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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1098432 No.1098432 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so my shitty landlord is ordering a new water heater for my apartment, so I'm without hot water for several days. I've made a German-engineered water heater with things i had around the house. It's a stock pot on a single burner with a pump leading from the tub to a copper tubing coil in the pot and back out (now warmer) into the tub. It does ok, but it's a bit slow. Is there a liquid that heats better than water in the pot?

>> No.1098433
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>> No.1098435
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Mind you, I pretty much figured this much out as I went along.

>> No.1098439

I used to live in a place where we heated our "shower" water with a big pot-like thingie with fire under it. A kettle if you may. Then the whole family washed ourselves by just pouring water from a bucket.

It got really efficient quite easily. I could wash myself properly with soap, hair included, with approximately 12l of warm water. Just over a bucket full. I'm a bit of a fascist with this personal hygiene also so it always was a proper wash. I hate smelly people and don't want to be one.

Also I have dreads so the amount of soap that goes in my hair is a lot so with proper hair you will need less water.

>> No.1098441

>I hate smelly people and don't want to be one.
>Also I have dreads

wew lad mon

>> No.1098469

Would an oil get hotter or heat the coil faster?

>> No.1098476
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one of these.
Used them before but they russle the shit out my jimmies.

>> No.1098477

Yes, but flammability issues

>> No.1098480
File: 66 KB, 500x509, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really like that picture

>> No.1098483

Those are submersible pumps with waterproof housing for the cords. Very unlike your suicide duck.

>> No.1098488

Ah, the old suicide shower. Despite the name, if properly grouned and in a place where water isn't very saturated with minerals these are actually quite good.

>> No.1098489

>Hot plate sitting on cardboard box.
Yeah, that does kind of bug me.
Also are you using 2 pumps or am I missing something?

>> No.1098494

You're losing most of your heat from the top of the water.

>> No.1098495

>British power plug
Yup, that sounds about right.

>> No.1098510

I didn't think about the box. Good call. Fixed.
I am using two, yes. I figured twice the water going through the coils would heat faster.

I see. Could I cover it? I can't do the bucket washing that anon described before so the more water, the better.

>> No.1098512

Is your water in the pot boiling while you're pumping? If so then you're not pulling out the maximum amount of heat from your pot and should focus on more flow/coils. If not then you've maxed out what your electric stove will do

>> No.1098519

>I see. Could I cover it?

>> No.1098522

Yeah it can be a rolling boil and drops to streaming as soon as I turn on the pump. I have a second pot and burner, I'll try doubling up.

>> No.1098533

>Is there a liquid that heats better than water
Extremely high pressure hydrogen.

>> No.1098542

>ordering a new water heater for my apartment
Literally you can just go down to Home Depot and buy a fucking water heater for $400 in one afternoon. Why the fuck would it take several days?

>> No.1098544

It isnt a function of can some other liquid transferring more heat.

Its a function of you have a 1,000 watt (or whatever) element heating 35+ gallons of water.

Suppose your water is 60°f and you want it to be 100°f for your bath, an increase of 40 degrees.


This is the theoretical limit. The required energy will be more due to evaporative and conductive losses in the system.

You need to get on your landlords ass for not providing habitable living conditions. In my jurisdiction hot water is a basic housing requirement and landlords are required by law to resolve the issue within 48 hours of notification. Failure to remedy is considered a breach of contract and punishable by civil fines, and leins.

How long have you been without hot water and how much longer does your slumlord predict it will take to fix?
>sauce: landlord and member of the city and county housing commission

>> No.1098551

>Shitty landlord

I've already filed a report with BBB and DA.

>> No.1098557

Two days gone and four more estimated. I've got the bureaucracy started. I appreciate the math you did on that. Like I said, I'm shooting from the hip with this stuff and I testing limits as I go. Thanks anon

>> No.1098564

fill bathtub with gasoline

get in

light match

hot water

>> No.1098566

Good for you. Get a new place ASAP.

>> No.1098627

This thread is so fucking poor

>> No.1098922

I wash them thoroughly every second day with soap and water. Dry them thoroughly. Shit don't smell if you keep it clean. Just because the hippies smell doesn't mean I do.

>> No.1098925

Just out of curiosity, why can't you wash with buckets? Maybe you have no buckets? They are fairly cheap. Or maybe have no arms? They, on the other hand, are fairly expensive...

>> No.1098934

>Hippie says that only other hippies smell
>weed man

Get a job.

>> No.1098951
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Cord hanging in bathtub.

>> No.1099254

Where else would waterproof cords of submersible pumps go?

>> No.1099262


>> No.1099292

>I can't do the bucket washing that anon described before
Don't you have an arm? That's how people washed themselves before tap water (and long before hot tap water), and still do when they have a cast or something.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_mitt (I just realised it's a regional thing. How the fuck do people wash themself in other countries?)

Replace water with cooking oil, make sure it doesn't go too high over regular deep frying temperature (175°C). And make sure you place it in a safe way, the cardboard box is a problem with scalding hot oil.

They are made of knots, not dirt. It's a pain in the ass to wash, but apparently you can keep them clean (provided your shampoo is without hair detangler)

>> No.1099305

Try spreading the coilso the input runs straight to the bottom of the pot and the coil works its way back up to the surface then outputs into your tub

>> No.1099356

12L of water for a single person is a LOT.

>> No.1099367

I don't know where you live, but in my country the average amount of water used for washing is about 60 liters per day.

>> No.1099489


A regular shower head puts out 7.9l a minute. That means he's taking the equivalent of a 90 second shower.

>> No.1100805

why not just put the heater itself ni the bathtub?

>> No.1100945

It's electric

>> No.1101137

Have you thought about using lead instead of water? It will reach melt, reach higher temperatures and is cheap

>> No.1101139

Doesn't this not account for bad heat transfer?

>use lead
Made me think. Wouldn't antifreeze be a good liquid to use?
It can get hotter than the boiling temp of water.

>> No.1101289

>I hate smelly people
>I have dreads

So when are you planning to off yourself my smelly friend?

>> No.1102240

oO this can't be real, this can't be -googles it- oh shitsnacks. Well, suicide shower is an apt name.