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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1208864 No.1208864 [Reply] [Original]

With the rise of homebrewing's popularity (making beer, wine, etc) at home. Do you think minors making alcohol at home will become an issue?

>> No.1208870

No. Making any sort of alcohol that doesn't kill you takes time, and time is something that kids don't comprehend.

>> No.1208871

you ever homebrewed?
its a fucking carry on, and your house stinks like a brewery for weeks - parents be pretty dense or have to not GAF not to notice that. In saying that, made a batch when I was about 14 or so, parent(s) never batted an eyelid - naturally, we got impatient, and swallowed it slightly before recommended fermentation period had elapsed, which cured the urge to homebrew for many a year.
Mildly related, someone made me a present of a cannabis plant, was about the size of small bonsai. Was out of the house about 24 hours, flatmate had microwaved and skanked it. Still pissed about that desu. Anyway blog over, its a self-limiting 'danger' I'd guess - Id actually encourage a kid to do it, beer only, once, beats vidya and nonsense.

>> No.1208873

GOF checking in and taking a nibble.

I was 14 and got a great idea from a Foxfire book and tried to make some moonshine. Was somewhat successful and had about 3' of flames coming out of the pressure cooker when I was trying to distill my mash. Nice ball of blue and yellow flames flying out the backdoor, looks pretty at night :)

Much easier and quicker to have the janitor at school leave a pint of Kessler whiskey under the seat of his car in the parking lot than making beer or wine.

>> No.1208875

Dude. You can make wine with grape juice and yeast and let the mix sit in a bottle with a balloon on it for a week and it ends up like 5%. Use real brewing yeast and it ends up at like 10%

>> No.1208877

yeah, and you can make pruno, that strange Danish shit (? -someone posts vids on here), all sorts of crap. I'm not gonna do any of that either, nor are most kids stoopid enough to even try either. They maybe actually do in Murican over-21 states, I dunno - still cannot see it is less hassle than finding someone to score you some if needed tho.

>> No.1208878

kid don't want toilet wine anon

>> No.1208880

Lol man kids will do anything to get drunk. I've heard of people drinking mouthwash and hand sanitizer

>> No.1208882

Yehno, just remembered a recent /pol/ discussion bout 'buttchugging', with pictures, as I finished posting that. I'm, not even going there, fuggin depravity.

>> No.1208885

I made some that tasted good, took some strawberry concentrate, mixed with water and boiled it some, then poured a shit ton of sugar in it and some champagne yeast. Tasted really good after a month. Not sure if it was actually that good or just too sweet to taste anything bad

>> No.1208886

>Making any sort of alcohol that doesn't kill you takes time

Bad alcohol only happens when you manually add methanol via denatured alcohol or are distilling Grappa incorrectly. For everything else, the worst that will happen is you get the shits.

No more than usual. Kids with bad parents will always have the opportunity to find a way to get alcohol.

>> No.1208887

You can get as high as 19%ABV using active dry yeast Fleischmann's brand. It is like using Lalvin EC-1118 only you need to let it settle out longer and be more careful not to stir up lees when racking.

>> No.1208895

How long do you let it sit?

>> No.1208906

Until there's about 1-2 bubbles a minute. It really depends on the recipe. It can be anywhere from a week to a month (wine/mead).

>> No.1208977

I will teach mine early and they will drink with me.
> Making any sort of alcohol that doesn't kill you takes time.
Tell that to all the drunk squirrels that inhabit my small orchard. Alcohol is extremely easy to make and will never kill you undistilled.
>your house stinks like a brewery for weeks
You are a bad/dirty brewer if this is your case.

>> No.1208984

Too hard for kinds, it's easier for them to wait for someone willing to buy them alcohol outside a store.
I think if a kid can make a decent enough batch they fucking deserve it

>> No.1208994

>You are a bad/dirty brewer if this is your case.

Yeah, it smells more like rising bread and fruit than anything. If it has a blow out though.....shiiiiit it will smell like 100 frat parties happened at the same time.

>> No.1209246

Nigga plz. Yeast + sugar + water = alcohol that tastes bad and will not kill you.

>> No.1209248

>Yeah, it smells more like rising bread and fruit than anything. If it has a blow out though.....shiiiiit it will smell like 100 frat parties happened at the same time.

