It becomes less likely as you move towards the 90's. If you're pulling the cieling down don't worry about it; just don't grind it up & huff it.

>> No.1276156

This is correct! Good guy /thread

>> No.1276200


Looks like rock wool insulation to me


That is correct, i've seen a ton of threads like this and there's always a bunch of clowns replying with expert opinions. Bottom line is there's no possible way to tell if something is or contains asbestos just by looking at it. The only way to check is to send a sample to be professionally analysed in a lab. Should the test return positive, you need to hire a company that deals with it stuff. Only they're qualified to properly handle and remove asbestos from a building then dispose of it.

>> No.1276202


Wait scratch that - it's way thinner than i initially thought, it probably is cardboard.

>> No.1276203

One way to find out.

Snort a few lines and wait twenty years.

>> No.1276257

Just wear a mask and you'll be fine.

>> No.1276258
File: 40 KB, 400x252, Waste-Cardboard-–-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And how exactly is this in any way cardboard ya fucking mong???

>> No.1276261

There is a difference between cardboard and corrugated cardboard (your pic)

>> No.1276288
File: 209 KB, 686x613, 8467339864_5d5efe1d13_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone saying it's cardboard.... Asbestos can look exactly like cardboard, corrugated or flat. Congratulations on not knowing your shit. Stop giving advice.

>> No.1276360
File: 55 KB, 1000x567, 63070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard of pic related, dumbass?

>> No.1276361

lad, go kill yourself
that idiot obviously has >>1276360 on the walls, that is widely used to straighten walls/corners/ceilings

>> No.1276362

>Bottom line is there's no possible way to tell if something is or contains asbestos just by looking at it. The only way to check is to send a sample to be professionally analysed in a lab.

Well, uh, the be fair, the way the lab checks for asbestos is to...look at it. With a microscope, admitedly, but it's still not as if it's some super complicated chemicals process.

>> No.1276363

That's plasterboard/drywall, not cardboard, you retarded chimp faced spastic. Stop posting.

>> No.1276364

do you know what covers the plaster?
HINT: cardboard

neck yourself, when?

>> No.1276368

Fuck me lad, you can not be this fucking dim and still breathing.

1. It's not cardboard.
2. The covering on drywall IS NOT CARDBOARD.
3. Why in the fuck, other than some sort of traumatic brain injury or fetal alcohol syndrome, would anybody look at a picture of what is very fucking clearly drywall covered with artex, and pick out the colour of the paper lining the drywall and say something as utterly retarded as "herf derf dat right der is cardboard hyup hyup derp"?

Fuck I am actually getting angry on a Taiwanese origami forum.

>> No.1276370

what is it then? asbestos? sounds about right, desu

you should really appreciate the fact you are anonymous here
you wouldn't survive the mockery of your retardness

>> No.1276372

>normally pressed between a facer and a backer (typically thick sheets of paper)

i guess you can google yourself, what's the other name of "thick sheet of paper"

>> No.1276376

>what is it then?



OP is asking about the ARTEX. Nobody, literally not a single person EXCEPT YOU, thought the OP was asking if the brownish-grey stuff was asbestos. Except you did, because

a) You're fucking stupid.
b) You don't kwow what anything in OPs picture is.
c) You're really, really, fucking stupid.

>what's the other name of "thick sheet of paper"

There is no other name for "thick sheet of paper". Here's a free hint you fucking mouth breather: if it was cardboard, it would say "normally pressed between a facer and a backer (typically cardboard)"

There are however plenty of other names for "thick 4chan poster".

Now fuck off back to whichever containment board you crawled out of. Or maybe Reddit is more your speed. Or just go for a stroll down the nearest busy road in the dark.

>> No.1276382

Take a sample and have it tested.

If positive call some pros to remove it if it bothers you. But left undisturbed it fine.

And stop asking 4chan ffs they'll just fill you full of lies and doubt.

>> No.1276383


Can you two chill? You're literally arguing over the Internet at which point thick paper becomes cardboard. If either of you feel the need to continue this discussion I humbly suggest getting tested for Autism.

>> No.1276390

This is great hahahaha!

>> No.1276401
File: 1.73 MB, 1296x972, asbestos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd probably need electron microscope to tell the difference between asbestos fibers and fiberglass fibers. Can you tell which one is asbestos from these two pictures? I don't think i'd be able to tell.

>> No.1276428

oh wow, nice thread.

>> No.1276464

Person who has reno'd several old houses here. Hard to tell. I haven't seen layered shit like that in the person. However - they put asbestos in
Everything from liquid wall texturing to tiles to yes, even paper in drywall, the only way to know for absolute sure is to send out a piece to be tested. One of the posters here is correct: the chance of it being harmful is actually pretty low, a fair amount of the friable asbestos has to enter your lungs and then move around to the point where it causes cancer.

>> No.1276466

>I have done a lot of work inside and out without any regard or regret.

Mesothelioma manifests ~40 years after exposure.

>> No.1276659

Buy a respirator with some particle filters and some tyvex suits if you're that worried about it. Like most everyone else said, there's no way for us to tell if it's asbestos or not.

>> No.1276696
File: 127 KB, 601x508, EKuTQlV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, my sides.

>> No.1276701

No honestly: http://www.seattleasbestostest.com/asbestos-basic-info5.html

>Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) is widely used to measure fiber concentrations of air samples.
>The analysis of Bulk Building Materials for asbestos content is primarily conducted by PLM, and to a lesser degree by XRD, SEM and TEM.


>Phase-contrast microscopy is an optical-microscopy technique that converts phase shifts in light passing through a transparent specimen to brightness changes in the image. Phase shifts themselves are invisible, but become visible when shown as brightness variations.

