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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1235426 No.1235426 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically, let's say you don't trust banks and you are looking for a safe way to stash some of your hard earned money at home, what the best way to do it?

Some hypothetical requesits
>fire and water proof
>difficult to steal

>> No.1235427

Ever heard of this thing called a safe?

>> No.1235429

this >>1235427
also never store all your waluables in one place... one fire and you are fucked

>> No.1235434

>Hypothetically, let's say you don't trust banks and you are looking for a safe way to stash some of your hard earned money at home, what the best way to do it?
Nonsense, if banks fail your moneys lose any value, no difference if you keep your money in a bank account or under a pillow in your home.

If you don't trust the economical stability of your country you should buy goods that maintain they value over time and are possibly easy to move and store (i.e. gold and diamonds).

>> No.1235441

Tell that to greeks when they could only withdraw 50€ from atm. Also there's literally nothing wrong with having a fair some of money at hand.

Any recommendations?

>> No.1235442

>Tell that to greeks when they could only withdraw 50€ from atm. Also there's literally nothing wrong with having a fair some of money at hand.
I agree that It's good to keep some money at home for emergencies, I thought op was talking about very big amounts.

>> No.1235443

just bury it somewhere?

>> No.1235450

>only understanding half the picture
The Greeks wanted to withdraw their money so they could put it into more stable currencies and other tangible assets - not to just withdraw and store. Their banks limited their withdrawls to 50EURO so that the Euro wouldn't collapse overnight. So what >>1235434 said is actually wise advice except
Diamonds are controlled by DeBeers and are artificially inflated in price. If there was an economic collapse you'd see droves of women leaving pawn shops in tears because they can only get $20 for their $10k wedding/engagement rings. Diamonds are actually as common and desirable as bank notes in an economic crisis. REAL precious stones are natural (re: NOT lab-created) sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. Of course, everyone accepts precious metals - namely gold and silver, though I would only use these monies as a store of wealth, not a method of trade. Trading goods will be non-perishables such as TP, matches, lighters, clothes, soap, shampoo, deodorant, medicine - useful every-day items or common niche items that can store for more than a year. However, it's not worth keeping any tangible assets unless you have a gun and ammo to defend them - otherwise you'll fall victim to the first looters you encounter.

Also if you're THAT worried about economic crisis you need to start storing food, or learn how to grow and harvest your own. Canning and drying meats are good places to start.

But to answer OP's question - get a gun safe and bolt it to the wall or the floor. If you can't bolt a safe down (re: apartment), find a hiding spot such as lamp bases, wall cavities, floor boards, old CRT TVs, desktop PCs, etc. - but beware, the Police already know of every nook and cranny that could possibly hide cash or other illicit items. If they're willing to search your anus they're willing to spend a few hours and employing a K9 unit finding your cash, drugs, and contraband.

>> No.1235451

First of all, some countries actually have savings insurance in the event that your bank goes bust, for instance in the UK the government guarantees £85k (~$110k) of savings per account (or double that if it's a joint account), and if you start to exceed 85k you can just open a new account elsewhere and it's still protected. So even in the unlikely event that your bank goes totally tits up then your money isn't gone, and there are new regulations forcing banks to ringfence their consumer banking and investment Banking arms, so if the bank's investments go bad it won't affect consumer accounts. Added to the convenience aspect it just makes more sense to leave your in the bank.

That aside if you still want to keep your wealth physically with you then here's some advice:
Don't keep large amounts of cash.
Even "fire resistant" safes can't save money in the event of a full scale housefire, it will get so hot inside the safe that the money will just cook and turn black.
If you insist on keeping paper money then have a top opening safe built into the floor of your basement or something, so it wouldn't be subjected to extreme heat in a fire.

Or just do the intelligent thing and never keep more then a few thousand dollars in cash, with the rest of your wealth being in reliable assets like gold.

Even then it's still pretty stupid to keep all or even a significant portion of your wealth in your home, consider using secure lockboxes, the security will be far better than anything in your home and they're usually insured against theft.

>> No.1235459

>consider using secure lockboxes, the security will be far better than anything in your home and they're usually insured against theft
But it's contents can be seized by the bank, the state, or the federal government.

>> No.1235460 [DELETED] 

4inch pvc pipe with one of these at each end: oatey 33401
Water proof. Can be burried. Keep some in house and rest in bank. If bank fail cash probably worthless. If turmoil errupts no-one will want gold for water or food. They will want supplies. Ammo. Clothing. Bottles. Etc.