So what's the trick to making it smell more like regular beer? I'd guess that you probably put a shot of something in it?

>> No.1209273

>become a problem
The dumb ones are already dead/in ER from fucking up their batches.
One of my friends in HS was a moonshiner. That stuff was great if you cut it with something, or needed to start a quick fire, or treat wounds.

>> No.1209274

What are you talking about? Have you ever brewed alcohol before?

>> No.1209278

You can die from distilled alcohol but from wine/beer? No.

>> No.1209310

When I was young my friend tried to make alcohol by letting apple juice ferment in his closet. I watched him drink it and immediately puke, good times.

>> No.1209317

Only if you are making grappa improperly. Nothing else can do that to you. The people who died on distilled stuff that wasn't grappa, died because someone put methanol into the alcohol as a cheap way of increasing the %ABV.

>> No.1209582

Brewing does not produce a sufficent amount of methanol to be a danger. Even privately distilled liquor would be difficult to poison yourself with. The vast majority of moonshine related blindness and death is the result of the tainting of a batch with industrial methanol.

>> No.1209643

If nothing happened when it exploded in popularity 15 years ago. Nothing is gonna change now when it gets slightly more popular.

>> No.1209649

Youre way overestimating children.
>kid makes ginger ale
>gets upset that itll be ready in a minth or so
>forgets about it 3 days later

>> No.1209650

Think about what you said mate, thats like saying.,,
With the rise of kids taking metalwork at school are you worried that kids will make firearms and kill themselves?

Its takes until your 15+ for kids to make anything decent.

>> No.1209655

This is exactly what I go through every time I make wine and mead. Especially, mead. Then I suddenly remember it later on and it is awesome wine/mead.

Most young people make shitty stuff like kilju since it is done in a couple days at least.

>> No.1209661

I have fond memories of making apple cider and ginger ale as a kid, then my dad rushing in and barking at me because my bottles had exploded all over his workshop.

>> No.1209666

You ever made turbo cider man? Shits easy

Problem is it stinks up the whole house, no way of hiding it

>> No.1209668

>tfw mom found my apple cider
at least she still hasnt found my lawn darts

>> No.1209677

Kids don't have the patience to brew. Shit takes time and some degree of care and knowledge and unless they're making two litres of sugar wash at a time its pretty hard to hide all the equipment and smell from parents.
When I wanted to drink underage we just gave my mates alcoholic nan enough money for a crate of beer for us with enough spare for her to get a bottle of gin. Way less effort and less risk of getting caught.

>> No.1209678

Theres always the rubbing alcohol and gateraid option.

>> No.1209683

>rubbing alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is deadly if you drink it. One link of many,


>> No.1209684
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>Stop being a pussy!!
>You wanna be cool dont you?

>> No.1209695

>You are a bad/dirty brewer if this is your case.
Hell, I been called worse.
I was, as said, fucking 14 at the time, brewing under entirely sub-optimal conditions, 'assisted' by even more retarded - stop busting my balls here pops. And besides, in a world where a liter of Star San costs more than ready-brewed Grey Goose, for fuck knows why, think you can forgive kids the odd sanitation lapse.

>> No.1209920

No. When I was a minor I loved being able to make my own shit booze

>> No.1210150

>tastes bad

When will this meme stop? It tastes bad mostly because all the sugar that used to be in whatever you put the yeast into has all been consumed by the yeast. The solution to that is to add sugar back in once it's finished. I mean, sure, it'll probably taste a little off since you fermented it, but kids should be able to at least put two and two together and realize why it doesn't taste like sugar water anymore.

>> No.1210156

when I was a teenager I would buy apple juice put yeast in it wait a month then party. Its easy as, I was the only one of my friends doing it but I can't imagine its that uncommon

>> No.1210165

No youre just that wierd kid who always had sticky hands and smelled like rotten apple.

>> No.1210261

>too hard for kids
Only if they're lazy as fuck.
I've been making hard apple cider ever since I was probably 12 from apples we would harvest from a defunct orchard up the street.

Learned how to make applejack when I was 16 from dad.

>"Dad, why is my cider out on the porch in the snow"
>"making apple jack"
>"freezes the water and concentrates the alcohol."
>"oh cool"

>> No.1210264

LOL. we had this happen once with out cider. After that we learned to keep a regular eye on the pressures.

