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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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103326 No.103326 [Reply] [Original]

Here are some of my new year resolutions:
- Become ambidextrous
- Type at 80 wpm
- Read at 500 wpm
- Improve my ability to retain information longer
Wanna join me?

>> No.103327

Sounds good, i've already got the 80wpm sorted and almost 500wpm reading speed. Memory is alright but could be better. I'm in for becoming ambidextrous

>> No.103336
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You set resolutions in hopes of changing yourself for the better or improving your life... and you choose to just set like little goals that you can do in a month?
>Not typing at 80wpm in the 21st century
pic related

>> No.103337

However, despite all my rage, I do love the ambidexterous one. I applaud you for that one . Good luck in your quest.

>> No.103345

For the entire year?

-Study most days for one of the GRE subject tests
-Road trip to a few rust belt cities, fly to Denver and maybe San Diego
-Start learning a language. By "start" I mean finally decide on a language and work on it long enough to speak it a bit.
-Run a sub 3:45 marathon
-No fast food, more weed and booze
-Make more friends

>> No.103349

Lose weight Learn morse code so i can communicate if i go blind or deaf

>> No.103350

- Learn Ruby
- Ready K&R, learn C
- Learn a lot more about GNU/Linux
- Get a job
- Get social skills
- Work on attention whoring/span issues


>> No.103366

♣ Get my nursing license.
♦ Finish learning Spanish well enough to communicate effectively.
♠ Prepare to move to Washington state.
♥ Narrow down where I want to be within that state.

>> No.103494

>Read at 500 wpm

are there any exercises I can do for this? I'm looking for a really structured program that I can follow.

>> No.103496

I am personally going to make it a point to get out of my comfort zone more. I achieved a lot in 2011 but I got a little too comfortable in my station in life. I am going to go out of my way to engage in more conversation and do more things I feel I am 'scared of' or too uncomfortable to try. This includes dance classes and communication studies classes.

That sinking feeling you feel when you imagine yourself in a podium in front of a class giving a speech? I want to confront that. A lot.

>> No.103528

-communicative german, then maybe next language
-continue /fit/
-start second major (something on finance)
-learn some mnemotechniques
-kill someone

>> No.103539

I never worked harder than I did this year and now I badly need to relax.

>> No.103551


Speed reading and retention can go hand-in-hand. Most people get bored (even unconsciously) when reading slowly. You have at least 2 natural reading paces, both are probably faster than your normal/current reading pace.

I did a http://www.readingprograms.org/ program this fall and it nearly tripled my reading speed and boosted retention.

Basics: practice sprints where you don't actually try to retain just let the words flow. Use your fingers (not a pen or piece of paper) to form a guide while reading. Pass the fingers in a zigzag over the lines. AFter every few paragraphs or page, stop and tell back to yourself what you just read - this is for retention.

Good luck! Also the reading program I took was about $300 of brainhacking and worth every cent.

>> No.103626

Any /diy/ resources...?

>> No.103640

- Learn German
- Learn most Latin and Greek roots
- Become ambidextrous
- Organize all the files in my computer (as they are a big hairy mess)

>> No.103649

I've wanted to be ambidextrous or years. Maybe this will be the year I finally accomplish it. I would also like to learn enough Spanish to communicate easily with my boyfriend's mom.

>> No.103935
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- Take voice acting classes
- get job in a radio station, hopefully as an anchor or the evening news or some shit
- Voice act in more machinimas/ indie games/ whatever would look nice on a resume
- Get at least an interview with any video game company, be it EA (despite their Origin shitstorm), Bethesda, Valve...
- Purchase my first house and stop renting the one I live in now next to a crazy cat lady who thinks my name is Jason.

>> No.104257

>go to /diy/
>see this
>add ambidexterity to new year goals
Thanks for the idea, OP.

>> No.104268

>start running, and keep at it.
>get my self-studies organized.
>get checkups done in every possible area of my health
>ride my bike to the next town and back in one day (~120 miles)
>learn to play the harmonica
>have sex with a girl
>buy some nice, expensive clothes
and maybe
>learn to cook better

>> No.104270

oh yeah, and
>become ambidextrous, because being a lefty sucks.
Thanks, OP

>> No.104277

-Learn Japanese
-Get a Japanese Girlfriend
-Get Married and live happily ever after in glorious nippon

>> No.104278
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forgot my face

>> No.104280

Same here.

>> No.104833


The basic ideas are outlined above. Use fingers to trace the lines quickly, recite the basics after every good stopping point, train for speed and retention.

To the Anons looking for ambidexterity, take up juggling and/or a martial art. Good styles work both sides of the body. Also eat with your off-hand for improved results.

>> No.104841

-learn java
-learn morse code
thats about it

>> No.104842

My resolutions:
Take up weightlifting, already have an appointment setup. Finally gonna drop some weight and put on some muscle. Also before anyone suggets /fit/, I've tried already asking a super simple question not in the sticky and they were mostly huge assholes about it.

Get my school debt out of collections and 3/4 out of my credit card debt so I can finally get my ass back to college and get my degrees.

Get through at least 2 C++ books.

As for OP's, the typing part you basically plateau. If I'm really into what I'm typing them I'm like about 50wpm. Really with all the pauses I take to think of what I want to say and misspelling crap going any faster wouldn't help much. I'm cool with how fast I read already but am really interested in improving information retention. I think doing daily exercises like some puzzles from a book of mind puzzles and those games where you look at a picture for a minute and then have to write down as many items as you can remember would help.