>> No.1235461

>unlikely event that your bank goes totally tits up then your money isn't gone, and there are new regulations forcing banks to ringfence their consumer banking and investment Banking arms, so if the bank's investments go bad it won't affect consumer accounts
>a.k.a. "too big to fail"
A) Banks are only required to have a percentage of their customer's accounts in the form of cash on hand.
B) While the bank can ensure your $85,000 stays put, it can't ensure that $85,000 has the same buying power as it did pre-happening.

Nothing out-classes a hidden safe containing tangible commodity assets and a gun to defend it.

>> No.1235464

>Banks are only required to have a percentage of their customer's accounts in the form of cash on hand.
Yeah but it's not the bank that pays out the 85k if they fail, its the government

>While the bank can ensure your $85,000 stays put, it can't ensure that $85,000 has the same buying power as it did pre-happening.
True, but the value of any cash you have in a safe will have also plummeted

>Nothing out-classes a hidden safe containing tangible commodity assets and a gun to defend it
In a scenario where money becomes worthless why would gold still hold value? Surely only practical assets such as unperishable food, weapons, ammo, etc would be valuable for trade

>> No.1235465

>its the government
Which is why I included:
>it can't ensure that $85,000 has the same buying power as it did pre-happening

It's already been established that if you're keeping a safe you're not keeping cash, but tangible commodity assets such as precious metals or trading goods

>why would gold still hold value
Because gold is a commodity that doesn't rust or spoil. When the value of a currency plummits commodities skyrocket since it takes more of said currency to buy said commodities. Hard assets often move opposite of stocks, bonds, and currencies which is why they make such a great hedge.

>Surely only practical assets such as unperishable food, weapons, ammo, etc would be valuable for trade
For trade, sure. But what will you do with 20k rolls of TP once the economy rebounds and they're mass-producing it again? PMs are a store of wealth, not a vehicle for trade. You convert your currency to gold and silver and convert it back once things stabilize again. Now you don't have to rebuild your wealth from the ground-up. It's funny to me how short-sighted critics of preppers can be - especially once precious metals are brought up.

The more you know...

>> No.1235466

none of the items listed in the thread would be a valuable commodity in the situation you're envisioning, though. gold, for example, only holds its value through a system of stable international trade where the indian market is a plausible buyer in even small quantities and no major government has been forced to rapidly sell holdings.

now, if you live in an unimportant country that could collapse without taking the rest of the world down with it, so not america, china, japan, or germany, by all means gold is a good store but not any better of a store than dollars or yuan (and much harder to move out of the country unobtrusively than an ATM card or a deposit box key.)

the one place where hard-to-track commodities - and since the harder the better, semiartistic pieces like jewelry are far more suitable than raw bullion or gems - are relevant is in money laundering during at least moderately peaceful times. no customs agent will seriously pursue whether your watch is a $10 fake from aliexpress or a $100,000 patek philippe, but it's easy to get $50,000 for the second no questions asked. (this is a far worse idea in times of actual instability, where refugees are routinely rolled for valuables coming AND going and the $10 trash is simply dumped.)

arming yourself to defend it is also fool's gold compared to simply burying it well before shit goes down. you, your untrained aim, your limited ammunition, there being one of you and looters being more likely to be stranded guard or police patrols than anything else, are all weaker links than a season's growth of grass.

so can your gold. more easily, in fact. you have to leave home to spend it, and if the police happen to strike up a conversation on your way out the door, it's only your word against a trusted officer of the law's whether you were carrying a briefcase of bars or a briefcase of paperwork (or a briefcase of cp, for that matter.)

>> No.1235467

OP. house on a slab or not

My idea

remove carpet under something like the couch
buzz through my concrete make it flush
put a small safe and anchor it to the concrete
put money in it and stuff
cover w plywood till flush w rest of carpet
move couch back

>> No.1235468

gold doesn't rust or spoil, but it also doesn't do anything useful, more of it is constantly dug out of the ground, and most of the demand (and thus most of the price) is driven by far-off regions who would no longer be interested in your gold in the event of a collapse.

you're on a japanese cartoon image board, you should do your homework on the ~innate value~ of silver across the far east before and after the pacific was regularly navigated.

>> No.1235469

>gold, for example, only holds its value through a system of stable international trade where the indian market is a plausible buyer in even small quantities and no major government has been forced to rapidly sell holdings
But that's not true. Gold and silver were used as money/vehicle of wealth since before the
>system of stable international trade
because they don't rust or spoil and because there's a finite amount of gold and silver available on the planet.

