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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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116862 No.116862 [Reply] [Original]

I use #4 sized plastic wall anchors as snap caps (fake cartridges used for cycling a firearm and for dry firing it) for my .22 rifle. These have issues being loaded in the magazine and have issues feeding at times, but the material they're made out of can take a beating from the firing pin. I don't want to buy snap caps since they're a bit pricy and arent made out of a durable material. In making my own I could melt them down again once they are used up and recycle them to make new snap caps.

So here's what I need to know..

-what's the best way to make a mold for plastic

-what is the best way to melt the plastic?

-Will the plastic keep it's same malleability after being melted, molded, and cooled, even multiple times

-any other tips on how to successfully mold plastic

Pic related, it's my rifle I need the snap caps for

>> No.116866

Just but the snap caps. Rimfire pins can easily get fucked up by dry firing. Would you rather spend ten bucks on snap caps or pay for new firing pins all the time because you keep breaking them?

>> No.116867
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the wall anchors I use are a softer plastic and first crack when struck like a regular snap cap. I don't pull the trigger unless something is in the chamber to take the hit from the firing pin. My concern is I want something that can take a hit and be recycled into a new snap cap and feed properly. The snap caps are 10 times as expensive as real ammo.

>> No.116868

don't know why "won't" auto corrected to "first"

>> No.116871

Why do you need a lot of snap caps though?

>> No.116872

a few reasons...

Loading them at random mixed in with live rounds so at the range I can practice "failure to fire" drills..this is my carry and home defense rifle and in a situation Where a round does not fire, I want to be able to cycle the firearm manually and get a new round in the chamber as fast as possible

Also I don't want to have to keep buying expensive snap caps every time I need them. In making them, I can make them in bulk, and once they're all used up, recycle them for a whole new batch, this way I don't have to make them all that often.

>> No.116873

plus maybe something to make and possibly sell to my local mom n pop gun shop, hopefully people will notice the cheaper snap caps, try them, then find them to be much more durable. Maybe even something to sell online. I know Alot of people complaining about .22 snap caps

>> No.116874

> "failure to fire"

Just out of curiosity... How common is this?

>> No.116880

Not common enough for OP to practice just by firing live rounds, but it happens every couple hundred rounds.

>> No.116881

Ok well I don't know anything about molding plastic so I can't help you there but I will say .22 is a horrible choice for home defense.
.22 lr is often quite dirty so it happens a little more than in other calibers.

>> No.116882

out of a standard bulk box about 500 .22 rim fire rounds, about 1-3 duds a box. Remington .22LR usually has 25% failure rate. Then with high end ammunition like CCI, you rarely ever get a dud. I use the higher end stuff for defense, and though a FTF with that brand is rare, I don't want to stumble in a defensive situation incase of a FTF.

>> No.116887

all I have right now. Originally bought the rifle for plinking. I work in a bad neighborhood and ended up getting caught up in cross fire in some dispute I was no part of. Said fuck that shit, loaded up with a good hollow point and I carry it on my back at work. I'm a locksmith working for a property management company...I'm the one locking up and rekeying peoples drug houses and kicking freeloading tenants out. No one of my "victims" like me and I doubt anyone will want to start shit with someone with an "assault rifle". Ever since I carried it, these melanin rich tenants have seemed much more polite..

>> No.116895

...so does anyone know anything about plastic molding?

>> No.116901


>.22 is a horrible choice for home defense

Which is why I have a .17cal burst-fire varminter rifle.

Penetration AND bounce-around for maximum damage. I call her the needle-gun.

>> No.116907

Most of the plastic compounds that can be home molded easily are brittle and would shatter, or are malleable enough that they could bind in the mechanism. Its possible to melt some household plastics, but they give off toxic fumes. I'd suggest silicone rubber, but I'm afraid I don't know enough about firearms to know whether it would meet your function.