>> No.104855

>learn braille
>implement it with vibration motors coupled to microcontroller
>add dictionary/newsfeed/whatever
>exosense 1.0

>> No.104860

Well about the /fit/ part, you gotta face it, its 4chan, they just want to fuck with you. Stick with the question and you will get an answer.
Of course, feel free to go to your appointment, I'm just giving a suggestion.

>> No.104863

Might as well join:

>Stop wasting time everyfucking day of my life

Yeah, thats about it.

>> No.104864

actually its not just 4chan, because there are helpful people in /ck/,/k/,/v/, and hell even /b/. /fit/izens are just flat out dicks 99% of the time.

>> No.104878

-Excel at parkour
-Excel at close combat (knives, hands, blunts, etc)
-Work on shooting accuracy and efficiency
-Begin work with bomb-making
-Work on throwing knife skill
-Make money (to travel)
-Study various philosophies, sciences, mathematics, literature, etc.
-Become MORE ambidextrous (I'm a little, I do most mundane tasks with my opposite hand, except for complex tasks like writing, throwing a ball, etc, to difficult at the moment)
-Start Urbanex
-Become useful at various... questionable abilities

>Look back over list
>Realize it's Assassin's Creed
>I'm okay with this

>> No.104880

the fit part is pretty simple and the /fit/ attitude is understandable given the amount of fudds that go there asking the same retarded questions about shortcuts. there's two (e)books you should read...

Tom Venuto - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
Mark Rippetoe - Starting Strength

trust me when i say that's all you have to read and follow

>> No.104890

Wtf, are you a hitman?

>> No.104891


What kinda questionable activities?

>> No.105008


Yeah I am. The guy seems really cool and so do the people that go there. Pretty damn optimistic about the whole thing.

>> No.105015

Stop drinking...

>> No.105026
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If this were /b/ I wouldn't bother, but now I have to ask: are you all over-achievers and/or possess enhanced positronic brains? Or are you simply ensuring redundancy, as most things we plan eventually aren't feasable, and hope that one of of those six huge projects will be done? Because if you're being honest are are confident that you can do all these things in a year, my new-year resolution makes me look borderline retarded:

> Learn how to rocket-jump in Team Fortress
> Finish that book
> Learn how to bake cookies
> Eat said cookies
> ...

Seriously, is this thread filled with uber-competent people that can do 6 things every day like clockwork, or are you all secretly no-good procrastinators like the rest of the human race? No offense.

>> No.105028

Switch to Dvorak. Will change your life in anything related to typing on your own keyboard.
Or so I've been told.

>> No.105031

- Cut out fast food
- Cut out candy
- Read at least one book per week
- Draw/make something every day
- Exercise three times per week
I actually try to set my goals higher because I know I don't finish all of my projects immediately. I'm just more apt to get it all done when I cycle through several different goals over time, if that makes any sense.

>> No.105041

Finish restoring my BC348Q comms receiver
Finish restoring my ARC-5 navigational receiver
Buy a Tektronix 453 (60 mhz)
Buy coax and a rotator so I can finish putting antennas on my tower
Build a receive loop to put at the very top of my tower for 160/80/40m reception.
Plead my case to my neighbor so I can put up an inverted-L antenna across his property to his tree for 80/75m band

>> No.105047

Hahaha, I agree with most people here being crazy with goals, but, quite honestly, your goals are ridiculous.
I do not mean to offend but, you have 1 year to acomplish said things, and you could do those within 1 week and still have a shitload of free time.

>> No.105053

- Improve drawing skills
- Learn Python
- Become ambidextrous
- Learn about music theory and compose a few things

Probably not gonna pull it through. I can already write nicely with my non-dominant hand if I take my time, but I can't draw shit with it.

>> No.105055

Mine are
-learn something new or improve a skill everyday.
-get around to encripting my hard drive
-take better care of my body
-do more things I have not done befor
-get out of the city/state and travel even if it means begging for a ride from famly and other people I know.
-keep score of the good and bad that I do and try to even them out.

thats my list this year.

>> No.105056

OK guys..I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon:

>become fully ambidextrous (I can already write with my other hand at 15-20% of the speed)
>study math for 30+ hours/week (I'm majoring in math)
>learn how to draw
>learn a 4th language (either Japanese or french)
>get a cute girlfriend and spend the next Christmas together
>get good at programming in C/C++
and maybe....
>install /g/entoo

>> No.105065

Why do so many want to be ambidextrous? That is unless they're left handed and want to handle right-handed objects (or because it sounds cool).

>> No.105072

Is achieving ambidexterity actually possible past pubescence?

>> No.105074


-Train for and complete a marathon in a respectable time
-Continue to mountain bike at least twice a week
-Buy a new bike and use it for commuting
-Continue learning and achieve fluency in spanish
-Start to learn a new language, french maybe russian
-Visit 2 foreign countries
-Stop eating unhealthy food and drinking soda
-Continue learning to bake
-Continue practicing guitar and music theory
-Read more
-Get a girlfriend
-Move out

If I am feeling really good and have the extra money I wouldn't mind buying a project car.

>> No.105085

Learn Modo
make my own d6 and have shapeways make it in metal
finish my warhammer terrain
go to an extra life drawing class every thursday
learn how to animate ( better ) in flash
finish my comic
basically learn some new stuff and finish the started ones.

>> No.105147

In my dreams...

Ya know, I should probably see a psychologist/psychiatrist...

>> No.105151

1) Re-acquaint myself with French, learn the language and maintain french knowledge.

2)Improve my writing and drawing abilities.