>and much harder to move out of the country unobtrusively than an ATM card or a deposit box key
>"Do you have anything to declare?"
>Alright, then - please step through the EMF, which will de-magnetize any undeclared currency cards, and detect undeclared foreign metal objects on your person, which you will then be forced to forfeit."

>the one place where hard-to-track commodities - and since the harder the better, semiartistic pieces like jewelry are far more suitable than raw bullion or gems - are relevant is in money laundering during at least moderately peaceful times. no customs agent will seriously pursue whether your watch is a $10 fake from aliexpress or a $100,000 patek philippe
A) A customs agent will confiscate any items that COULD be precious metals, and the items in question will be taken to a state-sponsored lab for testing. Chemical tests are reliable not expensive.
B) In most - if not all - 1st world countries you can claim jewelry has sentimental value and it is often times returned to you. Shame on you for fleeing to Mexico where your jewelry will be taken instead of Canada where your jewelery will be returned to you with an apology.

>> No.1235470

>arming yourself to defend it is also fool's gold compared to simply burying it well before shit goes down.
So a random passer-by with a metal detector can take his sweet time digging it up?

>you, your untrained aim,
I own a gun and practice with it 2-3 times per week.

>your limited ammunition,
I can reload my own, and I know how to make gunpowder from raw materials.

>there being one of you and looters being more likely to be stranded guard or police patrols than anything else, are all weaker links than a season's growth of grass.
I...wait...what? What are you trying to say with this convoluted mess you call a sentence?

>you have to leave home to spend it
You clearly have no clue how precious metals work in an economic crisis.

>you're on a japanese cartoon image board,
So why should I trust anything you say?

>it also doesn't do anything useful
>more of it is constantly dug out of the ground
>and most of the demand (and thus most of the price) is driven by far-off regions who would no longer be interested in your gold in the event of a collapse
You're just spewing nonsense - how about some cited sources?

>> No.1235471

>anon give me cited sources that gold mines exist
enjoy your apocalypse masturbation, i guess. not bored enough to deal with autism this serious.

>> No.1235475

So you're just spewing garbage on a Tibetan basket-weaving forum. Gotcha.

>> No.1235481

yes, provided "gold mines exist" is garbage.

>> No.1235488

I buy a few gold and silver bars every year. Hide them in a waterproof safe in a 3ft hole in my barn that has a dirt floor. Use straw over top so no one can see that the dirt has been disturbed and I usually have a tractor parked on top

>> No.1235502

>nothing out-classes a hidden safe containing tangible commodity assets and a gun to defend it

I'd wager you have a better chance of losing that than you do of the FDIC stiffing depositors. We just went through a banking crisis where hundreds of banks shut their doors and every depositor got their money.

>> No.1235508

under a layer of cement in the basement, John Wick style.

>> No.1235509


>> No.1235529


>> No.1235534

"gold mines exist" isn't a suitable argument for
>it also doesn't do anything useful
>and most of the demand (and thus most of the price) is driven by far-off regions who would no longer be interested in your gold in the event of a collapse

>We just went through a banking crisis where hundreds of banks shut their doors and every depositor got their money.
Are you referring to the banks that the federal government bailed out? Because that's how depositers got their money - the federal government overstepped their bounds and gave away taxpayer money to make good on the accounts without the consent of the taxpayers.

>> No.1235537

I dont trust banks.

>> No.1235539


This 100% senpai. Long term booze storage is handy also. General preper shit for short term disasters. People laugh but i lived a week in the dark with a fucking trashcan fire and no sleep in an ice storm.

Propane heat and some laptop juice would have made things wayyyy better

>> No.1235544

Crypto currency

>> No.1235545

Do yall even know how banks work? You wake up in the morning and the dollar or whatever could be usesless.

For every dollar in your savings account the bank can loan like 20 bucks i think.

Paper money came from coins being combersome. You give coins and the exchange money and then u just spend the money. Faggot banks soon realised that hey, nobody ever cones and cashes in for all of their coins, so they just loan more money out and more until you have a 2008 recession and the fuckers almost go belly up.

If america drained their savings accounts it would be another great depression.

>trusting banks

I will get loans from em sure. But fuck outting large sums of money in there

>> No.1235550


>> No.1235575

I know who I want to be allies with when the zombie apocalypse hits.

to the OP's question, only have enough on hand for say 1 months living expenses of whatever you can comfortably afford to throw away. Me, I'd personally freeze my money concealed in some miscellaneous food item packaging.