>> No.116965

I want to melt down plastic wall anchors since the plastic is softer and non brittle

>> No.116975


Manufacturing engineer here

OP can you give specifics on the exact brand/type of wall anchor you're using? Most plastics in this category are formed in a very specific way, and unfortunately a lot of them are not reproducible in your typical diy environment. However some are, such as HDPE. The more info you can get on the type of plastic, the better.

>> No.116994
File: 56 KB, 344x505, Jags_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so you carry a full sized rifle as your every day carry in a city environment? And it's a fucking .22 as well?


>> No.117278
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>M&P 15-22

>> No.117283

>Using peashooters for home defense
>Your visage quand an upstanding african gentleman breaks into your house and gets shot 10 times and still isnt stopped and stabs you in the eye with a kitchen knife

>> No.117298

A snap cap is like 10 bucks you fuck.

>> No.117300
File: 34 KB, 216x144, sad comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you just use the .22 as practice for familiarizing yourself with the movements and have a larger caliber for real HD situations.

You're an idiot.

/k/ommando here and this thread makes me sad.

>> No.117306

"This gun shoots through SCHOOLS"

>> No.117312

a 22 barely pops through skin. Seriously.

>> No.117419

all I have as of now. My SP-101 was confiscated by a LEO because my friend decided to throw a beer bottle from his front porch at a passing police. We were both detained...officer said he was going to report me as drunk and handling a firearm (I never drink either). Was confiscated and charged with a fine. Went to get it from the PD...was never checked into evidence. Fucking dandy

>> No.117427

Would you be willing to stand in front of a rifle shooting off .22's? didnt think so. If you look at statistics, they will show .22's kill more people a year than any other caliber. I like to use these nasty little light weight, high velocity hollow points...And I doubt any attacker is going to get back up after being pumped with 26 of these. If he by some miracle does, load back up and hit him with 25 more. The way I see it, any gun is better than none.

>> No.117433


>they will show .22's kill more people a year than any other caliber

gee you think, I would be willing to bet that 22s are one of the most abundant and used firearms in the world, also I am willing to be that over 3/4 of those deaths are from negligent discharges

theres a story of this police officer who shot a criminal through the chest with a 12 gauge and the guy still kept running and jumped over a fence to die because of the adrenaline, it was later found out that buckshot had gone through his heart, now if that was from a 12 gauge how do you think your 22 will fare against some meth junky or crack smoking redguard

>> No.117436


>never checked into evidence

that blows, always get a receipt for your shit (you just ask the cop for one, they are legally obligated to give you one and if they dont call their superior) cops have been known to steal weapons because they want it for themselves

>> No.117437

Doesn't anyone hunt, ie deliberately attempt to kill things with a 22? Oh, nothing bigger than rabbits or squirrels? Maybe there is a reason for that.
I'll hit you with a single 45 and you will stay down, thanks.

>> No.117440


this, you are transferring no kinetic energy to the guys body with a .22 because the bullet is so light

>> No.117441

Not him but that argument is retarded. That's like saying cars are the most lethal weapons because they kill the most people per year.

Also, of course nobody is going to want to stand in front of a .22, just like nobody is going to get shot by a BB/pellet gun either.

The real question is whether you want to get shot by a .22lr or 5.56x45/9mm/.357/00 buck/.45ACP/etc. you could use in home defense instead. .22lr CAN kill someone, but it probably WON'T when it counts.

>> No.117447

In fact, I would argue the amount of rounds you would ave to accurately shoot into an intruder make it unlikely that you would get the necessary time short of a fully auto gun.

>> No.117452

Point is, asshole cop took off with my .357, all i have left is the 15-22. Its better than nothing, and since it I open carry it (not a hassle at all since it weighs less than 7 pounds fully loaded) it has made alot of red guards back right off before bitching at me about me locking up their homes.

>> No.117462

You sound like a crazy douchebag. Congrats.

>> No.117734

a responsible gun owner would report that gun as stolen and make a full report to the police.

