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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1246251 No.1246251 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to carve out a dick by hand into aluminum.

Going very poorly to be honest.

Using a dremel are there any bits that can do this? The best i have found are the little ball on the end bits that have bkades on the sides. Hard to explain but looking for a pic.

Diamond take all day.

Other bits gring into powder on contact or glass.

Spent 3 hours. Out of bits and patience and low on cash so i cant just drop a bill on bits and experiment.

Anyone carve out aluminum by hand or am i destined to fight this fucker?

Its just a mold for lead and 1 sided but it went from an "okay" light trace of a dick to OMFG REEEE and looking like shit real fast.

Pretty sure its standard aircraft aluminum bar stock and like 1.5" thick if that matters.

Any help or ideas that get this fucking thing accomplished get a handful of lead dicks...

>> No.1246253

you would probably get on better with a small drill.
stitch drill to rough depth the profile, then finish it off with glasspaper wheel or something.
don't move the drill around it will snap.

>> No.1246261

>Destroying a good aluminum bar in name of degeneracy

>> No.1246303

Thanks. I will look uo 90% of the words u said and get educated. Lol.

>> No.1246304

Kek, that's why i bought it newfriend.

>he doesnt want to join in an autistic worldwide dick geocaching game.

You must hate fun.

Believe me. I promise to replace it. God willing in a few years i get a small business loan and open a foundry

>> No.1246323

hmmmmm, engraving tools, deep relief carving? Still trying to make the weiner sinkers?

Freaking laser ;)

>> No.1246334

not op but when i learned our department had a laser cutter i cut and etched a complete set of acrylic cock and balls coasters. you know, for putting cups on? there was a pile of blanks in the scrap bin and inspiration took hold.
only it used up such a significant amount of the laser tube life that there was an investigation into who had been fucking with it. thankfully i used a usb stick rather than the networked and monitored/logged computer attached. but don't think i got away scott free, i eventually atoned for my sins.
its only natural to draw dicks anon. everyone does it.

>> No.1246346

What happened did you get fired ?

>> No.1246368

>did you get fired ?
Not only did he get fired, he was so distraught he committed soduku over it.

>> No.1246408

>muh le dick farming haha so le fahny XD

please PLEASE go back to gaia online already. this has never been funny. i was in the original threads where you started this crap and it wasnt funny then and its not funny now and it hasnt been funny in any of your garbage forced "memes" about it inbetween. please fuck all the way off. i beg you

>> No.1246648

Didn't you start this journey of dicks with casting aluminum? Wouldn't it be easier to sand cast your aluminum mold?

All you need is some greensand or petrobond (petrobond picks up detail much better, I hear), and essentially cast a block shape with a positive imprint of a dick into it. It there's no undercuts, lead dicks should drop pretty freely. Could even theoretically make a two piece mold for complete two sided dicks.

>> No.1246651

You could really easily make something like this out of aluminum with greensand or petrobond.

>> No.1246667 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 640x480, MWD9ezo_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cast it.

>> No.1246682
File: 67 KB, 630x840, hantel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew i've seen that plate somewhere recently

>> No.1246684

Normally I would report this but last report I sent I got a warning. Fuck all mods.

>> No.1246690

How many posts you had to report to get a warning?

>> No.1246716

I'll carve some dicks into aluminum for you.

How you want to get into contact?

>> No.1246717

I'm not sure casting would be a good application for OP since the dicks are so tiny, it wouldn't even be worth making a mold for.

Unless the molds are aluminum and re-usable.

>> No.1246779

Yes. As soon as i get $700 for a mold stupid shit happens.

Figured i would try it by hand

>> No.1246781

That looks fantastic. Now try and explain to them u want dick molds made. Kek

>> No.1246782

Top fucking kek anon. Good work. Got any pics?

>> No.1246784

Wait wat?

>> No.1246786

lol nigger I could half-ass you a mold for $100

>> No.1246787

Lol, calm down anon we are just ...dicking around.

If you half any helpful ideas for cheaply hand carving i will gladly fuck right off and get to work.

>> No.1246793

I guess this will have to suffice.

Started having trouble with my nozel and it kind of grenaded. My setup is dangerous af but i have most of the stuff to cast one. I would really feel netter jusr getting it machined since i would have to do soo much finish work anyway

>> No.1246794

Ive been casting them using petrobond and green sand but it is tedious. While making bank sinkers i realised just how nice it is to process my lead into small ingots or just buy it and use a lead pot and a proper mold.

>> No.1246795

KEK!!! that poor guy. It's cast. Just smack it with a hammer.

>> No.1246797

I agree. I didnt see what was posted tho

>> No.1246798

I got one for flagging spam on the andy sixx log of shit faggot. Agreed on mods sucking dick

>> No.1246799

Email me. Acornstu@gmail.com and i will give u my fb for messanger? Dont ever check dummy email much

>> No.1246800

It would take a lot of work polishing but aluminum would last pretry much forever for melting lead

>> No.1246802

Well, thats what i'm trying to do.

Was going for smaller and better quality and upgrade latter.

>> No.1246846
File: 127 KB, 792x515, germans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt see what was posted tho

>> No.1246910

like this you are using the wrong tools
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZkARnmOdyE, just go deeper. Sad thing the tools are not a cheap date

>> No.1246912
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless the molds are aluminum and re-usable.