>> No.1235577

op why not spent your money on valuable items (ACTUALLY valuable items, as in useful stuff like non perishable foods and tools and a car etc) instead of being a prepper moron 21 year old who has literally never heard of a safe and doesn't trust banks

the ~federal government~ can literally just come to your house and fucking murder you if they want your thousand dollars of cash, who the fuck cares

>You wake up in the morning and the dollar or whatever could be usesless.
so could cash
so could gold or silver
so could literally any commodity

>> No.1235595

Gold or silver are a stable currency for over 2000 years which only grow in worth however I agree with you on food, vehicle, etc and would add that learning a trade can go a long way.
Here in Bosnia people who could jury rig electronics, improvise on fixing them, machinists, welders etc. had an easier time making money than someone who had no knowledge about these things.

>> No.1235596

fuck off prepers

>> No.1235603

Is that pronounced "PREEPER"? What's a Preper, besides a palindrome?

>> No.1235604


>> No.1235607

>Gold or silver are a stable currency for over 2000 years
gold is not stable at all and fluctuates as much as, if not more than, any major currency

keeping cash is probably a better investment than gold desu, especially since people cant really use gold for shit in shtf but cash at least has symbolic power and you can carry a lot of it

>m-muh bosnia
stdh.txt you werent there

>> No.1235613

>if not more than, any major currency
Once oil is no longer priced in USD the whole world economy will shift - and we're getting close with China at our coattails. Once that starts there won't be any stable economies for a good while, and precious metals will be a primary store of wealth during the shift. Mark my words.

>> No.1235614

>what the best way to do it?
Multiple banks and brokerages.

You don't trust banks, but by keeping notes you do the same. Always act as though money has no value.
Assets and goods have value independent of banks.

Keep a couple hundred in your wallet, and keep the rest in MULTIPLE banks/brokerages.

>tl;dr tl;dr
Enough money in your wallet for the worst reasonably likely scenario that you can afford to lose, 3-5 months of bills + a few grand in checking, everything else in brokerageS.
Enough money in your wallet for the worst reasonably likely scenario that you can afford to lose, 3-5 months of bills + a few grand in checking, everything else in durable goods and business ventures.

>> No.1235618

>with China at our coattails
Their entire economy is built upon unsustainable expansion.
They've built more than enough housing for their entire nation, and show no sign of slowing.

China is in the same state as 50's japan, except the chinks are culturally opposed to innovation and honest work. They will stagnate and fall within 20 years.

>> No.1235621

>Their entire economy is built upon unsustainable expansion.
>They've built more than enough housing for their entire nation, and show no sign of slowing.
Sounds the same as America to me. I wonder what they could do with a stable economy based on oil and debt?

>> No.1235624

>especially since people cant really use gold for shit in shtf but cash at least has symbolic power and you can carry a lot of it
Gold always has value, and that is more important to trade than the ability to be burned or be used as toy blocks.

Your an idiot if you put all your money into gold instead of durable goods/investments, but you're also an idiot if you think bank notes have more value.

>you weren't there
Even if the pasta is a work of fiction, it is good advice. Look how close we get to the pasta during a regional natural disaster, be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

>gold is not stable at all and fluctuates as much as, if not more than, any major currency
And the most stable fiat is(was) the pound and it still less than 1% of it's previous value just a century ago. Fiat should only ever be seen as a means to an end, not a store of value.

>> No.1235625

>buying debt from gomunists currency manipulators

Also you vastly overstate the impact of oil on america, it's only 1-3% of our gdp.

>> No.1235627

OP needs to hide his drug money from the feds

>> No.1235629

>still only seeing half the picture
Oh, you.

>> No.1235631

Can you clarify?

>> No.1235637

A shift as massive as oil changing hands on a global scale will have tremendous backlashes across the world economy and the subsequent regional economies since everyone that wants oil has been stocking up on US Dollars. Once the oil changes hands they'll dump their USD in favor of something that can buy oil. USD will take a major hit once oil changes hands, which will effect everything we do because the value of the dollar will be extremely volatile.

But these other countries do not have a military industrial complex like we do. They can't defend their Yuan or Rupel like we can defend the dollar. The world economy will destabilize as all participating countries keep switching currencies every few years for a major worldwide commodity, creating massive currency bubbles and then dropping them for the next 'oil currency'.

>> No.1235643 [DELETED] 

And why would opec permit this uncertainty? Opec nations produce their own oil derivatives, and opec representatives care more than just about crude.

What else am I missing?

>> No.1235644

I deleted it because I'm a fucknig moran. Opec doesn't manage traders, only production. My b.