>> No.105162

Train until I can:

-swim 500 yards in 9:30
-do 100 pushups
-do 100 crunches
-do 25 pull-ups
-run 1.5 miles in 9:30
-do all of the above in succession
-swim 100m underwater in one breath
-play guitar
-speak french/spanish

>> No.105163

- watch Anime
- read Manga
- play video games

that's it

>> No.105168

100 pushups in one set or in various sets?
You have to be more specific.

>> No.105231


In 2 minutes at least, but preferably in one set.

>> No.105240

Ahh shit, fine:

- Waste less time on stumbleupon and /b/ (I honestly view /diy/ as a legitimate investment of my time)
- Start a diverse financial portfolio, and maintain it
- Create the open source APIs I've been planning for a week now
- Dedicate myself to learning Russian; once a week isn't enough
- Perfect a routine that would allow me to sleep as little as possible (daily exercise, lots of water, energy shots, alternate sleep schedules)
- Invest more time in programming and circuitry (I've been idea-less for weeks, and it's caused me to stop them completely)

>> No.105244



>> No.105246


I actually discovered something, if you are wondering why (I assume) you can't make it through C++ books. If you are like me at least.

I can't stand tutorials, or books, or anything like that. They are too slow. So, what I do is basically think of something I want to do with my targeted skill (C++, other language, circuitry), and then dedicate myself to doing that.

Even if I have no idea how to do anything needed for even one portion of my task, I begin. I tinker, and when I can't figure out a way to do it, I look online; but only for that detail I need in order to do that small step.

For example, in high school I was bored in math class all the time (it was pathetically easy). So, I took it upon myself to learn how to program my calculator (it was a TI, ran on BASIC, which I didn't know). I didn't look for any books or tutorials on the matter (I doubt many exist). Instead, I went through my calculator and experimented, working to do increasingly complex programs.

At first, it was simple functions to use on tests: quadratic formula, simplifying radicals, real zeros of polynomials. But it got to the point where I could do fucking anything that with calculator.

I learned only through my own curiosity, learning only what I needed to in order to make my projects work.

I suggest you do the same. With C++, the possibilities are endless.

A start would be making a calculator command line program. Start simple. Then make it so it can process multi-digit numbers, concatenate operators (+,-,*,/,etc). Then introduce a GUI component, ditching the command prompts.

I learned VB this way (not that I couldn't have learned it by reading one goddamn code block, fuck I despise that language).

tl;dr Tutorials/books are shit, learn through self-appointed projects

>> No.105254

In order of chance to achieve:
Find new job
Get my fat ass back under 350lbs
Become acceptable at playing the piano
Start and finish that coding project I'd been kicking about

>> No.105303



>> No.105305


Holy shit, only under 350? I think you need to go a little lower than that.

>> No.105307


Regarding the sleep thing, look up polyphasic sleep, if you already haven't. If you have a certain type of schedule, you can live on 2 hours of sleep per day.

>> No.105309


try the uberman sleep schedule

>> No.105336
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>> No.105347


Those things are crazy, seriously, crazy.
I tried myself and failed miserably, now I kind of accept trying to sleep 8~9h daily

>> No.105348


I actually tried the Uberman cycle for a short time. I figured with my reclusive lifestyle I could get away with the napping every 4 hours.

Nope. Somehow people found a way to make that impossible.

I figured I'd try again some time, but in the mean time I need something less intense.

Regarding the water thing, I noticed that when I started drinking a fuckload of water (almost 2L a day), I was less tired. I've heard exercise also helps.

I figured I'd adjust my sleep to cut off at the end of a REM cycle.

Energy shots would be a last-ditch effort, really.

>> No.105351

>not being able to type at 120 wpm

>> No.105357

i can piss ambidextriously

>> No.105403

Does the website look for anyone?
It doesn't load on my laptop

>> No.105620

>continue learning French
>become more efficient with my study time
>find a stable job that fits around my uni schedule
>take up fencing
>continue learning harmonica
>get the car in my backyard cleared for road worthy certificate
>finish restoring the car in my garage
>organise my garage better
>keep learning to weld
>buy a TIG welder
>get my motorbike license

>> No.105642



>> No.105646

I made a 1,000 things to do list which covers everything from finishing my schooling in college to building a new desk and indoor garden inside my room on the walls and improving my SHTF stash to 6 month supply for myself and 3 others while only using money I make from my online business and saving all of my money from my part time job and investing it to earn enough money off my money to spend the investments on another 100 oz of silver and a Mossberg 500 tactical.

>> No.105649

>>have sex with a girl
I love the fact that you had to clarify that it is a girl you wanted to have sex that implies that you have had sex with non females so which of the two have you had sex with before, men or animals?
>implying you have not have sex with both men and animals

>> No.105652


Every year useless fucks like me set goals and hope to achieve feats beyond their wildest imagination.

I'll try to break this and be reasonable. In priority descending:

1. get a job, move in with girlfriend. I'm 26 and live with my parents. Oh the shame...
2. Get better at poker. I'm already playing hours a day and earn good money, just not enough to make a living. I'll work on that.
3. Learn a craft or two. Woodworking seems nice. I've also read a lot about mushroom hunting recently and got books for my birthday from my sweet Mother.
4. Fap less. A lot less.

Hope this is reasonable.

>> No.105743 [DELETED] 
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>Download ableton live, start making more music
>Learn to play the piano
>Learn to program in C++ or some language
>Start learning a third language, maybe german.
>Learn the drums
>Get a camera and start filming shit

I'm definitely procrastinating too much, so it will be a challenge.