That is exactly what I was saying--make a petrobond mold *of the aluminum mold.*

>been casting them using petrobond and green sand but it is tedious

You are trying to make a block of aluminum with a negative dick relief to pour lead into and make lead dicks. What I'm saying gets you the same end result without burning through dremel tips.

So you already have experience casting aluminum. Get some fresh petrobond, and instead of carving aluminum to make your mold for lead, cast the mold. Might need a little polishing afterwards, but it'd be more precise than trying to dremel out the dick shape.
Good petrobond can pick up the details off of coins. Reverse image search pic related.

>> No.1246962

What are your expected production numbers? For one-five, I carve into a new charcoal block and cast gold.

The other way is to chisel and chase the dick into the metal; grind the field back down.

>> No.1247816

Eeeeeeeee plz no

>> No.1247817

Airgraver. I saw those yesterday. My biddy is a painter and artist. Would love to see wtf he could do with it. But for the money i could biy more bits and comit more time. 100% getting one sometime tho. Would make my AR look sick!

>> No.1247819

Yeah, someone copied a quarter in it and that was what sold me. Bit bow my foundry is kill and rebuilding it is going to be expensive. I am done with plaster and shit burners.

>> No.1247820

Will look into that. Thank you. As far as production? Untill i run out of lead or somehow warp the aluminum mold making it unusable. Ideally infinate.

I even bought extra thick blocks so i could drill water jackets and run rice water through the lines to keep it cool.

>> No.1248453

Uodate if anyone gives a shit. After about a dozen tries and $100 in bits i got enough of a feel for it that i think i can make a proper mold by hand.

This little one could look a little better but it's passable. I was out of bits and patience anyway or it would look even better.

Will test it tonight.

Will post results if anyone wants or let this thread die.

>> No.1248454

Pics of what you have so far?

>> No.1249567


>> No.1249591
File: 611 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170921115026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this instead

>> No.1249772

this is fucking aluminium holy shit it should not take $100 in bits to finish this, its been like over 6 fuckign months youve been trying to do this

>> No.1249774

>or let this thread die.

I take it by the lack of updates, this was the decision.

>> No.1249775

It's the same lunatic, over and over. Don't worry, he'll likely be dead soon.

>> No.1249786

Are you the fishing weight guy?
Jesus christ. Though I do admire your gumption

>> No.1249792

try holding the tool with your mouth, it has a better feel for the shape of a penis

>> No.1250263
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20170925-085119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Been an uphill battle to mass produce lead dick sinkers.

I may be onto something today tho. Clay graphite crucibles.

Perhaps clay graphite mold instead? Lead should be well under 800 degrees max.

Anyone cast shit in clay graphite?

>> No.1250267
File: 339 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170925-093813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a pan full of rejects? Nah. Those are getting melted down. Was experimenting casting bolts in for hood ornaments and such.

Most of them come out crooked.

Tried casting rare earth magnets into them and learne that heat kills magnets.

>> No.1250268

Nah. Just 4 days by hand and admitedly most of the bits i fucked up i didnt even know wtf they were for. Think i got it now tho. Got another block of aluminum and going out of town for better bits selection. I know what i need now.

>> No.1250272
File: 264 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170320-112407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yessir. Sorry for the spam but fuck. I should have just bent over and soent the $700 the one machinist said he would do it for.

Its al good tho. I aint mad. I spent a lot of time practicing mold making and experimenting. It has already come in handy a few times.

>dammit anon i broke this desk drawer knob and there is no way on earth i can find a replacement. Borrow a knob and cast in plastic. Paint all the knobs to match.

>Anon i cant keep the cable in this hook. Get lead pot out.

>omfg i wanted to buy my friend this massive 2 foot dick for her bachelorette party bit it was $300. Buys a few gallons of silicone and a giant dick cup to copy out of silicone.


>> No.1250273

Not even mad. That one was pretty funny

>> No.1250288

Out of curiosity, are these really all things that happen in the average half year for you?

>> No.1250367

Yeah. I didnt paint the knobs and the dresser thing is gone now but i did tape 2 spares under the bottom drawer.

Typically mounting cable to hook takes a lead laddle and a weed burner bit this one was small enough i could fill up my lead pot and jist grab it with welding gloves and dump it.

Stopped by the perv shop like i do looking for a specific dick ice tray i cant find any more of and 2 foot dong for like $290. "Dammit this woulf have been grwat for Anons party next week.

Grab a giant plastic dick cup, amazon prime some silicone and mold release, make silicone mold around cup, male silicone unit. Even had more girth that the other one.

I have actually seen how most silicone dildos are made in my studies.

Half of them are just garage operations cranking out different colors of silicone with a plaster mold and no air relief holes.

The markup is so high i have considered just making dildos all weekend if i can move them. Its fucking easy.

>> No.1250418

Have you ever thought of wrapping your nob in shrink wrap, then applying plaster.

Once set. cut it off and you have a perfect shape to pour melted led/aly into it to make the perfect replica of a small cock and balls.

Of course, if you didnt want to risk the one between your legs, there is a bigger one on your forehead.

>> No.1250477


Plaster gets hot af tho. I would rather get a chemical burn on any other part of my body.

They do sell dick cloning kits cheap and you could uss that for a mother mold or the copy to make a mold.

I thought about trying to make a massive horse cock but if i were to make a mold of it you would have to pull it out of your ass.

>> No.1251802

I would do that for you, I need some lunch anyway.