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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 86 KB, 1200x751, nearly_fatal_grinder_accident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1260161 No.1260161 [Reply] [Original]

>you get this

>> No.1260175
File: 774 KB, 276x220, no full of fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother was going to have a great weekend a few months ago.

Got new speakers he was excited about, and was going to install them mounted up on his wall. Go up ladder, do stuff for the first speaker. Goes to take a step down. First step of step stool blow out, falls off, eats shit.

Broken arm.

Happy Saturday!

>> No.1260182

Better amputate

>> No.1260190
File: 478 KB, 2340x4160, IMG-20171014-WA0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened the back of my hand with a japanese saw so i'll relate

>> No.1260191

Why did you do it?

>> No.1260193

I love stitches and waiting in the ER for 5 hours

>> No.1260194

Shit, I thought I was the only one

>> No.1260197

We should hang out or smthin
Supposedly i havent cut a nerve or tendon so we can make sure i don't miss them next time

>> No.1260201

Its a date, Ill pick you up at 5

>> No.1260207
File: 152 KB, 2048x1152, 20746128_325444644573671_2982369089279952094_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to move the press driller, got both fingers crush between wall and the drill

>> No.1260225

Keyless chuck. Using drill to tighten instead of manually turning it tight, attached hole saw.
>held hole saw instead of chuck

>> No.1260230


>> No.1260490
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i tried to make a really simple calculator. started testing 7 segment led and immediately blew it sky high because I misread the max voltage it can take.

never fucked up with power tools though surprisingly enough considering how much I've used them

>> No.1260497
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And then that paper cut ruins your day.

>> No.1260541

This sounds like a fake story to make you paranoid about paper cuts

>> No.1260557

Crush injuries are always fun, why cut yourself when you can destroy the internals and burst the skin at the same time.

>> No.1260569

he refused to post stump, he is full of shit

>> No.1260581
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When you gotta prove your weld quality.

>> No.1260582

I'm not sure how burning yourself proves it's a good weld.

>> No.1260603

well, i couldn't pick up the car and take it with me.

>> No.1260604

>replacing hub and control arm on buddy's truck
>put left hand down while I reach in to unthread a nut by hand
>move left hand up to pull part
>covered in blood
I have no idea how I cut myself that bad, when or on what. Happens every time.

>> No.1260612

jagged brake dust shield?
sharp cotter pin ends?

>> No.1260651

Shield and cotter pins were already removed, like 10 minutes before hand. Only thing I could think is the airplane wire i had the caliper hanging from, but I had bo readon to out ny hand over there.

>> No.1260723

stray sharp spots at seams on cast metal parts have sliced me up before

>> No.1260818

Obviously he welded his arm back on

>> No.1260823

>get minor cut at work
>go home to get a bandaid to avoid paperwork

>> No.1260915

Worn shims, panel seams and hydraulic clips seem to be the ones that bite me most. I'm a good 'bleeder' too, gushes out of even small cuts, not to being life threatening, but enough to freak people out

>> No.1260984

Looks like a job for superglue!

>> No.1260990
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, CRxwHUNUAAUBER0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OH&S rep complains that people aren't reporting every single injury and near miss
>site of ~200 workers
>manager has great idea
>everyone report every single thing that happens for the next week
>welders are reporting every spatter burn
>electricians are reporting wire pokes
>painters are reporting exposure to chemicals
>plumbers are reporting glue spills
>concreters report walking on mesh as a trip hazzard

By day two he was begging for mercy but we saw out the full week just so that lesson wouldn't be forgotten any time soon.

>> No.1261015

That's gold.

>> No.1261085

This post at least proves your skills in photography!

>> No.1261388

>Minor cut at work
>Tape over it to avoid paperwork
If theres no blood, theres no questions

>> No.1262444

how come this hurts more than a major cut with 5 stitches?

>> No.1262459

My dad climbed a ladder to put up Christmas lights and fell and died

>> No.1262688


>> No.1262755
File: 115 KB, 500x647, 4g_root_pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as fabricator a thousand years ago.
Have 29off 100x50x3000mm channels to make & 1off @2995mm
End plates with 2 holes, stamped them per drawing, 133B & 133C or whatever on bench before fab & weld
Inspector/snagging guy comes around after lunch.
"You've stamped these channels wrong you muppet, I ain't sorting it."
They're already next door, ready for dispatch along with 50 tons of other beams & bits of building.
Proceed to grind out 30 stamped numbers & reapply on flange as best I can, on the floor.
110 swings later I'm sweating like a Turkish rapist, glasses are steamed up, the 'B' stamp is being a cunt.
*Swing* The faintest E is perceptible in the right light.
Jiggle stamp about to restrike w/out double stamping.
Lose rag. Fucking bastard cunting hammer is a piece of shit *&^^%$ etc.
Loose hammer handle a few inches, pull back a foot higher, let fly with all the strength I can muster.
Don't even hit 20mm letter stamp
Hit index finger full fucking ragnarok style
Feel hammer bounce off channel, felt like hitting a towel on an anvil.
Sort of soft & hard at the same time.
Have my first 'Scared to take the glove off' moment.
Take glove off, it looks like your pic.
Sink into shock after a few seconds, the pain was nothing compared to the fear.
Go to hospital to get the black scrubbed out of it & x-ray.
Tell nurse, "Maybe it isn't even broken, it doesn't hurt very much"
Get X-ray.
Last joint on index finger looks like gravel.