>> No.105746

>Download ableton live, start making more music
>Learn to play the piano aswell as drums
>Learn to program in C++ or some language
>Start learning a third language, maybe german.
>Build an RC Car or something cool
>Study more
>Go biking more, go places nawmean?

>> No.105754

Not really a New Years resolution, but I'm going to get more serious about working out and go join the Foreign Legion before the end of next year.

>> No.105755

I fucking love /diy/

Complete the /diy/ calendar goals for each month, and come back with an updated//badass one as a gift for the board in 2012.

>> No.105758

- Type at 80 wpm
- Read at 500 wpm
Got these.
You should read speed reading book for dummies if you wanna improve reading speed.
Memory will be a bit tricky.

>> No.105760

I read that like you were shivering, like in a shivery voice.

>> No.105803


>as a living

get off your lazy ass, get a real fucking education and get an actual job, retard. your life will be more useful that way, atleast.


love your goals


i find it very unlikely you actually read the whole sticky. /fit/ is extremely helpful to people who WANT to lose weight, not people who TRY. we get tons of tards asking, "liek omg, i dun wntt to bild muscel, s0 gr0sss. i wntt to get t0ned lolol00000L" bloody retards.
personally i think the starting strength is a troll sticky, but it does help you get your squat and deadlift forms right, which are the two most important exercises that you're going to need. and most importantly, its all a simple matter of calories in, calories out. all that's left is a test of will.

>> No.105997

every new year i get together with a couple of close friends and we each write lists of 20-50 things we want to accomplish in the coming year, then stick the lists up somewhere prominent in our houses where we'll see it everyday. great way to keep focused and hugely rewarding when you look back on it at the end of the year.

a few of mine this year will probably be:

1. release second album
2. start a small side business
3. hit £10,000 in savings
4. finish my website and iron out ALL the flaws
5. get a pay rise
6. start, collect material for, and organise an adam savage style 'creative projects' folder

considering aiming for about 50 this year maybe more, small things as well as big things, try new foods etc

>> No.106000

>quit smoking
>start running
>become an apprentice blacksmith

I'm sure everything will escalate from there.

>> No.106041

Yeah I know I need to go a LOT lower but that's a damn good start.

>> No.106045

I already can type at 80wpm (though I probably average more around 65). Not sure how fast I read, but 500wpm sounds about right.

"retain information longer" is a bit vague. Often I have poor short term memory, but things like song lyrics and phone numbers I can memorize pretty well. I still know a ton of things that I learned years ago.

>> No.106056

I am alarmed at how many people are going to try to be ambidextrous. Your dominant hand has a lot to do with which of your brain hemispheres is dominant. People who have no dominant hand usually have more symmetrical brains and are therefore more prone to mental disorders.

Trying to become better with your non-dominant hand is fine to a point, but trying to force yourself to become ambidextrous, especially when it comes to writing, can be massively bad for your brain once it has fully developed and has established a dominant hemisphere. It isn't as bad as trying to SWITCH dominant hands, but you should really do some more research before you try something like this.

>> No.106081

I've been thinking about joining the FFL too. Where are you from and whats your motivation on joining?

>> No.106165

im only 16, but

-quit smoking
-drink less
-make more money
-stay out of trouble
-excel at playing piano
-take up Judo
-practice more DIY
-learn how to juggle

>> No.106176

>underage b&


>> No.106183

like anyone cares that hes underaged.. half the people on this sites are <18

>> No.106193

Does anyone have a good computer program to learn Morse code or a programming language?

>> No.106199

>No age restriction

Well done reporting that, dumbass.

>> No.106204
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dont have to be 18 to go on /diy/. go back to /b/ you dildo

>> No.106210

All boards are 18+ you dense motherfuckers, if your going to be underaged you could at least not be fucking moronic and not spout of about it like your proud.
If someone calls you out don't fucking reply.
Reporting this shit.

>> No.106214

programming languages are free or else they're shit. you learn by making programs not by using one.

>> No.106218

are you a fucking retard?

>> No.106219
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No YOU dense motherfucker, "Adult" and "Misc". Creative isnt.

>> No.106222

If you are using chrome, open an incognito window, now go to 4chan the main page, tell me what it says when you click a board.

>> No.106224

Read rule 2 of the main rules. Fuckwit.

>> No.106225

yeah, on an incognito, which doesnt function normally. dumb fuck, why would you use incognito for 4chan, are YOU a minor or something?

>> No.106268

good god, dude was saying that because it wouldn't recognize the little cookie that keeps the "Yes I am 18 years or older" window from popping up.

>> No.106271

This thread can't be salvaged, underage ban actually thinks he is entitled to be here, report the idiot, i doubt he even knows how to get unbanned based on his incognito comment.

>> No.106275

I meant like a program that teach's you. I know there's one for ruby

>> No.106282

Would have replied sooner but cloudflare finally decided to stop being stupid for me a few minutes ago.

Southeastern US. As for why...it's sort of a why not type issue. I served in the US military, got out, have been fairly successful, but well...bored. At one point, I was a SME for some of the areas in which the FFL operates, and figure that would be fairly easy to pick back up.

I thought about going back in the US military, but they're transitioning back to a peacetime military, and well frankly being in garrison blows ass and I'd have to start over with basic because I've been out for so long. Beyond that, I'm a fan of the history and tradition of the FFL, and the idea of a fresh start seems appealing.

>> No.106294

>eat with your off hand
This doesn't sound very difficult at all, I've been eating for years. I mean, I can see myself doing it. I've probably done it on accident right?