>> No.1210286

may as well drink mouth wash with 10% alcohol in it.

>> No.1210351

Same. I used to make some tasty dandelion wine with my grandma when I was knee high to a grasshopper.

>> No.1210562

They're just going to steal the shit out of your liquor cabinet like they already do.

>> No.1210660

>roomie made beer
>"Hey anon can I store them in your closet?"
>sure (i had 2 massive closets)
>tasted like vinegar
>three beers exploded the first two days,
>turns out he "sterilised" them in our nasty ass tub (frequented by Couchsurfers and Airbnbers) with dish liquid instead of sanitiser
>we all drank yeasty traveller pube juice

>> No.1210662

I used to make mead when I was 16-18. I just used bread yiest and a siphon of my own design for the air build up. I didn't do it out of necessity though, I had older brothers that bought booze for me at cost. I'm just interested in that stuff. I stopped making it though after I found a beer distributor that never carded me so I kept returning.

>> No.1210694

>This is exactly what I go through every time I make wine and mead.

I always get so fucking jealous when I hear other people have successfully made mead. Every single time I've made the attempt I ended up with something resembling rubbing alcohol in taste.

>> No.1210724

Is there a good beginners guide to brewing. I'm looking to make some mead. Right now I'm mostly looking for a list of required equipment.

>> No.1210752

Your best bet is starting off with cider or beer. Mead is a pain to get right as honey does not contain all the nutrients needed by the yeast and it requires a long time to mature.

>> No.1210753

Also decent honey tends to be costly in the quantity you'd need for brewing.

>> No.1210779

I don't like beer, cider might work though.

>> No.1211055


>> No.1211079

Yep. I did when I was 16. I has a small garage though.

I also soldered copper reflux still at 17, so Im probably an outlier.

>> No.1211172

Made some nasty shit from welch's when I was 19 or so.

>> No.1212546

>minors making alcohol
not a problem in a country like mine where you can legally buy beer and wine at age 16.

I played with the idea of brewing my own beer before. a big german brewery sells kits including the ingredients you need to brew your own beer. it comes with a 5l keg. costs 29€+ depending on the flavours you want

>> No.1212860

I did the same. I used a condom as an airlock and my brother made fun of me for it. Then I drank it alone in my room.

>> No.1212930

When I was a minor I made alcohol this way using yeast and it taste like shit. Adding sugar won't help. It'll still get you drunk though. Better to just make wine anyways. All you need is to put yeast in grape juice.

>> No.1213069

how much will it cost me to brew a batch of beer from scratch?

>> No.1213205

>teen smug shit kids
>making anything
they are only good for making MLP fanfictions and shitty sonic art. And blowing their arms off trying to make "homemade smoke bomb".
I am not concerned in any way. You could give them a step by step guide with pictures and they will STILL manage to fuck it up. If any of them is smart enough to brew his own, he deserves it.
What will happen is some shit will try to brew and then drink their own brewed methanol and go blind and probably fucking die.
Teens/Kids aren't very smart, and if they are, good for them, they've earned their adulthood

>> No.1214707
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If I'm making pic related but I only have a 1 gallon carboy, should I only use 1 and 1/4th teaspoon of yeast and 2 cups of sugar? That doesn't seem like a whole lot.

>> No.1216343

>rise of
is it really though? im not sure that the retards would get pissed off home made beer or cider, only calmer people would

>> No.1216731


Maybe, I tried making mead and ended up with something that tasted shite, but was alcoholic as fuck. I put virtually no effort in, so if I did a bit more research I could probably keep myself happily pissed on mead.

>> No.1216899

Depends on the volume and beer style you're going after. You can do a 5 gallon extract for as low as $30 provided you have all the equipment and cleaners/sanitizers. Be prepared to invest a few thousand dollars if you want to make the process easier/more efficient and several book readings to get consistent quality beer.

>> No.1217456

Brew in a bag with partial mash won't be too expensive. If it's 1 gallon batches you probably have everything on hand already. Sew up a voile curtain into a bag if you want to get fancy or just bunch up the top for gripping.

>> No.1217460

Please be more wrong.