It swelled up so much you'd swear it was a dick too. Like a German helmet.
It took me ages to lose the fear. 15 years later I still have crooked nail too.

>> No.1262854

How u manage to cut yo dick?

>> No.1262885

This happened today:
>grinding a flat screwdriver to make the head thicker
>go full retard and angle it 90° to the grinder
>it jumps back and I hit myself in the belly
>realize that I'm clinically retarded and that I'll probably end up as a demotivating example on a chinese dog recipe sharing social network

>> No.1262888 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1263076
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Scored this yesterday while attempting to stain my deck.

>> No.1263080
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>> No.1263082


>> No.1263091
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, 4A3666B6-4BFF-4DB4-9132-5110D3AEF3D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I got y’all beat

>> No.1263092
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, FC4E3306-C2E5-4728-A4F9-F3BAEBA422AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is a little over 2 months later

>> No.1263174

Whats the story?

>> No.1263212
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 675082BE-522C-473D-BB49-1DD90D13FC64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping gas into a carburetor. Friend turned the key and it shot up a flame. When I pulled my hand back I spilled the gas I was holding onto my arm which then ignited. Had it wrapped up for a month with brides coming daily to change dressings. All good now just working on getting the strength back

Here’s a pic from right after it happened. First pic with the big blister was the day after

>> No.1263217

Oh shit I remember when you first posted that when it happened. Glad to see you've healed up a bit since then lad.

>> No.1263219
File: 458 KB, 2448x3264, ojo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was literally millimeters away from poking my eye out

>> No.1263220
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, ojo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1263221

Yeah it’s pretty good now just a bit weak. Did therapy for about a month but I think it was kinda pointless. Just using tools and such seems to help build up the muscles.

The darker spots will be scars which is taking some getting used to. I’ll be doing something and just catch it out of the corner on my eye and think my arm has dirt or something on it.

>> No.1263270
File: 194 KB, 800x533, ZGTS-20Derma-20Roller-20192-20needle-20brief-20introduction[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try a derma roller for blending the scar tissue in. Normally it's for acne but it should help in smoothing the rougher spots out.

>> No.1263273

not really too worried about it. honestly think the worse it looks the better, it'll be a good reminder not to do dumb shit. my mother keeps telling me to cover it with a tattoo but fuck that only part that really annoys me is that the hair on that arm grew back quite a bit longer but not really anything i can do about that i guess.

the skin is also still pretty weak. simply scratching it will rip skip off so i have to be careful especially if i'm working on shit like the tractor.

oh and my nipple grew back too. didn't get any pics of the chest and side burns because they weren't as bad but having half my nipple fall of was kinda fucked up. nipple was actually the first thing to fully heal which i thought was weird

>> No.1263380

I was changing the transmission fluid on my car and it dripped right on to my glasses. If I want wearing them it would have gone straight into my eye.

>> No.1263435

my fucking sides jesus

>> No.1263436


>> No.1263453

Checked and keked

>> No.1263497


>> No.1263560

I wouldn't worry about papercuts, but old toothpicks can actually have very nasty bacteria, and theyre quite pointy

>> No.1264165

>Broken arm.
keep this reddit shit to ursef mate

>> No.1264427

superglue and it heals in a day. not an issue

>> No.1264637

but its so fucking itchy

the worst is when you get a pinch and it bruises and theres a blood bubble and ugh

>> No.1264814

>but its so fucking itchy
not if you superglue it. less than 4 weeks ago, I cut myself deep on my finger with a knife and I'm pretty sure I hit a vein because dark blood was just gushing out. I superglued it, waited 30 min before doing anything, and continued with my day. two days after, superglue fell off and I was left with a barely redish outline of a cut. no scabies, no infection, no 1 week of healing.
band-aids are garbage. just superglue your wounds.

>> No.1265527

I tried to super glue a cut before and I found it very hard to do. How are you supposed to glue it shut with blood coming out?

>> No.1265609

it's very simple:
1) wash it with cold running water
2) elevate the finger above your heart (lift it up above head to be sure)
3) press the wound with a paper towel and hold it for 30 seconds so it stops the bleeding
4) apply superglue

superglue might become reddish at a spot or two but that doesn't matter.

anyway, I've been doing this for years for cuts. it doesn't even need disinfection if you use cold running water.

bandaids, anti-bact creams etc are fucking useless. nothing heals as fast as a superglued wound.

>> No.1265669

Hahaha, buhbye normal nail growth. Did you pull off the separated side of the nail? I would've

>> No.1265684

Oh shit that looks good for that level of burn

>> No.1267394
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171026_202315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about stop being a faggot.

>> No.1267424

Flesh-eating bacteria is fucking everywhere. It's crazy.
I nicked the bottom of my foot once, ended up in the hospital two days later on an IV, with a straw draining my foot.

>> No.1267446

Doesnt bleed enough to cover exposed nerve endings, air is pain