On to the caps!
The first thing that comes to mind (not being a gun person myself, just a weirdo) would be to modify spent cartridges.

Drill out the firing cap and fill the body with a hard casting rubber? Make sure enough fills the drilled hole to cushion the firing pin?

Or research simple mold-making and cast resin cartridges (bullet molded in) with the wall anchor inside?

>> No.117744

>because they kill the most people per year.

actually deer are # 1 auto killer

>> No.117807

>carry rifle
>home defense
why not get a shotgun or a pistol?

>> No.117811

how have you not been arrested for brandishing or disturbance of the peace?

it's been shown that .22lr can penetrate more than 30 layers of heavy denim.

>> No.117817

such is life in the land of the free.

>> No.117902

no. The law here states that open carry does not count as brandishing..though I have been approached by police about it. I tell them it's legal, as well as the law code and section that states it is, ask if I'm being detained and if I'm free to go, nothing more.

>> No.117903

I have reported it stollen. All the report does is takes all liability from that gun off my hands.

>> No.117905

because it costs money and I live paycheck to paycheck. As for home defense, any gun is better than nothing, and with this, it's really not hard to dump a full mag in a few seconds. You people act like every bullet will bounce off an intruder or attacker. I use nothing but high velocity rounds which I have done ballistics tests on myself, and show to have good penetration power and damage for a .22. And with that all said, it's also what I shoot best. If I'm able to hit 95% of the moving targets at the range at 25 yards, I shouldn't have too much trouble hitting a human sized target within 1-4 yards.

>> No.118127


>I have no money
>Buys an M&P 15-22

>> No.118604
File: 33 KB, 400x300, 9mm gold dot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell the fucking 15-22 and buy a second hand glock 19/17 and some gold dots. it's not fucking hard.

>> No.118676

I don't see the problem with a .22 for personal defense. You don't have to kill someone to stop them. You just use it like pepper spray.

The low recoil makes it easy to squeeze off multiple shots with minimal preparation, if they don't get the picture. Light weight makes it an easy carry (and leaving your gun at home is just stupid, it'll get stolen).

>> No.118759

people act like a .22 just barely breaks the skin. Most of the defensive shots taken at people
with a .22 are taken from pistols for obvious reasons. These rounds still end up killing a good number of people. With my shooting skill, i font think id have a problem staying on target in close quarters. If i can land a hit in the right spot to just even slow or stop my attacker, i have a better chance of taking a head shot if i really wanted to..but personally, id just keep aim at center mass hoping to hit the heart and lungs. If im able to hit a majority of my rounds in that area, chances are my attacker will die from blood loss rather quickly, and personally, it doesnt take me much time to mag dump with that gun, take a 2-3 sec reload, then dump another 25 rounds. Thats one reason why I drive an hour and a half to a range that has moving target shooting available. Teaches me to work fast and accurately. Am I hitting bull's eyes? No. But I'm keeping an average of about 75% of my rounds on the paper (1 sq foot) at 25 yards. I should be fine shooting a single target at no more than 10 yards.Now with a long gun, velocity, power, and penetration is increased since there more barrel pressure since more powder is able to burn. Pistols will almost always stunt the power of a round. This can be proven by testing trajectory and ballistics between a pistol and a rifle chambered in the same caliber.

>> No.118829

Make a mold of a complete cartridge using plaster of paris (soak a round in plaster). Cut off the end at the base of the round once dry. Also poke a small hole at the tip of the mold so you can poke a needle in to push the round out once the molten plastic has cooled, make sure you have the plaster about a cm thick. Remove the bullet. Melt your plastic slowly over low heat. I reccommend using a tuna can, a tea-light candle and a metal coathanger to make a pseudo plastic melting fondue pot looking thing. Pour your melted plastic into the mold. Let it cool down by air for about 30 minutes then remove the round by pushing on it with a needle through the hole at the tip of the bullet on the mold. Sand it down with very fine grit sandpaper. Hold it with a pair of pliers and lightly lick it with a lighter flame to smooth it out a little more. Done! A lot of work, youèd be better off to make them out of metal. Look up mini-furnaces, get a cast iron pan and melt down beer cans or whatever. More dangerous but something you will always have. Also you should avoid dry firing with your firing pin in.