>> No.106298

-work on cardio (gonna finally have warm fingers!)
-become a canadian citizen
-fix "the hair thing"
-practice banjo at least an hour every day
-pull international medical fraud

>> No.106310

No, YOU dense motherfucker!
>Global Rules
>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

Now try deleting your fucking 4chan cookies and going to the homepage. READ the popup. The ENTIRE SITE is 18+, it's just that there are "worksafe" areas and "adult" areas.

>> No.106315

shoot more, get a handgun

Get fit like I used to be = Less fast food, candy, and soda!! More fruits and veggies.

Review for my state board exams.

Get a job in a hospital

>> No.106349


What is a "hair thing"

>> No.106424

1. Lose 20 pounds, try to keep the tits.
2. Don't flunk out of uni.
3. Get my mofo license.

>> No.106429


Yes I did read the sticky and no my question wasn't on it.

And you're the perfect example of the assholes on /fit/. Don't deny it.

>> No.106433

Lose the tits, they aren't good unless they are in proportion to the rest of the body. Don't worry about dem titties, just get sexy.

>> No.106482

- By the end of the year, be capable of understanding Also sprach Zarathustra, ein Buch für Alle und Keinen in its original German

>> No.106504


Poker is a skill which could earn you money. Just like programming, teaching or being a mechanic.

Stop degrading it.

>> No.106589

>Understand German philosophy within a year
>Something possible
wälhen Sie eine

>> No.106620

>wählen sie eine

But I agree. I am currently struggling with Nietzsche after 5 years of High school and and college level German.

>> No.106623

>wählen Sie eine

>> No.106629

ambidextrous? (no thanks, i can fap with one hand)
type at 80 wpm? (check)
read at 500 wpm? (check)
retains information long? (fuck do i want to remember in this god damn world?)

>> No.106651
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>Type at 80 wpm
why for?
all the jobs ive ever seen that required good typing speed were shitty low-end data-entry positions that often lacked health insurance or any other kind of full-time benefits.... you could go learn how to punch IBM-80 cards too, for as much good as itll do you


honestly, at this point i'm surprised that "full" typing is even still being taught at all. voice recognition isn't perfect but works very well if you have a program that lets you just type the first letter of each word.

>> No.106663

no major office in the world uses voice controlled computers, so disregard this advice.

typing: still a core competency of most white collar jobs.

>> No.106673

although 40-60 is usually good enough for most office purposes. knowing your 10-key is also pretty damn useful if you've got to work with numbers a lot.

If someone is looking for something fairly marketable: actually learn how to use Excel and I'm not talking about that bullshit making things look pretty, I'm talking get into the damn nuts and bolts of the program, learn shit like pivot tables, arrays, your lookup formulae, how to build functional and useful spreadsheets. You can make yourself invaluable to a company.

>> No.106674

1) who gives a shit whether you're ambidextrous? did you read that ambidextrous people are smarter and assume that they go hand in hand? do you have some kind of weird daily issue where you're always dropping shit out of your non-dominant hand? I don't get it.

2) most of these are todo lists, not resolutions.

3) some serious attention-whores ITT

4) i am actually pleased to see people want to improve themselves.. learn language.. learn skill.. learn instrument.. travel.. get in shape..

5) my NYRs:
i resolve to continue piano lessons
i resolve to continue running, working on speed
i resolve to build more!

to start off my new year, i am losing the beard.

>> No.106686

-learn writing with my left hand
-fucking cure my ADD
-finish uni
-get a job
-buy Haruhi DVDs

>> No.106706

Wow. I didn't realize how many /diy/kes had similar goals to me. Anyway:
>learn C (shouldn't be too hard because I already know some C++)
>become conversational in German.
>become ambidextrous.
>maintain a GPA of 3.7 or higher (currently 3.71)
>socialize more (I used to be a painfully awkward, antisocial shut-in, but I've been getting better)
>stick with lifting.

That sounds like a good idea.
I think for my "learn German" goal I'll just start trying to make sentences and look up shit I don't know how to say, instead of the reverse, like most books have you do.
(In retrospect, I just realized that that's exactly how I did most of my C++ learning.)

>> No.106709
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>Become ambidextrous
>Become parkour
>Become varsity track
>Become straight teeth
>Become exotic volunteer work and adventures for college application
>Become boyfriend

And then I was the successful.

>> No.106718

- finish indie game demo
- either buy a house or start grad school in some useful discipline
- use bike trainer at least 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes
- re-balance my 401k
- get a new job if my current one dicks me over when raise time comes, considering how awesome the work I've done this year has been.

That's all I can think of, for now...

>> No.106846

How about learn some grammar?

>> No.106861

>build something that's worth something to someone somewhere

It's supposed to be DIY after all where is all the DOING?

>> No.106887

Fucking pretentious idiot. Are you the owner of this board by chance? Or just an obnoxious faggot?

>> No.106896

>Learn more math
>Start studying physics, chemistry and biology
>Read more often
>Write more often
>Take GED test
>Enroll in community college
>Lose 30 more pounds
>Take up boxing for fitness
>Start a vegetable garden
>Dress like an adult
>Give up cigarettes
>Give up soft drinks

I think that covers it

>> No.106897

Some people can't into expected value, winrate, standard deviation or probability

Never discuss poker with anyone who doesn't understand the game at a higher level. You'll just be seen as a degenerate gambling addict rather than a competitive lover of one of the purest forms of intellectual warfare

>> No.106970


Concerning Dvorak - I switched to Dvorak from Qwerty a year ago. I found a few websites with drills and practiced while watching tv. I could type drills in Qwerty around 90 wmp, and I'm the same in Dvorak now.