>> No.1217509

for highest alcohol ocntent just get a hydrometer, senpai. extremely useful. take a reading right before beginning fermentation (before adding yeast), take readings every day after until the change in specific gravity equals what % abv you want, then kill the yeast by adding fixers or whatever and then sweeten to taste. seriously they only cost like $10 and the only measurement you need is specific gravity which it tells you right on the thing itself, no figuring required

>> No.1218527

A shot of black

>> No.1218555

>take readings every day
If you take a hydrometer reading everyday you aren't going to have anything left to drink by the time it's at final gravity. You're also exposing your brew to oxygen, which is bad.

>> No.1219388

Mead tastes aweful after it's made. It needs to age for a year or more to mature and become drinkable. And the type of honey matters. Clover honey mead is my favorite.

>> No.1219399

>Do you think minors making alcohol at home will become an issue?
Homebrewing is hard, requires skill, resources and time. You can just buy booze in a fucking shop.

Living in Poland, I've never been asked to show any ID when purchasing alcohol or cigarettes since I was like fucking 13 and before 13 there was always some bum to buy me a beer or a pack of cigs for a small fee (usually a beer to keep for himself).

>> No.1219471

My friends and I made cider regularly from 15-18. Literally just put a cup of sugar and pack of any yeast in a half gallon of non preserved juice and wait at least two weeks. Nasty but will fuck you up good for like 10$ or less a gallon. Knew lots of folks that did the same or even better, one guy used car parts to make a distillery.
Tldr you're retarded.

>> No.1219521

Isn't cider supposed to be non sweetened?

>> No.1219823

Tried putting apple juice and yeast and letting it sit. Fermented for about 4 days. Stopped bubbling. Tasted like piss. Always add sugar.

>> No.1219867

good to know

>> No.1220445

I use the closet in my bedroom (its the only airconditioned room in my apartment) as my fermentation chamber. Had 14 gallons of beer in there at once, and all of the clothing hanging above it all still smells like tide.

>> No.1220642

I wonder how much money i could make dealing brewing supplies to kids

>> No.1221747

You don't need an idea to buy anything related to brewing. So probably fuck all. Kids only make hobo wine and kilju anyway.

>> No.1223144 [DELETED] 
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I'm 17 with a part time job.

I looked up some YouTube videos and googled recipes and procedures and bought some stuff off Amazon and I've been making 12%-13.5% 5-gallon batches of mead for myself and my parents for the past 8 months.

It's not really a problem IMO, unless you have someone with half a brain to make the stuff, and the other half to be an autist and give it to their irresponsible friends or be irresponsible themselves.

>> No.1224159

I've been making moonshine in my flat since I was 16. I bought a professional mini-kit for 50$ off the internet. Tinctures since I was 17. I'm 22 now.

I wasn't motivated to start by the promise of becoming a degenerate though. I only wanted to save money on the rare occassions when I did actually drink since alcohol tax is really high in my country.

>> No.1224412

enjoy your ban senpai

>> No.1224430

I made some cider using apple juice and bits of bread (too lazy to go find my yeast) and 2 cups of sugar. Not too shabby, aftertaste kicks like a mule though.

Sometimes I find arizona Ice tea or instant tea mix will become alcoholic after sitting unrefridgerated for a week. A nice surprise to find during lunch break.

>> No.1224629

Brewing while underage is not illegal.

But yes xi was an idiot for stating that xi is underage on a website only meant for 18+.

>> No.1224640

If my kid was like 16-17 and was able to figure out how to homebrew effectively and bought all the equipment with his own money id probably let him desu. No prison wine shit though, either he makes good beer that I can enjoy too or nothing at all.

>> No.1224683

Brewing beer takes a shitload of time and makes a huge mess. It also makes your house reek for weeks. I sincerely doubt this is a risk.

>> No.1225594

Have you ever brewed? sounds like you have no idea.

I have a 1 week grain to brain recipe. Nothing fancy, but its a nice ale.
I dont know where you get this house reeking from, I have 4 fermenters going right now and there is no smell in the house from them.

>> No.1225835

I'm no expert but i brewed all grain back in the day. Without a kegging system it always took 3-4 weeks to ferment minimum. Yeah if you have a keg it will be shorter, but i still dont see how it wouldn't smell.

Dont get me wrong, i liked the smell, just pointing out that kids arent going to get away with something that involves cleaning and hiding a bunch of large equipment and smells.

Sounds like you're just here to come off as superior. Nobody cares.

>> No.1225836

>almost 23
>never drank
>no friends to hit the bar with

Should I just make my own?