With love; Canada.

>> No.118897


>use a gun to maime and injure someone instead of killing them

redguard are you serious? If you want to go non lethal try well uh using some fucking pepper spray, guns are intended to kill, do you see people hunting deer with a 22?

>> No.118936

Thank you Canada. Glad to be marrying a Canadian.

>> No.118946

also, about how many times can the mold be used? Not sure how brittle plaster of Paris is when dried. Or is there any way I can make a more sturdy mold?

>> No.118951

A .22 round has PLENTY of killing power but next to NOTHING in terms of stopping power. You're looking at 100 pounds of muzzle energy with a 30 grain bullet. Compare this to a 10mm's 175 grain bullet with 610 pounds of ME. You're wasting your time with a .22 for self defense.

>> No.118969

I'm still laughing at the crazy douchebag that open carries a full sized rifle everywhere. The fact that it's a .22 adds to the hilarity. The fact he won't buy a simple 7 dollar snap cap is the final layer of icing on the cake.

>> No.118973


>> No.118977

People like OP actually believe that.

>> No.118980

he didnt say shtf as his reason for carrying it, which he obviously doesnt. your all getting trolled.

also its better to be prepared in case something happens than not be prepared. but i guess your just to much of a kid to realize that.

>> No.118985

various thoughts of mine...

,,,plastic rimfire snap caps wear out over time. the way that the real ones are made is injection molding with some thermoplastic. without access to a machine shop, that isn't likely to be something you can do yourself. Rather than making snap-caps at home, it would be more useful to just stick with a good brand of ammo that makes FTF's much less likely--or to fix the gun if it has its own issues with any ammo you try,,,, but again, that would take tools you probably don't have access to.

...a rimfire is a really poor choice for a carry gun, unless you expect to be attacked by squirrels

...even if you never get attacked, you will look like an idiot for open-carrying a 22LR

...if (a person) wants a SD weapon but want something easy to hold & fire, then I'd STRONGLY advise a revolver in 22WMR

>> No.118992

this guy doesnt know what he is talking about. dont listen to him.

>> No.119000

You obviously do. Just look at those credentials! In addition to the lengthy and eloquent rebuttal!

>> No.119004

talking about making your own snap caps, its just retarded. enjoy ruining your firearm 1000x quicker with your home made piece of shit.

rimfire, specifically .22 is the most used caliber in shootings. it does its job perfectly fine.

thinking that people give a fuck in life or death situations what your firearm looks like

recommending a .22WMR revolver for a carry weapon. this is just utterly stupid. there are so many better options out there that you STRONGLY advising this proves you know nothing of what your talking about.

how about you go back to being a kid and let the adults talk, ok kid?

>> No.119006

>home defense

>> No.119008

>done ballistics tests on myself


>> No.119014

Good luck in the squirrel invasion, bro.

>> No.119015

I've stated earlier in the thread it's all I have at the moment and used to have a .357

>> No.119018

not considered a full size rifle. Also at the rate I go through them, it's cheaper to make them. Snap caps can only take so much before they break and get plastic bits have to be removed from the bolt assembly

>> No.119020

your a hypocrite kid, you know that?

>recommends .22WMR
>good luck with your squirrels XD

go back to the playground kid and let the adults talk.

>> No.119023

only carry it when working.

>> No.119024

>implying it's me recommending popguns
I'm just making fun of you. I posted nothing. But a fucking xd45 and use that. Stop being white trash.

>> No.119026

fuck off kid, stop shitposting then. as i said, let the adults talk.