I don't do much typing so the strain-reducing factors aren't that important. I work at a call center and have to change my keyboard settings all the time, especially if a manager needs to use my computer and didn't know there were other typing systems out there.

Also, it took a while to untrain ctrl-C ctr-V to where I and > on the QWERTY; there are work around of course, just my experience.

>> No.106975

I guess you're upset he's going to shave?

>> No.106983

> Budget more, and properly.
> Cook a wider variety of food
> Learn at least one skill that I can get employment from (Prolly airbrushing)

>> No.106991

The thing that's always stopped me from dvorak is how all of the benefits (of which there is still debate) seems to be offset by all of the crap you have to deal with otherwise--especially if you've got to use shared systems, someone else's, or well basically any system but your own.

>> No.107041

>Build a midi controlloer
>become ambidextrous
>Learn how to use famitracker
>Get myself back up to Colonel Ladson's standards of fitness

>> No.107050

Why does everyone wish to become ambidextrous? I didn't realize so many people were interested in such a thing. What the fuck

>> No.107051

>Learn to type faster
>Learn to read better/faster
>Learn more Italian and start Russian
>Get healthier/workout
>Learn a programming language(Which one should I try?)
>Become ambidextrous never had this in mind until i saw this thread

>> No.107066

>Run a 5k in the high 16's (17:30 now)
>Run a 4:35 mile
>Learn C
>Contribute to the FOSS community by making a useful program
>Read books, since I just got a kindle

>> No.107067

and find 500 geocaches

>> No.107078

-Stop being a skinny-as-fuck beta.
-Get in a fight (And win)
-Take piano lessons
-Get used to drinking, be able to hold my liquor
-Be more straightforward
God damn I'm miserable

>> No.107079

-Watch the old seasons of Doctor Who
-Get a fucking bowtie
-Kill myself

>> No.107080
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>Get in a fight (And win)
You'll freeze up the first time, trust me

>> No.107441

hi OP, i don't know how i could read 500 wpm but i do everything else that you want.

you can do it with hard work and practice

1. study harder for board exams
2. lose a lot of weight
3. run 21k within the year
4. have more than 10k USD in my bank

>> No.107443


i didn't froze up on my first fight, maybe because i was too enraged and was unable to stop punching my classmate

>> No.107476

read my fucking mind.

>> No.107492

I think you're projecting.

>> No.107503
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>Having failed at all of your new years resolutions.
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.107524

>Cut my mile down to 5 minutes (currently at 7 min/mile.)
>Run in at least two marathons.
>Read 100 novels.
>Finally start college this spring.
>Spend more time around my extended family.
>Mock curlbros at the gym.
>Maintain a nice yard all summer instead of letting it grow two feet.

>> No.107573

for this anon:

Profesional Resolutions of 2012

-get out of dead end job of 5 years
-get job with good health insurance
-pay down 4k in credit card and medical bills
-master Quickbooks and Excel
-save atleast 3k in a personal savings account
-get Ron Paul elected

Personal Hobby Resolutions
"-General /fit/ Resolution" loose wieght... blah blah blah
-Cycle atleast 1000 miles in 2012
-Hike atleast 200 miles in 2012
-Backpack(50lbs>) atleast 100 miles
-Get Motorcycle license
-Start playing bass again/find a cover band to gig with in the oldport.
-Get a handgun and learn basics as well as get concealed carry permit
-Learn various facets of Asian cuisine. I always go out to eat at chineese/thai/japaneese resturaunts because its the only type of food I know nothing of how to cook but I absolutely love it.
-Vist Washington DC
-Win another title and maintain Alpha status in local bowling leauge with my bowling team: HADOUKEN
-Continue to harrass any and all 99%/OWS/Obama supporter... Espescially those in a local park in Portland

Resolutions with the Fiancee'

-Attend a wine tasting class
-Earn her fathers trust
-Take up ballroom dancing, to prepare for the wedding
-Save/plan for wedding (probably for 2013, we're in no rush so we want to do this comfortably and creatively rather than something feverpitched on a shoestring budget)
-Master cunninglingus
-Get her to swallow
-Have sex in various public places and not get caught
-Have sex on a mountain
-Have sex on a boat
-Have sex everywhere else
-Have sex only speaking and moaning in french

C'mon betas... whats with all this ambidextrous crap? this needs to be a TO DO list of epic proportions! Mines as deep as my ambition and my love;-P

>> No.107580

>Revise a huge amount in order to try and get 5 As (I can see Maths being a fail though :-( )
>Read more work from philosophers
>Learn a little about Astronomy
>Improve my French

I'll think of more...

>> No.107585


>> No.107589

>earn her father's trust
>wants her to swallow and have sex on a mountain, boat and have her speaking and moaning in french

>> No.107601

>calls people betas
>proposed to a chick before she swallowed

hahaha you pathetic faggot

>> No.107604


Seriously. If my semen hasn't at some pointed touched every inch of a girl's body and orifices within the first year of dating, she sure as hell isn't wife material.

>> No.107613

>Become ambidextrous
Difficult, but possible. Do minor tasks with your left hand (For myself, I started driving with just my left hand). You'll never be as good with it as your right, but you can gain good functionality

>Type at 80wpm
Write. A lot. I suggest making a blog, and writing at least one paragraph every day. It doesn't matter if anyone reads it or what it's about. You could write it like a diary, or write movie reviews, or how-to's. Write one paragraph every day and your writing skills and speeds will greatly increase.