>> No.1276719

*inhales deeply*

>> No.1276727

>is on /diy/
>"yeah just call some pros"

>> No.1276735

Knowing when to /diy/ and when to call the pros is probably the most important part of /diy/.

Like on /k/. HOW you should use your weapons isn't nearly as important as WHEN you should use them.

>> No.1276744

Yeah, because the "pros" in this case are magicians that make asbestos dissapear.

Nah, just get a proper mask and put the asbestos crap in trashbags, close them airtight with tape and get rid of them on a suitable place, done.

>> No.1276753

oh wow, you are retarded af...

>> No.1276755

Why all the fuss about this asbestos stuff? It doesn't really smell that bad or anything...

>> No.1276867

In proper countries you must be licenced to perform such feats.

Diyers that think like you win Darwin awards. You're what makes this board fun.

>> No.1276908

lol, what an idiot

If it crubles to dust, and the dust gets into your lungs, it won't get out.
Asbestos is carcinogen, so except for normal pneumoconiosis it increases your change to get cancer.
Basically just wear a P3 class dust mask and you're fine.

>> No.1276923

You are the idiot for using industrial terms to the great unwashed without mentioning the rest of the course material which could save lives to those who don't understand this concept but feel diy is life.

I enjoy this idiocy. Keep the Darwin award game going senpai. Can't wait till it's your turn.

>> No.1277056

Asbestos is something that only trained professionals should deal with, contact your local council for advice or see if they can send some people out to deal with it.

>> No.1277062

this lmao
tear off a piece and burn it just to check, but i'm 99% sure that brown stuff is paper

>> No.1277272

Yes it does look like asbestos artex. Get an asbestos testing kit before you do anything else. You can get one from asbestos-sampling.com

>> No.1277331
File: 24 KB, 425x404, jokehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be fun at parties.
Pic related.

>> No.1277334

Just measure the temp that it melts at. Hint, glass melts before asbestos.

>> No.1278610

>this thread is still live
>people still not sure if it's asbestos
oh my god, you retarded pieces of shit, can you see it's fucking cardborad from the sides of the drywall plastered directly to his shit wall?
Who the fuck and why the fuck would put asbestos THIS FUCKING THIN between layers of gypsum? FOR WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?

Are you all fucking retarded?

>> No.1278614
File: 380 KB, 425x567, welcome_to_4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you all fucking retarded?

welcome to /diy/ anon. have some complementary imitation crab meat.

>> No.1278746

The only retard here is you for assuming human stupidity is not boundless.

>> No.1279306

I was working in the kitchen of a Wetherspoons in the UK, and during my 'probation' they asked me to clean the ceilings because they hadn't been done in about 6-12months. The grease was just moving around and was getting me nowhere so I decided to take them out and wash them in a bucket. It caught on the metal as I was taking it out and awww shit, your boy just got a mouthful of asbestos.

>> No.1280326

>save crumbly asbestos bits from demo
>put in tiny plastic bags
>Go to concert, sell as crack cocaine


>> No.1281639

Holy fuck you must be literally retarded, how are you even on this board with that "you need a trained professional to wipe your ass" mentality? This shit isn't depleted uranium you cockmongler, you literally put it into a closed tight container and dispose of it.


>> No.1281657

You are a fool.
The site must be properly prepared before removal and decontaminated after.
The ' bagging ' is regulated and must be identified.
Transport vehicle requires hazardous waste separate from non
You can't take it to a general waste facility it has to be specially registered to destroy the asbestos or bury in a segregated landfill. Otherwise you might as well just throw it out onto your yard.
Disposal of hazardous waste is heavily regulated and for a good fucking reason, in case you didn't pick up on it I'll give you a clue: It's fucking hazardous.

>> No.1281673

Hello, I am expert in the field of asbestos. I have been in the business for more than 20 years. Anyway, rule of thumb is if you suspect it is asbestos, it is. Though this looks too thin to be a layer of asbestos and it is inside plaster. if it burns it might be cardboard

>> No.1281686

its aUtism get it right ya fucking chode retard. I fucked your mom

>> No.1281695
File: 111 KB, 700x715, Russian-Dr-House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1282284

But it’s the artex that contains the asbestos

>> No.1282286

If North Korea gained access to this thread they would possess enough weapons grade autism to level most of Eastern Asia.

>> No.1282396

Artex isn't a type of Asbestos, you can't just say that "artex contains asbestos".

>> No.1282473

that wasn't what that anon said, are you retarded and don't know what artex is? That anon is correct, a lot of artex CONTAINED asbestos as they mixed it in.

>> No.1282588

They used to mix asbestos fibers with artex dumbo

>> No.1282601 [DELETED] 

>Who the fuck and why the fuck would put asbestos THIS FUCKING THIN between layers of gypsum? FOR WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?

Good point anon. It's almost as if that's not the bit that OP is suggesting might have artex in it. Really makes you think.

Well, not you obviously, because you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1282606

>Who the fuck and why the fuck would put asbestos THIS FUCKING THIN between layers of gypsum? FOR WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?

Good point anon. It's almost as if that's not the bit that OP is asking might have asbestos in it. Really makes you think.

Well, not you obviously, because you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1282744

Follow these and you'll be fine

>> No.1282746

This guy is correct.

>> No.1282754

Specifically the stuff under "Working with textured coatings (TC) containing asbestos (non-licensed)"

>> No.1282758

it's 100% real

>> No.1285125


Most sensible comments in the entire thread

>> No.1287056


I helped cleared part of a floor of asbestos- it looked like paler slate (kinda like your pic) and was very brittle- hard to tell by the pics. Does it break easily?- BTW- I don't recommend this w/o mask- not that this really would affect you- just try to chip it...