>> No.119027

the plastic the wall anchors I use are able to absorb the impact better than any snap cap I've used. It melts easily and still keeps its strength. I plan on using this as my material

>> No.119036
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>Calling people kid on the internet

You do know that just makes you look like underage b& right?

>> No.119040

no one, really?
<-- >>>/k/ is over there

>> No.119042

think i give a fuck? you act like a kid, which you are doing, then you get called one. what part of that dont you understand kid?

kids like you ruined /k/, dont send more of the retards there.

>> No.119050

Wat. He wants to make a plastic dummy cartridge; about the only way you could possibly harm someone with one of those would be if you tried to stab someone with it.

>> No.119054

confirmed for nogunz

>> No.119057
File: 62 KB, 650x487, banjoboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/, how do I build a flamethrower?

>> No.119061

So tell me: how would YOU go about harming someone with a .22LR snap cap? I'm honestly curious.

>> No.119063

I'm 23, and I'd prefer the dumber people be in /k/ rather than here (not that I think one poster can do anything about it)

>> No.119064

you obviously don't know what a snap cap is for.

>> No.119066
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>I'm 23

>> No.119070

that's the point.

Last thing you need is for that obviously crooked cop to sell or lose that gun, and have it come back on you when it's a murder weapon.

>> No.119080

They're for dry-firing your weapon without fucking it up; some firearms will suffer damage when dry-fired with nothing in the chamber. So, please continue explaining how you can injure someone with a .22LR snap cap.

>> No.119097

if your 23 then stop acting like a kid, a retard attention whore and a faggot. man up kid.

>> No.119139

how so?

>> No.119140

Added to the filter.

>> No.119141

fact you use a trip. fact you change it every single post. fact you advertise every time you change your trip. that makes you a faggot attention whore.

what makes you a kid is the way you act.

stop it, kid.

>> No.119143
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>> No.119144
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>> No.119146


>Posts a reaction to a reaction image


>> No.119148

>he did too, but in text form

Stay summer.

>> No.119155


>Its winter
>refers to people as summer

Did you get the memo?

>> No.119162

>takes 7 minutes to reply

Couldn't think of a response?

>> No.119163

shut the fuck up both of you, your acting like /b/tard kids

>> No.119165


>> No.119182

think i give a fuck how its spelt? grow up kid

>> No.119187


OP with a valid question

10 Men who own and use firearms

+9000 kiddies who've never handled a pistol, and get all their gun "Knowledge" from movies and rednecks at thehighroad.org

I'm the proud owner of a Ruger MKII with a 7.5" bull barrel and iron sights. Barely twitches when you drop the hammer. I can do neural surgery with that piece at 25 yards, and re-acquire so fast you'd think it was on full-auto. Threaten my people, and I'll show you how .22lr will ruin your day.

>> No.119191
File: 17 KB, 256x352, zelda eating spaghetti with his bear hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up kid

>> No.119193

You are acting pathetic, just stop, your only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.119198

Quite intelligent, aren't you?

>> No.119200
File: 24 KB, 590x300, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that fucking weapon.

Pic related, it's what I wish I owned in a flat black.

>> No.119202
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>posts you are in a sentence
>uses your incorrectly

>> No.119203

What are you talking about? I was just pointing out the obvious,to this kid, because he obviously doesn't get it.

>> No.119205

And why does it matter?

>Protip, it doesn't.

>> No.119208

May as well start using ur and u in sentences.

>Protip, it makes you look fucking 12

>> No.119209


>lack of sense of humor detected

>> No.119212

>act like a cunt
>get called out on it

Just stop it kid.

>> No.119215
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your face when

>> No.119216
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>implying there's one person here

>> No.119218

How is that even relevant? Jesus chirst kid your embarrassing yourself.

>> No.119226
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>> No.119231


It's my baby.