>> No.1225851

Yes. Bars are full of overpriced drink and shitty people; save yourself from having to deal with both via homebrew.

>> No.1225853

I don't believe it would be an issue. While it would be a simple task to perform, I don't believe minors would attempt to do so. I'd say the vast majority of people would find a work around because they would want immediate results rather than something that would take longer to do at home.

>> No.1225874

are there any laws/licensing that a beginner (living in the US) should be aware of?

>> No.1225897

Just dont sell it

>> No.1225899

You are pretty much free to brew (not distill) whatever you like for yourself, but it's probably wise to check your local laws. Selling requires licensing AFAIK.

>> No.1226714


>> No.1226736


When I was 13 up to 17 me and my mates were making booze during late spring to early autumn.
Yeast, water and sugar.
Filered through sterile* charcoal.
Distilled with cooking pots and steel piping.

Kids that want booze will make booze. Not well tasting booze, but booze. And make sick money selling it to other schoolkids.

*Not really but ground and put in the oven to almost burning.

>> No.1226897

Not really. It's not something that kids are gonna have the patience for...
Most will just have an older friend buy it for them or something still.

If they're gonna go through the trouble to make their own damn beer or something... shit... they're probably not doing it just to 'get wasted'.

>> No.1226901


>> No.1226913

>Sounds like you're just here to come off as superior. Nobody cares.
If I was, I don't think 4 plastic buckets is gonna impress anyone.

>> No.1226914

Each state has different laws regarding home-brewing.

>> No.1227035

clearly you should've been sanitizing with grey goose then

>> No.1227046

How can I learn to brew apple cider beer?

>> No.1227759

What few laws there are surrounding homebrew for personal consumption are a) overreaching horseshit, and b) unenforceable.

>> No.1228124

Dilution rate for star san is 1.65ml to 1L.

So that liter of star san makes 600 liters. I think 600L of grey goose costs alot more.

>> No.1228150

>only amateurs dilute their drink

>> No.1228186

No. You'll probably need to start with extract brewing ti get the hang of things, and most of what you can buy at the store will taste better.

Home brewing is for people who like beer. Maybe you should figure out whether you like it or not before you invest in beer as a hobby.

>> No.1228348

There is more to brew than just beer, friend.

>> No.1228622

When I was 8 years old I knew time

>> No.1228789

If you're a minor and go through the trouble of brewing then you deserve to be able to drink it.

>> No.1229529

A friend of mine started brewing beer in high school around the age of 16. Now he owns a successful brewery. I think if they make effort to brew it they deserve it.

>> No.1229595

Smell depends on yeast variety. EC-1118 makes very little smell. And it has excellent alcohol tolerance, good flavor, works fast, settles out easily, kills wild yeasts. If alcohol is your priority it's undoubtedly the best choice.

>> No.1229615

you live near reservation?

>> No.1230518


You were old enough to count so old enough for the priest to mount

>> No.1231869


It takes time space and it smells. How the fuck will it ever be easier then either getting some guy to buy you alcohol or just finding the place that will sell it to you.

Hell making your own fake id is probably a easier solution.

>> No.1233124

You can't make methanol unless you distill, retard

>> No.1233144

My buddy used to brew his own beer back when he was a freshman in high school.

He didn't know he had the Celiac's gene, and ended up developing it by drinking so much beer. Now he can't drink beer at all. I feel for him. He truly loved beer.

>> No.1233149

Or distilling in stainless instead of copper. Had a classmates brother die a few years back.

>> No.1233154

You're the actual retard, bud.

>> No.1233198

Why would they make something when they'll just get big bro or their careless father to smuggle them some.
It's not like they'll fuck eachother or anything...
I hate teenagers to be honest.

>> No.1233506

Isn't that the best way to do stuff where you have to wait for results?

>> No.1233521

I tried once to make an apple wine from kompot. Forgot about yeast, so whole thing turned into some bullshit, vinegar probably.

Soon I will try to get apples from abandoned apple tree, so I might try it again.

>> No.1233603

honey, water, wine yeast, bottle, ballon, time

If teenagers weren't getting ripped drinking homebrew mead already. then they won't be getting drunk with more complex to make beer.

though it is great fun to tell dumbass teenagers to buy large bottles of vanilla extract to drink.

>> No.1233670