>Read at 500wpm
Just read a lot. I use google reader and subscribe to a lot of blogs, so I read a lot. I read pretty fast as a result.

>Improve my ability for retention
When learning something new, or reading, take notes. I regularly read self-improvement books, and educate myself on business/marketing/sales since I'm in that area. I read a lot of these books, and they're boring. So, I write (Consequently, writing in a .doc can improve typing, writing on paper can improve handwriting appearance and speeds) detailed notes. I summarize and use bullet points. The result? My writing is better, I'm slightly more organized, and I read completely differently. Instead of reading something, I decode it (in my head) in a way that I know is easier to remember. I do this subconsciously, because I've been doing it on paper so long.

Just a friendly tip. I plan on losing ~50 pounds next year, and switching to a new exercise routine (Regular weight lifting with freeweights and compound exercises, and light cardio on "off" days) for life. I already have a great diet, but my caloric intake is greater than how much I burn.

>> No.107614


Enjoy your ambidextrous jack-off sessions. I can get anything from anal to faciald but she just gargles the man gravy and spits every damn time.

>> No.107618

My girlfriend swallows my cum every time. Why?Because I fucking told her to.

>> No.107619


>implying wife material does not worship the cock with this being the only exception
>implying you have any idea of what marriage material is
>implying you have ever had sex
>implying you are not a forever alone lurking 4chan

>> No.107621

You guys are fucking pathetic.
If you want something you wouldn't wait for the new year to try and achieve it.
Prepare to fail.

>> No.107620


of course shes a hungry landwhale... or you paid her a decent wage...

>> No.107622

Why dont you just ask her to swallow you fucking faggot? I guarantee if you do a little research you'll find she swallowed at least one of her ex's jizz. But not yours, no, you're special.

>> No.107624

Keep believing that. Desperately, desperately believing it. Hold onto that belief deep in your heart, as you live out your humdrum life. I hope it gives you some comfort.

>> No.107627


Asked, and i dont beg.
Im not going to call a realtionship with multiple demensions off over a fetish...

>> No.107628


Swallowing isn't a fetish. It's mandatory.

>> No.107636


Well maintained/fitness junky
professional by day, best friend/cockslut by night
isnt retarded as are most women
understands politics
good with money
shares all the same hobbies/partner in crime
sex atleast once a day, if not more.

doesnt swallow


has atleast half of her teeth left
Watches jersy shore and eats fritos
more likely to know whos on american idol than running for office.
cannot have convetsation of and depth
sometimes fucks you, your niegbor, and the occasional farm animal
not the kind of person youd see raising your kids
but swallows

hmmm i think im going to have to think about this...

>> No.107654

-Continue juggling and master all four ball patterns and learn to do five balls.
-Start learning spanish again
-Meditate 15 minutes a day to improve focus.
-Already in shape but I need to do some form of exercise once per day.
-No more soda drinking
-Straight A's
-Fap once a week
-Grow my savings to 2,500-3,000 and invest at least a thousand of that (thats about a 35% savings ratio at my current earnings)
-Participate in at least two extracurricular activities.
-Get a shit hits the fan bag together.
-Finish at least one of my three albums.

>> No.107657

Already have all of OP down, I type at 120 wpm and I can churn through a 900 page book in a day if I have nothing else to do. Also taught myself how to write with my left hand in summer school because it was boring as all fuck.
Resolution for this year though?
-Start and finish my sewing projects
-Finish art portfolio for school
-Learn how to read and write in Cyrillic

>> No.107666
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- Learn programming (in at least Python, Java, and C) to make my bachelor's in math so much more valuable
- Start reading popular science magazines again
- Work hard at developing social skills and networks
- Learn a creative skill
- Exercise regularly
- Get my own place

>> No.107667

I did my university dissertation on how to teach English-speakers to read Russian Cyrillic in less than an hour. If you want help, hit me up.

>> No.107704

You should post a guide. I'm sure many people would appreciate it.

>> No.107878

I lord I love this thread.

>> No.107884

You know that typing at 120 wpm can break your fingers, right?

>> No.107887

Stop masturbating.

Everything else will fall in line.

Looking back there were so many times when I thought in my little head that I'd have a quick jerk to start the day and then I'd get nothing done.

>> No.107889
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>> No.107895

You won't regret it.
I've gotten down to once every week or two, and now whenever I have a fap that's less than a week after the previous one, I feel mildly depressed and ridiculously unmotivated. Plus, now I actually desire social contact, instead of avoiding it.

So I'll add stop fapping for good to my list.
(I'm >>106706 btw)

>> No.107900


Funny. I never realized that masturbating is that paralyzing to some people.

>> No.107987


I would add to my previous resolutions:
-mastering all 4 main swimming styles
-setting up a lab for my chemistry related hobbies

>> No.107992


>> No.108010

i fap twice at day, everyday and i get shit done, a lot of shit actually, just saiyan.

>> No.108085

-I want to be able to speed read
-increase my reading comprehension
-be able to lucid dream

for the guy a bunch of posts up who wanted to learn python google learn python the hard way

also any links to help my goals would be great

>> No.108096


>> No.108114

Speed reading is bullshit. Try understanding a text, not speed-read it. You have never been to university, eh?

Also, let me give you another one:
- Learn to use punctuation.
>for the guy a bunch of posts up who wanted to learn python google learn python the hard way
This here, this is not a proper sentence.

>> No.108119

Does anyone have a bigger version of this picture or a similar one?

>> No.108397

There is no bigger version.

>> No.108414

Get my weight under 200 lbs. Went from 280+ to 237 in the last few months, so this is actually attainable.