I put a Volquartsen exact-edge extractor in the bolt, and Hogue Wraparound finger-grooved grips on it. It's wicked accurate and eats whatever you feed it. Ruger knows how to make 'em.

>> No.119238


Also, inb4 "gangstas" popping off about glock being the only game in town.

>> No.119276

Thank you...people underestimate .22LR. Is it the most ideal SD round? No, but can it do damage...well its a fucking bullet. No one wants to be shot by one, no matter what.

>> No.119291

hell yeah. Ruger makes a damn good .22. Was looking at getting the sr-22 pistol

>> No.119324

I'm not doing it for attention, I'm doing it to see if I can find one I like, and if other people see one they like they can use it too

>> No.119334

Good looking pistol. Never handled one, though. Have you looked at the Sig Mosquito or the Walther P22? I like the action and general feel of the sig better, but the Walther, esp. with the target barrel, is a really cool-looking piece.

>> No.119339

filtered, stop being an attention whore, kid.

>> No.119349

That's the crux of the thread. A .22LR WILL put a bloody hole about a quarter inch around in you each and every place it hits. Once you contract a case of the Bloody Holes, you tend to stop doing whatever it is that's pissing the shooter off. And no, son, popping someone with a .45ACP round WON'T put them through a window in slow-mo.

If you're a douchey dude walking down the street looking for a mark, you're going to take one look at a cat who's slinging an assault-style rifle, and suddenly remember the /b/tard you saw two blocks back who was talking about guns instead of owning them. You won't give one single damn what said rifle's chambered in.

And "Buy Better Ammo" is never the answer to misfires. The best gun in the world, feeding the best ammo made, WILL jam or FTF. WILL. There's a really good reason that combat firearms instructors spend as much time on clearance drills as they do punching holes in paper. When you have a jam/FTF in a combat situation, clearing your weapon needs to be as reflexive as swatting a fly, so you can git back to the business of putting supersonic lead into scum.

I'm sorry I can't tell you how to cast plastic. I'd never venture to tell you how to arm yourself, because you clearly have that covered, much to your credit.

Go on being awesome.

>> No.119360

lurked this entire thread


this post >>119349


>> No.119369

neither. I've heard that the Walther has some issues with jamming. I don't get ahold of too many semi auto pistols. Always been a revolver kinda guy. I love that and love me some lever action. Though I think next time I'm able to get a pistol, something's telling me to go with a semi auto...also hearing Alot of good things about 10mm

>> No.119373

I'm sort of the opposite, in that I need to add some wheelies to my collection. I do have a Ruger Old Army that I take out to play every so often. It's a freaking blast, and makes me want to look at a redhawk next, maybe.

>> No.119386

oh yeah, wheelies are a joy. I miss my good old' SP-101. The day I got her was the happiest day of my life next to the day my daughter was born. Hopefully if money starts to look better soon, I'll grab me up a used one and a ruger single 10. I don't know what's up with me and cowboy guns..but maybe I should grab something more practical for carry before I start dreaming.

>> No.119395


Why is it people hunt deer with buckshot or high powered rifles? 1 shot and its all over, if you hit a deer with your 22 it is likely to survive and either run or take cover, same thing with a human, now if this human happens to be armed with a gun as well you are in for some serious shit because you have not ended his life immediately, do you see cops walking around with 22s?

Ever heard the term use the right tool for the right job?

>> No.119408

is this rifle 17hmr, or a centerfire?

none of the semiauto 17 hmr rifles sold in the US worked right and they're all basically discontinued now, except for the $1100+ Volquartsens. i wanted to have a semiauto 17hmr rifle, but not for $1100 :(

I've got the 17hmr S&W revolver and it is an awesome toy (not a SD gun however)
the Excel auto pistol never worked right, and i think they stopped selling them too (though they still sell the 22WMR version)

the 17 centerfire rifles are relatively expensive and tend to burn barrels pretty fast. they are considered burned out at 3000 rounds... it is cheaper overall to just go with a 22-250 instead

i never gave a shit about the 17h2 guns, don't own one to this day

>> No.119414

>Why is it people hunt deer with buckshot or high powered rifles?
In some states (Illinois for one) you hunt deer with shotguns because using rifles is illegal. And you use slugs, not buckshot.