>> No.1235646

buy bitcoins

>> No.1235663


As a jeweller, seconding this on diamonds being worthless for anything more than sentiment even now. Unless it's unusually large or a fancy and near enough flawless either way, you'll lose at least 80% of what you paid for it within the first year alone even if it's set in platinum.

As a bit of a tangent that's still related to investments of a sort, if you're looking for something like wedding bands or jewellery in general, don't buy white gold or platinum and don't buy gold below 18ct. Rhodium plating your white gold rings every year to keep them from looking shabby is a pain in the ass and more expensive than it has any right to be, and platinum has too little true content in what you'll find in your average retailer because it's too valuable to justify a band that's solid all the way through. Don't expect to pawn your item for much of anything unless it's got mostly inclusion-free burmese rubies/ tanzanite/ something along those lines.

>> No.1235672

>all these preppers that can predict the future
jesus fuck why you waste your time here? You people should be heading your own think thank

>> No.1235706

>jesus fuck why you waste your time here?
Because preparing typically involves developing human capital.

>You people should be heading your own think thank
But why? It's a mature concept that doesn't need revisions or further development and doesn't seek to influence others.

>> No.1235749

Diamonds have literally no value once they leave the jewelry store.

>> No.1235751

I thought you guys would be less autistic and give me advice in what I asked rather than discuss irrelevant shit.

Thanks to the anons who said to dig an hole in floor, that is kinda good advice.

>> No.1235753

>gold is not stable at all and fluctuates as much as, if not more than, any major currency
>I don't understand how fiat currency works
An ounce of gold has always had about the same buying power through the ages.

>> No.1235754

You started a shitpost of a thread, and are confused as to why people are trying to salvage it.

We're telling you that your idea is stupid unless you're living in a country where gold/silver are minted and bank notes are based on a precious metal. Unless you're an arab prince, that isn't the case. (read as: arab shekels)

>> No.1235755

anon is using spikes in price to prove that gold has historically devalued and/or not held value.
(he is being stupid)

Gold is not immune to falling in price when supply increases, nor is it immune to increases in price when demand increases. It's a fucking commodity.
Yes, adjusted for real dollars gold does fluctuate, but it doesn't meaningfully drop.
It spikes and returns, or it dips slightly and then returns. It is an excellent store of value.

>> No.1235757

Why do you care what I do with my money? What I asked has nothing to do with has been discussed so either you all contribute to what stated in op or gtfo and let the thread die.

>> No.1235760

>Why do you care what I do with my money?
Because telling people when they're being stupid is helpful.

>What I asked has nothing to do with has been discussed so either you all contribute to what stated in op or gtfo
Anon already answered. A safe.

>gtfo and let the thread die.
Threads are organic and are not beholden to OP.

>> No.1235764

Rule 3, fuckface.

>> No.1235766


rule 15.
See how that is equally unrelated?

>> No.1235789

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies
Now fuck off.

>> No.1235791

All of this is on-topic. You can follow the logic trail that lead to the degeneration of the thread but it's still within the realm of the OP.

>> No.1235800

This lad gets it.

See: >>1235760
>Threads are organic and are not beholden to OP.

>> No.1235979

True, but i trust gold and shit more than funny money

>> No.1235980

Be in hurricane Harvey. Comfy tent on roof with plenty of batteries. Rock out to oandora and snack on mre's while watching hoodrats float around stealing tvs. Shitpost with my feet up.

>fuckoff preppers


>> No.1235981



>> No.1235982


>> No.1235992

>Not trusting banks/government/fascist supranational entities like UE
K then, bootlicker.

>> No.1236074

You can have a private holding in gold separate from the banking system. Buy you need to have enough money.

>> No.1236087

It's pronounced ''ass-face"

>> No.1236098

I don't know your living situation but I have a forest near my house where I buried money in metal box cased in spray foam. I covered the hole with forst floor debris and padlocked the box. I have about 15k CDN, some drugs/cigarettes/alcohol, a semi auto 22 rifle and ammo and some non perishables. I plan to set up some hindsights and blinds next year and maybe do some landscaping to make the area only accessible by a couple hidden routes.

>> No.1236177

Or just live somewhere that won't get sunk every few years, there's that

Good luck rebuilding your house btw

>> No.1236212

Dig a tunnel, fill it with secured storage containers, and make a false initial vault freezer full of imitation crab meat as a decoy. Behind a pile of crab meat is a hidden door to your money stash.

>> No.1236214
File: 23 KB, 443x332, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ammo cases, iron/pvc pipe with screw caps or a hidden safe. Obviously you bury the pipes/ammo case in the back yard so its safe from fires and other stuff