Skydive once it warms up.

Get a motorcycle.

Have sex with at least two women. Just got out of a really long term relationship.

Start looking into getting my eyes fixed.

>> No.108430

I'm such a lazyfag that if I don't post this I won't do my list anywhere...

>>fix my '92 tzr
>>finish my NAS setup
>>sort out all of my data (cd's, dvd's, and everything in hdd)
>>find a better job
>>kick X in the face
>>save money for "new" workshop (tools, more tools, etc)
>>remember people's birthdates
>>drink less but higher quality beer
>>sell/get rid of a bunch of shit I don't need

>> No.108484
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I will learn Parkour
Read 1 book a week
Run 40 miles a week
and begin the 4 hour work week

>> No.108568

In the New Year I wanna:

>Weight 10 k. less
>Complete to learn French and English
>Have sex for the first time in my life

I think all the points are related.

>> No.108570



>> No.108607

>reintegrate my running habit into my daily life (stopped running the weekdays when I was away at school)
>start a written journal
>eat healthier/cook better
>get better at juggling
>become a more proficient harmonica player

>> No.109388

January 1, 2012 Good look everyone

>> No.109833
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>> No.109852

nice. is a similar one for (modern) greek?

hahaha you sound like me when i smoke weed er'day... the longer you put it off into the day the better, and ideally an hour or two before sleep at the latest [altho with fappan i guess just before sleep is less of an issue/possibly better]

>> No.109867

>become ambidextrous

If you aren't naturally ambidextrous, you will never be. It's part of the way your brain is wired.

What you're trying to do is become more proficient with your off-hand. That's a handy skill but it's not ambidexterity.

If you hand an ambidextrous person a new task they've never tried before to undertake with their hands they'll do just as well with either, and actually probably a bit worse than most single-handed people would with their dominant hand in the same situation.

Do the same thing with someone one-handed and they'll suck at it with their off-hand, even if they've trained it to be "ambidextrous" at common tasks.

>> No.109869
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found japanese and korean only =/

>> No.109870
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>> No.110269

bumping thread randomly. How's it going, folks?

>> No.110276


>Become ambidextruous

I fractures my right distal radius when I was a kid, and had to wear a cast for months. This prevented me from writing, AND masturbating.

By the time I got my cast removed, I could write awkwardly with my left hand AND masturbate like a villian with my left hand. I still masturbate with my left hand...it's completely efficient because I can write my school report AND wack off to fat women all day long.

>Type faster

Put a carboard box over your keyboard. It'll force you to learn how to type faster. That's how we did it in middleschool. I still don't type really fast, but I can hold my own.

>Read faster

Just read. Then summarize what you read at the end, then read again. This will work both your reading skill AND memory skill.
Also, study something...then go do something for 20 minutes....then study again...etc etc. This will work your long-term memory.

>> No.110280


Source or you're blowing hot air.

>> No.110517

For 2012
-Go to gym with friends more often
-Do MTG card alterations
-Cook with more variety
-Learn to make quality proxies
-Stop buying Magic Cards
-Read 1 book a month
-Do coursework when assigned
-Look into polyphastic sleep
-Only fap once per week
-Improve typing speed
-Make hollowed out books for storage
-Get a job
-Learn about cars
-Run a successful pathfinder campaign
-Be more social
-Learn a second language

>> No.110568
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My reacion to this.

-Go to gym with friends more often
>You are yet to do a pushup this year.
-Do MTG card alterations
>Yeah, because that will add to your life.
-Cook with more variety
>Ramen with... salt?
-Learn to make quality proxies
>Same as #2.
-Stop buying Magic Cards
>Same as #2
-Read 1 book a month
>I read a book a week. yaoming.jpeg
-Do coursework when assigned
>Time to start it, champ. Too bad you're in 4th year already.
-Look into polyphastic sleep
>polyphasic* Also, it doesn't work. Dogs in research labs went mad after 2 weeks.
-Only fap once per week
>You are 7 months due already.
-Improve typing speed
>To make better arguments over the Internets
-Make hollowed out books for storage
-Get a job
>Okay, here I just started laughing. Tears came out. Truly.
-Learn about cars
>They run on wheels. You'll never earn enough to own one.
-Run a successful pathfinder campaign
>Need friends for that, pal.
-Be more social
>How is that Pathfinder campaign of yours coming around?
-Learn a second language
>So you could talk to your imaginary Japanese friends, right?

>> No.110588

-live balanced life

>> No.110593

-Blog something once a week
-Hike once a month
-Generally be a bit more productive

Thats it, nothing life changing, just do a bit more with my time.

>> No.110599

Masturbating is only a problem if your dick is red raw and one arm is massive.

Its more the lifestyle that leads to chronic masturbation that is the issue rather than the fapping itself.

>> No.110778

why do you care so much about what he wants to do this year?

>> No.110857

not that guy, but, it's always easier to focus on others instead of myself.
this was a great thread!

>> No.110879

Get taller.

>> No.111434

And you're going to accomplish that by...

>> No.111440

>- Become ambidextrous

Well that's fucking retarded, this venture enters the high-tiers of uselessness and time consumption. I can't think of any reason why this would be worth wasting forever on.

>> No.111555



How does one:

>Type at 80 wpm
>Read at 500 wpm
>Improve my ability to retain information longer

>> No.113076

Free final bump. How many of you have already broken your resolutions?

>> No.113362

I already type at around 80-95 wpm; I've actually slowed down some. Haven't timed myself, but I probably read at around 350-400 wpm.