A shotgun slug slows down much faster than a rifle bullet does. The law against rifle hunting is just to prevent stray shots from doing more damage, since in most of the state you can't possibly get even 1/2-mile from somebody's house.

>> No.119415

if you shoot a guy with a .22 he is going to run and maybe die later. The same with a deer. the difference is you want the deer dead right there, you dont want to chase it for a mile or lost it. Go hunt with bow and arrow, you need to chase those motherfuckers for miles.

Bigger bullets its to kill faster, not to kill deadlier.

But yes you have a point, personally i would rather to put a bigger caliber on my enemy on a bad situation.

>deer taking cover

>> No.119416

if I was doing it for attention, don't you think I'd be posting more? if I was doing it for anything other than what I said it would be for the funny string of responses (I wasn't expecting that)
(and yes, I'm going a different route trip-wise)

>> No.119432

i didn't say a 22WMR was a great carry weapon, I only say that it is easy to shoot and is a better choice (for home defense) than any 22LR... IF you don't want to use a bigger pistol that would be harder to fire.

ive seen people who've never shot pick up normal SD/carry guns like Colt 45's, Glock 17s ect and not be able to hit a door-size target at twenty feet.... but with a 22WMR revolver they can usually hit -pretty close- to what they aimed at.

also DA revolvers==no jams and FTFs aren't as big a problem,,, for the most part. and a 22WMR has 2X the power of a 22LR

(continued next post)

>> No.119434

You know, if I was some drug addict nutcase what I would think if I saw a guy with a rifle slung on his back is that there is an easy 1k right out in the open. And then I'd fucking cap him or knife him before he ever can unsling it.

>> No.119443

OP said he wanted to make snap-caps for practicing FTFs with a rimfire rifle. I think that's a bit silly since 22LR guns are just straight blowbacks, but anyway.

Snap caps must be made out of a soft plastic, so the polyester resins used for fiberglass won't work.

Polyethylene is the usual material, but you cannot make liquid polyethylene at all since it is synthesized as a solid, directly from a gas and another solid-
it is never really in a liquid state.

Note that the main ingredient (ethylene gas) is an asphyxiant and combustable-

Most smaller companies that use polyethylene don't synthesize it themselves; they buy it as pellets or powder, and since it is a thermoplastic, it will stick together when heated,,,, but since it is a solid it will not "pour" very well (even when hot) and so it must be forced under pressure into a mold. And that's what injection-molding is.

>> No.119449

I've seen this thread for awhile, I'll go thru and read everything eventually just don't have the time right now. However I will comment right now seeing as how I think I've seen the issue of .22lr and stopping power or something along those lines.

Anyways what it all boils down to is that at the end of the day what matters more than the gun you're shooting is how well you shoot it. That is to say skill and being able to put a bullet where you want it, when you want it, is far more important than how massive or fast that bullet is going.

There's an interesting story about the guy thats credited for bringing kevlar vests to mass market where way back in the day he was a pizza delivery guy. He carried a .22lr revolver for protection because he would deliver at night and often to bad neighborhoods. Well the time finally came where he had to use it and shot and killed 2 dudes, one of which had a gun as well. Well for some reason that gave him the idea to start making kevlar vests but anyway it didn't matter that he didn't have a 9mm or .45 acp but that he was skilled with his weapon.

My first gun was a .22lr Beretta U22 Neos. Very accurate and fun to shoot. Moved up to owning several other guns but I still keep a 22 because they're really fun and cheap to shoot. Right now my 22 is a pimped out ruger 10/22. And honestly if it ever came down to being alone and it being my only defense I wouldn't feel quite as naked as you would assume.

>> No.119452

So now we have arrived at injection-molding.

there is a book by Vince Gingery on how to make such a machine yourself-
($16 on Amazon)

I haven't read that book, so I dunno whats in it

for raw plastic, you can go buy pellets or sheets (and shred them with a file) or you can shred up plastic bottles such as (US) milk jugs.

you will need to build a heating setup you can control, that goes to at least 500F or so... McMaster-Carr sells bendable heating elements(~$40) and Harbor Freight sells the $20 router speed control that also works for controlling heating elements.

you will also need an IR thermometer to at goes to at least 500F or so. $40 on Amazon-

>> No.119458

How about get a rod of brass as wide as a .22lr rim (7.1 mm) and turn it down on a lathe down to the width of the brass effectively creating a solid brass "bullet".

The brass should be soft enough to not hurt the firing pin. Hell if not then don't even use brass at all, maybe aluminum or something even softer.

Anyways they snap caps are cheap anyways, you probably can't make them cheaper than what they sell for unless you keep using those wall anchors.

>> No.119464

People living paycheck to paycheck shouldn't be plopping down $400+ when they can't afford the snapcaps for it.

>> No.119478


That's a nice pellet gun you have there.

>> No.119486
File: 28 KB, 500x500, remthunder_10047061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue here is not so much protecting the barrel/firing pin, as newer guns tend not to need that. the matter was being able to practice FTF's.

The owners manual for the mp 15-22 rifle doesn't address the issue of dry-firing. you would have to email them and ask I suppose. ...If you shouldn't do it, they would have probably have said so. I bought a Remington 541-THB years ago, and the owners manual actually says that it shouldn't be dry-fired because the barrel will get peened. That model was a copy of one they made back in the 1950's-1960's.

Any non-firing round that gets cycled through the magazines a lot is going to get chewed up. ...I suppose another way to easily obtain "non-firing" rounds is just to use a really shitty brand of ammo.
I nominate my all-time least favorite, Remington Thunderbolts (see pic). The white lines on the box indicate roughly how accurate they shoot. But you get a lot of FTF's also.

>> No.119741

>dat no stopping power


>> No.119823


yeah fucking this, why do you think people get gunsafes in their house, guns are stolen all the fucking time and they are decently easy to sell on the black market for money

>> No.119828

So when I kill an intruder with aikido, I have somewhere to put the gun until the cops arrive so it won't kill me. Guns are dangerous you know

>> No.119830


i dont understand the point of this post but then again I dont understand the point of this thread anymore

>> No.119960

that's why any person carrying a gun should always have situational awareness. I've had one asshole try to grab it from me before when he thought I wasn't onto him. He took an elbow to the face and took off.

>> No.120796

I dont know if this is a totally retarded idea or a drug induced stroke of genius, just hear me out.

1. Take a spent brass, hammer/drill used primer out (so the firing pin won't actually be impacting anything)
2. Drill a small hole in the side of the cartridge just so you are able to instantly establish what is a live round and what is not.
3. Take a .22 slug and drill yet another hole straight through it, vertically (again for live round/dummy differentiation)
4. Re-load the round, obviously minus any powder, so it's essentially a brass case with a lead slug loaded into it.

If I'm correct you should be able to use this for fail to fire drills and what not

>> No.120831

confirmed for noguns...There's no primer cap to drill out. The primer is inside the rim casing. Also you can't just load a bullet into it since there's no way to crimp the casing back around the bullet.

>> No.120833


yep, I'm a britfag, kill me now ;_;

oh this is a rimfire? I overlooked that. just trying to help I suppose, what if you took some sand paper to the side of the bullet? reduce its diameter by a fraction of a mm might make the fit a little less tight

>> No.120834

If the bullet is loose, it may be removed and become stuck in the chamber. Im sorry for your Britain :(

I thought you guys were able to own rifles in .22 cal?